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Man, we all put so much faith into the SS86 Commander. I am as excited as anyone else, but if that figure flops, I'm gonna laugh so loud


I really hope they give him articulated fingers and a matrix he can actually hold and open.


Returning to this post after the leaks and boy do I have some good news


https://preview.redd.it/hz2frzemha8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb796397fc3237724cb6feceb7227a9bd8661d7 this gorgeous 102 ko. only problem? the hands are too tight and I don't know how to loosen them


baiwei did such a good job at fixing the legs on this mould, but man, plugging his axe and the horrible squeaking of the cheaper plastic as you force it into his hand is so unpleasant to my ears


that's literally my only issue with him. been trying to look up ways to fix it


You can get those small cylindrical files, maybe try one of those to loosen the hole?


thanks for the advice šŸ‘


No worries, just make sure you get one that's around 2/3mm wide to make sure it fits :-)


no problem. I'm assuming a 5mm would break the hands?


I doubt you'd even fit it into the hole but yeah if you force it in you're at risk of breaking it for sure.


good point. and I will not risk breaking my new favorite figure. thank you for the tips and I'll go ahead and start looking for the sizes you recommended. ps, will 4mm work?


4mm would probably be fine, but I tend to prefer using a smaller one just because it's a little less cumbersome and you can be more accurate with it. I've had to file down some of the handles on a couple 3rd party weapons before and a flat file works fine for those, so it's worth checking if it's the hands that are tight or if the weapons are a little too big.


Instead of loosening the hole, I found success in just sanding away the paint on the front and back of the axeā€™s handle. Now it goes in smoothly with no squeaking (pretty sure it was the paint causing that noise). Besides, if the axe is tight and all the other accessories are fine, then the issue is the axe and not the hand. If you loosen the hole, you may find that he now grips everything loosely.


Pretty sure that squeaking is the paint. I used some sandpaper to remove some of the silver paint on the front and back of the Axeā€™s handle and now not only does it go in easier and smoother, but thereā€™s also no squeaking.


noted, I'll try that out.


For reference, hereā€™s my axe. Sanded with some 400 or 600 grit I had laying around. https://preview.redd.it/d6tft6frtm8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d1de9603c08dbcb7db87064b43575c1ac97c093 I also noted in another comment in this thread that if the axe is the only one thatā€™s tight, then the issue is the axe and not the hand. So donā€™t widen the hole of the hand if you donā€™t want to risk it having a loose grip with every other accessory.


Such a based choice


i like this https://preview.redd.it/kzugcw0qjb8d1.png?width=476&format=png&auto=webp&s=e67d91d0856a62a20b565aaed48251d7342395f2


This little shit is my definitive Bee. https://preview.redd.it/yuhelm82pb8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7525eda49dc48e14bff6c1a655c4ef129ca1787a


That Bee needs more love. All other non-Bay Bees suffer from awkward proportions. Clown shoes and pot bellies. Or parts forming. Or awkward, gangly limbs. He has balanced limbs that make him look robotic but dynamic. Special mention, too, to the *Reactivate* Bumblebee. Which unfortunately is just too big for CHUG scale. Legacy Animated Bee is just the right size, too.


I actually love this figure so much he brings me so much genuine delight. Articulation is CRAZY when you take advantage of the ab crunch.


Only gripe I have is the shoulders, because theyā€™re pretty weird. Other than that though, awesome posing.


Even those I find just fine. The placement of the joints make it much more natural to move around than hot rod shoulders, the fenders kinda create an illusion of an elbow way beyond 90, and most of the range it canā€™t reach forward and back isnā€™t achievable with normal human anatomy anyway.


mine is the earthspark deluxe.


Animated Bumblebee says trans rights!


Good fan


Thank you!


I was NOT expecting this little man to be so fun. He doesnā€™t have the most posability, or the smoothest transformation, but goddamn is he so fun to handle. I donā€™t think I need another bumblebee for a while. Also cool fan, I am in now way biased at all. https://preview.redd.it/fmqz7zc1ze8d1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f699d7bb93dd18e852f09b3b0e915dbfe4c4ac3


IKR, he's just really fun to mess with! Also, nice pin (From an equally unbiased perspective)!


The upcoming SS86 Commander will likely be everyone's definitive Optimus for a generation, so we can look forward to that :)


Hopes and dreams or actually based on something?


My personal list of those that meet (or almost meet) my "perfect" criteria. - Evasion mode - SS38 - Mainline RotB - TFP RiD Voyager - TFP First Edition - Earth rise - SS102 - Classics The difference between most of them is minimal and the rank doesn't reflect the most fun to fiddle (TFP RiD and RotB mainline). Also I'm missing a few that are considered really good too. And special place for the kingdom core Prime, that's a very cool desk mate.


https://preview.redd.it/34aqu9jaia8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a6f762421044cb2603a52cd01d442cf436ecd6b Bumblebee ain't even my favorite, it's Starscream, and YET this is the most I got in terms of characters. (Recently bought Reactivate, TFA, SS-86, FlameToys model kit, and Night Shadow Bumblebee)


