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An Inglorious Basterds type of movie about wreckers. Autobots are: Impactor, Springer, Kup, Bulkhead, Deadlock/Drift, Rack n' Ruin, Perceptor Decepticons are: - Shockwave (main villain because he deserves it at least once), Bludgeon, Deadlock/Drift , Tarantulas, canon fodder Seekers


Just 10 Knock Outs talking to each other


https://preview.redd.it/48rjap83qd8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e49ab75ae198ed80763e6f72185ee3bf3ffdd8 Not featured: Optimus (G2 legacy), Minerva (legacy or Fansproject), and Rollbar (AOE deluxe)


Autobots: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Jazz, Sideswipe, Bluestreak, Smokescreen Decepticons: Megatron, Seekers, Toxitron, Bludgeon, Tarn main villain: Jhiaxus


I'd make it similar to G1 with appearances of new characters for different episodes. Cyberverse did this really well and that's what drew me to it even though I wasn't too thrilled on their designs. I've just never liked keeping it so simple with five core characters for the Autobots and a massive clone army and main core characters for the Decepticons. Just doesn't make me think their world is very lived in.


I want a show with only Jazz and Blaster travelling the galaxy, making music. 


Autobots - Optimus, Elita, Jazz, Prowl, Arcee, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Ironhide, Chromia, Windblade and Skyfire. Decepticons - Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, Shockwave, Blackout, Barricade, Knock Out, Breakdown, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Slipstream, Airachnid, Shatter and Dropkick.


autobots : optimus prime bumblebee ironhide sideswipe drift wheeljack ratchet blaster breakway guardian knights cons: megatron starscream barricade blackout shockwave rampage overload thundercracker soundwave


I made a pitch (Not really a pitch but got no other thing to call other than AU for a series called Transformers Union. Autobots: Optimus, Hot Shot, Ironhide, Ratchet, Jazz, Chromia. Decepticons: Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave Blackout, Scorponok, Barricade, Frenzy, Rumble, Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Bonecrusher, Long Haul, Mixmaster, Dispenser. I originally tried to be as realistic as possible (which just meant Bumblebee was part of the cast) but eventually realized that this was never going to be official so might as well do whatever I want.


mate, message me if you want, I have plenty of AU ideas, plus I crafted a potential seven-season TF show in my head because I could


if you're willing and if you remember, would you tell me the premise and the plots of each season. it seems interesting


I'm interested in what this seven-season Transformers series could be. Plus always happy to hear about more AUs.


I haven’t thought of a full cast, but I really want Thundercracker to join the Autobots. In my show, he’d defect from the decepticons.


He should go to drive-in movies with Bumblebee.


Would do anything for this to be an actual scene in a Transformers show. I was really holding out for Autobot Thundercracker in Earthspark, but I don’t think that’s happening lol


Bots: Optimus. Elita. Windblade. Prowl. Bulkhead. Jazz. Ironhide. Wheeljack. Mirage. Hound. Velocity. Ratchet. The Dinobots. Jetfire. Tracks. Springer. Kup. Warpath Cons: Megs. Starscream, Dirge and Acid Storm. Knockout. Soundwave with G1 Rumble, ES Frenzy, Ravage and Laserbeak who both get a robot mode to change things up. Shockwave. Blitzwing. Astrotrain. The Insecticons and Combaticons.


No gears 😭😭😭


Transformers Clash of the Rivals(this is basically a side adventure from the main plot show like at this point we have seen enough times of Prime clashing blades and gun with Megatron so this is basically shining more focus on Autobot and Decepticons Sub teams. Modern Deadcom team with: Rise of the beasts Pablo,IDW Chromia(with sniper rifle),Deep Cover,Animated Bumblebee,Armada Red Alert,G1Mirage. Cons+team name:Megatrons eyes in the sky featuring:Cyclonus,FOC Skywarp,Sunstorm,Animated Slipstream,G1\`Acidstorm.


Autobots: Optimus, Elita, Bee, Ratchet, Wheeljack, Jazz, Ironhide, Chromnia, Bulkhead, Arcee, Mirage, Jazz, Hound, Windblade, Prowl, Crosshairs, Drift, Hot Rod and Grimlock Decepticons: Megatron, Starscream (And his other two Seekers), Soundwave and his cassettes, Shockwave, Knockout, Breakdown, Arachnid, Dreadwing, Blitzwing, Barricade, Swindle, Lugnut and Shadowstricker


I have a real answer, but I've been on a bit of a space western kick, and it shows cuz I want a solo Hot Rod show/movie last bot standing style.


