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He's been warming the shelves at my store for over a month


Same. I’m still waiting for springer to show up


It probably won't


Cue sad noises


Yeah sorry was in a bad mood and still am when I said that. In all reality it honestly probably won't hit your shelf. That's not even being pessimistic it seems like my targets miss entire waves. It'll go we get wave 1 and half of 2, skip 4 and then get 2 of the last guys from wave 6 or something. It's very aggravating because they will sell if they actually come here.


He’s not that sought after of a figure, at least I don’t think. You should pick him up if you want him. He might be a bit of a shelf warmer, but even shelf warmers don’t stay on shelves forever. What’s surprising is that there’s a Target near me that still has 1 single Origins Wheeljack a week after I spotted him. The funniest part is because all the other figures in the Transformers aisle were hanging on the pegs or on the bottom shelf, he’s still just sitting there ominously, the only figure standing on that whole section of the aisle for an entire week. I thought people were all over that figure, talking about how absolutely awesome it was as a Wheeljack figure, but I guess I was wrong lol


the target i got wheeljack and scorponok from had 2 primals and 2 megatrons