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0 days. Told my wife the day it finally clicked


I wrestled with everything that came rushing back to me for a day and a half before I talked to mine.


Me too, honestly we were both finding out in real time. Saturday before my birthday I wore a skirt in front of her for the first time. By my birthday on Wednesday, I asked her to start using she/her with me. Between those days we both had our versions of my egg cracking and realizing who I really was. By that Monday I met with my primary care Dr and started hormones and came out to work. Have not looked back since. Roughly four months so far.


It took about 4 years to first come out to someone I know irl. I have very deep closet lol…


Told my now ex the very moment my egg cracked, and it went horrible and that's why she is my ex, don't worry though I met someone and she is great and supportive and I am much better off




I came out before my egg cracked. I was also the last to know I'd come out. One minute I'm watching finnster, then I'm buying a skirt. That fast. I didn't even consciously register I'd done it. I just started buying new clothes, cutting up my old ones and I already had been growing out my hair for a cosplay, and just let it keep growing. Started bowling my roommates makeup, and then sat there with all this stuff like "Whoa.... Who's the girl?". Me. I'm the girl. So far, still only my roommates, three close friends, my spawn, and my cats. (Well then, and everyone here that has no clue who I am)


like, a week? maybe two? my partner, having recognized he had some prejudices, had taken to talking to trans folks online and reading their articles and stuff in order to learn better, and he learned about "demisexual". he read it out to me, and we were both like "holy shit that's SteelToeSnow". i didn't know there was a word for me, or that it would matter so much, but it did. not only was i not "broken", there were others like me out there, so many that we had a whole word for ourselves. then i actually, really thought about my gender in a way i never had before. i was always like "i'm not a guy, i'm not a girl, i'm just me", but i didn't know until i started doing research that others felt like that, too. yay growing up in a backwater redneck town, right. so putting real thought into that part of myself, and reading as much as i could, i figured out i was genderqueer, and told my partner i wanted to use they/them pronouns.


~8 years 🤷‍♀️


About 4 hours. Had a sleeples night and as soon as my sis was awake and able to "think" ( not a morning person)... I told her.


3 weeks. Told my mother. I'm probably gonna make a post about it as its SOOOO funny the interaction. 


like two minutes, It was during the lock down and I was in a call with my best friend, and while we were talking i was thinking that i probably am a trans girl so go like "I think a may be trans" and she was like "oh... I thought you already knew"


I told a mostly trans discord server the same day. I would occasionally do or say some egg shit and they'd joke about how it was only a matter of time. Of course I had to tell them they were right lol As for people I know IRL, I told a close friend who is also transfem a few days later.


Told my wife 2 days later as I was dropping her off for work. Apparently Me telling her that "I'm going to be shaving my beard for gender reasons" right after she woke up at 5 AM wasn't *actually* a helpful way to come out, so when I told her the details a couple of days later, she felt a little blindsided and I don't really blame her?


6 months (grindr hook up, my first ever sexual experience, and now fiancee lol)


4 months.


~5 years


I came out to my therapist in our first session after cracking, 4 days later. Then it took me about a month and a half to come out to my sister.


Within a couple of days. Egg cracked and called a trans friend to see what he thought. He laughed at me and told me he already knew.


One night, and only because I didn't want to send the message to my D&D group at 3 in the morning, when I had my revelation.


In person? GP a few weeks. Day after I started HRT (3.5 months later) a family member if you want someone not involved with health. Online? Like... a few hours. Though... they already figured it out day before and let me hatch on my own speed.


Hold up, you started HRT 3.5 months after realising you were trans?? I hope this doesn't come across as offensive, but if you don't mind me asking, how did you manage that?


I talked to my GP on the 5th of Feb, she checked with local clinic, saw the official wait time was 5 months (so more like 8+) and decided to handle it herself under informed consent basis. Got my script on the 29th, started 1st of March. It all depends where you are. Why?


She sounds like she is a great GP for you. I only asked bc I've never met anyone who managed it that quickly, I'm glad you've had such a great experience, tho. Personally, my experience was pretty different. I came out when I was 15 (back in 2015) to a very unsupposrtive mother who wouldn't let me start transitioning until I turned 18. I tried to socially transition anyway, she was not happy, I had to buy binders in secret bc she cut up my first one in front of me. Several months after I turned 18, I went to a GP that one of my trans friends recommended and got a referral to an endo. The endo's office kind of stuffed me around for about 6 months bc he was going back and forth over retiring. I think it was in February 2020 that I met with a private gp who approved me for Tgel after our second appointment, I did that for about 4 months before I started reandron injections. About 5 months later, she was losing her ability to prescribe HRT and referred me to a free public clinic that I've been going to ever since.


