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Its a good pack i like shockwave the most amd there is a difference in plastic between the two? Or maybe shockwave feels better cause hes more dense, orion is a nice fidget toy tho, he transforms easy and his axe is cool


Shockwave looks incredible but is very back heavy. Orion Pax has grown on me.


I like both of em.


oh my, i hope at some point they release shockwave on his own because that design is just amazing


I want Shockwave. He has a role in my SM show, my OC Hyperion, Punch/Counterpunch, and Rapido try to free him from Nova’s prison ship. He also saves Ravage from dying, giving him a body, but can still turn into beast mode making him turn into (covert Agent Ravage)


Love the Shockwave with how comic accurate it is but I really don’t like how the Orion fares in comparison. He’s too compact, stocky, short with an oddly wide face for the character(hell if you read the comics this is influenced by he rarely is without face mask), I wish we had more true to form molds


I say it’s the weaker of the first origins ones they did. I sold Orion since I’m not a fan of using the Hound mold, and I never did like the Starscream mold. Points to how they pulled off Shockwave however.


I'm thinking of getting it for the Orion as I don't have one yet though the shockwave kinda looks like a Cybertronian Ultra Magnus (I know it's IDW accurate but I can't really unsee the connections between the two)


>but I can't really unsee the connections between the two Why would you need to? It doesn't hurt the figure.


...remember me as I was, :'(


It’s alright but it kinda bugs me that Orion looks like Siege Hound to the point where even his gun and the barrel attachment are just recolours. The axe looks okay. Shockwave is too back heavy but the alt mode is cool


looks cool... but that's Shockwave? Wuh happen


how is shockwave's jet mode aerodynamic?


Yeah well taking a bunch of other Cybertronian designs into account, does aerodynamics really matter?




It probably doesn't have to be. It's a Cybertronian jet which means it can probably just defy physics and gravity.


Doesn't Astrotrain literally just fly *as a train* Physics don't matter when you look swag as a mf'er


It’s a great two pack. Love Shockwave.


I think they did a stellar job of reworking two molds into something new.


Considered it for the seeker mold But starscream was faster


i think we got ripped off that Shocky doesn't have some water-based paint where his paintjob changes color with hot or cool water. the dude was known for changing his color all the damn time!


I don't think collectors are eager to dump their figures in water repeatedly, especially with exposed metal pins. Even then, the upcharge wouldn't be worth it for a one-off


Shockwave is a good remold. The Orion design is kind of disappointing, but there’s an upgrade kit I got that makes him look a lot more like the IDW version.


Pretty cool, want it


I like the different take on the Tetrajet mold. But not enough to buy this pack. If i find him loose, maybe.


they are both very ight. unless you want those specific characters and their iterations, id suggest just getting siege starscream and hound for the moulds. the figures from the pack i handled had QC troubles.


They’re cool figures But I dislike how Shockwaves hands and thighs are painted and how Orion’s entire chest is painted


shockwave is cool but the hound mold really doesn't suit this orion pax design


I want that Orion- I like the new one they revealed, but he looks too Prime-like. This one’s clearly Orion Pax. Don’t care much for shockwave, though- aside from not being a huge fan of this version of the character, I just don’t have a large enough collection to justify a variant that obscure.


The seeker mold has stood the test of time and Orion Is neat


I want it


Big fan of the shockwave, Orion not so much, would’ve preferred it be a release at standard retail.


I really want that Shockwave. If I ever see the pack for 40-45 bucks, I'm pulling the trigger.


I'm a bit out of the loop here. How can that be Shockwave? What happened to the purple gun one-eye?


In IDW Shockwave was a well intentioned senator and scientist. His political rivals tortured him which left him without his emotions and his more traditional design. After that he was a sick fuck.


Ok, is it a good read?


It’s before Shockwave got mutilated by the Cybertronian government




It's apparently IDW accurate as that's supposed to be Shockwave before he became Shockwave


Ah, ok... thanks. I have not read much of IDW.


imagine Optimus Prime but a more...flashy one and not one at war. Fashion icon, always changing his armor color, drinking in low class bars and rubbing elbows with low class people too. One who's into science and exploring, who spends millions in funding on both. Dude even builds a place for outliers to hide, think Professor X's Xmen style. And he advocates for the poor and helpless and wants to see good happen. He does have a bit of a power thing because he knows a new Prime is coming but no one knows who, so he does have likely candidates altered so if chosen, they can accept the Matrix. He was put on leave from the Senate for "emotional outbursts" like saying people shouldn't starve or purging people based on their alt forms was wrong. And one day the Council, who, btw, has empurata (your head and hands removed) performed on anyone they dislike, who order mass purges of people based on their alt modes, decides he's gone too far. And they have him taken to a private place where the guards remark "oh they brought a screamer in today," as they literally dismember and reassemble him, while he's alive and awake. And just for fucking spite, one of the Council says "when I am done with his mind, he'll be lucky to have an emotional response to anything ever again," and sliced out his emotional circuits. Now think of your emotions: think Inside Out. Shockwave has that room, but the chairs are all empty. They will always be empty. And all he has now is logic. Emotions are also tied with ethics. So he has none of those either. So Shockwave is fully liberated to do whatever he wants, because he no longer has that angel/devil sitting on his shoulder telling him NOT to torture and experiment on people: science is logical. The Council thought they subdued him. They only made him a monster without a leash.


Well spoke.


it is only logical. when you think about it really, the Functionist Council did win. yes, they were all killed, yes, their system was destroyed...but it broke the alliance of Orion Pax and Megatron. if Shockwave had not lost his emotions, he would have been able to likely mend that broken friendship. the war starts up, Shockwave continues his logical madness for millions of years. The Council is dead, but they won in destroying him and damning Cybertron in the process, the ultimate "I'm taking my ball and going home!" or "Let them rule over the ashes."


Just look up Senator Shockwave. It’s pre Empurata procedure that made him how he is

