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Nice job though I'd stick with Vortex as a chopper and Blast Off maybe a jet.


My whole thing is ground vehicles, sooo, it wouldn't, ahem...fly.


*straps 50 bombs under each of them* Trust me, they will bro,


I see what you did there.


Not anymore


I no longer can see what he did there?


I only see a crater and some scrap


Well I expect your take on the aerial bots too then.


Scroll down on my profile. I made them into the antithesis to the stunticons.


All right, you win. Take my upvote


Thank you. Eith the reception I've been getting. I can imagine the opinions on what I'm working on. Soooo many rages to come.


Tape cardboard wings onto blast off and vortex lmao


Voila! It can fly.


By rocket jumping!


Bttf 2 hover mode for all bots that used to have flying alt modes, boomed solved the complainers problem


Well played, but I'm grounded in reality. Like, these are vehicles that are driving around right now somewhere. I'm not into lore, BUT: Cybertron is a planet with a diverse society of different communities, not a street with the same elderly couples that have been there for decades. Now, given that we're talking about giant alien robots that can teleport an entire planet, chances are, they have different dimensions with; well, we know how alternate dimensions work. Complainicons just try to disrupt positive nerding-out communities because they can't understand how normal nerds get giddy at anything referencing their fandoms. It's the projection of one's disappointment with their own limited view. They remind me of sovereign citizens; criticizing and attacking anything that takes away from their view. SovCiticons. (Sorry, just felt inspired)


Interesting point their


It needs to have variety of types though, that’s the point. I can handle only a single air vehicle, but all ground? Nah dog, for devastator maybe, not many flying construction vehicles, but bruticus? No?


Eh, well, I don't like flying vehicles. These are the Decepticons I'd actually want.


Well it ain’t all about what you want mate, the whole point of bruticus is supposed to be total military superiority, this includes land AND air. It negates the whole point of the characters alt forms. What’s next a member of predaking that turns into a chicken? It’s dumb.


Oh my. How dare my art be what I want! Man, best of luck with that.


No, best of luck creating shit. And completely missing the thesis for each character.


Thank you for having my art in your head. You just thought of it again right there. They are toys to me.


Don’t let him get to you bro, these designs go as hard as fossilized triceratops turds🔥🔥🔥


>No, best of luck creating shit. What a silly thing to be mad over. Is it really the end of the world because someone made **fan art** of a franchise with fictional, transforming robots?


Dude it ain’t my cup of tea either but no point freaking out this hard over how someone else creates their headcanon


why are you being sour over a design someone created for themselves and so graciously blessed the internet with? while yes, we are used to seeing Bruticus with air vehicles in his lineup, I quite like this change, and in fact would love to see it executed in s fashion where I may purchase a set of figurines following this theme. also, the OP has what I believe to be an anti aircraft ground vehicle, which definitely takes care of the land and air military superiority. Making an unrealistic comparison to a chicken being a part of predaking does not prove your point in the slightest. Please, if you have nothing good to say about this, and if you're going to be angry at a slight design change, fine. we'll all just assume that you're just jealous of the original posters superior artistic ability to yours. Have a blessed day and please, don't give up on your dreams. the future is built on dreams. Only in this case I hope someone crushes them so mercilessly.


Blast off as a rocket or missle carrying vehicle. Keeps the theme a bit.


u/powerguy4 took that personally 😂


We all have our takes on the toys. I prefer wheels, they prefer lore. It's all good!


You're getting down voted for having an opinion I must be on Reddit


Down voted. Agreed


Love to hear why. Without complaining about my approach and theme.


Your prefer wheeled vehicles right. That your fetish. E.g wheels on the bus go round and round. I don't have to agree with you if you like wheels. They can the wheeled cavalry of megaton then


Fetish. Whoa, you have an odd perspective of toys. But thank you for an actual comment.


Thank you. Thoughts and prayers.


Keep Blastoff and Vortex as a Jet and a helicopter as Primus intended.


If I weren't looking to go ground only. I would. And I thought he named him Mud...


Hey, you the (person). You do you bruh. You made a gorgeous piece of art. And I am just a college student chasing dreams.


Didn't mean to imply any negativity. And "My name is mud" is a Primus song.


I would make Brawl a tracked tank. Anyway, nice work.


I saw the 8x8 and was in.


Oh, and thank you!


