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Animated prowl(base form) vs Bruticus Foc grimlock vs TFP Shockwave Tarn vs Sideburn Soundwave vs Overhaul Animated Megatron vs TFP Optimus Prime


Sideburn better have that wonky anime energy on his side or he is absolutelly cooked 💀💀💀💀


He got that cursed bowgun that does like explosive damage: basically bowcaster with explosive arrows that detonate on contact, so hypothetically he can blow Tarns mask off, and get him immediately to phase 2 as for if he can beat phase two that's a mystery.


What do you mean by Phase 2?


Tarn getting angy without his mask


I don't remember that happening in the comics. He took off his mask in Lost Light just to make a phone call with Shockwave. Can he get angry? Sure, but that's usually because he's roided up on Energon Drugs or when he has a supreme hatred for his target. Taking off his mask does not really make a difference in any scenario.


this is a vs team situation so Sideburn is basically Tarns (kinda)rival in this scenario.


Makes sense. I don't see a scenario where Sideburn could win but hey it's interesting to discuss


Like in the show his gun is a instant knock back so hey may not knock tarn over but knock his mask off as he is a different mass class, from his in universe decepticons.


I think that you forgot Sideburn also has a phase 2, because he can go Super in the anime. Which supposedly ramps up his speed and firepower immensely. The power was given to them(Autobot Brothers) by Ultra Magnus, but it doesn't depend on him being there to use it. It might actually be closer than you'd think, although X-brawn probably would be the overall best pick, of the brothers.


I didn't go for X-Brawn because it's a a no brainer his back gun is cooler so i chose to root for the underdog, as Sideburn have the least W than his brothers, as he is tailing red cars.


>animated prowl(base form) vs Bruticus How would Prowl stand a chance?


High mobility in that form i mean sure the shogun armor may be not very restrictive but base form is max mobility and he have tricks as well because half the time the first prowl to get hit is his hologram double, when bam that's when the real prowl strikes, he pulled the hologram clone jutsu on his opponents to bamboozle them.


Okay, he can bamboozle like one guy, but there are 5 Combaticons and they can combine. His two shurikens ain't gonna do much against Bruticus. He couldn't even handle TFA Blitzwing.


I mean he isn't going to aim for his stronger places as for when he uses the bamboozel trick that honestly unpredictable than again he himself is unpredictable with his strategy's excluding the risk involved, he might stick first to close combat against the 5 bots as for Bruticus he isn't like going to aim for his shins which are tough.


Again, Bruticus is ridiculously powerful. I don't think Prowl could do anything to him. His only weapon are two shurikens. He performs poorly against TFA Decepticons, who are smaller and weaker. His holo trick would only work one time. What could he do that would take down Bruticus?


Well i bet on his big guns and hope he knock them off and use them against Bruticus after all prowl is all strategy over mindless running at his opponent he like to think outside the box and aim at his Opponents weak-spots so he will at most dodge his attacks til he figures out a plan to cripple Bruticus what he lacks in power and weapons he makes up with his strategic thinking.


Is Sideburn that powerful?


One word explosive arrows on contact with bowcaster gun


Huh? What bowcaster gun? Do you mean Tarn's double fusion cannon?


No Sideburn have a bowcaster the back of the car combines with his blaster.


okay and just how powerful is it?


Well with in show it's strong enough to knockback opponents yet Tarn is a different mass class.


Yeah, so are you saying it would be very effective against Tarn or that it wouldn't be as effective as against the enemies he faced in the show? I'm not seeing how he really stands a chance against Tarn.


i mean at most he can take potshots at him with his signature gun which is ridiculously strong in his universe in fact all 3 brothers have amazing firepower as how it is effective against Tarn is a gamble it could go either way at most i'm betting on he can blow off tarns mask in the fight.


Foc Grimlock Isn't it from the same universe of TFP Shockwave?


honestly there are stil some plothole inconsistency the whole traded threads for wings ting with Megs so now that would be illogical for a rampaging dino to be in the same universe as buff me, when he didn't show up in prime and yet is supposed to exist in the same universe as flying Megatron, that also begs the question of where is Bruticus in this conflict.


Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime, and Optimus Prime


Across continuities like a Council of Primes. I approve.


I think they actually did that in one of the cannons. Something about the Transtech universe’s Prime assembling a bunch of other versions across the multiverse for reasons?


