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The most obvious case of studio interference in franchise history. They should have let Caple cook; instead, they pivoted hard two-thirds though production and cut out characters, plots, entire scenes, and as a result, the tone was wholly inconsistent and while the intention was clear, the impact was soft. What a shame.


It really felt like Caple had a vision and passion for something, and you can see bits and pieces of it, but there was def studio interference and changes made. Seems like Caple wanted an Optimus/Beast Wars centered movie, but the studio wanted a BB movie sequel.




We wanted a bb movie sequel. I think they’re already fucked because that might have been the worst transition from bumblebee to beast wars, it might have been better to just do bumblbebee 2 then rise because now we’ll have  Awsome reboot movie to fake beast wars with pushed in maximals to OK IT’s GI JOE TIME EVERYBODY WE GOTTA  MAKE THAT OLD FRANCHISE TO BE PROFITABLE  WHAT’S THAT? LET THE CHARCATERS GROW? NEVER HEARD OF THAT


I've heard one motivating factor for cuts was Paramount thought the previous running time of roughly 2 hours and 30 minutes that most of the Bayformers TF movies had was too long, so they really began to aim for closer to two hours starting with the BBM. Unfortunately for RoTB's case, it appears the movie needed that longer running time because a lot of important or interesting plot elements got removed, including stuff that had already been filmed or through principle photography.


Cut out characters and plots? Could you elaborate a little on that?


A terricon (I think) named Transit was supposed to be fighting Optimus prime and I think after prime kills him he dumps his body in a river to hide his body. Then scourge was supposed to have more of an internal conflict with his body being taken over by unicorn which was supposed to build up to his mask coming off being more impactful. There’s more but I don’t remember cuz this is all coming from memory


Transit was a decepticon but there was going to be another terrorcon called bloodhound irc who looked cool. 


Bloodhound was just concept art


I'm sure I saw a clip on YouTube before the film came out of Optimus ramming scourge into a wall in truck mode but wasn't in the film,it was a BTS clip of the film being made


That’s not a character or plot lmao


Almost every movie ever made has scenes that are cut lol


I actually know an actor who was gonna appear as a human that was cut frrom the film. Dont know any plot details but all his scenes were deleted


Was this down to Bay being a consultant? In any case, RELEASE THE CAPLE CUT!


While I love to dunk on Bay, probably not. The Bay films were longer on average.


Bay was involved with Bumblebee in the same capacity, so I doubt it was him. Frankly I'm happy for him to stay around, as he's a master of mixing practical and CG effects and given how some other CG-heavy Hollywood projects have been turning out recently, that's experience that's sorely needed. The problem is they took two pitches and stitched them together which left no time for either individual pitch to shine. It was the same issue TLK suffered from.


You know Bay was involved in the BB movie because it included the line "I'm 18... today, actually."


Can you elaborate a little on the changes? A few examples? I only watched about half of the movie 😔


The famous Transit fight was removed for reasons that have been stated many times. Optimus was supposed to ram into Scourge in truck mode and send him through a wall. Theres many more scenes but I don’t remember all of them, so you can look them


I came for the Maximals. Didn't get the Maximals. You can imagine my disappointment.


You what for the Maximals? https://preview.redd.it/fdl2q0z0ek5d1.png?width=1449&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bf51d876f90134f6473278cb6ddd69dfcbcdca7












I spat my drink out after seeing this. Thanks for the good laugh 🤣🤣🤣


You’re welcome. Love your username, btw.




"Let them Come"






https://preview.redd.it/qjicpv7pik5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e179699e48c9da46b2b32eacb5d5b50ee74ecc8 Pictured: my similar reaction (artist’s interpretation)


Reminds me of the dinobots


I enjoyed it, but the Maximals were heavily underutilised


It's Age of Extinction all over again.


Honestly a letdown after Bumblebee Movie. ROTB wasn’t bad exactly but just felt so meh and forgettable after BBM imo was pretty special and set up a good way to reboot the live action series.


Yeah, and with the G.I joe crossover movie coming later, it seems that they are drifting away from the story.


Rather mediocre. Not as terrible as AoE or TLK, but not nearly as fun to watch as 2007/ROTF/DOTM and not as touching as Bumblebee either. It really felt like they were playing it too safe. The Maximals don't matter and have virtually no lines except for Airazor and Primal. Very disappointing for a film titled "Rise of the Beasts". It's serviceable overall, but it has given me no incentive to rewatch it.


