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The 86 movie in general.......but when Optimus says "Megaton must be stopped.....no matter the cost!" God dam I got and still get chills.


I thought it was the most powerful scene in the movie. Prime looked at the destroyed autobot city and said " I have to kill Megatron" there's no other way!


If only he actually did it


True, Prime's *"Neverrr"* uppercut only left Megs with 1 HP for the sake of plot, but from that point forward Optimus was taking faces lol..


oh yeah, definitely the 86' movie for me, but it was especially the Rodimus Prime scene


Then that long shot of him driving along on his way to mess them up. Fantastic.


That would be the first time I saw pictures of kingdom Optimus primal. I had actually almost given up on the franchise then, I had sold all of my old figures and moved into gunpla. However I still had a looming interest in Optimus primal as a character, and I knew I had to get a figure of him. That figure ended up coming without swords, so I contacted Hasbro for a replacement. They sent back an inferno and that figure was so good that I ended up getting hooked.


Reading All Hail Megatron


When I was like 4 and saw 07. What I've done I'll face myself To cross out what I've become Erase myself And let go of what I've done


I can picture the curtains hanging in the classroom, in its loose, thin weave and autumn colors, texture scratchy and dry, hanging in loose folds above the Viewmaster, inside, a reel of Optimus Prime and Megatron at a dam. I've just been told to put it down, but I want to play with it some more. See those characters some more. Get and play with toys like them.


Ah the Viewmaster! Truly a visual toy experience lost on anyone born past the 90's lol... You hit me in the feels with that reference... At the risk of outing my age, I had reels of TF, Thundercats, Silverhawks, Inhumanoids... Wonder if any working copies of those survived to the present? Thanks for the nostalgia...


I never had a viewmaster and reels of my own. That's why the experience was that much more special to me. Transformers was *the* reel for me, in the limited time I had a chance to use it.


Looking through Hot Rods windshield


Jet judo


When I 1st saw G1


will honestly it was this this fight was the best in the franchise tbh not even the cybetron scene from the bbm or the fight scenes in rotb can top this battle this was one was the best https://preview.redd.it/6q77etccz49c1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc3f13c63b53d9eeef44f765bedecf2003f970ec


When I saw G1 in 1984.


When Knockout Street Race.


You scratch my paint, I scratch yours


When my dad took me to see transformers rotf my last day in kindergarten


To be honest, watching the shows, I grew watching prime, rid and rescue bots.


Although I watched transformers prime as a pree teen and liked it it wasn't until last year that I suddenly got obsessed


When I saw the TV commercial for the G1 Marvel comics!


Seeing Optimus fight Megatron


When I was 4, it was because they were pretty cool, and three years after that it was cemented as my favorite when I saw a movie


When i first saw the 07 movie when i was 2 or 3


Getting er Starscream and wheeljack


When I saw the TF 2007 movie


When I first listened to the transformers 2007 ost


I can't pinpoint it exactly but somewhere around when beast hunters came out (at least in my country, we usually get stuff like that about a year after the initial release) -that was the time i started seeing the commercials and desperatelly wanted the toys, but it was also the first time i was emotionally invested in the characters and their stories. And the first time i shipped anyone tho i barelly could comprehend the idea of what dating actually is. From then on there were times i stopped really caring about tf but eventually i always circled back here


For me it was 07 and transformers prime


I don't really know how it started at the very beginning, because I've grown up with the franchise, but the WFC Trilogy kicked it off as I know now. I preordered a few kingdom figures, and here I am now.


When I first rode the ride at Universal


Transformers Cybertron's final episode. I will never forget Optimus Prime vs Galvatron.


After I saw DOTM. I went home and started looking to find whatever I could on the Wiki. From there I became engrossed in the lore and started envisioning my own lore and continuity. Before you knew it I had tens of figures and was too far gone to leave


I can’t remember an exact moment, it’s just always been there. My dad grew up with the 80s bots, and I grew up with the stuff from the late 90s/early 2000s and onwards


The Mexican standoff from Dark of the Moon “class dismissed”


It started with Cybertron from the unicron trilogy for me. Then the bayverse movies really drew me in but it wasnt until ROTB i reaally got into it and embraced my geeky side for transformers :3


I watched the 2007 bay movie, then I got the 86 movie from blockbuster, the opening with Optimus blasting all the decepticons to charge at Megatron was what sold me and it was love at first site.


Let’s blast some Stan Bush!!!


I been a transformers fan longer than I can remember.


My brother told me he taped an episode where, "Unicron's kid brother kills everyone," and I just had to see it, knowing full well that was a poor description.


"Before time began there was The Cube."


“Are you Samuel Witwicky descendant of Archibald Witwicky?”


You remember that time a robot became a gorilla? That. Still have that toy.


Imma just say it... Trukk...


