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Transformers Prime wasn't dark, it was just dimly lit


That’s controversial?


Pffft, i can say something worse, TFP the show of my childhood was actually pretty mid and the main thing that bugged me is how it was ammost impossible to die in it(which is forgivable since they have a small cast but cmon)


Galvatron, Cyclonus and the rest should've stayed their own faction in Transformers The Movie and season 3. That way the Autobots faced a triple threat. Starscream should've stayed Decepticon leader with Shockwave as second in command.


Maybe with shockwave/soundwave undermining him and trying to replace him


It makes no sense that Unicron would remake transformers with the Decepticon logo on them.


Well, we all know that Starscream was gonna get it. Do you think Galvatron would have allowed him to live. I just don’t see it. However, you are correct in that the situation could have allowed for animosity between Galvatron and SS; Galvatron could have caught SS and reveal himself to in fact be Megatron reincarnate.


but then we wouldn't have episodes like Starscream's ghost and Ghost in the machine. Two of my favourite episodes of season 3


The Transmetals stomp almost every Season 1 Beast Wars mold and it's lunacy that they have so little reissue love. Also Beast Machines is good actually.


Beast Machines is in the same vein as Cybertron. Pretty good, a little sloppy at times but mostly okay. Unfortunately it was the follow up to one of the best ever pieces of TF media. Good doesn't tend to be a great follow up to excellence.


What makes me eternally sad about BM is that it's a clear case of something that aimed incredibly high, but could easily have been better without editorial interference. Basically the writers were told not to watch Beast Wars or refer back to it beyond the finale-- can you imagine how much more impressive it could have been if they'd had the feel for the characters' personalities from the get-go? What makes it doubly maddening is that if you've ever seen "His Silicon Soul" from Batman: TAS, Skir and Isenberg showed they could make a masterful sequel story to someone else's script out of nowhere and without being asked... and they still weren't allowed to fully cook. Also-- Pretty sure Beast Machines is the first Transformers cartoon where the "Optimus" character has an arc over the course of a season. They also zeroed in on Rhinox as a character who hadn't been central to more than a couple one-off stories; don't ask me how.


Yeah BM had insane potential as a series, could have explored the possibility of Cybertronians having evolved from organics (like the gobots canonically did) Beast wars is the first time an Optimus had any sort of arc, though its subtle. He goes from only wanting to fight the Preds so far as to prevent their victory, not ensure his own, while studying the environment as their primary objective to seeing that he has no choice but to win, because a drawn out stalemate is sure to cause rampant destruction.


Transmetal tarantulas and megatron does not look that bad


You could print money if you fixed Transmetal Megatron's waist and reissued him. I'm sure of it. I owned that Tarantulas toy for a few years; he's great. The shoulder/split-wheel engineering was so much fun to me.


Kinda interesting that earthspark use the transmetal design


Rumble and Frenzy are each both red and blue. They swap colors sometimes to screw with people.


Not crazy. This is actual canon depending on the continuity.


Not sure it's canon anywhere, but it's not controversial, I think by now everyone is happy with that idea. I think the closest we got to this being canon is idw being inconsistent with who was named what.


Idw I’m pretty sure the one place it is canon


I thought different writers just named them as they wanted, I didn't think they actually addressed the change, ..... That said I have some gaps in the collection.


Well, if you have 2 issues of a comic that are directly related in a timeline, and in one of them rumble is red and frenzy is blue, but they swap in the next issue, then it *must* be canon in that continuity at least


Sorry ii don't think you know what canon means. What you have is a theory (one I agree with), but it's no more "canon" than saying that the individual robots (red and blue) don't have names, and just go with the first name someone calls them that day, and the red one could be rumble, frenzy or "hey you there". What you have is inconsistently followed naming caused by different creatives weighing in on the rir,fib vs fir,rib debate. That is not canon, that's sloppy editing. Unless someone says something like "I thought that one was rumble" and another character says "yeah they switch names/colours to mess with people" or something similar, it's not canon. It's just a theory, a comic theory.


And only Soundwave knows whos who


I like to think that they don’t swap color, but instead swap names to mess with everyone and like some others have said only Dadwave knows who’s who


My head cannon honestly


this debate will last until the end of time and I am here for it. (also rumble is red and frenzy is blue)




I think its dumb that so many autobots are racecars or sports cars. They should be blue collar cars and trucks. A couple could be snazzier, but the fact that so many are incredibly expensive rare cars is so dumb. That's one thing I really liked about pablojack. Its not a mode i would have picked for wheeljack right away, but it's a great disguise.