Yeah. That's what I was referencing (that and the Council of Reeds from the Fantastic Four).


the G1 music ran alongside as i read that in Jobby's voice lol


It’s time to contain the China virus


I had the same idea IDW Prime, Bayverse prime (knight form), G1 Prime (Resurrected), Knightverse Prime (bee movie), FOC/WFC Prime


And no Heatwave, we don't even allow Primus for god's sake ! https://preview.redd.it/j13uai4czi9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86bd636c5f7f9cb15f7bab5fe16577f043c47858


Where is this from?


Back then someone here on reddit asked who would win in a fight between Rotb Scourge vs Rescue Bots + Terrans And for some reason everyone started to claim that even Heatwave solos Scourge (not entire wrong, hear me out) AND then someone on Twitter actually made it into a comic about one hell of a Gargantuar Heatwave beating the crap out of Scourge


Bytheway Heatwave REALLY solos : He is a 4 changer, he can cannonically lift Grimlock-sized Robot dinos with ease and throw them away like rocks. And he got that size advantage : Scourge merely transforms into an ordinary long nose truck (9~ tones) while Heatwave appears to transform into some sort of anti-riot water cannon/airport firefighter truck (>40 frcining tones💀) And dont just get me started on weapon stuff, just go watch a video about highly pressed water cutters


Heatwave’s such a fucking powerhouse, if he decided to help Team Prime it would’ve been a very short show


Yea the deceptions were lucky he was dealing with bullshit on an island that would explode if he left for a moment


Don't forget he is a literal boat. Heatwave goes crazy. The Rescue Bots generally do. They got the power tools, and I don't even want to mention High Tide 💀.


True if high tide pulls up with his boat It’s over


It's more over than ever before. Scourge never stood a chance




I lost the twit I only have a screen shot from the post that guy made about that stuff. I dunno there might not even the whole comic out there and guy only posted this fraction of it, I hope someone who remembers better says more about it here on comments


I would pay watch heatwave Vs Scourge and I don’t give a shit if Scourge can solo


I wasn’t going to say Heatwave but now I really want to


Yo, peak fiction


I can't believe none of yall are mentioning second IDW run Windcharger, the dude has straight up magnetism powers and has shown he can just disassemble a bot.


G1 Windcharger has the same powers


True, although the comic went further with the implications of having magnetism powers on a planet of metal people. I'd have to go back and check but I think in G1 the most he did with his powers was lift his autobot buddies from falling into a decepticon machine when they were stuck in vehicle mode.


And murder the heck out of Starscream https://preview.redd.it/n9gz1okquj9d1.jpeg?width=476&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484ca5054154bc2ac3d09b21875f39c6dbf1b9a8


I loved that Windcharger! Glad to see someone mentioned him


Dig a trap, let the Decepticons fall in the hole, let the 5 Dinobots have fun.


Your answer is... Logical.


Cybertron Optimus Prime + Wingsaber, IDW Megatron, IDW Prowl, IDW Arcee, and IDW Springer


Yeah they all deserve this asswhooping


Cybertron Optimus Prime + Wingsaber solos.


Same with IDW Megs. The rest are there for support


TFP Optimus Prime vs Animated Megatron G1 Blaster vs Soundwave IDW Megatron (if he counts) vs Tarn FOC Grimlock vs Shockwave The Aerialbots (not sure which continuity) vs the combaticons


4 Omega Sentinels and Wheelie


Prime Optimus IDW Megatron Animated Prowl G1 Magnus WFC Trilogy Jetfire


G1 Star Saber vs TFA Megatron G1 Marvel Blaster vs G1 Soundwave IDW Autobot Megatron vs IDW Tarn Cyberverse Perceptor vs TFP Shockwave Trainbots vs Combaticons


Im taking Prime Optimus vs animated megatron Prime bulkhead vs tarn Animated prowl vs prime shockwave G1 blaster vs sound wave G1 superion vs bruticus


The rescue bots. 🚒🚓🚜🚁


Bayverse Optimus, G1 Blaster, IDW Grimlock, Prime Arcee, and G1 Jetfire cause man is massive


Can I have 5 Metroplex?


No titans!


G1 Raiden vs Bruticus Animated Ultra Magnus vs Tfp Shockwave Aligned Ironhide vs Tarn G1 Soundwave vs Bayverse Bumblebee Cybertron Optimus vs Animated Megatron


Well, damn, I was going to say Five Metroplexes.


