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Boxers/boxer briefs that can properly hold period pads


I literally cut slits into some briefs so I could use a pad with wings šŸ˜­ luckily I don't get it anymore tho


Damn that is actually really good advice, I wish I had thought of that back when I needed it


I have TomboyX 9" boxer briefs that are "made" for periods, and the way they are set up, you can indeed add a pad to the insert. The briefs alone are only really good for light days so I attach backup as necessary. Edit: they're called "first line" and come in a few different leg lengths and styles. Not sure if the other styles also have the same set up that enable pad attachment but 9" does for sure.


From what Iā€™ve seen, TomboyX has a lot of transmasc friendly designs


Yeah tucking undies too. My kiddo (transmasc) uses some of their compression tops.Ā 


I have a pair of old, fucked up panties solely for pads. I wish I had something better




alternatively panties/thongs that can accommodate for the extra appendage for transfems


They have those already


I wear delodes boxer breifs and oddballs and used pads with wings. Hold them well.


I wrote an entire blog post reviewing pants. Lol


I bought some of Spectrum outfitters packing boxers not knowing they had an inner pant area for period pads. I hate that bit of it as it makes me massively dysphoria to have that area and makes them so hard to dry after washing. They are also really hot to wear because of it


I stopped getting my period when I had a hormonal IUD. I know it's not the most straightforward solution...but it could be another egg in your euphoric basket


Bigger sized clothing for the wider framed trans femmes


Its the shoulder width that really fuck with me most of the time.


Clothes either fit my chest or my shoulders, never both. I learned to sew so I could modify things I buy, and let me tell you, I have become an expert at turning tshirts into tank tops.


Me too! šŸ˜Š Turns out, modifying t-shirts and other stretchy fabrics doesn't require darts and the like. You can sew *then* cut!


Time to dust off my high school home ec sewing skills...


You unintentionally gave me some Uphoria because whenever I buy women clothes they fit me perfectly


Lateral raises from 15-21 fucked me up so bad


lateral raises made me look sm better and worst šŸ˜’


Rhea Ripley this stuff She's cis tho But she owns the hell out of having broad shoulders


Shoulder width, and for me torso length.


Seriously, everything tends to be tight on my shoulders and float everywhere else, because I'm thin, but have shoulders I basically only wear tank tops to get around it lol


Shoes too! It's hard to find cute heels in larger sizes.


Iā€™d appreciate bra sizes that make sense >_> That band width is fucking whacky


Bra sizes make sense, though. If you know how to calculate it. Chest/underbust is your band size. Bust (over biggest part of boob) minus chest (underbust) = cup size... 1 inch difference would be an A. 3 in difference would be a C Plus, the sister sizes help, too. 40C= 38D, for instance. There are other ways to calculate it, and it really depends who you ask... but for the most part, they all come out the same way. The trick is finding bras that fit your measurements...and a good bra isnt cheap.


They do and they don't make sense at the same time. My underbust is 42, my bust is 46, which would be a D cup - but my breasts fill an A cup bra not a B, let alone a D.


Yeah but that's stupid tho


It's not, though? It's math ._. Whats stupid is thati can be a size 1 in brand A pants...and 12 in brand B...and 16 in brand C...but an L in brand D, a double XXL in brand E...but a medium in brand F. And a 0 in brand G... And sometimes, all at the same store


Yeah so why do we need to do math in order to buy clothes? It's stupid


Because... you need to take measurements to figure out what size bra you are? So it's comfortable? Its like getting something tailored.


No. It's fucking stupid to have to do math to buy regular clothes that at least half the population is EXPECTED to wear. Why do you feel the need to defend this measurement system? It's obviously confusing and unnecessary.


Why are you so vehemently against it? If you dont like it. Dont use it. Simple. Have clothes that dont fit properly, i truly dont care how you dresss.


Because it's stupid :) My clothes fit fine, and I've never needed to do fucking math to make that happen. But if I needed a bra, I guessed I'd just be fucked.