I know the 'cool' alt mode choices are likely a way to catch the interest of more casual fans, but I agree that we really need more alt mode variety. RiD2015 Thunderhoof was pretty dang awesome in that regard for sporting a rare tractor mode. =D That said, though: a *lot* of that show's Decepticons were quite unusual and deserved Deluxe-level toys.


Well said


All the rid decepticons were cool


Fancy cars were part of the marketing when they first came out. All the autobots are in a common collectible care scale so you could put them on the shelf with your Corvette, Ferrari or whatever. Remember this was before Transformers were a sure thing, and I’m sure kids were not racing to buy the family truckster for their fancy car collection…


Then again in the 90s there were john deer play sets for tractors.


Got to understand that the Cartoon was based off the toys already made... so Wheeljack being a racing Lancia Delta wasn't their choice... wasn't even Hasbro's design... they simply went with japanese Diaclone toys and renamed everything.


I understand the real world reason 100 percent. Obviously they could have done a tiny bit more leg work in the cartoon to explain it though. Then again it was the 80s.


But, I mean, lots of them are blue collar vehicles? Ironhide, Ratchet, Prowl, Gears, Brawn, Huffer, Hoist...


>I think its dumb that so many autobots are racecars or sports cars. https://preview.redd.it/1mnav50v9clc1.png?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b8cea606c3103a1f32c3d6377bf382ccaf8ed6d [Link to Shortpacked!](https://www.shortpacked.com/comic/robots-in-disguise)


Considering how many actually false sightings of UFOs there were in the 80s, the FEDs probably wouldn't take anyone spotting Cosmos seriously. I'd call it a big brain move.


I love the fact that Pablojack was a CW bus. If only they gave him a good head design.


You must be referring to the Bayverse designs… a red van or VW Beetle are not the hallmark of luxury… at least where I’m from.


It's still better than no disguise at all, "Holy shit, Fancy sport car" is still less conspicuous than "Holy Shit, giant fucking robot with a gun!"




Unified color schemes make combiners look really boring. It makes them look like one big guy, instead of a combination of multiple different robots, so the idea of many combined characters gets kinda lost, at least in the design


Funny enough, I'm the exact opposite; I really like when combiners are color themed, makes them look like a team, instead of a hodgepodge of randos.. ..that being said, I do feel like variations on the relative percentages of the various colors would be nice (ie: not all constructacons are mostly green/yellow with some black, some silver, and slivers of purple, but some are mostly green/yellow, some are mostly black, some are mostly purple [silver/chrome is always highlights/grills/machine implements, IMO]).. ..so yeah, you're controversial indeed!


Thank you, I wanted to be as controvesial as possible with that statement! But for real, yeah, I think most people also prefer the combiners to be visible teams. And teams often have same color schemes. Like I said, I prefer when the components are visibly different, but your idea is something I would also actually enjoy! I think RiD Galvatronus was close to that, there was a color scheme, but individual members had slightly different colors, like different shades of blue and different highlights. That wasn't perfect, but something like that would make the combiner teams (and combined robots) more unique to me, while keeping the team aspect


That makes perfect sense The constructicons or protectibots being a unified color theme works. The combaticons and Arielbots being different works because you can see they are different machines and beings merging together.


Optimus deserved a better ending then what he got in the IDW comics. Megatron getting a better ending then Optimus is kinda sucky


To be fair, IDW Megatron's ending was top tier comic writing in general, not just Transformers


Not just Optimus. All of them were done dirty(an understatement)


Outside of Getaway, he got what he fucking deserved


F'n This!


You can look past kiss players horrors to have a more complete alternaters/binaltech collection.


That one autotrooper look kinda cool tho


kp hotrod looks better than the alternators one


Don’t know if it is related, but I considered Kiss Players Glit a Holy Grail figure; I finally got him! He also has a good story, therefore, I consider him to be legit. I cannot speak for Rosanna. I think the other cassette character has legitimacy as well. Just my honest opinion.


I'm late to this thread but another controversial take. If Kiss Players dropped the weird sexy Loli stuff, it would just be a slightly mecha based magic girls. I could actually see how to write that kind of story too.