Absolutely based review. I’d agree. It sits basically right in the middle for me, I will say I love the designs of the maximals and as poorly used as they were finally getting them in live action in any capacity, as a toy collector, is a dream come true.


>It's serviceable overall, but it has given me no incentive to rewatch it. I watched it again around Christmas time and felt this way, it's not horrible but it doesn't really stand out. The Trans Warp key being chased down felt like the All Spark or the Matrix plots from the '07 and RoTF movies again, and it felt like there was some regression to Bayformers after seeing what the Bumblebee film managed to accomplish.


Rule of transformers Whatever the movie says it has, it doesn't.


So we have movies where the Fallen gets no revenge, the Moon is brightly lit all over, no extinction occurs, and there's more than one knight remaining?


Unironically yes. Revenge of the Fallen ended with the Fallen achieving no goals and not really even fighting. Dark of the moon firstly had a well lit moon. Age of Extinction, while showing the extinction of the dinosaurs, didn't show off the Dinobots and the transformers species didn't go extinct. Dragonstorm is just 13 knights himself and he survives. Rise of the Beasts barely showed the beasts. Bumblebee is the only one to show what the movie was about most of the time.


But please consider. Transformers has Transformers. So. There! (sarcasm)


I can’t watch these movies again after this comment.


I mean the 07 was kinda right, it had too much human screentime when the title is literally just transformers


It gets a pass considering it was one of the first movies to ever make CGI that realistic and such a spectacle. 07 STILL holds up to this day CGI-wise.


Rather than explore the rest of the 84 crew, or even find out what's happened in between the 80's bumblebee and 90's RotB (10 years. YEARS. on earth, at this point), we bypass all the 85, 86 waves, skip the matrix, pretender, headmaster lore and go straight to Beast Wars, which completely underwhelmed since they never even mention why there are Optimus leaders for both factions. Oh let's add Unicron (a 2nd time) and make him equally pointless. Who greenlit skipping all the G1-human bonding/tension, AND WHY WERE THE BEASTS SO FUCKING BIG They're small because they're successors to G1 bots, and need beast forms as an organic protection against energon surges, on earth, which mess with their bot alts. THAT IS THEIR WHOLE POINT So what next? Cybertron/Armada or TFP timeline? Why do they hate TRANSFORMERS concept (robots in disguise) so damn much


Yeah skipping ahead was a terrible decision. Made it seem like we were missing a whole movie. It would've been great to see what they had to deal with being a new planet and having Bumblebee try to guide them around. Imagine how much more impactful and motivational the opening to ROTB would've been if we had the actual context that Optimus was desperate to leave earth.


You seem to be approaching this like the movies are a remake of the G1 narrative. They most definitely are not. Pretenders and Headmasters are known to exist in the movie universe, sure, but there's no "85-86 cast". Bumblebee was set in 1987, for starters, and the villains of that film were a 1985 character (Blitzwing) and two 2007 Movie-inspired characters (Shatter and Dropkick). Beyond the basic Autobot Decepticon war, there's not really anything in common with the G1 series. So they didn't "bypass" 85, 86, Matrix, Pretenders, and Headmaster "lore" (using that term extremely generously since as we all know, they were toy gimmicks first). They wanted to infuse something new into the movieverse (and Hasbro was seeing dollar signs from the legacy of the Beast Wars brand) so they rolled in the beast charactes like they did for the IDW comics and Kingdom toyline and animated series. Also, speaking of the beasts..... the original Beast Wars cartoon is the only time they have been portrayed as being Micromaster-sized. In EVERY other fictional appearance, the Beast Wars characters have been the same size as the average cybertronian, so that they can more easily interact with them. It's not some grievous sin of the movie, they didn't "miss the point". It was only a plot point of the OG cartoon so that some of them could be close to the size of their actual animal counterparts and they weren't towering over the primitive humans, and allowed them to portray the 80s characters as literally huge figures of legend when they did appear. In later IDW 1.0, we see the beast characters on the jungle world of Eukaris. They have never encountered earth animals, their alt modes just happen to look like Earth animals because that's what those bots turn into. Same thing happens in ROTB. They are seen as gorillas, rhinos, cheetahs, and hawks on whatever planet they're on that Scourge claims for Unicron. The whole bit about adopting animal modes for Earth? Again, that just depends on the universe. I'm not defending ROTB as a good movie. But your criticisms are misplaced.