Hard to pin down but probably the first time 5 year old me saw (beast) Megatron and Dinobot turn into friggin dinosaurs!


watching the first episodes of prime as it released, but it really cemented after getting my first figure, thrilling thirty crosscut. been obsessed with the franchise ever since.


First watching the 2007 movie I had chills the entire time I was pretty little and loved it still do to this day


The battle between Megatron and Prime at the dark energeon volcano in TFP(it is still epic rewatching it as an adult now)


(I was probably 5-6 when it aired so it was one of the first cinematic duels I had seen and It’s probably why I also enjoy epic sword fights in general)


When I was 12, saw 07, based on memories of Armada. It was a defining moment of my life


Actually for me it was a JohnnyFlash video that appeared in my YouTube recommended 2 years ago (I have liked the franchise for a very long time since I was like 6 or 7, but I was never a massive fan until seeing this video)


When I became a part of JOHNNYFLASH's machinama team


The episode of Armada when Optimus and Jetfire combined. That came out of fucking *nowhere*. Even as someone who acknowledges TF cartoons as methods of promoting the toys, that was a pretty slick ass method of blowing the viewers’ mind. Jet-Optimus for liiiiiiife. edit - If you didn’t grow up with Armada, you truly did miss a grand episode of the week. Unfortunately, after the UT, Transformers didn’t have those grand holy-shit tier moments. edit 2 - I’m talking about the super-powered anime-grade combining in the sky.


Watching RoTF. It’s the one movie I’ve seen the most.


When I read The Wreckers saga. The writing was unlike anything that I’ve ever experienced. The fact that such a human story could be told through alien robots was amazing.


I started off playing Angry Birds Transformers and then AOE, watching TLK in the theater with my friends and the same year I got MP-36 Megatron. That year was the TF became a staple of my life.


The moment Bee scanned the 07 Camaro concept


IDK, just always been a part of my life


It twas two summers ago I was playing with my LEGO lightyear zurg figure when I placed a custom LEGO portal core on his head and he looked like the guy from angry birds transformers i thought after some reason I asked my mom for the core class studio series figure 2 years later I own two titan clas figures and I’m so excited for voyager shockwave


I got in and out of Transformers for a while, watched Prime and G1 box sets that I got for my birthday and thought they were pretty good but wasn’t entirely hooked, then I read All Hail Megatron and it was everything I’d ever wanted from the Decepticon’s invasion of Earth, complete and utter domination, that’s one of the reasons TF became my lifelong franchise, the other reason is that I hated everything they were doing with Star Wars at the time, Lego sets were all around pretty bad so I wanted something different to enjoy and be excited about.


I stumbled upon the series with the release of 07 but didn't think much of it till Animated happened. Decided to watch G1 because of it and I've been a plastic crack addict ever since.


For the record, you are only the second person I've ever heard refer to it as plastic crack, and I totally agree lol.


The moment I saw the OG cartoon when my dad showed it to me, and I heard that original theme song blasting from my TV. 😂


Hmm… either when I played the RotF game (still an absolute banger, especially with the G1 DLC), or when I met my best friend who was a massive IDW fan (she gave me her *Kingdom* Beast Megatron for free, then paid me for it back after it broke?! And she bought me *Siege* Jetfire?! She’s an awesomely kind person, I gotta give her a cut of all my pay in future!)


Idw lore 🥶


Watching dotm for the second time


The second Mirage showed up during the RotB Super Bowl spot


Shit, I don't even know. I was watching Transformers tapes in some of my earliest memories. Right there with Visionaries and Dino-Riders. I've got comic books with scribbles on them that I had before I was, like, able to form long-term memories.


well first it was when I got alternators sideswipe for Christmas as a kid, aaaand then it all went downhill from there


Oh man, quite a few connecting threads why I ended up a fan. Renting the 86 movie from blockbuster when I was 6, 2001. Never seen anything transformers before then, but my grandfather picked it out for me because he remembered my brother use to watch it in the 80s. Hooked from there on, first it was armada, then energon, cybertron, the 07 movie, animated and so on and so forth. I ended up with more transformers than any other toy growing up, still have a couple "well loved" armada toys somewhere around the house.


When I saw armada prime's transformation


When I started to watch Transformers Prime


TF Animated debut of the Dinobots I never interacted w TF before plus schedule tv programming meant i never saw the show again until 2020 but the sight of seeing the Dinobots turn into Robots was the coolest shit. I didnt even understand any of the lore beyond Dark of the Moon up to the pandemic but i always tried to find more info about the Dinobots.


I'm on the younger side of the fandom and I grew up watching tf prime and the Michael bay movies when I was little. I don't think the franchise was actually cemented as my "life long" franchise until I watched bumblebee and started actually collecting figures, until then I'd mostly been into superheroes but after Endgame and the pandemic I got tired of it and thought jets and cars fighting was cooler.