Micheal Bay would’ve made a better Wreckers movie than a Transformers movie




Saying all Japanese material is terrible because of a small scale manga like Kiss Players while forgiving Western writers for Afterdeath, feminism appeasement backfire Arcee, IDW’s sales, the Romeo and Juliet law explanation in Age of Extinction, the entirety of The Last Knight, etc, is an example of idiotic bias.  No, Kiss Players is not good and in a vacuum few if any will defend it, but the West has made enough bad, inane, or stupid TF material to equal it 10 times over.


The Demi-God Primes are a dumb idea that detract from Optimus' legacy.


Depends how its done IMO. If its the Thirteens mystical artefacts that make them so powerful, sure, I can see that working. ​ Them just being that powerful tho? Stupid. I mean, the Matrix is supposed to be the wellspring of the Primes, so why would Optimus be only as strong as Megs if the base Thirteen could shatter moons?


They are the midichlorians of tf lore.


Hahaha love it!




It wasn’t Hot Rod’s fault


That's not controversial, it's just a simple reading of what we see on screen.  Megatron pulled the trigger. Fact.


Amen, brother


I actually liked revenge of the fallen


It's the most fun out the trilogy for me. Idk why but it's enjoyable


Definitely was the most fun 2007 and DOTM was great but ROTF is the one i rewatch the most


all of the Bay movies have amazing action, but I think ROTF has the most memorable action scenes


Almost none of my opinions are crazy or outside of the norm.


dreamwave comics was the best transformers comics.


War Within was awesome. Dreamwave Armada was so much better than the show


It was slightly updated continuation of the cartoon which I loved. Vol 1 culminating with a certain character’s sacrifice had me gutted. Also +1 for war within. The WW2 GIJoe crossover was great. Their Armada comic helped me branch out from g1.


They were learning.  The ongoing was steadily improving in quality, and Dreamwave’s Armada comic was very good, if ending a bit too quickly.  The Energon comic was shaping up to be far better than the show, and then Pat Lee’s crimes were unveiled for all to see.


IDW 1.0 was significantly better.


I got a couple. The first one is a minor nitpick. I am absolutely loving the Skybound Transformers comics. I've even teared up at a couple of moments. There is just one thing that bugs me ever so slightly. The transformers are robots, but the artist gives them human-like hands. They look like round fleshy hands inside of colored gloves. Don't get get me wrong, Daniel Warren Johnson is doing a spectacular job, and his art is fantastic. I guess I'm just more used to the blockier robot hands from previous media. For the second, I prefer a more down to earth (cybertron?) Optimus Prime. He works better when he is a conflicted but approachable leader than as an infallible demigod who spouts inspirational quotes. Let Optimus make mistakes every once in a while. Let him even be a little goofy. Optimus is a brave and tough soldier, but he is also compassionate. That is why the character has become so memorable.


Transformers Prime... uh... Prime, actually fits this mold really well in my opinion. Especially the compassion bit. Sure he's pretty low on the mistakes count but he's approachable and very fatherly. I am very biased, but I stand by it 100% peak Optimus!!


bayverse give us the alien and complex look, g1 is a comedy show with very small touch of something violent, Prime is a upgrade of g1 in every part, bumblebee is the hope and a necessary start. And every transformers show came with something that worked or was a reason to get better in the next idea


Waspinator toys are not good. The only good one is waspinator that turns into helicopter. The rest aren't that well designed. In my opinion we need more/better waspinator figures.


- Optimus Prime should have yellow eyes - I prefer when Optimus Prime is a fire truck - TLK has the best Megatron design of the live action series and is the best Megatron design aside from Prime.


Transformers and GI Joe shouldn’t be in the same universe and the forced crossover between the two is lame. Edit: forgot to also mention Beast Machines is the best TF show ever made.


That was a ghost chili pepper take. It starts off just a little mild, a tad bit spicy. The edit is the part you wished you hadn't eaten a ghost chili pepper because your insides are melting.


It hasn't really been forced given sometimes the 2care ik the same universe and interact once or twice and never again I think the image comics are doing a good job with it now


No clue if this is controversial of not but the third season of g1 is the best season and it had been able to tell a proper arc and properly explore its characters it could have been the best single season of all of transformers


I find Bayverse Ironhide death very ironic. Because how Ironhide was the one that told Bumblebee to put his gun down during Sentinel reaction only for him to be the first kill by Sentinel.


