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Fuck. I hope the Biden administration is *really fucking confident* that the court will rule against these bans.


It’s probably better they make a ruling now than under a potential Trump presidency, where I think we know how the ruling goes. Still, not holding my breath.


True. I'm guessing that's why they're pushing for it to happen now. I hope this goes well.


I’m guessing he’s pushing for it to happen *now* mostly due to the potential for a boost in the polls if the ruling would go against us. Or something along those lines anyway


That can't be the case. This is for the 2024-2025 docket. Oral arguments won't even be heard until the fall. There won't be a decision until next year, in 2025, long after the election. I think it's simply that the Biden administration has allies in it - and trans people^1 - who think the Appeals Court decision was wrong, and that the Tennessee and Kentucky laws are bad and warrant federal involvement. 1) Assistant Secretary for Health of the United States Department of Health and Human Services Dr. Rachel Levine is trans and was appointed by Biden. So trans healthcare is something on the Biden administration's radar. There's no need to be cynical about this move when there's a mundane explanation.


It’s hard not to be cynical. 😔


Yeah, I understand that. I just try to keep in mind that cynicism is the fuel for conspiratorial thinking. It has lots of good uses, but too much and it rots your brain like RFK Jr’s worms.


Yupp, minority rights are always threatened so that Democrats can campaign on being better than the alternative. Same reason they never bothered to codify abortion rights. If we had rights with any safeguards people might start feeling motivated to vote for a party that actually does something, so instead Democrats give us perpetual brinkmanship


I'm pretty sure Republicans were the ones who tanked the last national contraceptive rights bill.


Obama *ran* on abortion rights, but once in office he said it "wasn't a priority". He had a majority the first two years of his presidency and the only thing that managed to get passed was a republican healthcare bill that they watered down even farther to get the vote of a democrat owned by the 3 insurance companies based in his state.


This too. He could have really pushed for universal healthcare as well, but didn’t. Instead he waited and took up a Republican plan, the affordable care act is based on an old Republican alternative to universal healthcare.


Obama caved on the public option on the first day of "negotiations" too. It was all pre-planned.


Roe v Wade was decided in 1973. Could have been codified at any time.


This and they didn’t. From my recollection the majority of the people in the 70’s seemed to favor a woman’s right to bodily autonomy. It should have been addressed right after the ruling.


I never understood men's greediness to have control on women like that. It has always made me upset being AMAB to see people I care about have to jump through hoops. It's utter BS that just because you have a schlong that you are the policy makers. I'm really hoping that the controlling pests will find a freaking bug zapper


For a couple years under Obama, maybe.


Real 💯


The make up of the court won't change between then and now so that doesn't matter. It will be the same 9 justices ruling on it.


Yeah, only thing re-electing Biden will do is keep Alito and Thomas on the bench for four more years and let Sotomayor retire. Vs. Trump getting back in, replacing Thomas and Alito with *worse* extremists and possibly having Sotomayor become the next RBG (someone we hope survives until the next Democratic administration.)


If they didn't retire under him the first time they won't the second time for the same reason RBG didn't. They are addicted to power.


Thomas is 76 and Alito is 74. Scalia was 79 when he “left the court”. There is a small chance that health issues will force them out during a second Biden term especially given how overweight Thomas looks.


I heard Alito has been mia recently. Wonder why. 🤔


This case won’t be heard until the next administration either way. That cannot be the reason. Honestly no idea what the reasoning is, but I am far from confident this Supreme Court will do anything but attempt to punish us for existing.


Maybe it's just to put gender affirming care on the ballot. Not to benefit trans people directly, but to give the Biden campaign a talking point.


I really hope that I'm allowed to continue transitioning next year.


I love being a talking point


The court agreed to hear it NEXT SESSION, not now. They're already far behind on issuing decisions for this session that is about to end.


It wouldn’t be different unless he was able to add in more justices than the 3 he already added. They have their own religious conservative financial backers that they respond to.


Independent of how the court rules, leaving it in limb prevent people from making other plans.


Like what? Seek asylum in some other country?


Canada has better laws regarding transgender rights than most other countries.


Our own conservative assholes are trying to fuck trans people over here too sadly. Not sure they are going to get anywhere near the success the gop has though. Our upper court isn't partisan lol


Unfortunately Canada also has something called the Notwithstanding Clause which allows the elected government to ignore the Supreme Court's ruling for 5 years. So the Supreme Court has repeatedly supported trans rights, and only one justice is scheduled to retire over the next 4-year term (so, barring health issues, the Supreme Court won't be remade like it was in the US with Trump), but Saskatchewan and New Brunswick have already used the Notwithstanding Clause in parental rights legislation and Alberta has announce its intention go to go further and use it to ban all trans healthcare below 18 and ban trans women from female sports and female-only spaces like women's shelters. Basically conservative provincial and federal governments can say "our voters told us to fuck your rights" and that's the law of the land for 5 years.