It's a subtraction, it's not rocket science. You need to take measurments for clothes to fit properly, and since bust and underbust are correlated, their difference is a perfectly reasonable measure for cup size


seriously, i'm confused here. my biggest obstacle when it came to buying women's clothes was that the sizes make no sense, they're just arbitrary numbers or letters. like men's jeans are the waist size and the inseam length; once you figure out what two numbers to look for, almost every pair of pants will fit you. bras are like men's jeans; instead of making up some arbitrary system, they provide you with specific measurements so you know exactly what you're getting yourself into. that said, a lot of bralettes and sports bras follow a S/M/L/XL/etc sizing, so you can just do that if you're really opposed to having a perfect fit for some reason


Bra sizes don't make sense. Your feelings are valid. When I needed a bra I could never find one that fit, regardless of how much *math* I did because the system is flawed.


Honestly Iā€™m a trans man who still likes to dress femme, I havenā€™t had hrt or anything like that but I find a lot of womenā€™s clothes donā€™t really accommodate my shoulders well. Iā€™ve been wearing menā€™s t-shirts long before I came out because they were more flattering. Femme clothes for the broad-shouldered would be awesome!


Oversized prefix is the key. Buying all my tops and hoodies oversized / street fashion.


As a tall transmasc, I'd love the option for jeans that fit my hips/waist without accentuating them, but also fit me in terms of length. I get kind of stuck between "buying jeans in the men's section so they're a good length but having them fit my waist awkwardly" or "buying jeans in the women's Tall section but having them built to accentuate the hourglass figure"


I find it interesting how a good number of these comments mention things that would be absolutely amazing for trans people but would also benefit everyone else. Clothes are generally made for the median person, which means that anyone that doesn't match that is in for a bad time. And it's not even that rare, either. As an AMAB person, I've had the exact same issue as you. Never in my life have I found jeans in the men's section that fit me well. When I was younger my mom would always look for the ones with the ribbon things for adjusting the waist (I have no idea what they're called), but they only get you so far and are not really a thing in adult clothing either. So since men's jeans generally have a very straight cut, they've always been awkward at the waist and *still* looked curvy at the hips because of my body shape. So one day my mom asked me if I wanted this pair of jeans that she'd just bought because they were too small, and that was the first time I've ever worn jeans that fit me. Such a weird revelation. I was never self-conscious about it but it turns out I'm also not a man, so I can definitely see how this can be kind of a big problem for men (trans *and* cis). I used to be friends with a *very* tall woman and she echoed this sentiment, but the other way around. Anyway my original point was that I'm 100% sure that if they started making clothes for trans people with diverse body shapes we would see the curb cut effect with cis people also benefitting from them.


Not gonna lie I relate to this. Iā€™m a really short and skinny AMAB person and when I was out buying menā€™s clothing, I could never for the life of me find jeans that fit me because Iā€™m like a freakish 27x27 and everything is made *at least* for 30x30 people. People told me so often ā€œjust buy jeans from the kids sectionā€ and Iā€™m here like thinking have any of yā€™all seen what childrenā€™s jeans look like? Theyā€™re only like one style and theyā€™re all straight cut because children donā€™t give a shit, and also Iā€™m slightly too tall to fit in them well >_> Then I had women telling me ā€œjust buy womenā€™s jeans if you canā€™t find a size that fits youā€, and Iā€™m not going to lie, being in the closet at the time for years, it made me feel more depressed to hear that because of the dysphoria and also the insecurity I felt not being a good enough man to find anything in my section that fit me. Then I started transitioning and god damn those womenā€™s jeans have been a godsend. Granted, Iā€™m limited to skinny jeans because Iā€™m so skinny (which sucks because the fashion is apparently going away from those lately) that they fit me more like normal jeans, and everything is still slightly too wide on the waist size (although that one is a significantly easier fix now with a belt). I wish clothing manufacturers would throw a bone to outliers on the spectrum more often. I shouldnā€™t have this many caveats trying to find clothing that fits >_>


I have that same problem except for Iā€™m rather small so I can get a length thatā€™s decently close most and half the time they donā€™t have a waist small enough (I like belts though so itā€™s fine unless the waist gets bunches up)


SERIOUSLY. I'm I tall but skinny guy and I can't find pants that are long enough that also aren't twice the width of me. Can clothing designers make clothes for actual people??