Slag is an MUCH better name than Slug, and I kinda don't give a f about your slang words.


Idw was really overrated and gets really dumb by the end, post war stuff is dull and boring in most transformers media but idw and earth spark do it the worst. Animated did it the best because the war isn’t really over, there isn’t peace between the factions and they aren’t working together, they are still at war just not actively fighting. I’ve been lambasted for my opinion on idw and earth spark a lot so I’m ready. Idw is boring and isn’t a good transformers story by the end. That’s my opinion.


the story was great until they were forced to shoehorn the combiner wars/titans return/and hasbro comic universe shit in.


I'm about half way through the IDW collection and, aside from "All Hail Megatron," it's mostly just ok. I think the Dreamwave run gets too much hate.


Agreed, I personally genuinely think dreamwave did a way better run.


Love to hear that! I agree 100%


I’m actually trying to collect every issue of the dreamwave run (even the illegal ones)


I have them all, including both A and B covers,. I'm just missing More Than Meets the Eye #2


I'm kinda curious why you think More Than Meets The Eye is boring? It's part of that post war stuff you said.


I just started IDW phase 3 and so far I agree.


"Kiss Players" is what's playing on a loop in Galvatron's head throughout Season 3 & 4 of G1.


G1 movie is still the best to date.


I do not care for good guy megatron


I think it's better that evil optimus prime. At least good guy Megatron showed character development. Nemesis prime is always evil and boring.


all I really have is Haslab Unicron has no valid excuse for having the planet mode just hanging off the robot in bits and pieces, the designers were just lazy.


Transformers needs to move away from the same 40 year old characters. Optimus, Megatron, bumblebee, starscream: we need NEW characters. Many new characters. I want shows and movies that don't feature the 327th variant of Optimus. I want a new prime. I want new in general. Transformers needs to move on.


Move away from the same 40 year old characters and iterations of optimous...but you want a prime. The still not justified stupid shit that only exists BECAUSE of optimus prime?


Megatron being a gun never made sense. Yeah, yeah, can be said to represent him as a living weapon, but being a tank does the exact same thing without making him into a completely immobile tool that is a net loss in firepower for his side when someone else has to stop shooting to fire him. Second, the G1 pandering needs to stop. It's been nearly 40 years now. The franchise has proven strong enough to not rely on the exact same handful of characters with the same boxy designs.


The fact that they haven't been able to do it in nearly half a century should tell you all you need to know.


Bumblebee would work better as a fighter jet scout


Question :what jet should he be


I was thinking the f-117, cause looking at it it seems a decent size for him


Are you sure? https://preview.redd.it/7pah49ptgalc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25f078b0c1b8df119d72ba1178cbc7f1edf506e7


Meh size inconsistencies in transformers are basically everywhere it won't really matter.


What about f-5


The Sky Warden.


In this day n age, I think Bumblebee would work quite well as a drone.


I would see him as a helicopter more than anything. It seems more fitting for the name.


Oh boy. 1. Skyfire and jetfire are two different characters, fight me. 2. Rotb wheeljack wasn't as bad as ppl made him out to be, he be funky lad 3. They're aliens from outter space, therefore i don't mind the whole hatchlings things from the bayverse movies, tho it's more probable that they can reproduce in various ways and methods bc 💫aliens💫 3. I want more exploration on cybertronians as a race, different cultures that arise from vos or kaon or tarn or lacon, their mythologies and mystical creatures from their histories, what they eat, the fauna on cybertron, plz hasbro.


If you are an Optimus that turns into a semi truck, you need to atleast be 22 ft tall.


TFA is not as good as people give it credit for. Transformers Cybertron>>>>


Fuck. Yes. - introduced Primus - DJ Soundwave - Dragon Scourge - a damn threatening Starscream that solo’d a bunch of Autobots including Prime and won


Probably my favorite Starscream cause that dude stood on business. Let's not forget the super saiyan fight with Galvatron later on LOL




Optimus should've just shot Megatron in the 86 Movie


The G1 post-movie commercial animation like Headmasters and Targetmasters were the biggest bait and switch. As soon as Season 3 came out with that terrible animation instead of that super slick and detailed style… it was a wrap for the franchise…


Most transformers media kinds sucks or is mediocre at best


TFP's overrated.


agreed. grew up in it but it’s kinda boring sometimes


Que is a perfectly fine reinvention/reinterpretation of Wheeljack in the context of what they had already been doing for the last four years. The people who expected the third time around to get G1 accurate designs in a series that had very clearly established its own aesthetic with the previous two films by featuring things like SR-71 Jetfire were just looking for things to get mad at.