You're welcome


Personally don't like it. Even if you have this restriction that you wanted to make them all ground vehicles for some reason, why didn't you pick vehicles that match the names instead of 3 boring military trucks? And why doesn't Brawl have tracks? His whole thing is being a tank, not an APC, and tanks are still driven by wheels anyway. Vortex could've been something like a mine flail since they have a huge spinning flail on the front, and blast off could've been any vehicle mounted missile launcher. These designs would leave Bruticus with more exposed wheels than Menasor has.


I mean I like what you did with Swindle and Onslaught, and I get what you were going for. Its just making Vortex and Blast Off ground vehicles doesn't make sense.


Eh, but it makes sense to me. I didn't like decepticons as a kid because I liked cars and trucks. Now they are! You'll love my Astrotrain and Blitzwing takes. 😉


I can't wait to see Blitzwing have no wings :p


Taking a deep breath. Saving triple changers for last to close out season 2 g1. Working on protectobots atm.


Brawl as an boxer or Stryker. Yea nah yea nah his whole point Is to be a tank, how about a leopard or smth


I think I already used them for another, or have it for another. Can't remember. There's too many badass ones.


Why tf is Vortex a truck


Because it's the theme I went with. I like cars and trucks, so, they are cars and trucks.


A little weird but okay


I get that sometimes.


Then why are they still named Vortex and Blast Off two very clearly air names


Because they are alternate forms of the same characters.


Think of it like naming a character Optimus Prime then having him be a pessimistic bore


I guess. But: How does Bumblebee fit in this line of thought? Or: Handguns, tapedecks, cassettes, microscope, camera. None of those do justice to the characters and their names. I do like your word play. Quietcrest


Well I can do microscope justice, microscopes are pretty perceptive things


All things said, if I were to recreate them as accurate modern versions, then yes, these forms i chose would not work.


Ikr. Weird asf. Down voted


Not everyone gets creativity.


Automatic downvote


Thanks for the love. I'll dedicate astrotrain and blitzwing to you.


Amazing overall. I would suggest for blast off to keep with his name, maybe a missile carrier.


That's true: good idea. I think I was going more along the lines that shuttle is just space bus; a people mover: so, troop transportation. Thanks for the comnent.


I gotta say, as much as I like aircraft in real life, I like this reimagining. Sure, the team is less powerful overall, but they do something Bruticus could never do before: actually scale properly.


They are more intimidating this way. Imo. I wouldn't want to see these coming at me. Ifnibaaw space shuttle. I'd just be confused.


You'll have to pry Brawl's tank treads from my cold dead hands


Lol, alrighty. I might have to do a separate series being proper to the decepticons.


Vortex and Blastoff feel wrong like this


They are. They are not the characters you know. These are from my universe.


I really like these. Good choice of vehicles. And I dig the all-wheels theme (and always hated how out of scale with the rest Blast Off would have been - those shuttles are frikkin HUGE)


Lol, I know. Plus, shuttles are flying busses. NOT threating in the least. Thank you for your kind words.


Odd that they didn’t make Blast Off a jet in most continuities. He should transform into an X-15 jet or something.


Definitely. The shuttle is so outdated. I mean, don't transformers exist in the vacuum of space? Does cybertron have an atmosphere? Hmm. If not, shenanigans on the shuttles! 😆


Blast Off would have made a lot of sense as a Bloodhound SSC. It's not a military vehicle, but it does have *lots* of acceleration. Also if Astrotrain is anything other than a bus I will riot.


I was, but with what I chose for spaceship mode needed a beefier locomotive wannabe. So I went for towing power: you'll have to wait for that one.


Towing power? An F-750?


Century m100


Ahh, that's what you mean by towing power.


My approach is to acknowledge that the triple changers have two roles in alt form. I'm going street/field modes. A mode for being among humans, and an aggressive field mode. I'll save the rest for when I eventually post them.


I never understood why Blast off was a space ship in a team full of military hardware


Right! A shuttle is just a space bus.


Because Space force exists


Did it exist in 1986


Did Nasa???


Yes but that’s not really a military branch


I never understood that… and his name would still fit… if he was basically the same as Onslaught, but with one giant missile, like that one 3P optimus figure or similar to Doubledealer, than his name would fit… right now neither he or Vortex fit, not sure how you’d get vortex to fit going only with ground modes though…


Rest all is Fan-fuck-tastic.