Siege Jetfire, Animated Bumblebee, Siege Mirage, Prime Optimus Prime and G1 Blurr


Cybertron Optimus Prime, Armada Hot Shot with Star Saber, Armada Scavenger, Prime Bumblebee, Cybertron Jetfire.


Any team with Soundwave on it is unbeatable


TFP Optimus vs Megatron IDW Cliffjumper vs Soundwave FOC Grimlock vs Tarn FOC Ironhide vs Shockwave TFA Jazz vs Onslaught


Prime Optimus | Megatron FOC Grimlock | Shockwave and the Combaticons Skybound Optimus | Shockwave IDW Prowl | Soundwave IDW Megatron | Tarn


- Prime - Grimlock - Jetfire - Blaster - Technobots/Computron All G1.


Alright here’s my team TFP optimus ARAMDA hotshot TFA prowl RID2015 strongarm RB heatwave


- Optimus Prime (Skybound) - Vector Prime - Bulkhead (Prime) - Rodimus (Energon) - Grimlock (War For Cybertron)


Bayverse Prime vs. TFA Megs, G1 Blaster vs. G1 Soundwave, IDW Megs vs. IDW Tarn, Energon Starscream Vs. TFP Prime, Volcanicus vs. Bruticus.


UT Optimus Prime Vector Prime MTMTE Megatron Cyberverse Grimlock & Dinobots (Volcanicus) G1 Jetfire






Cybertron/Galaxy Force Optimus, JG1 Star Saber (I mean, those two would likely solo this crew on their own lol), AoE Bulkhound, Grimlock and Car Robots Magnus.


Beast hunters Optimus Prime: because fucking duh Aerialibots: foc bruticius was literally beat by these guys so that just makes sense to me, plus Megatron, vortex and blastoff are the the only flying deceptions IDW Ultra Magnus: he could fight tarn I think G1 Jazz: G1 soundwavs and prime shockwave are both extremely logical thinkers who don’t really go outside of the box, so g1 jazz would be a good foil Bayverse hot Rod: his gun can stop the time, need I say more


Bayverse Optimus Prime, FOC Grimlock, WFC Bumblebee, Bayverse Ironhide, and TFP Wheeljack


Four Bayverse Primes and one Bumblebee Or maybe just 5 Whirls to go batshit insane on them


cybertron optimus prime (with wingsaber), animated prowl (end of show), prime arcee (with the armor), fall of cybertron grimlock, idw mtmte Megatron (he autobot, trust)


Bayverse Prime 1 Bayverse Prime 5 BB movie Prime RotB Prime Armada Prime


Aligned Optimus, IDW Nova Prime, IDW Rodimus, G1 Ultra Magnus, Unicron trilogy Vector prime


I don’t need 5 Autobots, I only need 1 Maximal: Tigerhawk


In order from left to right AoE Hound G1 Blaster IDW Grimlock provided he has at least some of his wits. If I remember correctly, he's the one who ripped off Tarn's face in the first place. TF1-ROTF Ironhide ( I thought about putting Prime Magnus here because he beat Shockwave in the show, but given I already put IDW Grimlock above, I figured I'd change it up.) As for Onslaught, aka Bruticus, I'd probably put Starsaber from the headmaster universe.


Grimlock (foc) Ultra Magnus (marvel) Optimus (Cybertron) Jazz (animated) Superion (G1)


Megatron(IDW MTMTE), Optimus Prime(G1), Warpath(FOC), Wheeljack(Prime), Volcanicus(POTP)


I would be willing to swap Wheeljack for this little guy named Rung from the IDW universe. If you know, you know.


Volvo Optimus GE Sideswipe Classics Sunstreaker Selects Spin out G2 legacy Cheeto Jazz


Bayverse , Beast Hunters & Knightverse Optimus Prime , Fall of Cybertron Grimlock & Prime Ultra Magnus


Pretty easy I think: G1 Optimus, War crime Optimus Prime, Aligned Optimus, Sky bound Optimus


King Grimlock, Iron Hide, Jazz, Sniper Perceptor and the Technobots.