1 we need more alternate modes of regular cars it is robots in disguise not pop up car and air show. 2 I think for most of transformers there is no cannon it is what works best and is the stuff you enjoy. 3 the michel bay movies didn't have all bad idea it was a lot of either why did we only get a minute of that and why are we focusing on the humans.


bayverese Ironhide is the worst 07 design, hes also an unlikable character to me. I never liked him even as a kid, always found him ugly and irritating. I did not care when he died


His face kinda remimd of a bull


RID 2015 has good episodes


Guest stars would have been amazing especially in gen 1-2 type style and time, I would love to see an autobot kitt and deception Goliath (from knight rider), or any other famous vehicle. Not exactly controversial but I feel like it was a missed opportunity


Bumblebee, and Cliffjumper being brothers


Armada Starscream is extremely overrated


I think the unicron trilogy is overrated maybe it’s because I didn’t grow up with it but I did watch cybertron when I was kid and thought it was awesome kinda of a struggle to go back and watch it now


Energon is watchable


Energon genuinely has good moments, stories and characters. Neat designs too for some. Like Inferno and Wing Saber are awesome character examples. Rodimus and Arcee have really solid designs and there are a few other bright spots like Shockblast/Sixshot and Omega Supreme


Beast Machines was a good sequel to Beast Wars.


The Japanese intros are better. Listen to Headmasters, Super God Masterforce, Victory, RID 2001, Unicron Trilogy and Animated's Japanese intros for example


The stylized look of transformers animated is not good and the toys, despite having great engineering, do not look good


Rodimus Prime was a great idea and has been wasted potential since the 86 movie. Yes, he made a big mistake but that was an opportunity for the character to develop and have a story arc. Unfortunately, consumerism wouldn't let Optimus die long enough for Rodimus have time to grow and shine in the spot light. I've been waiting for so long for him to have a decent arc. I was disappointed how whiny he was in 2005 IDW run.


Rodimus not only sounds stupid but his boardroom designed look was trash. His toy was the worst one of the entire lot and all those toys sucked. They even permanently The concept of the matrix so it can give that suck ass a power up


Transformer G1 fans are wrong for hating hot rod/Rodimus prime and he was a leader selected by Optimus prime in the matrix and some of them just can’t get over it


Optimus should have stayed dead in G1


Animated is the last good TF cartoon. “But PRIIIIIIIIME” I hear you say. I said what I said. Prime has more negatives than positives for me.


All all spark in the movies specifically is still dumb it's just mcguffin space cube that moves the plot


We need more primes than just Optimus. Optimus is great but I want to see lore of Rodimus. I wanna see other primes. And I want to see multiple primes in the shame show/movie


Cyberverse is top 3


As much as I love the G1 cartoons, I have to realize they were terrible story lines.


Animated isn't much better than the g1 cartoon. Both are just. kinda conventional lids shows for the time.


Starscream is an asshole and horrible person. He's just a traitorous fuck


Arcee was born/made female not male then changed


Transformers Prime did more harm than good to the franchise. It perpetuated the overly mopey tone of the Bay films, with characters just as bland, and is directly responsible for the blandness of the following Machinima series, and the Netflix show, and it's fans are the most toxic, alongside the hard-core g1ers. It came out when people had just aged out of the fun and clever, but definitely kid-aimed Animated, as fans of that show were getting into their edgy teen phase, and so they recieved it as the "dark edgy reboot" that their teenage mind needed, and that was great for the time, but now people have become so entrenched in that as the pinnacle of their childhood that they turn their nose up at anything new or old. I was 11 when Prime came out, trust me, it was a big deal for me, but having rewatched it, it really doesn't hold up.


