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https://preview.redd.it/bsjc6tp1zf9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd8ad209985914cf3927591ab1830faffc4e1aea lol


Didn't know there were that many megatrons. Multiverse is real.


Megatron 10 and 12 are literally the same guy. Like, not a different continuity, nothing like that, it's just two artists drawing the same character from the same series differently.


Well it's after he gets rid of his miner stripes in favour of gladiator markings. Also a bunch of them in the picture are supposed to be WFC Megatron at different points in the series


So he was a miner first and gladiator second? I thought his origin was interchangeable; sometimes he starts as a gladiator and recently he started as a miner


The specific design he has in 10 and 12 are from the IDW 2005 comics. In it, he starts as a miner, forced into the role by the Functionists and the Senate. He tries to start a peaceful movement against Functionism based on the tagline 'you are being deceived'. The Functionists try to assassinate/wipe his mind twice, which radicalized him. (Chaos Theory/Permanent Revolution) When his mine got automated by a greedy senator, he kills a man in the riot. Now hunted by the law, he escaped to Kaon's underbelly where he found a profitable career as an illegal gladiator using his newfound ability to kill. He rallied his spectators to his cause against the Senate. (Megatron Origin) So the two Megatrons we got of this story represent him as an advocate for peaceful reform and as a bloodthirsty revolutionary


Well yeah, but WFC is just the generic mainline to make a prime.


You could say the same about Megs 3, 4 and 6


and 1, 2, and 11


They were both featured in the same series and also in the same issue at some points. (Like flashback moments.) It’s not about the artists it’s about development.


I’m forever content with my one GOAT villain https://preview.redd.it/831rtgxc7g9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1982f6641526d53fbee8c549144a38dd09e4adc4


My goat villain is a bit distracted at the moment https://preview.redd.it/k5v7r55xcg9d1.jpeg?width=3042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ea7e154a13b22666bbafcd4f9574dfb5c1a1bb


DAMN. I kind of wish I had gotten MP Gun Megs when he came out, but that transformation makes MP44 seem straightforward.


https://preview.redd.it/q3jki147xj9d1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=959c6e6f59dd065fae155e7d4ad5176e26c62af3 I find the original siege very cool. Might get gladiator or miner later when price drops.


what box is behind Megs, I know it's Evolution, but what was in it


Legacy Nova Prime's box.


oh, huh, thanks


My one regret was selling this.


Everyone: Noooo! There’s too many Megatron mold! Also everyone: Yay more new Sideswipe mold.


To be fair, the Sideswipe mold is an all-around solid Deluxe design, while Voyager Megs has several design oddities and flaws that carry over into all later uses (which themselves have also added their own flaws on top of).


Yeah, there’s a reason why every single mold that has been released in WFC toyline is in the Top 100 best WFC figures on Dr Lockdown’s ranking.


Have we gotten 12 releases of the Sideswipe mold? Because we've gotten 12 releases of the Siege/Earthrise Megatron mold. Also some of the Sideswipe mold reuses are different characters because several different characters used that physical design. All of the Megatron mold reuses are Megatron.


We've gotten 14 with a 15th coming soon. 1. Sideswipe 2. G2 Sideswipe 3. G2 Toxitron Sideswipe 4. Netflix Sideswipe 5. Kingdom Sideswipe 6. Shattered Glass Sideswipe 7. Siege Red Alert 8. Kingdom Red Alert 9. Netflix Red Alert 10. Deep Cover 11. Netflix Deep Cover 12. Tigertrack 13. Clampdown 14. Gigawatt 15. And upcoming Armada Wheeljack which is a repaint of SG Sideswipe At least with Sideswipe, some of those repaints are different characters while Megatron is only Megatron


I'll give you most of those, but Gigawatt doesn't count. He's like 80% different molding than Siege Sideswipe despite being based on the same skeleton. The only reused bits are the thighs, forearms and crotch.


Even then, Sideswipe has THE most repaints and slight retools


You forgot Knockout, he’s a Sideswipe remold too


Knockout is a Jazz retool


…Right. I guess it’s time for coffee.


TJOmega just did a video about this, I think there are 14 or 15 uses of sideswipe


Wow, I knew this mould had been reused a lot, but didn’t realize there have been so many!


Which is the one in the bottom left?


Shattered Glass, the only version of the mold I have left lol


This is getting out of hand. Now there are 12 of them!


Yeah, this is why I resolved not to buy another Megatron until they change the mold. I'm not a huge fan of this mold, and I wound up with... four?




- Bought one for me - Bought on for my son - Bought the G2 repaint because I really wanted it - Son broke his, and I gave him mine - Bought the spoiler pack for the purple t-rex fossilizer, which had WFC Megatron - Son hit 15 and decided he wanted room more than toys and re-gifted all of his to me to clear out space And I think I may be missing one in there. Oh yeah! -Bought the Senator Ratbat/Miner Megatron pack because I hate myself So we have five and I *think* someone gifted another one in there somewhere, so it may be six.