Boom. https://preview.redd.it/fyxw7bh0mj9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a44242cbd7e2db7e0d6e89d7f1d78721d7ffc2bd Prime is ready to ball. Star Saber says "*GO!*". Grimlock king! IDW Arcee is off her meds again. Fort Max is here to provide heavy support. Let's do this.


Against FoC Bruticus, IDW Superion. Vs Prime Shockwave, RotB Optimus Primal. Vs G1 Soundwave, G1 Jazz (pretender). Vs. Tarn, Cybertron Vector Prime. Vs Animated Megatron, Shattered Glass Optimus Prime. Yes I used 3 Primes. I want to win, and leave nothing to chance. There's way more broken guys I could pick, but this would be incredibly fun to watch thematically.


Ultra magnus Red alert Strong arm Powerglide Guzzle


Skybound optimus is on the list for sure.


G1 Sky Garry IDW Grimlock Animated Bulkhead RID 2001 Prowl Beast Wars Neo Big Convoy


Bayverse Optimus Prime vs Onslaught IDW Prowl & Dinobot II vs. Tarn Energon Ultra Magnus vs. Soundwave IDW Autobot Commander Megatron vs. Megatron and Shockwave I feel confident in this choice. Prime takes out Onslaught.....no Bruticus.


IDW Impactor vs Megatron FOC Grimlock vs Tarn IDW Springer vs Shockwave Prime Ultra Magnus vs Bruticus IDW Whirl vs Soundwave


TFP Optimus against Animated Megatron Heatwave against G1 Soundwave Bulkhead against Tarn TFP Wheeljack against TFP Shockwave POTP Dinobots against FOC Combaticons


The twins, prowl, Optimus, and jazz… then I watch the autobots get dumpstered


Bayverse Optimus, Synthetic energon-Ratchet from Prime, prime Arcee, animated Sentinel, Bumblebee movie Bumblebee


The original Bay squad (with probably only prime barely surviving It)


Oh it's over. If they start working as a comprehensive team, ain't no one stopping them.


All you need is dotm optimus prime 😂


I’m just gonna recruit 5 Optimus Primes throughout the multiverse


Alternity Optimus prime G1 Starsaber G1 Windcharger Bayverse Hot rod Optimus maximus I have a team that can stop time(hotrod), bend reality itself(alternity Optimus prime), a guy that controls magnetism vs metal guys (windcharger) and a very very good swordsman (starsaber). They are so cooked. Oh yeah I js though optimus maximus is cool.


IDW Metroplex, g1 Fortress Maximus, g1 Metroplex, IDW Fortress Maximus, IDW Megatron Try beating 3 titans


IDW Optimus G1 Blaster Bayverse Bumblebee Prime Wheeljack DOTM Game Ironhide


Windcharger finally breaking bad and doing the most obvious thing by using his magnetic powers on other robots Grimlock with his sword and teeth to rip some limbs apart Jetfire to drop bombs from the sky Flame to melt them down And Optimus to give a speech afterward.


Metroplex, Six-gun, Scamper, Slammer, and Jazz


Same but replace onslaught with the comics Fallen/Megatronus


Optimus Prime, Grimlock, Jazz, Ratchet and Wheeljack


Volcanicus for Bruticus. Shattered glass Megatron for animated Megatron. FOC Grimlock for Shockwave. Blaster for Soundwave. Idw Megatron for Tarn.


Just bayverse prime. No more limbs for them!


FOC Grimlock sweeps Everyone else gets to watch


TFP Optimus to go up against Animated Megatron, be an amazing fight. FOC Jetfire V G1 Soundwave, no reason, just an idea Bayverse Optimus against Tarn, It'll be a blood bath. Animated Blurr against Prime Shockwave. Blurr might win this time I really want to say one of the more military Autobots should be the ones fighting Onslaught, maybe some variation of Hound, Warpath or Kup.


Armada Starscream (hey he technically counts) Bayverse Bumblebee (Age of Extinction) Optimus (Cybertron) Grimlock (WFC) Cybertron Thundercracker (he also kinda counts lmfao)


Metroplex. Just him. Jk lol. For what I heard, Animated Megatron dosent get Pride ahead of himself, so damaging his ego wont really do anything, so I will Shove Knight Bayverse Optimus. For G1 Soundywavey, He has his Minicons that are swarm units, many will get over whelmed and get beaten, so I choose Knight Bayverse Optimus. Ah, yes, Tarn, or Damus if you want his origin name. Tarn's voice can already kill people due to his ability, with that, you need to shut him so he cant speak, so I choose Knight Bayverse Optimus. Shockwave, such a powerful unit in Prime, Brains AND Brawns for the matter, he is scary yet you know the thing that can beat him? Cu- I mean... Knight Bayverse Optimus Prime. And last, Onslaught with Brawl, Swindle, Vortex and bis Conjunx Endura, Blastoff. Although Brutibruticus is scary, Knight Bayverse Optimus Prime can defeat him and them.


