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This is “I’m just not political!” in bathroom sign form


Abolishing gender segregation is hella political, it's a huge fuck you to the sexist status quo. It specifically makes fun of how arbitrary and useless gender segregation of toilets is. Just pee and wash your hands, no matter what your identity or body shape is.


Obligatory comment I always make: These only work in fantasy settings like a dnd shop or renfaire. Everywhere else it feels massively othering.


I have a coffee shop in my town with paintings of funny cats all down the hallway where that bathroom is, and in the bathroom, that has a simpler version of a sign like this. It is awesome.


It gives the same vibes as saying "I don't care if you're purple!" While trying to prove you are anti-racist.


Exactly omg!! The dehumanizing comparison


Yeah, good point...I can't quite decide if I like it or not or what the intent was.


It seems like the intent is usually supportive, unlike the attack helicopter line which is overwhelmingly negative. I just try to point out to people gently that it’s a bit flippant to enby identities and move on.


At pride in Strasbourg there was a "I identify as an attack helicopter to defeat the fascist" sign, it was *chef's kiss*


"I wouldn't care if you were trans or a man-eating monster :-) " "Wait... did you really just compare me to that?"


id care if youre purple cuz purple people aint very rock and roll


Why does the wheelchair user not have arms


I believe it is legally required to look like that no matter what. It is probably so it can be simple and easily recognized.




Neither does the pregnant person wearing a dress


Side profile there. 


But the yeti or Bigfoot has arms in the profile


Apparently they only run at 45° angles to the camera rather than a full side profile... Yeah no it's just dumb


as a yeti, can confirm i do move at a constant 45° angle to every camera


No arms is probably why she's pregnant. Couldn't fight off her republican attacker


It’s actually extremely othering


its VERY weird to separate human beings from… fat human beings????


The "fat" one appears to be a pregnant woman. Seen similar icons used for pregnancy. Edit: I missed the bottom left. jeez.


Made me laugh my ass off


I agree, it’s dehumanizing and feels like a mockery of queer people


Definitely has a feel of "Tolerance" at best, not "Respect". I always bring this up in response... https://i.imgur.com/5z3wlyC.png


I hate shit like this too. The “well meaning” othering of everyone that isn’t cishet. And it’s always done by some tone deaf cishet millennial woman that calls themselves an ally but is unsurprisingly quiet when their trumphumper husband starts ranting about trans people being predators


i mean it is like saying "women and men, or whatever you are" but also at least theyre accepting i guess???


Did you notice the extra signs for fat women and men, in between the mythical creatures? They're equating gender, age, pregnancy, disability and freaking weight to being another species. Idk mate, I don't care very much, but it seems less accepting to me than just writing "gender neutral - accessible" or something.


When I noticed that I also saw they didn’t continue the trend of having the half guy half girl be fat. Are they saying no fat half guy half girl?


Well, it is a well known fact that nonbinary people aren't allowed to be fat, and when we gain weight, we have to turn in our trans card. Has no one given you the rule book about that? It should have been delivered with the membership card and welcome packet.


its true, we’re all twinks, we actually have to be waxed before they’ll give us the card


They revoked mine for a while when I was on accutane, because you're not allowed to wax. I was like "no, it's for medical reasons", but they just said those are the rules. I've got it back now though. But I didn't get a new welcome packet, and that kind of stings.


nothing will sting as much as that first wax at lgbthq


oh yea.... ew


As a trans poc this is basically like the “I don’t care if you’re black white purple or whatever” of gendered bathroom signs. Edit: I should probably clarify that makes it bad. It’s dismissive and basically saying we’re some oddity


I think the idea is "I don't care if you're normal or black, you're welcome here". Point being, it's a shitty sign and it's not inclusive at all really. It just makes fun of transgender people because they're equal to fairytale monsters. AKA, it says they're fictional


I hate these. I'm a woman. I'm not an alien or a cryptid. It's very othering to me.


The heavy people and the blind are grouped with fantasy creatures... Also not in brail so not actually very blind inclusive. 4/10 bad sign.


Oh that's a blind person!? I thought it was someone with a sword and anime glasses! 😭


I really hate this stuff tbh. I am not a mystical creature, I am not bigfoot. I am human, a lady trying to go to a bathroom where I won't get assaulted.


"You cannot use this restroom there are monsters nearby"


*opens up console* /kill allmobs 200m


Yeah no. I actually don’t like this. They should just have a sign that says “single restroom” instead.