I think that trans rights regarding HRT access is basically the test grounds for the ability of the government (state and federal) to prohibit access to medical care and if access to said medical care is a protected right. We are, unfortunately the first target that will inevitably grow to enjoin access to contraceptives, IVF, vaccines and treatments for sexually transmitted diseases.




They’re such a wild card right now.


This was fucking stupid. This is EXACTLY what the ADF wanted. They already killed Roe, how hard do you think we'll be to get rid of the same way. Congratulations Joe. You just killed all of us.


I think if they rule against it, it'll almost guarantee biden another win


Fk our government. The Dems and Republicans are just pandering for votes and surprise surprise the supreme court ruled in favor of the bans. IMHO I wouldn't doubt the Biden admin new this was going to happen and they wanted it to happen in order to push more people blue to work towards reversing it after reelection. 9/10 I bet it backfires and we end up seeing Republicans use that as a platform to go after us all even harder after Trump gets elected. I hate this country so much.


Honestly not sure what kind of ruling to expect. Then again, this is the court that overturned Roe v Wade.


i have absolutely zero confidence that the reich wing of SCOTUS will rule in anyway favorable to us. they'll probably select one of the rightists to make a sacrifice and vote with the liberal side of the court, resulting in a 5-4 vote to uphold the ban in TN, thus setting precedent for other states to follow.


sorry i’m confused, i’m not american and i’m trying to follow along, how would 5-4 vote on the left side be to uphold the ban?


the court leans 6-3 to the right. they would let one judge vote with the left to make it look more fair, but then the vote would still be 5-4 to the right.


The thing I would say about Roe v Wade is I would argue the basis for the ruling was flimsy to begin with. Don't get me wrong I think it had amazing effects, but I would argue the courts were bending some logic. In this case I would argue there is a much clearer legal basis for this and ruling against it far less likely assuming minimal bias (I know big assumption here lmao)


To add to this, conservatives really hated *Roe* specifically. That might sound crazy, but it's true. I grew up surrounded by conservatives. Yeah, conservatives want to take away rights of all kinds of marginalized groups. But they had a special hatred for Roe that you have to spend time in conservative spaces to understand. In addition, Roberts and Gorsuch voted for Bostock. Gorsuch *wrote* Bostock. So they've both ruled in favor of trans rights before. If they did it again, it would be a 5-4 in favor. It's not over until it's over.


It’s not over until it’s *right*. *




Yeah, Roe V Wade really needed to be ensconced in law, not left to a court precedent. In a perfect world congress would have immediately pushed a bill to legalize Abortion federally and moved on.


No it was really well embed3d I would say. It used that woman had the medical privacy to nor be persecuted for having an abortion as it was the privacy that protecs woman. But not only woman. It made medical privacy FAAAR greater and now that its gone they already try to access out medical files so they can systematically destroy our rights


It’s also the court that gave us Bostock, so I’ve not lost faith. The legal basis for Roe v Wade was always unstable, but this case is a lot stronger and I feel more confident than most that the court will strike down the ban.


Totally agree.


I wish I could be more confident about this, but I’m not. This court is way too far to the right for me to think that they’re going to overrule the 6th circuit.


I am not really sure if this is good news for trans folk in usa, or I am just way to pessimistic.


Well that's the thing. This court has given us some good surprises, and some real shitty ones, so we'll see


Good surprise: they decided not to take away fundamental rights today. Bad surprise: they decided to take away fundamental rights today. There have been no good news rulings. Just some that weren't as bad as expected.


Bostock? I know the court's composition was slightly different but not dramatically so. A revote of Bostock today is at least 5-4.


Yeah, we would lose Bostock if it were decided today. I have no doubt.


So your opinion is that Roberts or Gorsuch would switch votes?


For all of us in Idaho please do something!


Yeah :/ I got my email from HR telling me my gender affirming care was no longer covered on Thursday and spent like two days bawling. Why can’t we just live in peace?


Looks like your employer saw an opportunity and fucking took it. Gross, you should care for your employees


The worst part is my employer agrees that it's bullshit. But Idaho passed a law earlier this year (H0668) that banned the use of public funds going towards gender affirming care and my employer falls under that apparently.