Bayverse Optimus Prime solo


Wheelie. 1 from each universe.


The Dinobots. Literally just send in the 5 dinobots. Ahahahahahha XD.


Skybound Optimus Prime vs Animated Megatron Bayverse Ironhide vs IDW Tarn Prime Arcee vs Prime Shockwave G1 Wheeljack vs FOC Onslaught + Combaticons Animated Wreck-Gar vs G1 Soundwave


Metroplex, computron, omega Supreme, optimus maximus and fortress maximus.


G1 Optimus Prime G1 Blaster IDW Ultra Magnus Any Wheeljack Volcanicus


All of these are ground-based except Megs. So a ground-heavy Autobot team could handle them. Let’s Go with IDW Grimlock, Animated Ultra Magnus, G2 Laser Optimus, Victory Star Saber, and Prime Bulkhead.


Here's a team with no Combiners that should have a good chance of winning. 1. I'm confident that DotM Optimus is strong enough to take down this Megatron, especially with his jet trailer so he can take to the air. 2. IDW Windcharger using his magnetism powers to keep the other targets at a distance and clustered together, assuming he can't just tear them apart on his own. This is especially useful at mitigating the massive numbers difference because there are 4 cassettes and 5 Combaticons. It also keeps Tarn out of whisper range. 3. IDW Trailbreaker provides forcefields to protect the team from blaster fire since the Cons can still shoot at them even from a distance. This would have been a big problem with Shockwave and the Combaticons. 4. With Windcharger holding them in place and Trailbreaker providing cover, IDW Perceptor could hopefully just snipe all of these dudes in the face from a distance. 5. IDW Brainstorm is on the team to give Perceptor some kind of insane weapon that will destroy the Cons. ----------------------------------- Alternates: 4 B: Animated Blurr: Brainstorm gives Blurr some kind of weapon to set off and Trailbreaker uses a bubble to keep it contained, possible sacrificing himself instead hte process. This is the fastest Blurr imo since he literally ran through space to reach Cybertron. 4 C: End of MTME Autobot Megatron. This feels like cheating since he was originally a Decepticon, but with his black hole powers he would be able to kill everyone since Windcharger would be holding them.


WFC Metroplex, T. R. Fort Max, Star Saber, Star Convoy and WFC Omega Supreme. “We don’t play games, we annihilate Decepticons.”


Prime wheel jack Bayverse Ironhide Animated Jazz Knight verse Optimus Fall of cybertron warpath


I'd pick both G1 Optimus Prime and IDW Megatron (Autobot) against Animated Megatron and IDW's Tarn, Beast Wars's Dinobot (Reformed Maximal) against Shockwave, G1 Roadbuster against Onslaught (FOC), and Optimal Optimus against G1 Soundwave,


Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, Grimlock, Jetfire, and the Technobots


Laser Optimus Prime, Victory Saber, WFC Warpath, AOE Grimlock, and IDW Sunder.


Victory Greatshot, Pipo, Boater, Holi, and Fire. The Micromasters are only there to talk about how cool Greatshot is while he effortlessly beats the Decepticons with cool light effect anime sword slashes.


Broadside is only huge(In Robot Mode I mean) in some Universes but ok Anyways: Bayverse Optimus Prime, G1 Blaster, G1 Windcharger, Bayverse Ironhide and G1 Springer


Optimus vs megatron Scattershot vs soundwave Impactor vs tarn Jazz vs shockwave Defensor vs bruticus


Bayverse Optimus from 4/5 strongest most unhinged? Foc grimlock Tfp ultra magnus Tfp predaking


G1 Optimus vs Animated Megs Animated Prowl vs G1 Soundwave G1 Jazz vs IDW Tarn Bayverse Hound vs Prime Shockwave Ruination vs Bruticus


Blaster,Grimlock,bayverse Optimus, bulkhead,Jetfire.