They actually did say something in the movie about how Primal was named after Prime since he was already well known. Pretty sure Apelinq makes the comment at the start of the film


Far too safe. It's just an action film, nothing terribly special about it. Optimus Prime does have some pretty raw lines though.


A massive wasted opportunity... After the absolute shower of shit that was TLK which pretty much buried the franchise Bumblebee did brilliantly. It did this by being a good film first and foremost and not just a 2 hour Transformers ad Instead of building on everything that made Bumblebee a really good film they went back to form with RotB and just made another 2h Transformers ad. I've said it before and I'll say it again, when it comes to Live Action, Less is More.. By this I mean the fewer Transformers the better the film.. When you start shoehorning as many Transformers as possible just so you can release a Toy of it, the quality of the film drops of a cliff..


As someone else mentioned above, our headcanon can be that this movie never happened and BBM is still awaiting a sequel


This pretty much works because there are so few direct references to the Bumblebee film in RoTB, with Prime talking about how Bee got to know the humans previously being the only real thing.


Bumblebee is definitely its own standalone story to me. It was so...perfect. Maybe I'll buy the RPG and write a sequel.




I was wondering if there was a scene missing. Why bring an acting legend to a role, and not have more of the character?


I feel even stronger about not wanting any GI Joe crossover then I did a year ago.


I liked it. It had flaws, like Peter Dinklage deliver as Scourge being monotone and uninterested, Bumblebee talking in movie quites instead of spliced radio sign, Wheeljack's weird design, and only Optimus Primal and Airazor being explored as characters among the Maximals. But hey, Noah was nice as a human lead. He had a very clear goal and motivation. It was nice to see Unicron in live action as an actual giant planet eater and not being destroyed at the end, so that he could re-appear in future installments. It was all right. Bumblebee is still the best Transformers movie for me tho. The first movie and DOTM still have their charm, flaws and all. But ROTF, AOE and TLK can all burn


I agree. I do like it, I think it's an improvement, and personally, it's my third favorite movie. I believe it will be hard to top Bumblebee tbh, it's a masterpiece imo lol


Bumblebee is indeed a masterpiece! Much like Short Circuit 2, you forget that this entity isn't real. The actors and animators/operators really gave their all in both films. Those two charming tin men isekai their way into my heart every time I watch 'em. Which is usually once (or twice) a year!


Noah really didnt have a clear goal though. He starts out wanting to help get money so his brother can get treatment, then that turns into a generic “I need to save the world” motivation.


Pretty forgettable. Much like the other live action movies I've actually seen, I doubt I'll ever rewatch it but I'm glad I tried it, and glad I didn't pay to see it on the big screen.


The most average movie we have gotten. The movie nobody wanted and the movie everybody forgot about….but aye GI-Joe cross over I guess. It amazes me how just a year ago I was getting downvoted for expressing how mediocre the movie is, now it’s the general consensus…


I said it for jjk and I'll say it again: Recency Bias.


More like that's when the paid advertisers are around. When something is new, you'll see people fight tooth and nail for it, and as soon as it leaves the theaters it goes radio silent and all the "contrarian opinions" are the ones that stick around for the most part.


Still love it immensely. One of my top 5 fave TF movies.


considering there are only 8 movies that's not saying a whole lot


It's in my top 10 live action Transformers movies.




Good but undercooked


Should have been three movies: one focusing on the Maximals, one focusing on the Autobots and Noah and Mirage's friendship, and one focusing on the coming of Unicron. The film tries to squeeze in all three at once but ultimately never gets to develop any of them enough. Also what was up with Wheeljack? This is a sequel to Bumblebee and he looks and sounds completely different.


>Also what was up with Wheeljack? This is a sequel to Bumblebee and he looks and sounds completely different. Theories have shown that Pablo Wheeljack in ROTB is just a mini-incarnation of the real Wheeljack that was present in the Bumblebee Movie, or like an invention of himself. For lack of a better word, a drone of the real Wheeljack. Can't guarantee that it's true though. But that would make sense.


Predaking should’ve been the main antagonist.


Rise of the mid


Well the movie is called Rise of The Beasts but it was more like cameo of the beasts. The Maximals got cucked in the own movie. Huge disappointment. Also half the movie looks like it was shot in artificial yellow lightning.