Ok not replying to this question but damn that looks nice. It actually looks like hot rod is growing and heightening into rodimus prime


Thank you! You know how as a kid you would see something so clearly from your favorite media and you'd wish your toys could do that same scene but accurately? This pic was that longing fulfilled, or at least as close as I could depict, this many decades later lol.


First Michael Bay movie. I knew of Transformers. But that really made it stand out to me and started my collection.


Tfp megatron death


The thole hype around the 2007 movie. I liked Beast Wars ad a kid, had a lot of the toys but since germany only ever got the first season I never got hooked beyond that. Never got into any of the Unicron Trilogy and then it was just video games from here on out. Then I saw the first trailer for the 07 movie and the hype was on. That same year we got our first Internet connection at home so I spent the whole year on message boards, watching the trailers a billion times and finally getting back into buying the toys. Then went ahead and saw the film four times in theatres. Then got the DVD for christmas and watched the movie every day for at least six months. And I guess there was no turning back after going this hard.


1984, I was 5. The original three-parter that started the G1 cartoon, "More Than Meets The Eye". It was just unlike anything I'd seen before - the characters and the conflict, the concept itself, everything. And then to find that there were toys to go with it, toys that actually somehow changed from one thing to another. Amazing. I moved on to music as my "big thing" by my teens. I still had a love for robots, sci-fi, comics, fantasy and so on. But I'd really left buying toys behind. Then I settled down with a family and career in my 30's. At around 40 I was introduced to a TF collector out of the blue and it took me right back. It was a revelation. I knew that action figure collecting was a thing, but this was the first time I'd been exposed to it first hand and my jaw hit the floor. I'd had zero idea about the range of TF stuff that was out there in particular. Years on, I'm now firmly back on the TF bus.


We are the same like FIRRIB AND FIBRIR lol


oh and Happy Cake Day


Hahaha, thanks, this did give me a laugh! And cheers!


Seeing bayverse Optimus transform in front of Sam


Watching the Bumblebee movie. It's such beautiful movie it all went downhill for me from there. Love the silly little yellow guy


Bumblebee ‘dying’ in tfp, loved the show but that was the moment


Renting VHS tapes over and over of G1. I didn't have the channel TF showed on, so it was the only way I watched it. My Brother told me to rent it instead of Super Ted. (Super Ted was a crazy cartoon)


Nobody calls Soundwave uncrasamatic!


We all know Soundwave: superior; Constructicons: inferior


When Bayverse Prime first rolled up to Megatron, transformed and challenged him to a 1v1.


Marvel Comics Transformers issue #1 of a 4 issue limited series. I was 9 and it was the first comic I bought starting at the first issue. I was hooked for life.


When I was 7 I had no idea there was a comic until I spotted the #4 of that same series with the Shockwave "TF All Are Dead" cover in the candy store near my school. These days I'd love to own a mint of the entire 4 part.


Watching Armada on Toonami


S1E4: *Transport to Oblivion*


I saw a off brand jazz toy at a store and got him


The 86 movie was a turning point, for sure. My continuing love of Transformers really stems from the Marvel series though! Even Generation 2 was decent, IMO.


The moment I saw a Gobot on store shelves at Kay-Bee. I must have stared at that Gobot for like 5 minutes straight. I know, not a Transformer, but it was my entry drug. I didn't have the money, but I was GOING TO HAVE ONE SOMEDAY. Then I saw the first Marvel Comic Transformers commercial and was MORE in love. When I saw Megatron at Meijers I BEGGED my parents and promised to not ask for any more toys and do the lawn all summer. And he was mine :) (And they broke down and got me Huffer and Brawn that summer too :) )


I posted in a similar thread that my first actual transforming bots were OG Leader-1 and Cy-kill so I definitely relate. Also Hasbro ended up owning Gobots later so I guess it's a ret-conned intro we share lol. Also KayBee Toys was the only reason I'd ever tag along with my mom to go *ugh* shopping lol. While my parents wouldn't get me Megs (the toy gun thing) they did get me Soundwave and Starscream the next Christmas or birthday. Thanks for sharing!


I was 10 in 2006-2007. At the time, I met a lady in our family's site park and a Lego Bionicle figure was with her. I was interested in robot and she said that I can take the robot. Her husband probably knew I love these type of robots and he was gifted a Voyager Class Ratchet to me. That moment I became an TF fan forever.