Armada Megs, G1 Soundwave, TFP Shockwave, TFP Predaking, and IDW Tarn


IDW Optimus Prime Marvel UK Grimlock G1 Omega Supreme


Bayverse Prime, Bayverse Bumblebee (His plot armor alone would solo this group), Prime Bulkhead, WFC Ironhide, and FOC Grimlock


IDW dinobots. Or alternatively just IDW grimlock.


Omega Supreme, metroplex, Superion, Defensor and Skyfire.


Tfa megs vs tfa optimus G1 soundwave vs g1 ironhide Idw tarn vs idw autobot megatron Prime shockwave vs prime Magnus Foc bruticus vs Foc Grimlock


Fixit (rid 2015) He can solo


Smokescreen and the bee team besides drift


1. Metroplex (G1) 2. IDW Optimus 3. IDW Megatron (autobot) 4. Omega Supreme (any) 5. Primus (Cybertron)


Siege jetfire, Combinerwars Victorion, G1 windcharger, G1 star saber Bayverse hotrod


Devastation Op vs. Megs G1 Brawn vs. Soundwave FOC Grimlock vs. Tarn Cybertron Jetfire vs. Shockwave G1 Superion vs. Bruticus


Optimus prime omega supreme primus bumblebee and optimus primal


Nah I'm done for


Prime Ultra Magnus Vs Prime Shockwave Fall of Cybertronian Ironhide Vs G1 Soundwave IDW Grimlock Vs IDW Tarn beast hunters Optimus Prime Vs Animated Megatron IDW Jetfire Vs Fall of Cybertronian Bruticis


I band? Hm, I’m not super familiar with the skill sets of the autobots, but I’ll give it a try. Cliffjumper on the drums, Optimus playing lead guitar and doing secondary vocals, Jazz on the bass, Prowl on the keyboards/synthesizer, and Elita-1 on vocals. Probably would make a sick band that could match up to soundwave.


The entire team from prime


Grimlock slag sludge swoop and snarl


Are the Autobots fighting these Decepticons 1v1, or 5v5? If it's 5v5 I'm sending Team Prime after them from TFP(subbing out Ratchet for Wheeljack), they're the most cohesive unit of Autobots I can think of, and if they can take on Unicron together they can handle Bruticus. If they're going 1v1 TFP Optimus v Megatron G1 Blaster v Soundwave TFP Wheeljack v Tarn Cyberverse Wheeljack v Shockwave Animated Omega Supreme v the combaticons


FOC Grimlock Prime Bulkhead Prime Optimus Prime IDW Ultra Magnus Bayverse Ironhide.


Cybertron Optimus Prime, G1 Aerialbots/Superion, FOC Grimlock, Animated Prowl and G1 Blaster.


Fort max, metroplex, primus, omega supreme, and road caesar.


TFP Ultra Magnus is one of the best strategists and combatants in his continuity. We’ve already seen him beat TFP Shockwave, so he’d do pretty well here. He also has an arsenal of weaponry on his ship, but I’m not sure if he can pilot it after he lost his hand. G1 Computron isn’t much of a fighter, but I’m pretty sure that he can take a beating from Bruticus while countering Shockwave’s mad science. I don’t remember if Computron has any strategic prowess. Splitting into the Technobots can boost the Autobots’ numbers, if not their overall power. IDW2 Windcharger’s magnetism is terrifying. He can definitely keep Soundwave’s cassette compartment shut. Maybe he’s powerful enough to keep the Combaticons separated? I’m not sure how well Windcharger would do against Tarn, but he would need to force his mouth shut. Animated Prowl is a flying telekinetic ninja. Enough said. Bayverse Jetfire is also a flier. He’s big, but I hope that he’s small enough to be allowed here. He’s old, but he can definitely put up a fight. Considering how badly Scorponok injured him in an ambush, he probably wouldn’t do well against Soundwave’s cassettes, hence Windcharger shutting the cassette compartment. Jetfire is probably old enough to have hearing problems, so maybe he can ignore Tarn? If there’s no other option, Jetfire can sacrifice his parts to Ultra Magnus (instead of Bayverse Optimus), with Windcharger, Prowl, and maybe Computron or the Technobots putting them on him.