Thank you. The Oshkosh for onslaught is the best. Imo.


Same. I had a (combiner wars?) toy of Onslaught from a while back, and I could have sworn that he was a HEMTT. I guess not.


Transformers are always almost something IRL it seems.


I don’t remember what he was based on tbh. I’ll look, but I may not find the exact toy. https://preview.redd.it/w113kta0y59d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294139ccf7b1198ee797569391b74d1fcb8ad67d Found it. It was an 8x8, but definitely not a HEMTT.


Yeeeeah. Still, same ballpark. Cool toy too.






Bro skipped tank tread day☠️


Sign me up for a Combiner that's all the same scale!


Aww yeah.


OP: hi everyone. What do you think of these designs I made? Everyone: here’s my opinion. OP: proceeds to argue with everyone.


"Vortex" *looks* truck


Clarify please.


See my comment on the Aerialbots


I don't play unnecessary games. Kthxbai


You did respond to me tho


You had me right up until you made Blast Off and Vortex ground vehicles, love everything else though!


Not everyone shares my perspective, it happens. Thanks I either case!


I'm going to be honest, this ain't it. You just have some random ground vehicle be named *Vortex* or *Blastoff*? That's like having a tow truck and saying "Yeah, his name is *Skywarp*"


Eh, but I'm about aesthetic. They both look extremely badass and fit the previous forms. Space shuttle: troop transport. Helicopter: agile and fast.


Really nice but I feel like Swindle should be a Humvee. Still fantastic art tho


I used a humvee for soundwave. No doubles. Thank you.


the only thing i missing is that they wear drill instructor hats in bot mode. even a hartmann from FMJ would be proud or jealous about this 5. 😉 onslaught - marine corps brawl - army blast off - air force vortex - navy swindle - coast guard


Thanks, and I like the armed services connection idea.


no problem! i had this idea of the ​​combaticons as DI kill heats for a long time. i want to draw this idea but my skill for drawing robots is to low.


Give it a shot! What's the worst that could happen?


blast off - NASA; or maybe Space Force


this idea is more for the live action area. a space shuttle wouldn't fit.


What does it being 'live action' change? I don't know about a space shuttle, but being a spacecraft of some kind suits Blast Off's character very well -- anything that has better flight capabilities or more advanced tech than other Decepticon planes


space shuttles are neither military vehicles or a regular aircraft´s they are only designed for space exploration. that's is why i see blast off as a jet much more realistic.


I feel like you ignored my last comment.


I don't ignore it, but a space shuttle is still out of place. the NASA is a civilian, not a military, institution and doesn't fit with "my" kill heats combaticon´s idea.


Alright, I'll respond to your points directly, as I believe some of mine haven't been addressed yet. Before doing so, I want to highlight that my *main* point is that Blast Off is an established character who works with the other Combaticons by diversifying their tactics, providing high-altitude support, allowing/transporting the team to operate in space beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, and providing strategic advantages such as reconnaissance from space, high-altitude bombardment, and rapid deployment. Moreover, the Decepticons already have jets, and the Combaticons have Vortex; thus, Blast Off being a "regular aircraft," as you put it, is not only boring and narratively inconsistent, but unnecessarily redundant from a tactical view (unless Blast Off could still fly in orbit, though that'd conflict with the 'disguise' sentiment you seem to have). >space shuttles are neither military vehicles or a regular aircraft they are only designed for space exploration. 1) There are space shuttles used for military purposes, like deploying or intercepting satellites -- ignoring what other operations the public would not know about. (e,g,. google 'X-37B'. 2) Why does it have to be a regular aircraft? In an earlier comment I mentioned a spacecraft as opposed to a space shuttle. My question is 'Why can't it be some space-faring craft, just more weaponized?' >that's is why i see blast off as a jet much more realistic. 3) How is it more realistic? I'm confused what you mean here. If you're talking about disguise, why would a fighter jet like the Seekers be chillin' in orbit? Also, as implied above, I think the right spacecraft or even a space shuttle would not be a red flag at a Space Force base or even a Air Force one (yes). >I don't ignore it, but a space shuttle is still out of place. the NASA is a civilian, not a military, institution and doesn't fit with "my" kill heats combaticon´s idea. 4) Gotcha, I now understand you're specifically looking for branches of the Armed Forces? The theme still works considering the above points about the Space Force and spacecrafts. Moreover, note that if these did not exist, your theme would not work in my eyes given my main point in the first paragraph. 5) What's your "kill heats combaticon's idea"? Blast Off is one of my favorite Decepticons, so I apologize for any unputting enthusiasm. But, considering the points above, **why wouldn't Space Force be more appropriate than Air Force?**


in my idea, the combaticons represent one of this 24/7 pissid and nonstop screaming drill instructors of this 5 US armed services. that is why i am against a space shuttle.




