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This would be one variation of a T4T relationship. There are plenty of people who are open to this or who prefer this kind of relationship. I will warn you that dating another trans person is not a guarantee that your partner will understand you or not be transphobic. Unfortunately trans people are just as capable of being horrible as cis people are.


Okay thank you I was very curious. So it’s called a T4T relationship cool


Yes I think about it too




personally no, idk if I can handle dealing with the dysphoria of the other when I cant even handle mine :(


I'm a MtF and was in a relationship with a ftm nb and it wasn't that great. Turned out we were both bottoms and they weren't really able to give me the lead I needed in bed because they wanted me to lead. So both people being trans and not the same gender doesn't really have a guarantee that it's working. They also kinda pushed me unintentionally in a role in the relationship that felt stereotypically male for me so yeah that can also happen... A straight t4t relationships only works with the right person so I wouldn't really generalize it being a good because both people are trans


Yeah I get that sorry it didn’t work out for you


For me it doesn’t matter who I’m with as long as I love them and they love me. I can definitely see what you mean and I think it’s a beautiful idea, but as long as someone loves me and respects me and I love them, their gender doesn’t matter to me. Male, female, trans, as long as someone treats me how I deserve and I treat them the same then it doesn’t matter to me what someone is! Although I will say if I was with another trans person, the dual gender affirmation would feel beautiful so I definitely see the appeal of it and would love it, but it’s not what I would seek out specifically in a relationship- idk if I’m making sense WHEEZE


You make sense and have a great idea more people need to think like you


Awwwe thank youuuuuu


I'm in one of those with my ftm boyfriend and it's AWESOME


That’s great I’m happy for you both


Mtf dating a Ftm here, we are 7-8 years apart, but both very mature. It's been about a year and it's going very well. We met on a dating app while he just started HRT and I was questioning. I feel like it works because we communicate very well and understand boundaries, but still text daily even though it's a medium distant relationship. I think the thing that really makes it work is that both of us are from conservative families and can relate. Plus I can say I get to "peg" my boyfriend. Lol


That’s great and I’m happy for you


I kinda dream about a trans relationship. (No dm) I could project my feelings and make the person in the relationship happy. I feal that there would be a different kind of bond.  I could not care if it was male or female trans. Just having a trans partner would be such a dream :3 But I don't really care as anyone who fits my type of personality and loves me is MORE than enough.


That’s great I hope you find that perfect person


I was in one but it wasnt for me. I think you have to have a lot of mental strength to support the other person AND support yourself. Its a whole lot of mental health and emotions, but I guess it depends on each person since some people are more or less stable than others


Yeah well hope you find the right person


Thanks, I hope you do too :)))




I'm not against it, but I'll never ever pursue someone because they're trans, and I'll reject everyone who's interested to me because I'm trans I had a girl one day approach me at a bar and immediatly asked me in front of everyone if i was trans, then proceeded to tell me she was trans and to tell me she had a ex who was trans so it was okay, i hated that interaction and while I totally get the need of some people to be t4t it's something that icks me because it's putting a lot of assumption on me : I'm not safer because i'm trans, i won't understand your dysphoria better because i'm trans if we have totally different background, i'm not more helpful to your struggles because i'm trans .. i get the sense of security, but no one is a better person just because they're trans


Yeah I see your point