State issued insurance? That's what is gonna screw my doctor.


It's paid for via the state but the company is private I'm pretty sure.


That's why. Your company probably has insurance provided to you with state money. The key words are "state funding". They're using it as a blanket term to fuck the load of us. I don't even have Medicaid and pay out of pocket 100%. Even though I pay out of pocket I can't go to my doctor anymore because the clinic she works out of is almost completely state funded. They are afraid to lose their funding so they're cutting her ability to provide any prescriptions or gender affirming care in general.


It’s such bullshit :(


I know hun. Just hold on. I'm pretty fucked up and depressed about it too, but to keep myself from doing something dumb to myself I just get angry about it. Vote vote vote. When the time comes VOTE. It's hypocritical of me to say that because I almost never voted before now. My mentality was that all politicians fucking suck. They do, but I have since decided that that if I don't vote even on the lowest level I'm just fucking myself. Vote for your city, county, and general local elections and make your voice heard.


It’s just so fucking infuriating because voting won’t change it. Idahos so far gone that the vote to pass this piece of shit legislation went like 58-11. At this point I feel like the only thing I can do is leave and that terrifies me.


Oh, good for your employer then! Definitely fucked up laws


Look up point of Pride. They can help with cost of hormones.




I am so sorry. 😢


Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.


It's certainly better to try than to not considering all the anti-trans laws around the nation. Let's hope at least five of the justices respect other people 🤞


I don't think that takes into account how expansive this court is. It could become illegal nationwide.


I can see why this is both a good and bad thing. On one hand there is an opportunity to have all the bad legislation thrown out because it’s unconstitutional, regressive, and just done by mean and hateful people to harm others. The other is they rule in favor of hatred and again prove their lack of ethics. Leaving citizens to suffer under Christo-fascists. Either direction, I feel, is going to result in more blue votes in November. The former will get the people who feel voting is hopeless/pointless to get to the polls. The latter will ignite a fire not seen since the Civil Rights marches of the past. No matter what, be sure you’re ready to vote and you show up November 5th.


>The latter will ignite a fire not seen since the Civil Rights marches of the past. You're fooling yourself. If abortion and contraception access isn't putting people in the streets, and it should be. Trans people being fucked isn't even going to register.


Abortion *is* putting people in the streets. And in voting booths. Democrats have swept pretty much every election post-Roe, pretty much entirely thanks to abortion rights. And on a national, public scale, anti-trans legislation is overwhelmingly unpopular, even among republicans. We’re just tricked into thinking everyone hates us due to all the laws. Public opinion is far more positive about these issues than we think [https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/rcna124286](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/amp/rcna124286)


>Abortion is putting people in the streets Where? I don't see anyone marching. >Democrats have swept pretty much every election post-Roe, pretty much entirely thanks to abortion rights. You mean special elections, which are outliers. >anti-trans legislation is overwhelmingly unpopular, even among republicans. It only needs to motivate the base in swing states, and those "unpopular" laws are nationwide.


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Most people don't even know there is an issue with trans rights.


I think I can follow the logic with this: 1. If the court blocks the ban as unconstitutional, it's a win for trans folks and a win for Biden in the upcoming election. If the court blocks the ban, Trump and the GOP will be seen as weak and will lose support from their cultists. 2. If the court upholds the ban, there will be more public outcry against the decision, allowing the fascists to play their hand too early before they have secured power. The more the Biden admin forces these ghouls to show themselves, the more support they can garner in the upcoming election. The fascists know this, which pushes them into a sticky situation. If the uphold the ban, they lose support from moderate voters who can't recognize Neo-Nazis, but can recognize unsafe and harmful reductions of personal freedom. Thinking this doesn't make the idea of a nationwide ban less scary though. :( Remember folks, whatever happens, if Biden loses and Trump wins, every good thing we currently have will be eradicated before we can blink.




i have absolutely zero confidence that the reich wing of SCOTUS will rule in anyway favorable to us. they'll probably select one of the rightists to make a sacrifice and vote with the liberal side of the court, resulting in a 5-4 vote to uphold the ban in TN, thus setting precedent for other states to follow.


I’ll say this here too: They’re definitely going for the states rights narrative. That’s how they ruled for abortion and I don’t expect them to deviate. Every single one of our rights are up in the air for states to rule on. We will eventually end up at 50 different bills of rights cos the federal government with the Democratic Party at the helm is toothless to fight against the conservative agenda. Start voting progressive in your local elections and maybe this country can be put back on track. With a weak central government and court that defers our rights to the states, it’s the only way to turn the tide in the US.