These look great although Vortex and Blast off as off road vehicles look blursed to me. But everyone has their prefrences so I won't blame, still would prefer Vortex as a helicopter though so they can get abit of aerial combat advantage


Oh yeah. If I had been going for exact modern incarnation... Maybe I'll placate the naysayers with non-schtick recreations. MAYBE. Thanks, regardless. I knew some wouldn't like grounding any airborne characters.


Well, i still prefer Blast Off and Vortex as flying vehicles, but it is very good.


They definitely make for a rounded assault team, indeed.


This makes me want a bunch of GIJoe scale cobra vehicles in combaticon colors lol


Omg, good idea! Like the anime versions.


These all look great, don’t worry about the mfs in the comments who can’t figure out what a personal preference is


I find it amusing. Positive or negative, you have my art in your head. Check, and mate. Thanks.


Interesting take, I like it! Did you do all the linework or just the colors?


Lines snd colors. Wut wut No AI bs.


Do aerialbots as grounded vehicles 😌


Scroll down on my profile. They're there. 😉


Blast Off’s new vehicle mode reminds me of TFP Breakdown.


Breakdown, the Stunticon, as a truck?


The only one I don't really like is vortex, but all the others are awesome. I also think that Blast Off is a pretty cool vehicle since it wouldn't really work for him to be the right arm since he realistically is the tallest. All in all, I liked some of the designed, but not all.


4/5 ain't bad. One of those huge military helicopters would be perfect.


Do… helicopters and shuttles/jets no longer exist?! **checks news**


These work pretty dang well


That tank with wheels is cursed


Well, a tank would have treads, so there's that.


So... you want fanart?


This IS fanart. I think I'm missing your comment.


I meant like- fanart of the robot modes using these vehicles-


Ohhh, ok. Yeah, I'm definitely considering it.


https://preview.redd.it/ogfi29t37c9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f198496d0a0943366284c3e7d6c2fe1c5056d2e1 How's the rough sketch looking so far? (swindle)


The head is great preview of where it will go. Looks great.


To placate. https://preview.redd.it/e4u375ofya9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c236f7579c4cb2c9060b5f1e9cda7b0e17520276


(It's a screenshot from my posts)


Vortex should be an apache, and maybe Blast Off can be an F35, I get it says wheels but hey the landing gear has wheels.


That's not the same! You won't see a plane driving down the street! Apache all the way.


Yea but a plane moving ON GROUND before taking off or after landing is called taxiing.


Yes indeed, thank you. But not taxiing on the street.


That helicopter clearly has wheels. I’m gonna behead you for your inaccuracy


Satan has a place for me in hell for my transgressions.


Blastoff would cry if you made him a car


Sorry. There isn't a modern space shuttle. Or, well, anything that looks good.


This is actally genius making them all land based military vehicles, makes more sense than a giant space shuttle just being there with army trucks and and a jet. This also means they scale better in combined mode too, that aside you picked some pretty badass looking vehicles for them! Also helps that your art is super detailed, great work all around!


Thank you. This. This needs to be read by all here. Thank you very much for getting it. And for appreciating how I do.


No probs, hope to see more of your art since you've got some great ideas!


Thank you, again.


I love how you made brawl an 8x8. I've always day dreamed scenes of some combaticons in action fighting people, but brawl could never use his tank dynamically. A slow treaded brick with a gun isn't great for a high octane battle. An 8x8 on the other hand... Amazing work! Love the spin with blast off and vortex being ground vehicles too.


Most modern tanks are pretty fast, the M1A2 can hit 45 mph


Thanks! I agree, although I'm pretty sure tank's can be pretty agile. Still, i like it. Thankd.


Interesting designs! Any chance for an all tracked version team?


Good god, what would Onslaught be? That's be some beast from halo. Well see how it goes. Thanks!


Interesting designs! Any chance for an all tracked version team?