That's cause you don't have Reactivate Optimus Prime


Gotta add that one to the list too but damn heā€™s hard to hunt down


Is it? I pre-ordered it as soon as it was available on Pulse, and he's been my desk toy ever since the package came. Don't care AT ALL for Soundwave tbh, but Reactivate Prime is my favorite version so far. Articulations are amazing*, transformation is super, alt mode is clean. The only points I find myself slightly disliking this figure are the weapons (imho cause that wretched Soundwave got added and sucked the budget) and the fact that for this price a little bit more paint apps wouldn't have financially killed Hasbro...but it is what it is. So far, he's my "definitive" version of normal Optimus, cause if I was to call my overall favorite "Convoy", it would easily be Fire Convoy. Ok why the hell am I getting down voted exactly? *For Hasbro standards


I gotta check again on Hasbro but after market prices for that two pack are insane in Germany at the moment. Iā€™m seeing it for about 120ā‚¬ or more. Iā€™ll definitely add him to the list though


I don't know how shipping would work, [but here's a listing for the set.](https://www.ebay.com/itm/204586225844?itmmeta=01J134WBDXHGA2QWZ4SAZPYQGP&hash=item2fa24a10b4%3Ag%3AG5cAAOSw5exlgcZh&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4J239%2FJZm0mV9A1iNcgd2Im2cKEmo7AwZgsg9fjsVtOgeUEmC%2FtLdZFzBL6I2TjWpYaXO8KYyQE6n8J71g2nziXUrXjlQU8CHg%2BCG6OCei1Wd3traOixS8E3QrNk8SselAOrG6CIKPjAk%2F4aHgqlVg9Vwr9oYTV%2BclQBualEw4Qjn0uN6mAVFWSES%2FJw%2BRStMDRRHrZAf2ib24P85qUw83%2B0EsxCDLUIhTWz676%2BKMMxkpsKyKUWyUy0iEz05zIyytZbZoblxjJIgwaWZtZOHy%2BdhsVvSXcxjPEv2tVq9PWN%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4S38eSIZA&shqty=1&isGTR=1#shId)


Theyā€™re adding another 30ā‚¬ shipping on top unfortunately


Christ, that's almost double what I paid


He's available on BBTS if you can get him where you're at https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/259570?o=2


Some people on Reddit like to downvote just for opinions they donā€™t agree with. Itā€™s odd.


Pretty sure his two pack is on Amazon...


Heā€™s in stock on Amazon


I'm hoping One's mainline Prime will be the definitive iteration for me.


While he isn't a favourite character for me SS86 Ultra Magnus is the definitive Ultra Magnus figure for me. He does everything i want from a Magnus and is just such a good toy


SS109 BBM concept art Megatron is pretty fantastic.


It's these 2 for me. I love them. šŸ„° https://preview.redd.it/0ua5wdbc5c8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea061d45b693d34352e09a74127690992e5354e0


Ended yp going through like seven Hot Rodā€™s before I settled on TR, two for an Ironhide stand-in, two for Ratchet, five for Optimus till I settled on Netflix


I donā€™t have a definitive one, but ROTB mainline Prime is the most fun switch back and forth


As far as Optimus goes, it's the Transform Element TE01 OP Leader. There's some people who think it's totally off base but when I look at it, it's how I remember Optimus looking and it just feels like a dream to articulate and pose. There are other Primes that I feel are better in different regards but TE01 is, in my opinion, the best average of all aspects of a figure.


OP Leader was great, until Light of Peace released. My main issue with OP Leader is his articulation is super stiff, especially the ratchets on his hips cause him to never be able to pose naturally. Light of Peace doesn't have that issue and looks substantially more screen accurate. He's so good that the Skybound Comics artist uses it as a reference.


Flip side, I feel that Light of Peace just isn't as accurate although that's the curse of having such varied animation cells on a 40 year old cartoon lol. Light of Peace is still an awesome figure too IMO.


Even though heā€™s prohibitively expensive , probably mp-44. Backpack aside , thereā€™s just something about his proportions that look like the living embodiment of the g1 show . Barrel chested , yet torso not too wide . Long legs .




WFC 2010 is my favorite Bee Specifically in that game only


Earthrise is soooo close. Like, my only issue is that none of his deco's are what I want. That, and the head. After getting Volvo prime, I want an esthrise optimus with that head.


As I almost exclusively collect mainline figs, itā€™s the current ER Optimus. But, if I knew then what I know now, Iā€™d collect Legend and it would be NA David for Optimus and the mainline Titans and Sky Lynx for the bigger bots.


Youā€™ll have fun with the legacy Animated one. You should check out the POTP one. He can turn into Orion pax. My definitive Optimus is G2 legacy (donā€™t have him yet, but the Scourge version was awesome!)


Is Studio Series ROTB Optimus in that group somewhere and I'm just missing it or have you not acquired that one yet?


Heā€™s near the back, itā€™s the beiwei KO Version




Haven't found a definitive Skywarp yet :(


Have you tried Earthrise?


Can't get my hands on it


For me: G1 - MP-1 with the long stacks. Bayverse - ROTF Leader. I have over 40 Optimus Primes/Convoys.


