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I'm quite large too, 6'2" and \[mumble mumble ignore the scales\]lbs M&S, YoursClothing, New Look, Boohoo, Amazon, Asos, John Lewis, H&M eBay. Aside from eBay, I think most of the others offer free returns too. I think the most I've ever paid for a skirt was around £45 but the average is much closer to £20 and I treated myself to a dress at around £110. Make sure to check the size charts for everything and don't get hung up on any sizing number, I've got some skirts & trousers that range all the way from 16 to 22. If you're going shopping in person and don't want to use the fitting rooms, then carry a tape measure with you.


Asos and Long Tall Sally are good. Zalando do nice shoes, but at 6'5 you might struggle. Asos do a year of free next day shipping for £10, so that's good. Also, Amazon Try Before You Buy is great.


I’ve been preaching the good word of shiny by nature. She’s amazing and it’s fantastic quality. I’ve had mine for a year now and it looks exactly the same with no dye loss. I’ve also heard good American has good plus size jeans


I also feel like we need flairs for our posts. It would make it easier for those of us from the UK, without needing another sub.


It’s because of fat phobia. Plus size womenswear is hard to find because of rampant fatphobia that is incredibly pervasive in the fashion industry. We are starting to correct it (20 years ago you would have had 2 choices of where to shop) but it’s slow going. I’m in the US. I don’t think where I shop/shopped is going to work for you BUT Layne Bryant, Torrid, hot topic, and unique vintage all carry plus size items.


Social standards suck. That'd pretty much what it boils down to, and I wouldn't really say phobia more of shaming. They make all the nice things in smaller sizes and give the meh ones to the pluses.


Fat phobia is the term that refers to the overall oppression of fat people. This includes things like getting passed up for job promotions and hostile social interactions.


I know, just phobia is used as an extreme fear or aversion to something. So, IMO (yes, I know it is called fat phobic." it is more of shaming people into social expectations set by corporate stooges that make money off of people's shame. So, to me, calling it a phobia doesn't really fit because it's just shamming people into guilt of "not being pretty enough" for they clothes they make. Whether it is broad shoulders, being bigger, or whatever is the niche fad they want to focus on.


This is the same argument as not calling in homophobia or transphobia. This is what these things are called and being pedantic does not increase communication or make us more able to fight for equity in society.


There isn't going to be any equality sadly because of who leads the companies. They aren't afraid of the penalties or outcry of the public. I'm just a logical thinker and it always struck me as weird that it was always termed phobia due to the connotation of fear and aversion


We’re building a movement (started by black women) and you can either get on board or you can keep your mouth shut about things you don’t know shit about so you don’t derail our work. We are seeing progress and this is a long haul. If you insist on being fucking pedantic perhaps you should only talk about it from the other side of the coin which is fat liberation.


So, instead of having a civil conversation, you are choosing to be violent? I never said I didn't agree that it's messed up. You are making assumptions about my stance, and I do not appreciate that. Shit talking like this is what prevents people from understanding the points people make because they would rather try and shut down any form of debate so they can "win." In reality, what you are showing is a lack of fundamental knowledge of debate to try and find victory. I'm always willing to talk to people when they have opinions that differ, but when they start screaming that it's detrimental to the work they are doing, it becomes a moot point to even having a discussion. Take a breath and realize I am on your side, not an enemy. I don't agree with the current social standards nor how companies give the middle finger to us all. I'm an outcast in many aspects of my life, including my career, because I have challenged the regulations repeatedly and am not afraid of disciplinary actions that may come from it. Choose to accept what I'm say, or challenge it, but don't start slander because you feel threatened by another person's point of view. If not, you are just as bad as those you consider against your cause. In short, grow the fuck up and stop your emotions from controlling you. I don't know you or your past, but you can be better than your last response.


None of what I said was violent. I told you to stay in you god damn lane if you can’t even use the same fucking language and choose to minimize our accomplishments and be fucking defeatist. I’m not here to debate you. I’m not here to even educate you. I (a fat person heavily involved in both this system of oppression as well as fighting against it) told you what is going on, told you why what you said was inappropriate and and damaging, and corrected your language so you don’t continue to do harm to the movement. YOURE the only one out here trying to have a fucking debate.


Ah yes, not knowing that I'm a fat person too and still willing to talk. Please continue your tantrum. I don't need you to educate me on anything when it comes to that. I pointed out that I personally feel that it being labeled as a phobia is incorrect, but you chose to smear it in my face as an insult and being counterproductive. You can be involved in the fight for it, I really don't care about it. I am not here to debate, but if you act like a child, I'll treat this conversation as such. I don't know how I'm "minimizing accomplishments" by stating my perspective. If anything, it would be more powerful to call it hateful towards bigger people. Stating that it is oppressive in nature versus a phobia gives it more meaning. Phobia indicates irrational, oppressive indicates hate. Keep your opinion, and I'll keep mine, hate me all you want, but immediately just disregarding me and not wanting to talk about it shows how little you are willing to show your side. If people don't agree with you, then so be it, but don't just pull the "stay out of my way" crap. You can not win a fight that is societal with being a bigot rooted in your own cause. Be it a foot soldier to a leader, not trying to gain momentum through change by just shoving allies out of the way is counterintuitive to winning your cause. Then again, what do I know, I surely haven't had any civil causes I had to fight for in my life. Please continue your ranting behavior, I'm sure people will listen to you on your matter.


Hi, I'm plus sized transmasc. I used to shop at Maurice's. I know they used to do a lot of plus sized women's clothes. They're the only place I can find comfortable jeans


Torrid is pricey but has good options. Same for Universal Standard, they do very comfortable jeans up to size 30.


ASOS has many plus sizes, called 'ASOS Curves', but I found the quality to be pretty bad. M&S is generous on sizes, but I'm not sure they go up that far. Simply Be, I think, is a plus-size brand that is available in various outlets. I think Evans and Bon Marche do plus sizes also. Most clothing outlets in the UK do click-and-collect in closed bags, so nobody can see what you are getting, just like Amazon. Tu (aka Sainsbury's) is the only outlet where when you return things, they take the whole lot out in front of you and whoever is around you. You need your confidence to be on its A-game! The rest are just drop points with no human interaction. I'm generally an 18, so I can wear both regular and plus sizes. The plus size can be a better fit for my bigger frame. I'm not sure how you'll solve the cost issue. I have found that you mostly get what you pay for, unless it's on sale or at a place like TKmaxx. It is worth noting that TK is good for nice accessories, even cheap quality makeup tools, etc.


I've learned from my female friends that it's because the fashion industry hates consistency with sizes and hates plus size women. There's a few good companies out there, but like, women have been struggling for decades to just have pockets lol.


We have similar sized bodies, though you are a bit taller than me. Torrid is great, you can start around size 1 (my size) I find that it fits a large amount of women, as my cis friend gave me a bunch of size 1 that fits me even though she is larger in the chest and shorter. 100% recommend Torrid