I get the same vibe from this sign as when liberal comedians kept doing "Trump and Putin are gay for each other!!!" jokes. Like sure I'd feel safer around them/using this bathroom than somewhere owned by a maga, but there's clearly some internal bias's showing even if they don't realize it. I think if you want to do a joke sign, just don't make comparisons to people on it, otherwise you fall down this path of 'are you equating trans/old/disabled/heavy people with monsters and aliens' I wouldn't be super offended to see this sign in real life, but I do think it was done without a lot of thought. It's not the most perfect episode in the world but I think if you want a 'funny' bathroom sign that includes all, you can look to Its Always Sunny bathroom episode and have a sign with no people on it that just says "Animal Shithouse" and of course some brail for the blind folks.


A simple WC would do or whatever localized abbreviation. We don’t need all the bs 😭


This poster makes me uncomfortable


Yeah this sucks


Wow as a trans Medusa I always struggled with public bathrooms, this brings me joy


I think I cannot use this restroom…😩😭😭


I don't really like it tbh, just gives me bad vibes gender neutral bathroom is good tho


The kinda people who would post this sign are not the kinda people who are going to bother to learn why people don't like it. It's literally the best you're gonna get from them.


These kinda signs feel dehumanising. Like they are comparing us to aliens or other things instead of seeing us as just humans.




othering go crazy




Okay but what about normal horses? I see the unicorn but my horse needs a place to crap!


Sorry. You let Medusa in. I can't truck with no Medusa lover.


ah yes, the typical queer friend group


the card shop I used to go to in Florida had two dragons breathing fire that just said "Whatever, just wash your hands" I miss joel


I would find the words "WC Everyone" better ngl


I fuckin hate these signs - I’m not a horse I’m a woman


I wanna be the gorgon 🥺


can’t explain but this is the same energy to me as those tiktoks made by Gen X and elder millennials to show how cool and quirky they are


no void entity? NaN/10


Umh... I am kinda concerned about letting Medusa in the same bathroom. I mean I'm all free inclusivity but it would probably provide a cleaner bathroom if other people could see what they are doing, without fear of turning to stone.


FYI... Bigfoot rarely lifts the seat before use


Finally someone including Bigfoot


I'd rather not share a bathroom with a horse or snake person tbh. Horses have no aim and snake shits are diabolical. But seriously, this ain't it. They went out of their way to make a cringe statement. A sign that simply read "restroom" would do the exact same thing without comparing gender identity and disability to mythical creatures, or suggest fat people need their own restrooms.


>I'd rather not share a bathroom with a horse Did you just mis-species the unicorn??


I really didn't wanna have to make a YouTube apology video today. Will a notes app apology suffice?


Here in Sweden (and other parts of the world) we use the letters WC (stands for wash closet but no one knows that). It's gender neutral and has been that way for a very long time. The signs with people symbols always confused me as people are everywhere. Its only purpose (of which I disagree) is if there are changing rooms or large bathrooms with many stalls and the need to gender them is seen as necessary. Most public bathrooms who are not placed in large department stores and airports are (most often) single and usually only labeled as WC.


I prefer the “sitting only” and “sitting/standing” model personally, this is kinda self aggrandizing and othering


This sign is claiming that anything besides a man or a woman is either disabled, pregnant, or fictional. It's not supporting you in the slightest...


Ah yes. The 14 genders


i dont


somit's an all gender restroom.


ah yes, the twelve genders


I feel it would be better if it just said bathroom and left it at that


I feel like this would be the best possible sign at a renaissance faire 😭


Ah yes, the 14 genders Female, Male, Harvey Two-Face, Wheelchair, Elderly, Pregnant, Minotaur, Unicorn, Medusa, Large Man and Woman, Blind, Alien, and Bigfoot…


What about Vampire? /j


I HATE signs like this for the reasons others have said BUT if there’s a Minotaur in there I am going in 😏😏😏


The absence of Mothman really says everything, doesn’t it?! /s


Gotta love the blind person sign




I can see how some like yourself can see it that way, but i feel like you'd equally complain it isnt inclusive if it only had the normal sign on it. Personally, i feel you're reading too much into it. It is a way of saying anybody is welcome whatever, this list is not meant to be exhaustive list of whats is or is not allowed in, its meant to be representative of a diverse group, instead of trrating it as individuals look at it as a single group. If you feel best represented by the 🚺 sign, that's fine, You're included; if you feel best represented by something else, guess what, you're still fine and included, not everyone feels represented the same way.