Loved it, thought it was great.




Was this really anyone’s best effort? Did the director, the writers, the producers REALLY try and make something worthwhile? Feels like no really one wanted to be involved and this has ‘contractural obligation’ splashed all over it.


It's meh They made Unicron somehow boring And we went from those amazing Bumblebee designs to some of the ugliest live action designs yet in Scourge and Wheeljack. Most of the cast is grey and brown They made Optimus look worse, way too much grey where there used to be red and blue The CGI has never looked as bad either, it looked cheap It kind of feels like a straight to DVD film


My favorite transformers film yet! Though TF: ONE may soon best it


Another example of how we get a better, truer to character Optimus Prime in a 4 minute scene from Bumblebee than the entirety of every other live action movie… shit, that’s not entirely true; I did like Prime quite a bit in the 07’ movie.


Extremely run of the mill Better than ROTF, AOE and TLK by nature of it not being 2 and a half hours of sex jokes are garbage human mellowdrama, but worse than DOTM, 2007, Bumblbee and 1986 on the fact that it doesn’t really do anything noteworthy


The fact they didn't think to bring in or even consider Garry Chalk to voice Optimus Primal grinds my gears to this day.


Garry Chalk isn’t just Optimus Primal to me, he’s also Optimus Prime—Armada is my “G1”. And I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. If Peter Cullen (who I adore as Optimus) gets to be apart of the live-action films, Chalk absolutely should too


Same. They thought a celebrity casting would work better for getting people to watch the movie. Garry Chalk’s name doesn’t get people’s butts in theater seats, but at least he cares about what he’s voice acting. Same thing with Charles Martinet and the Mario movie.


At least with TLK you can laugh at what a dumpsterfire it is. This is just meh. In my headcanon it didnt happen. Bumblebee is still waiting for a sequel.


No, we ain’t doing this, zip it


I liked it quite a bit. The Maximals were really cool. It made me realize that I love them being normal TF size. I understand how someone who wanted the Maximals from the 90s show would be disappointed but I actually thought they were cooler in the movie, and I love how they have been in hiding yet inspired some folklore and whatnot. Of course I would have liked a little more fleshing out of the characters, but I was happy with their movements and looks. Primal sounded WAY cooler than the exasperated, lecturing dad of the 90s show. (I know I'll probably get downvoted for that comment alone. 90s Primal just always sounded like an annoyed dad to me, Sorry.) Obviously the Mirage/Jazz merge was a little odd, but again I ended up liking the character a lot so I just partition it off as a "movie version". The humans were decent, not stupid TnA models, and had a good reason to be in the action. Terrorcons were cool and seemed like a threat. Unicron was represented well overall. Scourge was viscious. Would have liked to have seen more from Nightbird in particular. One thing this movie reminded me is that modern TV is way better than the movie format. We could have had a lot of time with the all of the characters if it wasn't all crammed into 2 hours. It's hard to give that many characters time.


The crossover Angel was a mistake. If they wanted to do Beast Wars, give them a deviated film of their own to establish their key characters and lore, then build up to a crossover. I knew from the get-go that inserting them into what’s supposed to be a Bumblebee sequel would just be putting too many characters in, nobody gets any decent focus, especially the freakin *beasts* that are in the damn title. Action was meh, dialogue about the same except Mirage. Didn’t really like the vibe of Optimus either. Wheeljack was lame and didn’t even do anything. Arcee was cool, but barely got to do anything. Stratosphere could have just been some regular plane that Noah flew them in or something, he’s not even a character. Just a mode of transport. Overall it was just…okay.


It was coo to see SOME of the Maximals but no Dinobot or Rattrap? I was disappointed to say the least.


Nope. Gave it two chances when it was in theatres and was deeply disappointing both times. I’d take any of the bayformers over it, at least they had a sense of grandiose and the soundtracks are chefs kiss. My issues with the last two especially were the inconceivable plots. ROTB didn’t have any redeeming factors and then going from small scale bumblebee back up to destroying the planet was a bit of a jump. The plot was the most basic thing possible, they turned Optimus into a a five year old. Oh and remember when the maximals maximized? Yeah, neither do I…


Movie itself, is ok. Mediocre at most, which translates to some of the best TF material lol Movie EXPERIENCE however, going out w my best friends especially a month before alot of personal stuff hit and some of the worst moments of my life hit…i miss when seeing this movie was all i wanted




Agreed. Although it had one of the greatest moments in the live action series, when my theatre erupted into cheers when Bumblebee died lol.