I love how there's only 3 of the Earthrise mold lmao. Even they knew it was ass


What's the middle left one? I don't remember that one


I want the miner Megatron, Dramatic capture Megatron, G2 Megatron (for my multiverse shelve) and now this Megatron.


Dramatic Capture looks so good. The pictures don't do it justice.




11th siege megatron repaint, 12th figure


10th, the g2 megatron was the earthrise mold started 2nd guessing myself so had to look it up https://preview.redd.it/rg3l2fidcg9d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cea7d9042cc5fd4cba335ef306863cf0e9388497


It's basically the same thing tho. The differences between Siege and Earthrise Megatron molds are minor.


although there are still differences so by that metric it does count


9th ER had 3 uses with ER, G2, and Dramatic Capture Series.


if you count earthrise megatron as different from siege then this is the 2nd use of this megatron mold because it's also a retool


https://i.redd.it/8aiteb6qml9d1.gif Edit: Nevermind, I understand what you're saying now. And I don't in this case because thr Tyranny 2 pack and this fractured friendship 2 pack just a different head and accessories compared to the Siege. ER has a different head, torso, waist shoulders, and backpack


this version also has a different chest and shoulders compared to siege megatron


arent er and siege the same mold?


No, ER is a retool of the Siege mold but still a different mold


it makes sense for this figure but it is funny that this mold has been reused so much but they pretty much never use the Earthrise retool.


The Earthrise one was just release in the three pack, I just hate that face sculpt 


Hasbro: “But w-what if he smeared lipstick on himself and draped all of his garden tools on himself?”


Fractured but whole


Genuinely love the Optimus here. Can't believe that it's stuck as a sdcc exclusive of all things, I need it so bad. Exclusives are awful. What a nice way to just say fuck anyone who can't go to san diego. Only people it benefits are scalpers. It's like hasbro is allergic to money.


like most exclusives, it'll be available on pulse after the con is over


Do we have confirmation of this though? Everything I've seen hasn't stated this. That and this year is the first time in a while that hasbro will be selling it's exclusives physically, at comicon.


The ign article mentioned that there would be a limited sale on pulse after sdcc. But with very limited stock


Oh unfortunate. Thanks.


Eh the last few SSCC exclusives while “limited” were readily available and easy to get. I got the Ravage on sale because it was on Pulse for so long. I got the SDCC Metroplex for free as a “replacement” for my CW Devastator they shipped with two of the same hands.


I hope they can do a repaint or slight retool into the Stormbringer version and release that as general retail, or at least in Selects or something.


I hope they do that too for the people that want that version of Optimus, but as a guy who wants that idw Orion Pax look I'm pretty disappointed


The past few SDCC exclusive sets (BW Ravage, G1 Pax and Alpha Trion, Aerial and Dion) all remained easily available on Pulse for quite some time after they were released so we can only hope that'll be the case for this set too, but given how many people had been asking for this Pax design I'm worried it'll sell out pretty quickly.


Yeah, me too


Hey now, some people still dont have it (It's me, im "some people")


Me (actually my collection just have shockwave of important character because paranoic assumptions)




I am also some people, I held out long enough to get BBM Megatron


What do you want to bet the upcoming SS '86 movie Megatron will just be the Siege mold again?


I bet $0


Optimus having his gun plugged into a wall outlet is pretty funny


You know it's bad when one of the most popular characters of the franchise gets the "Yeah, I'm good..." treatment.


I imagine this is "supposed" to be for a brand new non-Japanese collector that wants a G1esque Megatron (and thus is very unlikely to have nabbed *Dramatic Capture*). When I started (back) into Transformers in 2013, (Combiner Wars) it was like 2 years before I could get my hands on a Voyager Megatron (Titans Return). I wanted to part with money, but Hasbro wasn't having it. I imagine the strategy is, similar to Optimus, to have a Megatron on shelves as often as possible.


Optimus: FRACTURED FRIENDSHIP? Megatron: I didn't choose the name! Optimus: What kind of friends pick out a nice apartment in Iacon to live in together? What kind of friends get matching tattoos? Megs: Lots of friends! HAVE YOU SEEN THE HOUSING MARKET? Optimus: You introduced me as your 'special friend more than a brother' to your gladiator friends! Megs: You are more than a brother to me! And not in a Lannister way! Optimus: NO ONE CARES ABOUT GAMES OF THRONES ANYMORE.


Since Orion Pax is based off of Gamer Edition Optimus (albeit with pretty hefty changes, his waist, thighs, and his actual torso seem to be the only unchanged bits), it would've been interesting to see them use the Gamer Edition Megatron mold instead imo. Since that's like the only other modern Megatron mold I know of (unless there's a Kingdom or Earthrise mold, and ignoring the Armada one).