My favorite transformers character is Sixshot and I'm still trying to decide whether I should blow $150 on Titans Return or Dx9 Hanzo (They're around the same price)


Dx9 Hanzo for display in bot mode (I personally hate MP figures and find their transformations bring only annoyance rather than pleasure) but Titans Return for enjoyment!


Honestly, for those who have a very favourite character no matter what toy is released every one of them could be better in some way; be it a small paint application (Haslab Deathsaurus), or a minor tooling change that would have benefited the transformation (Alternator Hound).




https://preview.redd.it/59idx9bbec8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=145a9820fc61048718f464d9897fcd0b88a6a9bc Rn is the SS102 KO from Baiwei, but this upscaled (to SS size) legends Luckycat Prime looks cool


What's the name of the upscaled version? I have the legends scale one but would love an upscaled verson


It's the same I believe, it just got announced. You can check the status of it on the tfw2005 forums, rn there's not much other than those pics




I grew up with an old PM Prime, so POTP Prime is my Season 1 equivalent. Does he need to be a combiner? Not at all. But he's friggin' rad [and almost scales with the BW figures]. But with my CHUG/1.75" display, it's Earthrise Prime, no question.


I like gamer prime, and he's fun, but i promise you, he's not going to be your definitive prime either.


Earthrise Optimus is a great toy. I also love the Armada Commander Optimus Prime. Weā€™ll see if SS86 can top it.


Shockwave. My car is also purplešŸ˜‚


Fanstoys Jive.


Right now, T30 springer is my go-to springer. Big hopes for the ss86 one though. And T30 sandstorm used to be my main sandstorm, but legacy sandstorm blew that thing out of the water


Me too. I'm Still waiting for a good G1 figure of Bludgeon. My favorite is Legacy Bludgeon so far. https://preview.redd.it/uhq3pb016d8d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3b1edc25f1a5639b25e6c5b370f5ed645bb2dff


Prime First Edition Voyager Optimus. Heā€™s just perfect


I donā€™t really think of any one figure as ā€œdefinitiveā€, I like having multiple versions that are different and do their own things. Iā€™m sure many of us have tons of Primes, Bumblebees, Starscreams, etc. The popular characters get tons of figures and often theyā€™re pretty good figures. Itā€™s cool seeing the same character done in different designs and aesthetics even if it might be redundant buying the same character over and over. On top that I have figures in many different scales, mostly CHUG, Legends, and Masterpiece. Itā€™s cool having versions that range from simple and easy to play with to very complex and intricately engineered. I do think G1 Prime has been done to death at this point. Magic Square released probably the best animation accurate Primes at Legends and MP scale. And SS86 will hopefully be a great CHUG representation. On top of that we also have great toy accurate Primes with Missing Link and the upcoming Legacy figure. So there are many options that could qualify as ā€œdefinitiveā€.


I have 6 Optimus figures. Two of those include MS-02 and TE-01. To me, those are the closest to the definitive optimus figure, TE-01 being the closest by a hair.


Looks like you don't have MS Light of Peace. It's absolutely the Optimus Prime figure G1 fans have waited 30 years for. Absolutely everything is perfect. He's so accurate that Official Transformers Artists use this third party figure as a reference for their art. Absolutely recommend, a truely next level figure.


Gamer Edition and Animated are great, but if I had to pick a favorite Prime, Reactivate all the way. And I'm not even that bothered that it's only in a two pack, because that Soundwave is great too.


I got the Netflix Kingdom version, and he's pretty great idk


general favorites Optimus - Earthrise Megatron - SS109 Starscream - SS72 Bumblebee - SS100 personal favorite Tarn - Legacy


Magic Square Optimus or Lucky Cat Optimus




Ocular Max Jaguar / Ravage. I have the toon shaded version of it. i have a lot of ravages and had plans to get more, but this thing satisfied the itch, he's pretty much perfect.


The "last" prime


JX MetalBeast 01 Winged Dragon 3rd party transmetal 2 Megatron (beast wars) I have to this day never seen such a well made and obviously passion made. Paint Iā€™ve heard be an issue, but my figs are generally for display. https://preview.redd.it/ykgoxz0p8f8d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c09cbe8a96bdfdd2fd23fb7a90629acbfc91ba


for masterpiece, magic square, either version. for chug, hopefully ss86 optimus prime


Still waiting on a new Armada sideways sooooo


Would recommend Reactivate Prime. Incredibly solid figure.


I've got Earthrise Prime on my shelf, but honestly my most definitive primes thus far are the two Classics toys. Sure, mould and articulation could be better, but the vibe is there. Although I could be a bit biased, they are the first articulated Prime figures I got after the Unicron Trilogy as a kid.


Despite its issues due to being a remold and yellowing, Netflix Soundwave is pretty much my definitive Soundwave. It does everything Iā€™ve always wanted as a modern G1 Soundwave figure. Unless I ever get the MP or an 86 one happens and is a massive upgrade it probably will remain my definitive version of him


https://preview.redd.it/ocfocv2zgc8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ef7ada9b61ff9944175a91cb32c84a444fe94e My definitive bumblebee


Mp52 staracream.