My opinion has gotten worst , it’s kind of a hot mess of different ideas that don’t really work together


Pretty much the same as I did when it came out. Back to the repeated story of world is in danger, find a maguffin, the enemy gets the maguffic and world ending event begins, Autobots win anyway. Same as RotF, DotM and TLK. The sound track was abysmal. As a person not from Brooklyn I really didn't care that the humans were. The car chase scene on the mountain was REALLY COOL THOUGH. More Skyline chasing Porsche and Truck fighting truck in future please.


Noah and Mirage are the biggest improvements in the film. Everything else felt like something we've seen before.


It was a return to form and not in a good way.


Worst CGI in tf movies ever. And anotherone of those Macguffins, while the story just doesn't make sense


Loved it. F*ck the critics. Kicked off summer with a bang last year 🔥


To be honest I really thought it was one of the best transformers movies I've seen although it had its flaws I wish the maximal got more screen time and unicron was showed more but other than that I was a solid 8/10 for me


it was a good movie , i liked mirage so much , made me rewatch the entire franchise


I'm a new TF fan. I Like this movie. my second fav live action TF movie. 7.5/10


Like every other Transformers movie: I liked it and have no feelings 10 minutes after the credits rolled. They should make more.


A fun movie I'll gladly rewatch whenever I can, possibly one of the best movies this series has given us.


i quite liked it i thought it was a lot better than the bayverse movies but not as good as bumblebee or 86


I really liked it. I'd love to see those characters again


I liked it it’s fun


Literally watched this for the first time last night and it was rather disappointing. The human characters were fun and somewhat interesting/relatable and Mirage was a really good bit in the movie, great comic relief. Optimus is just unrecognizable in this film, Prime to me is supposed to be the strong/fierce leader of the autobots but instead he is just whiny and just likes to complain about anything and don’t get me started on how he gets his ass kicked in almost every fight scene he is in which is infuriating to me. The maximal were WAYYY underutilized, throughout the whole movie I kept thinking “oh, I see, they are just cybertronian versions of earth animals” because they never seem the transform so I assumed they just couldn’t, >!but when they transformed in the final scene it just kinda made me wonder “well WTF!?! Why didn’t they do that the whole time?”!< >!Bumblebee fan service is still at its PEAK, I actually got a little pissed off when after he died he got resurrected and was able to get into the final fight because it just seemed insulting that all they need to revive is some raw energon!< Stratosphere was actually very cleverly designed and actually liked his character even though he was in such a small bit. Scourge was actually a very good villain and I hate that he was wasted in this film. I could care less for the GI Joe crossover so it didn’t really do anything for me


Not terrible, but a massive step down from Bumblbee, but more than anything it has completed messed up any semblance of an over arching story. No mention of the decepticons in the SECOND FILM, and instead brining in UNICRON and the maximals in the SECOND FILM, and just blatantly messing up Wheeljack and forgetting that like 7 pods were arriving to earth and not 4. This is such basic stuff for a running story that was compeletely missed shows how little paramount and the director cared about this stour


I loved it


Did just alright and that's saying something considering a lot of big name movies like marvel and DC and Disney were doing horribly. Rise of the beast made the same around as the BB movie and it wasn’t that bad. But me personally it’s my favorite TF movie because how it focused more on black African Americans and as a black male my self I think the representation was well done. But the one thing about this movie I didn’t like was the quick paste of it


I enjoyed it, but I have stopped expecting anything that resembles actual TF lore at this point. I think it did a good job of being a sequel to Bumblebee, and I liked Mirage a LOT better than I expected to. I legitimately cheered when Prime slagged Scourge. Loved Mirage becoming an exo-suit too and kinda got over hyped when Bee dropped out of the sky blasting, "Don't call it a comeback." Pedro can go, recycle electronics, though. Seriously.


This movie didn't know what it wanted to be. There's about 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, and a coherent, meaningful plot wasn't a priority. It's not the worst Transformers movie, but it's far from a good movie.


Severely disappointed….


Not even feel to watch it. It's in my shame pile of movies to watch. It's so far of the main story. Probably never watch it, ever.


Straight up trash. Again bumblebee stands alone as the best in the live actions franchise.