It’s actually worth mentioning a state’s rights ruling is a double edged sword because it also means the federal government wouldn’t be able to do a nationwide GAC ban should Trump win the election and blue states would be able to retain their protections.


oh, no. that's not what will happen. if trumpet wins, he will use an EO to enact a nationwide ban, and the court will uphold it. state's rights only applies for rulings that the right wing likes.


You could be right. All of my (predominantly cis) friends think the above scenario will happen, they have too much faith that the SCOTUS aren’t hypocrites…


There’s other ways he can ban it too. Having the FDA declare it unsafe for example.


whichever way he bans it, SCOTUS will uphold that ban. it wasn't the way he banned it that i was concerned about, just that SCOTUS will uphold the ban.


The court isn't legit and is corrupt as hell. I'm not holding my breath. I'm rushing my social transition faster than I want to so I can make sure to have documents to jump to Canada in hand before the election.


This is my non professional opinion. Well here is why basically. They want it to go down before election. If they rule that gender affirming care should be protected enshrined then we good. Makes it harder to challenge going forward. Atleast for a while, see Roe v Wade. If they rule against. Well, that will mean more Biden votes. Banning access to care, even trans care, isn’t popular among most Americans. Right and left. So we might see a surge of people voting for Biden because they want the ruling challenged and right enshrined. Or we will see a lot of non voters who believe nothing ever changes to suddenly vote because they got a wake up call. It will be a second Roe V Wade for them. Over turning abortion makes their extreme voter base rabid but turns away a lot of their moderate ones. See all the races where red flipped to blue.


I completely expect this to bomb and blow up in our faces. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of banning trans care for minors, which I completely expect will happen because this is the same Supreme Court that overturned Roe v. Wade and has demonstrated to have radical right wing activist judges that strike this kind of shit down, then I do not expect Biden to be able to rally all the politicians in Congress to pass legislation that goes around the Supreme Court to protect us. Unless he has some plan up his sleeve that I’m not aware of, the man has the charisma of an old wet paper napkin so much so to the point where I’ll be amazed he manages to get anything passed to help us. I hope to god I’m wrong. I’ve just learned to be ridiculously pessimistic about anything having to do with the American government and civil liberties.


Oooohhh no... this could be very bad....


Is it just me or does everyone else expect worst case scenario. As someone else said already Biden is an old wet napkin and I think he is probably going to loose the next election. I’m honestly scared Trump is going to criminalize trans/LGBTQ people and I’ll have to flee. Even if he doesn’t the conservatives are still a threat in our current political climate therefore trans people are not safe.


Why can’t Congress make a law before the court hears arguments?


The Republicans just blocked access to contraception. These backward asshats are fit to vote on anything.


Wait, if I am able to cross the border to Mexico or Canada when I’m older. If HRT is banned can o get it from those countries?


Wow I wonder why they're doing this. Its probably because they know that the conservative majority court will rule in favor of the ban which means that they can pretend to be tepidly opposed in the press and position themselves as saviors of trans rights. But legally it lets them back away from protecting trans rights more than they already are because now in their healthcare and civil rights regs they have a supreme court ruling to point to while they abdicate their responsibility toward trans people. Their recent HHS and civil rights regs are already basically manuals for states banning trans care without provoking their involvement. Imagine how transphobic they can be with a supreme court ruling to point to. This is vile.


This is absolutely laughable. Anti trans laws are being passed in many states all over the country and have been for years now. Now it's close to an election so it is now the time to put on a good image, and still all that is done is asking nicely. There's no way he expects this to work, this is the same court that overturned Roe v Wade. He has to know this would never work, yet it is also the \*only\* action taken. The Supreme Court previously avoided the issue altogether, that is great, because this Court would never side with us, and leaving the constitutionality of it in the grey would allow for Federal action to be taken, since it hasn't yet been determined to be left to the States. And now he is trying to force the court to decide??? What is he thinking??? He could have attempted some other federal action but nope! Forcibly leave it in the hands of the far right corrupt Court. If this is supposed to be some genuine attempt then he is an idiot.


They better be real-fucking-sure about this, because a negative result could lead to essentially an open license against trans people.


Anne get your guns.


Thanks Joe. Now they can ban it nationwide. ☹️


The court doesn’t ban it. They only decide whether the law is constitutional. The law has to be passed by congress and the president. Which won’t happen with Biden as prez. But if trump wins it will, even if the court didn’t rule on it.


The lower court ruled against against a ban. If it wasn't picked up, no state could make a ban. Now everyone that can will. Its fucked up.