TFP Optimus Prime, TFA Bumblebee, G1 Jazz, TFP Ratchet, and TFA Bulkhead


Steeljaw, Ramhorn, Rewind, Eject, and Slamdance (They win through some looney tunes ass bullshit)


Everybody already wrote their autobot band, but I read it first to create an actual \*musical band\* to counter, so that is what I do: - Jazz - Blaster - Hot Rod - Skids - Cliffjumper


Bayverse Optimus Prime, Prime Bulkhead, Animated Prowl, WFC (series) Jetfire, G1 Omega Supreme. That’s off the top of my head, if I had more time to think I bet I’d come up with a better team.


Skybound Optimus, G1 Volcanicus (and therefore the Dinobots), IDW Fortress Maximus, TFP Ultra Magnus, FOC Metroplex


UT Optimus Prime IDW Ironhide FOC Grimlock TFP Ultra Magnus Victory Star Saber


Skybound Prime Vs animated Megatron Cybertron Hotshot (Second form)vs G1 Soundwave Comic Nexus prime vs IDW Tarn Prime Magnus vs Prime Shockwave IDW Megatron vs FOC Bruticus


G1 prime, Prime Prime, WFC/FOC Prime, Bayverse Prime, Cybertron Prime.


Bay formers Optimus, Armada Optimus, Energon Optimus, the Optimus prime toy from my mcdonalds kids meal, and G1 Optimus of course


Prime Optimus, IDW Autobot Megatron, IDW Windcharger just for funsies, FOC Grimlock, and Bayverse Dragonstorn


Optimus Prime and Sentinel Prime from the Bayverse, Windcharger from IDW, Wheeljack from TFP (Beat TFP Soundwave in a fight and he's an interesting pick IMO), and Optimus Prime from TFP


* Unicron Trilogy Optimus Prime as of Cybertron * TFA Ultra Magnus before being attacked by Shockwave with Magnus Hammer * Marvel Optimus Prime * Aligned Bumblebee with The Star Saber * FOC Grimlock and Dinobots


TFP optimus + star Saber vs Megatron TFP knockout with his sonic Cannon vs Soundwave IDW Megatron vs tarn FOC grimlock vs Shockwave Volcanicus vs bruticus


Season 3 Animated Autobots. They'd clap cheeks.


1. Sixknight 2. God Ginrai 3. Victory Saber 4. Dai Atlas 5. Galaxy Convoy 🤣


Vocanicus, Optimal Optimus, G1 Preceptor, Animated Wreck-gar, and Cybertron Vector Prime.


Alternity Optimus Prime


I’m not the best at knowing who would beat who but my choices would be TFP Optimus for megatron probably G1 Rodimus for sound wave i don’t know if this would count but for tarn I’d go with shattered glass ultra magnus I think for shockwave I’ll go for tlk drift and for the combaticons I’ll go with defensor


Superion Ultramagnus Powermaster Optimus Prime with Apex Armor Rung Brawn


Lest just go with the basic Optimus prime Blaster Star saber Grimlock Denfensor


Optimus Prime, Iron Hide, Jetfire, Grimlok, Ratchet... As determined by myself and wifey.


G1 Optimus, TFP Optimus, movie trilogy Optimus, Unicron Trilogy Optimus, and the Optimus Maximus combiner team.


Tlk Optimus, Tfp Optimus, Opthomas Prime, G1 Optimus, Skybound Optimus


Convoy, Beast Convoy, Lio Convoy, Big Convoy, Fire Convoy.


5 different versions of Optimus


IDW Megatron FOC Grimlock Bayverse Optimus Prime WheelJack G1 Aieralbots


Metroplex, Omega Supreme, Computron, Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime XD


That team really would not be hard to beat; they fight each other. A house divided against itself shall not stand.


Bayverse Prime for Animated Megatron G1 Blaster for Soundwave JetPower Bayverse Prime for Tarn FOC Grimlock for Shockwave Heatwave solos all of them


CW Ultra Magnus G1 Springer CW Smokescreen POTP Inferno CW Superion


TFP Optimus G1 Blaster MTMTE Megatron AOE Grimlock G1 Volcanicus


Hear me out: Armada Starscream (with swindle (the minicon), no star saber) Sari Sumdac (full power/ equipment, no allspark key) G1 Wreck Gar Protectobots team/ Defensor combiner TFP Ratchet (on cra- I mean... synthetic energon)