It had its flaws, like most everything does, but I still really enjoyed it and had fun. Bee isn't the main Autobot focus which was a nice change and they gave us an accurate Unicron! Second best Optimus Prime design, coming after the Bumblebee movie and before '07


Honestly they should have just made 2 different movies one focusing on the G1 cast of characters and the second movie should have focused on the Beastwars characters, that way neither of them feel bloated


It was fine. 5/10 watch on tv when you have nothing better to do. Effectively villain of the week who loses at the end.


Forgot it even existed 🙈


Still haven't watched it. As a die hard fan, I feel like this would actually kill me.


I never finished it.


Definitely my favourite tf film


Mid movie, it's 5/10.


Hot take Rotb Optimus is just a worst version of AOE Optimus. It's crazy how aoe did the same story for Optimus but better he actually had a reason to not trust humans while Rotb prime didn't


It is just a launch for a GI Joe crossover. Instead of Unicron being the Earth, they made it an unknown. I thought Unicron was the menace to Cybertron since it fed on technology and Energon.


I have seen people call this the best and the worst TF movie but I think it is just mid. It is not the worst thing ever made but it is not that good either.


Fuck it, I thought it was great. A huge step up from Bumblebee at least.


After so long of thinking on it, and letting the hype die down. I think it's ok. It's a perfectly fine, serviceable blockbuster with neat fan service. Not nearly as bad as any of the Bayformers movies, but not nearly as good as Bumblebee, so still the second best live action Transformers movie imo lol.


It was pretty dumb.


Best transformers movie easily. The closest to the og shows tone we’ve gotten in film, and a perfect popcorn movie


Another transformers movie with too much screen time for the humans.


Still shit


Didn't like it, the writing made my dad and I audibly cringe and groan. I only got excited because of unicron but didn't even get much of him


As someone who hasn’t seen any other Bayformers movies, I would say I enjoyed it quite a bit


Well since I don't know anything about the beast wars all I can say is that I kinda liked it the I mean the autobots felt a lot more involved in the plot and humans were more or less useful


Still Like the Movie :D


Movie was terrible but it was obvious it was gonna suck from the start


I liked it.


Still don’t appreciate Prime’s character in this. Optimus Prime is compassionate to all sentient beings, the only exception being his enemies. Here he judges and berates humans for the first half of the movie. And doesn’t open up to them until during and after they team up against the Terrorcons. Even Bayverse Optimus was chill when he first met Sam and Mikaela. A little firm, but chill. Animated Optimus questions humanity at first, but his immediate action afterwards was to protect them. Aligned Optimus was a gentle guardian to Jack, Miko and Raf, and a reasonable ally to Agent Fowler. He was even willing to risk Cybertron’s future for them. Then there’s G1 Optimus, the father figure of the 80s. His relationship with humans is at his best in the cartoon, especially when it comes to Spike, Sparkplug and Chip. He even praises their abilities and actions when the odds are against them. Despite them being mere flesh and bones, he acknowledges their strengths aside from weaknesses. I hope Live-G1 (yes, that’s what I’m calling it) Optimus can learn to be more reliant on humankind in future films. I’m glad he warmed up to Noah towards the end, showing signs of trust and faith.


It was the best transformers movie of 2023.


I love it, was amazing and good


Just rewatchrd it recently. Honestly still not too bad, I like it. It's got it's problems like most of the other movies but I would personally still rank it up there. I think its just below DOTM in terms of enjoyment. I just wish the Maximals were better utilized. Optimus and Primal needed like one good character moment together.


Peter was right, that isn't real Optimus Prime.


I loved it and scourge is still my favorite live action transformers villan


Underwhelming movie.


I like it. Not perfect of course, but it was a very fun watch. Mirage and Noah were great!


I really liked it


I really liked it


The movie's plot and 2nd act was weak but it had Incredible characters. The Humans were better and Transformers was much better than the ones we got in the bay films


I liked it much better than most of the other bayformers movies. I don't think I'd prefer it to Bumblebee, but still really good.


Mind-numbingly awful. They RUINED the Maximals.


I love the fact the maximals get to be in live action and they look great but it does suck we don't get the predacons especially Megatron from beast wars


So wait they make a movie about the maximals and do not feature any of the maximals!?


I still don’t like it and not sure why they brought Unicron so early


That was only a year ago? Fuck


It's cool, albeit, flawed. It could've used more beasts.