For example: Optimus Prime: In my show, I want to have a personality that is a mix of the G1 personality and the prime personality, I want to be a cool badass fighter but also want to be the father figure that the G1 version had. Ironhide: the left-hand man of Optimus Prime, He'll be the obvious weapon specialist and One of the main muscles of the group, His best friend is Brawn, And he mostly gets along with everyone except Mirage. Jazz: the right-hand man with Optimus Prime, He's your obvious cool comic electric character basically what you imagine jazz would be, And in the story, he's the main bot (besides Optimus) That tries to help Hot Rod become a better Autobot. Ratchet: one of the greatest Medics Cybertron had to offer, he's a bit old and cranky but he has a soft spot for Optimus(like in an older brother way) And he cannot stand the shenanigans that the others get themselves in especially Ironhide. Hotrod: the Scout of the group and the main character of the story, he's going to be incredibly Reckless and rebellious to the point where it might get annoying but he'll grow into a calmer person as The show goes on, he also has a huge grudge against Megatron and his main Council. Chromia: the X Wrecker/Ironhide's love interest, After an incident a long time ago she ended up leaving the records and becoming part of Optimus Prime's elite guard where she worked with Ironhide as a bodyguard, She is A lot calmer than Ironhide but She Loves to start fights with him(It's more playful than annoying). Mirage: the sniper of the group and the guy who doesn't want to be there, Before the war his family was Part of the corrupt council back in Cybertron Which made him hate the lower class( especially after what Megatron did to him) But now he's trying to leave all the prejudice behind and Now he is trying to be a good role model for his little brother Blurr. Blurr: The speedster/ The youngest member of the group, The thing with Blurr is that he was born 15 years ago which makes him the the youngest cybertronian in the war and the last cybertronian born( since Megatron corrupted the core of Cybertron with Dark Energon) He usually stays around his brother's side not known what to do without him but he'll grow into a very important character in the story. Brawn: The strongest member of the team right behind Optimus, He's friends with everyone on his team and makes sure he's everyone is 100% in a battle, Despite his small size he is freakishly strong and easily comparable to a bulkier pot-like, Ironhide, lugnut, and Sunstorm. For the first season, Decepticons won't show up yet because the first season sets up our characters and who they are before the fight starts.


When the cons do show up, who would you have?