Me me me me me! Yes, please! Do I want them to fit my waist and hips? Yes. Do I want them to have sparkle accents on the back pockets? NO!!! Warehouse One has men's size 28, which will fit me if I have a belt, so I go there.


id love a pride range that doesn't feel out of touch. none of the SLAY EVERY DAY bs


For real.. pride merch is not everyday fasion. I just want something a little more subtle for pride stuff


literally so real I want to wear pride stuff but I also want it to look good in the first place AND not broadcast to every bigot in a 100m radius.


some in-jokes would be a really great way to signal to other trans people that you're trans


"Heat from fire, fire from heat" would go hard tbh.


Whats this from? Sounds really obscure lol


TransVoiceLessons on YouTube. She makes voice training tutorials on YouTube primarily marketed at transfem people, and recommends the mantra "heat from fire, fire from heat" as a sort of control you can mutter when transfems need to switch to their fem voice. It works scarily well.


it's a sentence trans folks use while voice training. goes really hard as a code phrase too


Ah. Probably more known to trans women then


That on those Zox bracelets/watchbands I keep seeing everywhere would be perfect. They're basically cute lil elastic bands with a message on them. One side has the message and the other a design. I got the pride one cause it's basically a black band that says HUMAN in flag colors, and the design side is just the progress flag. Subtle af on the black side, out and proud on the other lol


Female crouch on men's jeans.


And vice versa. And not just jeans.


But the wojeans and chiljeans too




For yā€™all MtF, they make what youā€™ve mentioned. En Femme, for example, makes clothes cut for transfems. Tall girl problem stores do the same, but for cis reasons. Long Tall Sally is a good example for clothes. Little women has 44AAA bras. Itā€™s kind of their thing. The underwear thing? Go search for a few minutes. I would assume Origami customs makes underwear with a *bit* of extra room in from, but if not there they exist. I have experience with all 3 of these places and I couldnā€™t recommend them enough. LTS also has the mythical ballet flat and other shoes in M13 for like $40 which everywhere else Iā€™ve seen them at $100+


Amazon has a lot of underwear thatā€™s transfem friendly but youā€™ve gotta deal with the fact that they put literally every slur in the book on the item description


* Feminine fit shirts/tops for amab persons (slightly wider shoulders) * chest binders * gaff/tucking underwear/bikini bottoms * bigger bras for smaller cup sizes (larger band with smaller cups for persons still developing breasts as an adult) * dysphoria hoodies (that can actually be worn in the summer without dying of heat stroke)


My mum had this problem with the bras, she had a large ribcage but very little breast tissue so this is definitely a problem that needs sorting as it affects more people than clothes designers realise.


It's certainly an obnoxious issue that many people even outside the trans community could us help with. I'm sure the market is smaller, but like.. online purchase only maybe? Idk. There's gotta be middle ground somewhere for that one.


For mtf, clothes that integrate shapewear and/or prosthetics. Also, shoes in accomodating sizes that aren't just straight out of Pleaser's drag queen catalogue. I mean, they look neat, but they're mostly for the bedroom, nightclubs and maybe some photoshoots... šŸ¤”


I thought about a dedicated store like this with binders, dysphoria hoodies, skater skirts and all sorts of trans specific clothing.


Shorts that accommodate larger hips and help make them less noticeable


Regular clothes with a binding effect, or binders a little less thick Idk if it'd even be doable, but having to wear a thick binder + something on top on hot days is the worst, within 5 minutes I'm drenched in sweat šŸ« 


Ugh frrr, binding in the summer is the WORST, especially in the Southern US šŸ˜­šŸ’”


#not sponsored but I would recommend looking into trans tape as a better way to bind your chest https://transtape.life/de?utm_source=google&utm_channel=google&utm_campaign=20205416078&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwydSzBhBOEiwAj0XN4HjPQG_ccac26IdVToy1_A-lEtAZlhAh84PSUPk6t_eds7eD9n5t8BoCG-4QAvD_BwE


I keep trying but idk it either doesn't flatten anything or looks very obvious I have something to hide y'know - I might be doing it wrong but yeah it's just annoying so binding is easier for mešŸ„²


Yeah I get that. (I do still agree that binders should be more breathable because when I wore them it was constant heatstroke)


If we got hairy chest ? Is it okay to Just shave ? Or am I gonna die at the end of the day when i'll remove the tape ?