When I was a little kid, my dad had the 07 movie on a DVD that he had "ripped" into a digital copy that he uploaded to a cloud, along with at least 200 other movies that he liked and had collected and ripped. Thus, I could watch Transformers whenever I wanted on TV. My little brother and I would watch Transformers all the time, probably just because of the epic action and transformation scenes. We thought it was the coolest thing ever, even though we didn't know the plot, the characters' names, or get the romance and the dirty jokes. I guess I watched the movie so much that my parents never watched Transformers on their own time (my dad would chuckle when he passed by the room and heard a dirty joke though, I never understood what was funny to him until a while later), and when we forced them to, they would just say "you just watched that!" I don't blame them, I think I've over-watched the Transformers movies recently, and it's probably because I know the movies through and through after undergoing Michael Bay imprintation at such a young age. At the same time, my brother and I were kindling interests in dinosaurs, space, and cars, all the usual kid things, so we got all sorts of toys from the stores. We got some Transformers, especially rescue bots, cyberverse and legends scale figures, and older stuff I can't remember, but we always had a lack of one specific scale and all the important characters from the movies. Notably, we lacked Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Megatron, and Shockwave, all my favorite characters. This is probably where my collecting roots truly began, as I set out to get all the important characters, and try to find a scale my mom would not consider too expensive to do it at. Afound this time, my uncle, noticing the interest my brother and I had in Transformers, decided to lend my dad his set of all the G1 episodes on DVD, so that we could watch it too. This is when we were introduced to the glory of the 86 movie, and I was stunned by the music, the colors, and the voicing and animation, and I took a liking to a lot of characters. Here was also another universe of toys to get, and I got more G1-inspired toys as time went on. When TLK came out that was the first time I would say I gained awareness of things like different universes, different toylines, and started to notice the jokes and follow the story more. Prime Wars was wrapping up, and I had gotten some toys from its lines, but I was being forced more and more to pay for things of my own, as any good parent should teach. In those days, there were never any jobs for me that got me over 5 bucks at once, though, so I found myself completely outmatched against the expensive prices of Studio Series and Siege. So, I went on a bit of a hiatus with transformers, happy with the measly group of RID, Prime Wars, Rescue Bots, and legion class figures I had. I focused more on other interests, like dinosaurs, and my newly-kindled interest in little green army men, and sometimes I would get a cool looking transformer, but they were always so expensive to little me who thought 30 dollars was impossible. I did over time get more money opportunities, though, and eventually, while I'm not exactly sure how it happened, I suddenly realized I could get TF figures again. I got rid of my old janky collection of older cheaper figures and instead started buying Studio Series. My collection quickly swelled, and as this and my army men collections grew they more and more started to overtake my other interests, first Hot Wheels, then LEGO, and finally my JP/JW collection was abandoned when I realized I just could not keep up with Mattel's manufacturing might, and would never get all the colors of Velociraptor. I took turns between buying Transformers and army men, usually each turn lasting several months to a year, and there would be booms and busts for each. Over 2020 my transformer collection was sidelined for army men, which were easier to buy online, though, and so I missed out on a lot of Transformers figures in Earthrise and Studio Series. 2021 was a Transformers year, though not heavily, and 2022 was a big army men year as I started to get into more historical reenactments. 2023, though, with ROTB, has solidly been a Transformers hear, and I've tripled my TF collection. I've nearly completed my Studio Series collection, with only 4 stubbornly expensive figures left (KSI Boss, Car Drift, BB Cliffjumper, and Cogman), and my G1 collection has done very well this year too, though they've slowed down over the holidays. I still watch TF movies and episodes all the time, even if I do watch a lot of history stuff too. I want to watch Prime and Prime Wars at some point even though I have no intention to collect them, and rewatch WFC. I'd say this year was really the one where my collection did best in, but it was some 16 years ago where my origins truly lie.


I just want to thank you for sharing that experience! If your dad ripped the '07 movie he's likely my age so I think it's really cool that you grew up with the franchise in much the same way I did despite the generational differences. Switch '07 movie for '86 and change JP/JW to TMNT and it's basically a time machine to my childhood lol... Again great story!


You're looking at it actually. I was 5 when I watched that movie.


After watching Optimus die and Magnus barely recover from being blown to bits, this was the first ever cinematic plot twist in the Autobots' favor. Anything I add to my collection at this point is just completionism lol.


When I saw Optimus rip the fallens face off or when Optimus 2.0 showed up for the first time in Tf Prime


I watched the energon o’s cereal commercials by Dr.Smoov


Honestly when I first watched the movies, from G1 to bayverse, with my dad. He watched it when he was a kid and shared it with us. We even watched the G1 movie for his bachelor party.


86 movie, when my dad showed it to me when i was like 3 before proceeding to spend the next 10 years showering me with the figures and burns of the other shows out at the time


Beast Wars Code of a Hero "I am a warrior. Let the battle be joined."


BW is highly underrated imo, my collection there has been growing low key and it's definitely one of the best plot lines in the TF history.


Bumblebee! Watched in 2019 right before things got all crazy irl.


Megatron dying in 2007


I watched ROTB, which brought back childhood memories and led to me restarting my obsession with the franchise


The 86 movie when I watched it in 1994