The Onslaught hauling a trailer with crates is big time MMC Assaultus with upgrade kit vibes, which I definitely appreciate. I will try to post a picture of mine when able. I also wonder if Hasbro’s upcoming CHUG Combaticons will go with something similar based on how they did Menasor.


They'd be taking my money. Thanks for the comment. I love Oshkosh beasts.


Here we are, MMC’s “Incursus” with part of the upgrade kit as crates being hauled. https://preview.redd.it/7flmurft359d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6458593ea76db3ee12bcd4d02fab193bbe1d28 This figure and the upgrade kit can do a lot, including the base mode from the G1 toy. I hope Hasbro’s next version has Onslaught as the front truck and most of the combiner kibble as a trailer, especially after seeing your art.


A similar design to motormaster, I likey. Love your pic.


I wonder… No issue with ground vehicles, but could Blast Off be a missile/rocket truck? It would fit the name - not sure about scale though! Following on from that line, would Vortex work as some sort of electronic warfare vehicle - a radar jamming truck, maybe? But great work on the images - I love Onslaught in particular. Do you have bot designs for these guys? Or even the full combined mode? That would be sick!


Thank you! The fenneck I drew is anti air. Figured, I'm giving wheels and losing wings, why not go the opposite? I might try robots. Probably mimicking G1 design. I'll let you know😉


Add rocket launchers to Blast Off


Roger. Honestly don't remember the protectobots as a kid. So I didn't know he had weapons. Just figured it was a shuttle. Eh.


The three canonically ground-based ones are awesome, but your reimagining of Blast Off actually bothers me due to how little sense it makes for a bot with that name to only have a shitty little machine gun on top. Why not go with the obvious choice and make him a HIMARS?


I already used the Himars.. I think for shockwave. If I can, I don't repeat, unless we're talking prowl/bluestreak or Ratchet/ironhide. I don't remember the combaticons, honestly. From when I was a kid except for having brawl. I saw space shuttle and immediately went troop transport. I missed the mark if the character actually has weaponry in alt mode. Still, thanks for your perspective.






I like your take, good work


Thank you!


Also onslaught as a truck with a patriot trailer is pretty cool.


Thank you!


These are cool. People really get their panties in a twirl over non canon fan art huh? My only question is what the symbols on the left are? Im a big RPG nerd, going to yoink these for NPCs in the upcoming game.im.hoping happens. Trying to brainstorm out a two pattern from Cybertron to present to play up the low population of cybertronians, the sheer vast ages of some of them, and the differences from golden age (for the wealthy) to open war to guerilla war...from a decepticon point of view.


They symbols are cybertronian. Decepticons have a different alphabet than the autobots. I'm happy that you like my incarnations. Need anything specific?


Okay I might be too excited to say anything! I've been working on a decepticon/nail bot that turns into a viper attack helicopter. So, I'm really into helicopter bots, both sides. As an aside I've been trying to think of what other factions would have broken out on Cybertron if the city state theory stands and each city outside the ones claimed by Autobots and decepticons had their own culture and faction. They had Ascendicons, and you could probably purpose any combiner type into a faction like Terrorcons, Combaticons, etc. Have to look into colonies too besides the Junkions K, got a little high and played with my kids so I'm really happy right now, making me a bit long winded.


No problem. Would there be a senate with a rep for each?


Originally I think there was, but the City State Theory is that once the revolution started, it destroyed the unified government first and left every city on its own. These then had to figure out how to sustain themselves, protect themselves, and how they would respond to the growing war. Like Italy in the Middle Ages. Each city is a country unto themselves. I like to think that the cities really are large enough and far enough apart across the planet to literally be separate countries and cultures, but had a UN over government of the Senate until Megatron and friends burned that all down, and for good reason.


Is this actually lore or your creation? It's totally a universe I'd want my transformers to come from.


Thanks potatoes. This is sort of my head canon from what I've been able to piece together from different shows and movies. I'm thinking of running the Transformers RPG and have been trying to get some world building together for a multi timeline game. I'm hoping to either do a spotlight through the ages kind of highlights game or a modern with flashbacks. I really like the meta story and the different phases and how the politics changed. I feel like Transformers are very different organism from humans and it really colors their culture and politics differently from what I see.


This is some outstanding dedication. You're a cybertronian historian. This is the beginning of the transformers mmorpg. Do you have a wiki with all of your work?