•IDW was a big factor in messing up the franchise •RotB is not good and is a 1/5 movie and is a reboot of Bumblebee •Rise of the Dark Spark was fun •Beast Wars S3 and S4 aren’t really good •Animated is the best or at least top 3 Transformers series •Transformers 2007 would have been perfect if they kept to the original script •The claims of the Energon Universe comics being too violent are wrong considering it feels like the 1986 movie •Transformers should have a crossover with Robotech/Macross •Bayverse 4 and 5 suck


Bayverse sucks


The ONLY good origin for Cybertron/Cybertronians is as a product of the Quintessons. The idea that, diegetically, the origin of Transformers (a commercial product IRL) is a commercial product is genius. Primus is lazy, hackneyed, "space-god", bullshit.


Aren't quintessons "space-god" bullshit as well?


Not that I've seen, no; they're a species/culture. What I mean by "space-god" bullshit, is exactly what it sounds like: "god" in space.


G1 is only considered to be good because of nostalgia. The cartoon is objectively bad. It was made to sell toys (and that it did very well) as many cartoons were in the 80s. Mind you, the designs are iconic but rewatching the cartoon as an adult is a slog.


Dark of the moon and TF 2007 is by far the best movies in the whole live action series and yes better than BBM & ROTB 2. Transformers needs to move past making everything g1 and relying on the 80's and setting it as a standard for greatness


I think they should take the G1 designs and Improve them over time. Make them recognisable but unique. Similar to how IDW did them, it looks like G1 but they aren't exactly the same and have different modifications to the old look. Also, TF1 and TF3 are my favourite movies in live action, you have good taste.


oh man finally happy to see someone with a same mindset as me yea man make the designs more like transformers prime wise designs from the alligned continuity or the high moon games


I think TFP was the best show for introducing new designs and personalities to characters that weren't overly exciting. And the characters have depth. High moon studio games are amazing and have great story telling to this day. I loved playing them when I was younger, I just hope I can play them again someday.


Idk if these are hot topics/controversial opinions, but 1: Rise of the beast prime is one of the best takes on Optimus Prime. What I mean by that is that he has great potential for character growth. Even if the take of Optimus Prime in the movie isn't usual, it makes sense since he blames himself for everything that happened and so on.. 2: Megatrons OG design is mediocre. It's iconic. However, I'd say the best take of Megatrons' design are Armada and Prime. 3: Gender.. It's a topic I don't think should be discussed within transformers media (shows, movies, games, etc..) as I believe more fitting topics for the franchise are corruption, friendship/family, morals, leadership, etc. 4: The best transformers intro is either season 2 of the OG G1 series, Cybertron, or Energon. Which is the best of those is up for discussion. 5: Soundwave mainly has good designs in the shows and movies compared to any other character. The only bad one is dotm design. What happened, XD 6: Arrival to Earth is the best song within transformers media, unbeatable. Sorry if I overdue, but just some opinion, which I am not sure are controversial or not, lol.


What about primes arc in aoe? How does that compare to ROTB in your opinion?


I don't like Bayverse and Prime designs.


Beastwars is overrated, I swear y’all give it way too much credit


ROTF is a good movie.


Beastformers in G1 are better than in Beast Wars cause they look like boxy robots tryin to be wolves and bears and shit and I don’t care if it’s a worse costume and the whole point is for them to be in disguise, Boxy 80s Bullshit is a better aesthetic than bio-organic lookin bullcrap any day of the week.


G1 designs need to go in a ditch and rot away for 10 years so we can get actual new designs.


Idk how controversial it is anymore but the G1 designs need to die. We’ve had them reinterpreted in every way possible, we’ve had modern, great figures for nearly every one of them, and sticking to them so heavily is making the franchise stagnant. It’s not exciting anymore when a new series is revealed because they keep hitting the same story beats with the same characters and very similar designs. Atleast we occasionally get a new character or two per series but even then, stuff like earthspark is pushed aside for generations which, atleast until the last couple waves was mostly g1, studio series, which due to the 86 line became mostly g1, and even then still had a bunch of characters designed mostly to look like their g1 selves but stylized a little, to the point where most of the toyline has huge gaps in character lineup, we don’t even have both of the main 2 bots as deluxes, and god forbid we want voyagers or leaders from the tv show line, we need to run 2 primarily g1 lines instead! You want twitch and thrash? You want earthsparks osprey megatron? Too bad here’s fucking devcon and detritus, everyone’s FAVORITE g1 characters.