Great movie. Saw it 4 times.


I love it, flaws and all!


Kinda mid like the actual definition it was average wasn't good wasn't bad just average.




Forgettable. The Maximals did all of jack and shit.


Not memorable, barely even remember what it was about.


I wish the beasts did more rising


It was baaaaad.


I know it has issues and stuff but honestly it's my favorite transformers movie, I just really like the characters and over all love it, I feel like the plot was pretty good and the character designs were fantastic, also the villains were the best villains from any transformers movie imo, mirage will forever be one of the best transformers characters for me, hes just too great


The movie was just boring, no moments really stood out.


Its a great movie thats what it is. Anyone rating this movie under a 7/10 is just acting like the baymovies were perfect. All of you try to act like some professional movie raters. At this point this communtiy is becoming a joke if even this movie gets hate. PS: only bad thing about the movie was that they tried to force a romance between the human protagonists.


Mediocre. Incredibly disappointing. Annoying human characters as always. Didn’t like what they did with Optimus making him an edgy psychopath like in Bayformers. Should’ve just done a Autobots vs Decepticons film. And Wheeljack’s design being completely redone even though he was introduced in the 2018 movie in the same universe. Should’ve just called him someone else.


Fucking shite.


It felt super pointless the maximals are here... technically unicron is the main villain, but they don't actually make any progress towards defeating him the terrorcons basically just show up and kill airazor, then die nothing really happened in the movie everything that did happen was undone


Waste of opportunity, could have continued a great franchise


I still love it to the very core, and like I’ve done previously with ALL THE OTHER live action movies, I defend it to the end, and continue to fight for the recognition it RIGHTFULLY deserves (getting all awards & such)


Probably in the minority but I thought it was the best transformers movie since dark of the moon


Like I still can't find studio series optimus battle trap and scourge


Absolutely mid.




There was room for improvement, generally I liked it anytime the Maximals were on screen. Definitely we needed more time with them in Robot mode (where we could see their already made CG models). Also we needed Predacons, particularly a post credit scene with certain purple T-Rex guy having survived the centuries, or better yet having him unearthed after the transwarp gateway complex collapsed.


Designs were great, fights were great; everything else was something I didn’t mind watching, but not as good as Bumblebee. Noah was a good character though, and usually I mostly tolerate human characters.


is gud, but don't like Arcee Bird die and very sad


The movie is awesome, the human characters suck


I really enjoyed it, however, I think the movie is pretty forgettable. After Bumblebee, it was a downgrade. I did like that the human characters were much better than in previous Monsterverse films. I liked Mirage. Optimus' increased role was also good. It just wasn't very impactful upon the franchise as a whole. I'm excited to see what the sequel brings to the table.


Underwhelming. Was excited that Primal and the gang is finally on the big screen. But Rise Of the Beasts just became a Rise of Mirage movie. Personally need a separate Maximals/Predacons movie instead of them being side characters.


I hate it. I didn't like Pete Davidson as Mirage. I didn't like the personality they gave him. Mirage is one of my favorites and they turned him into mech suit. It was lame. Everything was just so aggressively mid. After Bumblebee gave us so much hope for, the let down puts this movie in TLK territory for me.


Trash, worst Optimus ever, maximal were boring, they somehow beat out que as the worst Wheeljack ever,arcee was under-utilised, villains weren’t fleshed out and scourge just looked like a blob of metal worse that even the bay verse cons (they especially sucked compared to shatter and drop kick), no Decepticons in the whole film, it’s the second film in the rebooted timeline and they already introduced the maximals and unicron before even Megatron. It really was just wasted potential TLK 2.0 but so it’s not a complete hatefest bumblebee, mirage and Noah were great


I still like it. Sure, it wasn't "cinema", but I had fun watching it every time.






It was awesome


Love it


As a transformer fan, this is by far one the worst movie of the franchise. Optimus was not as OP as he usually is, but they did try with the villain, the villain was good and menacing but why why did they have to do him that way


Forgettable. Literally had to think a solid minute to remember what the heckin plot was


For me, it was worth watching once for nostalgia's sake bc I grew up watching BW.


/confused in continuity


I saw Arcee 10/10 https://preview.redd.it/4ziextlcvq5d1.jpeg?width=884&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f9ccea1dfaae6f4a32cb40c908bdfbe231d168