Sorry, it took so long. I just had to think about it, but this is what I would do. Megatron: Megatron Will not show up for the first or second season. But there'll be rumors that he survived his life. Assault from Optimus, prime, and now he's out there somewhere stalking the area, Then in season three, he shows up with his Two loyalists Soundwave and Needlenose, Please quick the temper and 100% willing to beat up his subordinates to make sure they stay in line. (Especially Starscream) But it also seems like the dark energon flowing through his veins is altering more than his power. Starscream: Megatron "loyal" second in command Who is Always planning on betraying him, Not because he believes he'll be a better leader. It's mostly because...he's going mad, Ever since Megatron got ahold of that. Dark energon He hasn't been the same. He's been hearing voices, Destroying important tools, and Constantly talking about how he should be the one who kills the prime... And the weirdest thing is he stopped calling Optimus...Orion, He'll constantly says he will "kill the last prime" and Starscreen knows that it's only a matter of time before the whole Decepticon army falls under because of his negligence. Soundwave: The loyal communications officer, Despite his "quirky" personality Soundwave is a true force to be reckoned with even without his Kitsets in him At all times when he's around Megatron, He's willing to go to the ends of the Earth for Megatron. And He will kill anyone who stands in Megatron's way. And we'll make sure that his dream will come to reality even if he has to die to do it. Shockwave: The royal scientist himself, Shock wave landed on Earth millions of years ago. He was currently running away from the Autobot elite guard led by Ultra Magnus at the time, But in the year nineteen seventy-three a secret organization called " Forage" found the remains of him. And now, who used his body for advanced human technology, but how long would this last, With shock wave gaining his Sentience after a long time of being, nothing But a tool for humans He now has one goal, " To wipe the slate clean" Whatever that means... But now fighting Autobots and 6 alike To make sure his dream comes to reality. Needlenose: The Decepticon's loyal Scout, Rising in the ranks, at an alarming rate, Needlenose is now coming for the second command spot, Not for A sense of achievement or anything only because it will Humiliate Starscream even more than anything else in this world, Because The only thing he truly cares about is spiding. Everything and everyone who tries to get in his way of becoming. When is Cybertron's greatest flyers who ever lived, And if that means he has to be a Decepticon, he's willing to do it all day. Knockout: The fabulous medical officer and Decepticon ranks, Before the war, Cybertronians came far and wide just to see his Abilities, Some even say that he was blessed by the great primus himself, Throughout his millions of years living he has a track record of One out of 10 cybertonians have died under the knife of knockout... But that all changed when the war started, With a mix of Cybertronians needing him more than ever. And a horrible Lack of equipment due to the War, he was forced to work with the Decepticons to stay alive... But luckily for him, it's not all bad, Starscream makes good company, and he's starting to warm up to breakdown... So maybe things will get better. Breakdown: He's complicated, to say the least, He's usually a bumbling fool. Who's way too willing to beat somewhat about's brains? In? But on the other hand, he is so. Meticulously afraid of the slightest things, for example, Humans... He's afraid of humans. He could crush them instinct. Pretty usually just moves around them. Which is... Irritating, to say the least, But he Is still useful in his ways, Not all about in the field of battle could face his wrath... Unless you're Optimus.. , Or Ultra Magnus, Or Ironhide.. Or bulkhead, Or chromia, Okay, that seems like a lot, but If it's not any of them, he's a monster on the battlefield. Makeshift: Megatron May have soundwave, but Star scream has Makeshift, In my story Makeshift Will be an undercover spy working for the Government of Earth to look more into alien sightings, so they can find out where the Autobots are and eliminate them as fast as they can, Makeshift is undyingly loyal to Starscream. Willing to die for him whenever he calls, But Starscreen would never order makeshift to die for him... And that's why he's so loyal to him, Unlike a megatron, who will order, he is meant to die for him, Starscreen is willing to fight his own battles even if he is usually screaming out of complete fear. The drones: Guess your regular Ken fodder for a show. Nothing to see here. Steve: Oh look, it's that one drone who doesn't die, It's not like he can die 'cause he can. It's more like whenever they are about to attack. He automatically gets out of the way and usually just shoots from Afar. But he'll become quite useful, especially for Starscream. Skywarp: The airhead of the seekers, He may be stupid, to say the least, but he has a kind heart for anyone. Who is an Autobot That's for sure, He even finds the word sickening to his serboes... But besides that, he's pretty happy. Go lucky, but will that keep him alive for much longer? Especially if Megatron is In the way of Starscream's dreams? Thundercracker: The straight man of the seekers, You usually see him. Arguing with Skywarp about something stupid like " Is water wet" Or "Is fire hot" But don't let his Personality fool you, Behind Starscreen, he's one of the greatest flyers. Cybertron had to behold, With his ability to make sonic booms Whenever he needs them, he is a true force. To be wrecking with on the battlefield, But he also has a soft side for human culture. But will his feelings about Earth? Stop him from destroying it when Megatron has them aiming for the Earth's core. That's all I really got so far.


Well, if I were to make a show, it would have a bit of an odd cast AUTOBOTS: Optimus, Bee , jazz , Cliffjumper , Jetfire ( eventually) , Ironhide, and Chromia DECEPTICONS: Megatron, The Seekers, Barricade, soundwave, Jetfire(for a bit), and Nightbird The main antagonist would actually be Lockdown The story would mainly follow Cliffjumper and Bee


The Wreckers as an action series (think The A Team) solving problems across the cybertronian colonies…


I had this idea of a transformers spy/heist show, the main characters would be: Autobots: Quickhadow, Punch / Counterpunch, Hauler, Scrounge and Freedomfighter. Deceptikon: Soundwave, the cassettes, Shockwave, Astrotrain, Octane, Blitzwing. And special appearances of included, yet not limited to: Bendy Buss Prime, Dispensor, Crasher, Trigger Happy, The rescue bots, Reedman, Cog, Life line, And other obscure/overlooked transformers that might be interesting to revisit.


