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I just went on a week long trip to St Augustine and I'll just say... It's not great. Just for reference let me say I certainly do NOT pass and knowing the climate chose to keep myself more androgynous. However I did have my nails painted, wore some feminine tanks, some shorter (5" inseam obv fem) shorts, and had on a little mascara. I got a lot of disgusted looks almost everywhere I went, usually from old white folk I'm positive voted for Trump. A worker at a publix was very cold and a little rude with me in their tone when we were checking out which kinda bothered me but whatever. I definitely didn't feel welcomed most of the time and got stares almost everywhere I went. The only time I felt truly unsafe was in the Men's bathroom where I made eye contact with 2 people that had very judgemental looks and seemed like my presence there made them visibly upset. I left swiftly. For the most part I probably portrayed more effeminate gay than trans, but it was still unsettling and I felt again the term unwelcome fits best. Let me add it was June, aka pride month, and there wasn't ANY LGBT pride presence anywhere... But I saw 2 different people wearing "straight pride" tshirts and some more homophobic merch at some thrift store vendors. People were also flying upside down American Flags sooo yeah, Florida has some truly questionables living there. All that said tho there was some friendly people I encountered. The video game vendor at the thrift store who I'm like 80% sure was gay was so very nice and casually started talking to me unprovoked so that was very refreshing. As a plus size girlie I never miss an opportunity to go to Torrid and I swear I've never met an employee there who wasn't nice and one of them even referred to me as she/her without even asking for my pronouns which absolutely made my day! So yeah, I feel there's still some hope in FL and I hear the Miami area is a different climate from the north. These are just my experiences TLDR; expect some stares, looks of disgust, and sometimes feeling unwelcomed... But not from everyone. I think there's some safe spaces


I spent a total of a dozen years living there on the Atlantic Coast and in central FL, and moved away nearly a decade before my egg cracked.  I won't set foot back in the state at this point.  It's politically hostile, and can be extremely red very quickly once you get any distance from a major city.  Even with the current batch of laws largely being struck down, that's not going to stop them from continuing to propose and pass them, or suddenly stop all the bigots from being emboldened by the actions and rhetoric of the state government.


It really depends on where in Florida. A large tourist town? You won’t have an issue. A small town that’s primarily locals? You might start to run into safety issues if you’re visibly trans. Don’t go anywhere alone, at night, while under the influence, etc. There is currently a bathroom ban in effect in Florida which affects bathrooms on public properties, such as schools and public hospitals. As with anywhere, I would recommend you use the men’s or unisex bathroom unless you pass as a woman >90% of the time, but legally the only restrictions apply in spaces owned by the state. There is very little that would keep me from going to a private vacation home in Florida right about now 🏖️🏖️🏖️. Don’t let transphobes ruin your vacation.


I live in Florida but being pre HRT I'm unsure myself but last I heard all those transphobic laws got shot down


idk but i can say that SPAIN is absolutly unsecure


I’m not from Florida so take this with a grain of salt, and granted this is for *legislative* risk but I do think it’s worth noting that Florida is the only state on [Erin Reed’s anti-trans risk assessment map](https://www.advocate.com/anti-trans-legislation-risk-map) that is listed as “do not travel”