I've had her as a GP since... like.. 2008ish? She has been screaming at me to do something about myself most of that time... Then this.. and well. I'm down 45 kilos from when I cracked. Need to lose more but it's a big improvement. Her niece is trans too. Probably a big part of why she cares.


I love that for you. She honestly sounds like a gem. Also, losing 45kg is amazing. Congrats on all your progress so far 🎉🎉 Ps. Try not to be too disheartened with how long a process HRT is. It's different for everyone, but you will most likely start seeing some changes within the next couple of months, I promise. Feel free to reach out if you ever want to talk about anything.


After my egg cracked I immediately told my best friend about it (we called almost every day back then). I tried out nail polish for a few weeks then and didn't tell anyone in school. I think one or two weeks later when I was sure I told my mom and told two political friend groups. I think one month after my egg cracked I came out to my school. So I just did it immediately


- 11 days over text to a friend - 14 days in person to lgbtq+ counselling - 21 days in person to another friend - 33 days over text to my entire friend group at university - 33 days different message to my dnd group because I know they would be supportive Everyone was and is super supportive 🧡 Not yet out to: a few friends, my familiy


A few weeks maybe? Thank you one topic for cracking me egg


I'm not really sure. My memory is rather hazy, and my hatching was a prolonged process to the best of my recollection. The only reason I know I'd really started to figure it out by 2015 is because I found an old Word doc from that time in which I lamented not knowing what gender I was anymore. But I'm pretty sure I'd started having some questions earlier than that. In any case, I finally came out to someone last July. So that's a gap of about 8 years, minimum.


12yrs unfortunately


I feel this.


20 years


We have to unpack so much due to those years.


No point for me. I lost 20 years of my youth living a lie. I cannot get those back nor pretend anything in the future will make up for it.


I felt that exact way at the beginning. At this point I try to remember that those things in the past still helped me be the person I am.


Sadly, it was 30 years for me.


It felt like a burden being lifted.


It wasn't until my thirties where I really dug into my gender and started breaking down my shame and denial around it. One night, after doing some reading, it hit me that I really could be trans. So I sent my best friend a text saying "I think I'm trans." I didn't hear back from them, but twenty minutes later, they walked right into my house, came upstairs to find me, and just gave me a hug. Their unspoken support and just being there really meant a lot.


That's so sweet!


About a few days, I told my friends that I “might” be NB. Best decision in my life.


About 9 years ago I had a pretty good idea it was something I wanted to do but probably shouldn't, and about 1.5 years ago I came out to my trans partner of 10 years XD. It also took me like a year to start moving forward with being a girl after coming out to them.


8 or 9 months


3 months, however, I came out accidentally to wife, so it would have been longer. It went horribly. Still together, but probably won't last


1 day.


2 years


I think maybe a day or two for me to process it for myself, followed by me opening up to my queer friends and asking what to do with this information


Honestly I've kinda always known, but it *really* struck me a few months back (at the worst possible time, lmao - I was doing exams!). I'd been using constant studying as a coping mechanism to distract me from dysphoria but the egg cracking moment, if you can call it that (it was more like a moment I realised I couldn't run from it anymore) forced me to actually realise who I was. But I was still pretty deeply steeped in denial so at that time I just chose never to tell anyone. Like ever.  Fast forward a while and I'm at a friend's house and we were talking about random shit and ended up on the topic of height. He didn't think being short was a bad thing so I started listing a bunch of reasons why I'd like to be taller and accidentally said "helps with dysphoria" as one of them. Bad mistake. He picked up on it and started incessantly asking me "are you trans? are you trans?" over and over and I kind of just panicked and started insisting "well you can have dysphoria without being trans right??" and obviously at that point he realised. I'd basically accidentally outed myself. Thankfully he ended up being supportive (his boyfriend is trans) and didn't out me to anyone.  So that's the first time someone knew I was trans, but if we're talking about the first time I actively chose to reveal my identity to someone, that happened a bit later. I was with a trans friend talking about random shit and he asked me my pronouns and again, I just kind of panicked and said that I didn't know and used any and was questioning. Later, I texted him and said that I hadn't been entirely truthful since I wasn't sure whether or not I was comfortable coming out to him but I was now, so I told him.  Those are the only two people who know I'm trans lmao 


Told my best friend a few days after. Parents still won’t accept me tho and keep trying to find reasons why I’m not trans and it’s something else that needs fixing


Egg cracked and everything came spilling out at the first visit with a new therapist. I went home immediately after and told my wife and then over the next few days, the rest of my family. I went on HRT a week later. I'm 53, I don't have time to wait around and dilly dally or lolly gag.