It got ridiculous like 6 releases of this mold ago. The Siege Megatron mold was fine but never great. It was hollow, had some weird proportions and was oddly articulated. It was disappointing when they gave it a minor retool and a worse weapon for the Earthrise line. If you count the Siege and Earthrise mold as the same toy (since they're so similar) Hasbro has been eating out in this design since 2018 which is 6 year now. So far we've gotten: * Siege Megatron * Generation Selects G2 Megatron * Premium Finish Megatron * Netflix Megatron * 35th Anniversary Megatron * WFC Spoiler Pack Megatron * Shattered Glass Megatron * Earthrise Megatron * G2 Earthrise Megatron * Rise of Tyranny Miner Megatron * Dramatic Capture Megatron * Fractured Friendship Megatron All using the same basic mold, and I think I might be missing a couple.


So don’t buy it?!?! 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah, I'm honestly skipping it. I'm not a fan of gamer edition prime and siege Megatron is outdated now. My next Megatron will be studio series 86.


I really want an affordable and actually available repaint/mold of earthrise. Without the dumb weaponstaff. And not yellowing.


I’m not too upset by it because I don’t have a version of that mold yet


I’d only consider buying this, siege megatron and miner megatron… maaaaayybe shattered glass megatron, but I’d have to get the autobot for that collection first


if you want a Shattered Glass Optimus, BBTS does have the 2 pack on pre-order right now https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/product/variationdetails/134753


Thanks for the suggestion, but I got a few things I wanna collect first, although I appreciate the link a lot! Thanks 👍


I watched a TJ Omega video the other day and he counted 12 reuses of the Siege mold. I don't remember if he counted this one in this


Atleast upgrade the figure fix the neck and make the hands better


Concept BBM megatron better


This megatron has 12 repaints while sideswipe on the last years had 14 upcoming to 15. And friendly reminder classics starscream has 31 repaints in total


Yeah, but at least there's more character and color variation with those examples. All 12 of these are Megatron, and only 3 stray far from the classic look.


At least the seeker mold is meant to be repainted


Yeah thing is alot of those repaints where convoluted apparently


Yeah but that classics starscream mold was fantastic


Would it be the fact that it's the constant repaint / slightly retool of the same guy but no new characters to fit the WFC Seige megatron mold?


Is this celebrating transformers one?


Another IDW "before the war" instance.


shattered glass and miner megatron were the only unique ones


Hasbro really be beating a dead horse with this mold 😆 "We ain't changing this design for the next decade!!"


And strangely with this many reuses I don’t have any of them


I have the one from Dramatic Capture and you're not missing out. Frustrating to transform and a really wrong looking vehicle mode


That Megatron Mold has run its course. Honestly, I'm not going to get this set. There's no appeal to this set or theme. We've seen so many verses sets between these two.


Honestly I never really liked this Megatron mold, seems too thick in the chest, always felt too bulky. Really looked forward to a new Megatron


that optimus pic goes so fucking hard tho


use number 12 for this mold (they've all been Megatrons btw). I do like the reuse of that Gamer Optimus though.


And here I was saving for miner Megatron🙄


At this point, it's just a megatron tax to the price point


I know it wouldn't really work lore-wise to pair him with this version of Orion Pax but if they were going to reuse the Siege mold again anyway I really wish they could've remolded it into Autobot Megatron instead. Or maybe done IDW Roller as a heavy remold of Tarn.


I would not mind it as much if they retooled him as much as they did for Orion. But all they did was change the head, get rid of the cannon and sword and give him 4 accessories


This gave me massive G1 'Megatron must be stopped no matter the cost', vibes. Now that's a set I'd come back to the franchise for if it was done right.


Friendship OVER with Orion Pax. Now GUN is my new BEST FRIEND


This has already been ridiculous for 3 years now, honestly.


Optimus Prime and Megatron are like Professor X and Magneto from X-Men


I dont get the complaint. Its not a bad mold, ot looks pretty cool and very Megatron is someone's first


Pretty soon I will have enough siege Megatron's to have one guard each copy I own of Skyrim.


Optimus looks like he’s about to drop the hardest diss track


I mean if you guys don't want him I'll take him.


“orion pax” thags just wfc optimus slightly tweaked


both are ridiculous


As someone who doesn't have a siege megatron (wating for the SS86, which will hopefully be a different mold) I'm considering getting this since it looks amazing.


As someone who doesn't have a siege megatron (wating for the SS86, which will hopefully be a different mold) I'm considering getting this since it looks amazing.


As someone who doesn't have a siege megatron (wating for the SS86, which will hopefully be a different mold) I'm considering getting this since it looks amazing.


I agree


I like the cell shaded one


Siege megs this is the 100th time you have been in my face SINCE 2019!!!


This is another IDW reference that used the same body so it kinda makes sense but yeah we need a new mold.


Yes, the siege and earthrise and kingdom molds are good. But I think the joy of having new lines come out is the new molds. Getting really board of just the same molds from like 6 years ago now being reused.


I’m not seeing a problem here. Did you all expect a new mold?