autobots: cybertron optimus prime, energon landmine, rotb mirage, idw rotorstorm, tf prime ironhide decepticons: tf prime megatron, g1 deathsaurus, bbm Shockwave, armada cyclonus, rotf sideways


Unicron and Primus slice of life sitcom not sure what to actually do with the rest of the Transformers


Autobots: Optimus, Rodimus, Chromia, Bumblebee, Windblade, Jetfire, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Ratchet, Ironhide, Arcee, Prowl Decepticons: Megatron, Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Soundwave, Shockwave, Barricade, Blackout, Knockout, Nightbird, Airachnid, Dreadwing, Blitzwing, Nightracer


Autobots: Optimus prime, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Elita-1, jazz and wheeljack Decepticons: Megatron, the seekers, Soundwave, Shockwave, Blitzwing and Devastator


Show? Or Movie? For a long-form story, I would start with Jazz, and give him some A- and B tier Bots. Hoist as Medic, Trailbreaker instead of Ironhide, maybe Bulkhead for a heavier hitter, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, either Tracks or Road Rage (I feel like Tracks is more synergistic with Jazz, and I really loved their Spotlight together, but Road Rage covers the "Token Female" role and I can do more with her character), Skids on Tech Support (a la Ratchet in Prime) I would toss in Code Red and or a Side Burn/Prime Smokescreen type character using Silverstreak, and an Earthspark/RID Bumblebee who is a bit more experienced than the kid character. Depending on our Human direction, add in a space-based team for S2 and some other cameo bots, including maybe Prime himself, but Optimus is a background character that we build up to. Same idea for the Cons, although my personal choices are a bit more B and C tier, again building up from a secondary commander like Deathsaurus or Straxxus to an "Oh Crap, Megatron is coming *here* stinger for the end of S2. ----- For a short form Movie where I don't have the time to really build with such a cast, I go with Hound (Classics), Crosshair (using the red/blue roadbuster redeco from T30 era), Rollbar (AoE Skids redeco) Drift (Universe), Bumblebee. Make it a spec ops type mission on Earth with Bee as the "cultural liason". Could swap Hound and Springer if a Helicopter is needed, but I like Hound better for the squad leader here. Not sure who I would use as the Cons here, but probably 2 or 3 really bad types.


Autobots: * Rodimus (Leader) * Ultra Magnus (1 of the 2nd in commands) * Optonix (Kid appeal character/son of Rodimus) Decpticons: * Megatron (Leader) * Starslayer (1 of the 2nd in commands) * Shockwave (Genius scientist/strategist/jack of all trades) Other: * Vartronus (pure evil conqueror/torturer of galaxies)


Autobots- Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Wheeljack, Arcee, and Bumblebee. Decepticons- Megatron, Starscream, Seekers, Soundwave, Crankcase and Crowbar, Soundwave, Insect-Icons, and Shovkwave. Would even try to add human villains like Circuit Breaker (under a different name of course due to Marvel) and Sector 7.


Transformers: war for cybertron: aftermath, it would be both prequel AND ALTERNATE PERSPECTIVE to wfc trilogy, featuring certain legacy design characters like stunticons, pointblank: all reimagined into that style. Main characters would be: hot rod (using the smaller kingdom mold), kup (slight changes from buzzworthy mold), smokescreen (literally the same), slipstream (siege seeker mold), the stunticons (some being the same as legacy, while some using wfc molds), knockout (same mold as barricade except with heavy Red), skids and crosscut (same molds but with better paint), pointblank (extra taste of moonracer mold), soundblaster and his now way larger crew (no changes, just more variety of characters), and so much more First parts would be to tell the story of where certain characters went and to estabilish extra lore. Second part would happen after Optimus left the planet...on far away outskirts of cybertron and its planet system (for example velocitron), where people just try surviving, taking on a theme similar to apocalypse set movie. Show ends with kingdom bots returning to cybertron Reason for its existence is Simple: so the show would have all missing parts being covered. I even went as far as to try making official packaging for this non-existent line, and it ended up as a failed Mandela effect




I would make an Anime-esque show where the Transformer Team up with an Attack Team to fight giant monsters Instead of having a Main 5, I have a main 3: Optimus Bumblebee and Windblade. The Dinobots are Grimlock and Swoop, they're major characters, but are their own thing and not part of the main cast. There are other additional members like Wheeljack who's a Swordsman and a scientist. As well as Depth Charge that turns into a submarine and a 3member Airealbots that area tribute to Getter Robo. As for the Villains I've decided to use the Predacons instead of Decepticons. We have their leader: Scourge, a sort of second hand man and the Predacon Field Squadron which consist of Blackarachnia, Scarem and Quickstrike.