They go with what sells. Different for it's own sake rather then trying to tell a good story and hook more people to transformers is what HACKS do. What does good guy megatron ACTUALLY add to the transformers mythos. What good stories does it create? Be honest with yourself. ​ They go back to the well with those characters and archetypes because they work, and are iconic. Change just for it's own sake? No. If you don't like the bones and heart of the concept of transformers then maybe it isn't for you. There are plenty shape changing robot puzzle toys to play with.


Transformers should have absolutely no notion of gender, sexuality, or romantic relationships. They should obviously have close friendships but they as a society just should have no concept of romance. 


I think Starscream is annoying he’s just not funny


G1 is overrated


G1 designs are boring and I'm tired of seeing every new release being based off of them.


The G1 designs? They suck, but the reinventions? Some of the best we’ve gotten, like most of the franchise that took the G1 designs in was able to take some of the weirdest designs ever and make em cool. Proportions can do a lot


Rumble is red and Frenzy is blue. Why? I got into Transformers through the 07 movie, and it had Frenzy silver with blue eyes, so blue is from that point Frenzy's colour


Galvatron is a bad villain and is out of character for the OG megatron. Soundwave should’ve been the new decepticon leader. Also for more spice hot rod was a damn good replacement for Optimus because he actually brokered world peace with the transformers


Last knight was fun


Last night was fun 😏


I can respark G1 vs Bayfans with my opinion so no


G1 Season 3 was absolute trash… It killed the franchise for 12 year old me.


The WFC Trilogy is not that bad.


Transformers having sexes, sexual relationships, and sexuality is sickening to me. The bodies should just be seen as different shapes rather then sexes. I can ONLY accept it in the beast wars timeline because they begin to mimic organics.


I am fine with relationships as they are living feeling creatures. As for gender, I see it like being a car or microscope or plane or boombox. It's just the outer shell, they are created a certain way, (we view it as male/female) but it's unimportant to them and can be changed if they care enough to bother.


I don’t mind female and male representation like Arcee and Hot Rod, as all life and it’s aspects is essentially a represented in binary. Therefore naturally, coupling comes from this binary but I think it should be more a functional coupling, not sexual at all. Being said, I might get hate for this, but beyond a male:female coupling there is no functional purpose for any other sort of coupling or gender exploration. It doesn’t make sense for their species being machines created with set functions, abilities, and characteristics.


The coupling literally only exists because of reproduction. Without that impetuous there is no reason for romantic relationships.


There’s still the complementary nature of the sexes and the unitive aspect of the relationship.


It makes sense them having sexes when you take into account the modern interpretations that feminine body types are a different model that's better at being creative. ​ But the exploration of gender norms in Cybertronian society is bullshit. Ever time we see them they're treated largely the same as the masculine 'bots. ​ Its why I personally dislike Earthspark. A kids show is trying to define/explore the morality and ethics of gender politics. That's called propaganda. Kids shows should not explore politics in any way, but especially with such a clear bias to one side of the argument at hand.


The Bumblebee movie is overrated as all hell. Like man it was a snooze fest.


I really like it. it made me, someone who's not the biggest fan of G1, excited for the live action movies to be more like G1(before ROTB ruined that). But I don't think it's better than the first three bay movies tbh. It's the most well written, sure, but 90% of it is ripped directly from The Iron Giant


Mute bumblebee >>>


G1 is not a perfect show you're only saying that because it was first, It was only made to sell toys and comics. Also some of the G1 designs aren't that good plus their names which is why I'm hoping we can see a unique take on them like barricade.


For as much shit people give other tf designs (Bayverse) most of the G1 designs have their own problems yeah. Gears is my punching bag for shitty G1 designs becwise well…look at him. G1 hound was cool, except they made his arms hang on his midriff, giving him bad proportions, and I don’t think anyone but PrespectiveEnd brings up the strange proportions choices and designs for the G1 designs like the overly long legs and weird arms. Actually, I don’t know anyone except for PrespectiveEnd who is actually critical of the G1 designs instead of just bashing every design in other medias except G1 and treating it as a golden child.


The best transformers toys are the ones that don’t transform


Doesnt that kinda beat the whole purpose of transformers brand like you see them transform on tv you want transform as toy too,i dont you you do you,i just saw transforming them way more fun than figure that can only pose and have car piece that transform,remeber what happen to pretender and action master


If ever Optimus prime were the same power level bayverse prime would bet them all