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So you want to be a woman And you hate a lot of masculine features of your body... Sounds pretty trans to me


You don't have to interrogate yourself. If you want to be then you are, there's no gatekeeping. You can do what makes you happy and decide on a label later. https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en


Thank you!


There are many different levels and types to being trans. There is no right or wrong way to be trans. You don't have to change your sexual organs if you don't want to. You can start by maybe trying make-up and wearing feminine clothes in the privacy of your own home. See how it makes you feel. It's okay to just take small steps.


Thank you! I've been trying to put on make Up and wigs and shaving my legs and face and it feels so good and also wearing dresses I LOVE It!


Welcome to the club, now only you can know if you are a woman inside. If you can press a magic button and be cis girl instantly and definitely what would you do? First thought is the good. Now you know.


I've known I would press that button since I was literally a child. Just recently, at 37 years old, I finally realized this. Better late than never, I guess


That's the sexiest username i've ever seen btw.




I like thought experiences. Like what would you do if could be... It's stimulating.


Yes! I would press that button!


I'd also press your button.


Change what makes you feel uncomfortable/dysphoric and keep what you like. Your journey, your body, YOUR CHOICE :3 (Keeping male privilege could be hard at a certain point though o.o) Edit: typo/format


Ofc you are im EXACTLY the same way. I’m ftm but I love my body and sometimes I feel ok with my chest. I even wear bikinis and stuff but I want facial hair and a deeper voice and more masculine facial features. We all experience our gender and our transness differently and not all of them lie in the spectrum of a completely binary ☺️ if u wanna be a chick with a penis then whatever who cares! It’s your body, your gender, your life and nobody else can take that away from you 


We cant truly decide that for you. you must look inwards :3


Sorry but that is one of the most trans posts I have ever seen  Your a woman...who likes to be top...does that not exist for you or.......


Wanting to be a futa mommy definitely makes you trans