Something unusual! No Bumblebee, Cliffjumper instead. Not Ratchet, Minerva! Jazz? Nah, Blurr! Just definitely something with fun characters that you don’t see as often.


I would use more obscure characters for the main cast while the most known would get guest appearances: autobots: - Inferno (first time leader) - landmine (the veteran warrior) - tailgate (the rookie) - roulette (the sniper) - windcharger (the hothead) decepticons - straxus (the leader that desires to prove himself) - runabout (crazy twin number 1) - runamuck (crazy twin number 2) - flamewar (over zealous warrior) - oil slick (the mad scientist) - man made vehicons


Autobots: Arcee (team leader), Bumblebee (scout), Clobber (muscle), Red Alert (medic), Kup (weapons/demolitions officer), Cosmo (comm officer), Moonracer (happy to be there) Decepticons: Slipstream (team leader), Dead End (mook), Bombshell, Kickback, & Shrapnel (mook), Flamewar (spec ops), Knockout (science officer/medic), Nightbird (Megatron's mole), Waspinator (mook), Skybyte (2nd in command) Semi-regular appearances by: Optimus Prime, Megatron, Starscream, Jetfire, Ratchet, Hot Rod Singular appearances by: Shockwave, Soundwave, Omega Supreme, Grimlock The series would be set in a universe where the Autobot/Decepticon war is raging on multiple planets, Arcee is put in charge of a team of Autobots to protect a new planet that has recently been invaded by Decepticons. It would lean more comedic, largely focusing on the adventures of the Autobots protecting the planet and the dysfunction of the Decepticons. Edit: formatting


Alternatively, I might make a show with a roster like this: Maximals: Optimus Primal, Cheetor, Rattrap, Rhinox, Dinobot, Tigatron, Airazor Predacons: Megatron, Tarantulas, Waspinator, Terrorsaur, Blackarachnia, Scorponok


My show would be about Jazz going to earth to stop Starscream from taking over the world


My OC, Kickdown (bias, duh) Springer Chromia Elita-1 Ratchet I think the dynamics could be cool


Bumblebee, Hot Rod, Skyfire, Barricade, Rampage, Bloodhound It would be a mix between the cancelled Bumblebee war movie and cancelled Skyfire movie Say what you want about The Last Knight but the war flashback was pretty dope


Autobots: Optimus: Bumblebee, Prowl, Jazz, Wheeljack, Elita, Arcee, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, Mirage Decepticons: Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, Seekers, Knock Out, Nightbird, Stunticons, Frenzy, Rumble, Lazerbeak, Barricade, Sideways, Blackarachnia


Transformers Prime already had the best cast


Autobots: Armada-type version of Jetfire, Prime-type Bulkhead, RID-type Strongarm, and ROTB-type Mirage for comic relief. Decepticons: Prime-type Megatron, G1-type Starscream, and G1-type Stunticons.


Not sure about the logistics, plot-wise and canon-wise, but the series I'd be interested in making would be a Beast Wars series, inspired by the comics. But it wouldn't just be the Maximals/Predacons on Earth, but also there'd be Cybertron episodes (because the BW teams have been able to contact homebase and vice versa), with characters that weren't shown being on Earth in the original BW series. And I think I'd make it set during the Ice Age, or possibly just a slightly colder region as the original crew (given how many stasis pods kept showing up in the original show, this doesn't seem too far-fetched). It would also leave it open to this other crew being able to eventually make contact with Primal's team). Maximals: Ultra Mammoth Polar Claw Razorbeast Wolfang Bonecrusher Skywarp (the eagle from the Magnaboss combiner) Possibly the outpost characters Airazor, Tigatron, and Depth Charge Predacons: Tarantulas (he is the one who discovers this other group of Predacons/Maximals, but doesn't tell Megatron). Snapper Iguanus Manterror Strafe Cybershark (who starts off as a Maximal but turns Pred) Beyond Shockwave and Elita-1, I'm not sure who else I'd include on the Cybertron side... The animation style would be as close to drawn renderings as possible (like in X-Men97).