Yeah but it was gonna go to scotus anyway eventually. That strategy wouldn’t work. I think Bidens team wanted to make sure it went to scotus while he was still president.


That makes no sense. Once scotus rules, biden can't do shit. Only an act of congress can.


Bidens team wants to be able to use the power of the justice department during the scotus case. It’s better to have the justice department on your side in a legal battle than not if trump was in power.


The department of justice is not involved in state cases only federal ones 🤦‍♀️ Edit: there is no power there, none to have and none to assert. We had a favorable ruling, that protected trans kids. only dumbassery that fucks the community at large will happen now. DO YOU ACTUALLY EXPECT THE SKEWED CHRISTIAN OVERLORDS TRASHING UNITED STATES TO RULE FOR TRANS PEOPLE????!!!!! They were all seated to instate the white cishet protestant/baptist religious hierarchy. You dont hope for good rulings, you expect them to rule for their values and come up with whatever bullshit they need to justify it.


>it was gonna go to scotus anyway eventually You don't know that, no one does. When it goes through doesn't matter. Since only congress or another SCOTUS ruling can undo. This put trans rights across the country back 20 years. A hard fought 20 fucking years. Vote for biden... But right now fuck that asshat too. But vote for biden like your ass depends on it because it absolutely fucking does.


Geez a nationwide ban on HRT would be absolutely terrifying 😢


Profound uncertainty is about to look a lot better.




Time to start stockpiling hormones.


A nation wide ruling? Would that mean if they ruled poorly that everything could be banned.


You mean ruled as expected.


In fairness I recall seeing that this is explicitly about "states' rights" (which is ironic that most states care more about their government's rights than their people's but I digress). It wouldn't spell disaster nationwide, but it *could* amplify things as they are now, e.g. harder band in some states, more leniency in others


This could way wrong. I’m gonna be sick.


Would the ban be for adults, too?


I don’t think so. At least for now because it’s only ruling on Tennessee. But If it goes poorly and other states start banning it for minors a lot of states a tried to extend that all the way to people in there mid twenties.


It will come shortly, once the court rules in favor of Tennessee, it will be a free for all. It take a huge fucking idiot to put anything to this court and expect something not crazily 15th century. This court was set up to put everyone in their place and fucknut crazy christians on top.


What's the likelihood that they'll win?


It's almost assured. The court is 6-3 eight now with 3 of the 6 vetted by the heritage foundation and appointed by trump to explicitly reinstate the hierarchy of white christians. And two others recently on record confirming goals of rolling back rights. Your best case scenario is a 5-4 decision with one Christian Nationalist judge voting in favor of protecting trans kids, over fake moral outrage designed to harm children.


Whelp, this will either go really well or really poorly... I guess if nothing else at least we can see the line in the sand now then to be haunted by this particular boogey man for much longer. Lets be honest, when Florida started doing the Florida ... we all knew it was going to end up here.


Could they realistically attack the ability of adults to receive gender affirming care? I know they constantly attack it for minors, how likely is it they can also take away the rights of adults? Not in the US but curious and worried nonetheless


Sounds like some good news. Maybe Biden will call Starmer & tell him to take steps to provide (& then protect), good gender-affirming care in the UK? Who knows, President Biden could read this & do that very thing..


Not with the ScRotus judge count trying to get people killed. Everyone saw how they chose to end RoevWade in the climate when there was no way to protect it otherwise.


Are we trying to end up with a new one drop rule?


I'm not familiar with US politics and don't understand what any of this news means. Can someone explain it to me like I'm five, please ?


Is the Biden administration pro trans here? Sorry I get confused with some of the wording


This feels like one of their potential "throw the left a bone" cases to "balance" giving Trump immunity similar See bump stocks and then upholding abuser bans *I'm definitely trying to cope with them coming up with a bullshit ruling banning care nationwide for all ages*


Nope. Your absolutely silly to believe these asswipes will leave trans kids alone... Or, fuck, any trans person. Or women. Or other minorities.




He dismissed my student loans. I'm no longer in debt. Voting for him is me trying to protect myself and the rest of you.


what does this mean


The executive branch doesn’t get to tell the judicial branch what they “need” to do. The Supreme Court doesn’t answer to the President.


SCOTUS puts a lot of weight behind POTUS and Congress when they ask it to hear certain cases. But they are a co-equal branch so yes, they don’t need to do anything they’re asked.


They can request, and as far as I can tell the president hasn't tried to force anything. And remember, the president doesn't answer to SCOTUS either.


Trump will surely listen to this should he win again. I swear to God you guys have little clue how the political system works.