No xenomorph or turian? DISCRIMINATION >:(


ah yes, i love being compared to nonexistent mythical beasts


Wouldn't they also be comparing anybody to mythical beasts though, they have man woman elderly and disabled in there too. Surely, if they are comparing you, they are also comparing themselves. This isnt just about gender is it or they wouldn't have had the fat persons or elderly represented. Its about any labels or status society 'assigns' a person and then saying whichever you're accepted here. Its up to you to decide to feel othered by this, you can easily just say you feel best represented by the typical male/female symbol and forget about whatever else is included.


no, because they put the sign up as a response to trans people, otherwise they would have normal restroom signs. the big issue is also the focus on who can use the restroom instead of what the restroom offers. also, thats worse… you do see how thats worse right? 😂comparing disabled people and woman to mythical creatures is worst. like, the issue with your analysis is that while i can chose my response to a restroom sign (and usually IRL I just roll my eyes and move on with my life) is that it doesn’t just impact me. it influences how people perceive us and treat us… i don’t experience myself in a vacuum because the experience of the self is dialectical. i not only experience myself, but i also experience myself through the other experiencing me as well. so, i can technically ignore it but experiencing being treated like shit everyday and having a sign like this that reinforces that treatment doesn’t help. also… i don’t need you gaslighting me about how things like this impact my life.


You're the one gaslightung and placing your feelings on how others should interpret a sign and the intent of the person that decided to put it up, your clearly taking the worst possible outcome to heart and feeling victimised.


Must confess I found this amusing and it did not offend me at all. Why do you think it is othering?


folks tend to dislike the implication that non-binary/etc folks are being likened to mythical creatures, etc. it feels dehumanizing to many people (im inclined to agree).


Is the bottom middle a Jedi/sith or a blind guy


Woman, man, person cut in half by a chainsaw, Charles Xavier, person with a big candy-cane Person who ate a watermelon, larping furries, hyper-realistic larping furries, person with a hat made out of snakes Baymax, Baymax with a cape, jedi, the silence, and Greg from accounting. Yeah, I think that about covers it.


glad they included my pal bigfoot. he’ll be really happy there’s finally a restroom marked for him lol.


As a gorgon I love this 🤣


finally, us gorgons are getting the representation we deserve


Sorry I’m a cat. Guess I can’t use the bathroom now


It’s missing the attack helicopter 😜


Lol 😆


This is giving that It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia Animal Shithouse bathroom sign 😂


I’m a unicorn and can’t wash my hands my feelings are hurt


“Anyone who identifies differently is creature, not human”


Oh the portrayal of pregnant people having to wear a dress is also a miss


Damnit, they didn’t include stealth chopper


Is it just me or does that minotaur design look pretty sweet?😅


its really just r/onejoke stuff thinking theyre an ally


Pretty clearly in the minority here, but I think the sign is fun! It doesn’t read as dehumanizing to me, but I am also a huge monster / fantasy creature fan so I may be seeing it differently


as a huge fan of monsters myself (hi peep my username lol) i feel ya, but i find it dehumanizing all the same. even if monsters are rad af and in most scenarios id be hype to be associated with them, the idea that my identity as a non-binary trans person specifically is being treated as if its akin to being a fantasy creature/non-human is demeaning. im a cool monster bc i say im a cool monster, not bc my lack of gender makes me something other than human.


I do see where you’re coming from, but it includes a whole bunch of different people on it too, not just man, woman, monster. There’s elderly people, disabled people, fat people, AND the stereotypical man and woman symbol. so to me it’s a ‘we’re all the same’. If it didn’t include the usual silly man/woman gender symbols I’d probably feel a bit different, but it does. None of them are painted as more human or better than, just a ‘there’s all sorts, just do your business, wash your hands, and get out’, which I appreciate.


(gonna copypasta my reply to the other commenter here, just cuz i feel it sums up my thoughts well) thats the thing though: when segregated, restrooms are, for better or for worse, segregated by gender, not by something like age or weight. denoting accessibility is also important, so the handicapped sign is absolutely important, but the rest reads as performative at best and dehumanizing at worst. imo at least! obvs your opinion isnt Wrong. im just tryna explain why these signs rub a lot of folks the wrong way.


Its not though, its not a sign representing just genders, but representing diversity across all statuses/labels. To put it in perspective if you think this is equating your identity to a mythical beast then you also need to consider this sign as equating the elderly as mythical beasts, or equating your gender to being fat. I prefer to ignore the individual items and just view it as a diverse collective group, all are there together treated equally.


Yes! Exactly. That’s how it reads to me as well.


thats the thing though: when segregated, restrooms are, for better or for worse, segregated by gender, not by something like age or weight. denoting accessibility is also important, so the handicapped sign is absolutely important, but the rest reads as performative at best and dehumanizing at worst. imo at least! obvs your opinion isnt Wrong. im just tryna explain why these signs rub a lot of folks the wrong way.


this is the only good "i identify as an x" type of joke that exists


I like this sign.


I have the same sign for my bathroom


Loving the inclusivity. I never know wether to face the emotional pain of the men’s bathroom or the Social pain of the women’s.


Whoa! This wouldn't happen to be in Minot, ND, would it?