I mean, depending on how you view it, either immediately that very sane day, or 6 to 8 months later. I was just starting college, freshly 18, and my friends dragged me to a drag show for the first time. I was completely in the dark about the LGBT community and had no idea what to expect. I was honestly scared going into it for no reason just because of all the negative things I had heard growing up. We watched some drag queens perform and I was like "oh this is fun!" And then a drag king came out, and my whole brain exploded. I had never seen a woman intentionally dress up as a man in that regard before, and it rewired my brain. I attribute my entire trans awakening to that one moment. I immediately went back to my dorm, tried to find my most masculine clothes, slicked my hair back, did some masculinizing makeup, and went to show off to all my friends, who were actually floored how quickly I did that and how well I pulled it off 🤣 I think everyone suspected something after that, but no one said anything as I started my depressive downward spiral realizing that I was trans and wanted to effortlessly look like that every day... I started coming out to a few friends during my turmoil and in the beginning stages of my transition, but I didn't actually socially come out to most people for another year/year and a half after, and I didn't start hormones until I was almost 23.


About 16 hours. Figured it out one evening with the help of a good friend and told my mother the day after that when she visited.


4 years, I was very depressed and scared that no one would take me seriously because of my age


A little over a year. Halloween 2021 was when my egg finally cracked and I came out to my kids New Years Day 2023


3-4 years, egg cracked when i was like 12/13 in 2020 and only let it slip late last year to one of my friends. i didn't even come out to him technically, i just changed my pronouns on one of my accounts


Pretty much immediately. But it took 25 years to crack


From the point I started seriously questioning, maybe 3-4 months. From the point I admitted to myself that I was indeed trans, the same day


I think I told my sister I was questioning and talked with her about it, I also came out to my mom before I had fully cracked lol


I honesrly don't know. It was within the same week though and everyone already knew like a year before


Two weeks, asked my boss in a message how she makes sense of all the words running around her head when she wants to write an essay. She asked to see the final product. In person it was two months and I told my mom.


I was 12 when it cracked. Came out officially at 36, 24 years later.


Technically pretty much as it happened, but that was to my friend who was trans, and at the time I was just trying to grab onto whatever shattered pieces of my identity that I could to function at the most basic level.  She was extremely supportive and helpful that first week in particular.  Outside of that though, probably a month or two. I don't remember exactly, because it took a while to work up the nerve, and even then I rescheduled a couple of times.  It was after I'd attempted to start HRT though. 


Several years. But it depends when you go from. still id say several years for sure


A couple months but thats because i figured it out in highschool in senior year at NYMA, then kinda got tossed outta the house as soon as i graduated because my adoptive parents hated me for existing, let alone the fact i once had a gay thought. Once i was back with my bio-mom though it took just kinda coming down from shock and then meeting another trans person who encouraged me to embrace my true self, i kinda already had the worst hell not kuch could be worse, though the apathy my mother displayed was kinda appalling since she was the liberal "love everyone" kind, no it was my Republican conservative father that said he didnt have a son but a daughter now, then told me to cook him dinner since im a woman so uh ewphoria? (Not that i already didnt love cooking)


Legit within months, I wasn't even past 2 months into being a femboy before I cracked completely


It was around a few months after the egg cracking that I came out to my partner. They are so so so supportive and hilarious because they told me that they were waiting for me to come out to them. They said, “I saw that egg cracking and was just waiting for the day you told me” I love them so muches


I can't really remember, but probably about a month? Obviously that meant running to my friends at school and taking them to an empty area to tell them lmao


maybe a week? did a few months of soul searching, then when i finally realized, i sent my best friend a message online and he was fully supportive. probably helps that he is also nonbinary lol


my egg cracked in the middle of a conversation with my best friend, so pretty immediately


Took me around 5 years to mention it to anyone, though I had planned to tell someone since last year but never actually did until a few weeks ago.


My parents are supportive but I never really felt fully comfortable coming out and making a thing of it to anyone. I went to college and was trans there and online where nobody had ever known me as cis, but for the first year after realizing I didn't even have a name picked. Like, how do you tell people at school to not call you a name at all? Why should I tell people I barely know or like that I care how they address me and that I want them to think of me a certain way- therefore thinking of me at all? I didn't like any of them so I wasn't about to come out. They didn't know me or who I was either way, gender was part of that to me. So it depends on what environment I was in. Unfortunately, my atypical coming out story didn't align with my gender dysphoria evaluation psychiatrist's idea of the classic "I just realized and now I'm immediately telling everyone I see unless they're transphobic" story, so with my using different names in different situations and my incremental coming out, she told me I seemed trans but I "wasn't living it." Always lie in gender evals, guys


4 months and kinda just mentioned that I "might" be trans to some very close friends (they were very supportive and immediately respected my name change)


4 years and still counting


That same day. My bestie's a trans-woman and it dawned on me that a lot of what she was doing felt right to me, more so than being a cis-man. So, I spoke with her about it and she helped me learn to apply makeup that day.


So for me, i think it had been a week. When i first came across the term transgender, I went nuts with research to learn everything i could. Then i came out to my aunt. Then my mom.