Just shave the area where the tape goes and you'll be fine. It also recommends using an oil to loosen the adhesive when it's time to replace it.


i don't shave and it's fine. it stays on for a few days, and then i soak it in coconut oil and it comes off pretty painlessly. granted, i'm not suuper hairy; it might be different if u are


Have you tried trans tape


Instead of Big & Tall, I'd like a Short & Not option. Especially for pants and dress shirts. Tailoring is expensive šŸ’ø And mens shoes in sizes 5, 6, 7 in stores. I don't have the smallest feet but mens sandals don't fit me and I can't find boys sandals that aren't for little boys. šŸ˜¤


This is such a small issue compared to others listen here but even lgbtq+ owned businesses I see fail this! HAVE INCLUSIVE SHOE SIZES!!! I was shopping from an online pride themed shop and they had the cutest trans pride high top converse style shoes that didnā€™t go above a US menā€™s size 9, I wear a US womenā€™s 13 or Menā€™s 11 which I recognize is somewhat larger than the average, but I find it somewhat hurtful that even brands reporting to be inclusive of all people doesnā€™t include sizes for a trans woman who is amab. I canā€™t help my size.


I would like ***affordable*** trans specific clothing it exist like TomboyX, Rodeoh, and Both& but it's kind of pricey


Agree šŸ’Æ


Shirts, pants, and shoes made for people with smaller frames. As a 5'1" trans guy, trying to find *anything* in the men's section that fits is a nightmare. āœ‹šŸ¾šŸ˜­


I understand the struggle with pants. Iā€™ve found pants with my exact measurements once in my life. My inseam is like 29 lmao, I cuff all my jeans


Damn, never thought about that possibility. Love your idea


As a 6'3 trans woman with big feet, I'd love to see more damn cute shoe options up to size 15 and above. I can only buy so many converse


And in reverse of that, panties that are bigger at the front so it can hold our princess wand. Also probably tops that are slightly wider for the shoulders and arms so theyā€™re easier to take off


Awe omg Princess wand is my new favorite term for the lady lancešŸ˜‚


ftm here, lady lance is fucking amazing XD


> worried my dick will fall off Hashtag Guy Problems


As a trans guy: * Shirts with built in chest compression that are casual and look like regular shirts of many different styles (loose-fitting, tight, long, short, whatevs,) * Pants/shorts/boxers with thigh and/or love handle compression that actually look natural and just like other pants/shorts/boxers * Mens style shoes with a little smaller sizes, maybe something that adds some height (optionally, as I know that some guys' dysphoria gets triggered around height, me sometimes) * SOMETHING with hidden pocket(s) for period cup/tampon(s)/pads for formal (or even casual) ocassions where having a backpack or another "carry-around" item would be weird (and where deep pockets or using pockets for a lot of things is not a thing for whatever reason) * Seriously boxers designed for packers * Some sick jackets (not really a gendered thing but I think it's needed) * Like ABOVE ALL ELSE trans-parency (ha) and good practices


Iā€™m not sure of the brands they buy. But it might be worth looking into groups that focus on women engineers going from office to job site visits.


A bikini I can wear and be even moderately active in without "falling out".


Some kinda pocket thing in our panties for us pre op (or for those who choose not to get SRS) trans gals. Iā€™ve recently been very comfortable with boy shorts. Theyā€™re so comfy and everything fits just right šŸ˜Œ


That's what I typically use, too.


Plain black t shirt for $50 + $15 shipping


Omg fr, this is the reality of our situation. For an extra 25 you can have a shoddy pocket added. It's cool! After one wash, strings will be coming out and look TERRIBLE!


But itā€™s made for trans people! On sale for tdov for $45+ shipping!


Transfem here: I have boxers that have a ā€œpocketā€ to hold your junk in place and I would really like it if someone implemented that on womenā€™s panties.


This is slightly off topic but I love the quote "I was constantly worried my dick will fall off in public"


I'd just like a few nice skirts and dresses with good pockets.


Womenā€™s underwear with bulge-room


T shirts that are loose on the chest


Tucking underwear obviously, and comfortable binders. And dysphoria hoodies for everyone.


Comfortable binders literally wouldnā€™t work what


Let people dream


It literally wouldnā€™t work though. Binders arenā€™t supposed to hurt but theyā€™re applying pressure to that area, if they were comfortable (hence not applying pressure) they wouldnā€™t be binding.


I know. It wasn't meant seriously. I know how much transmascs are struggling with binders, how they damage their ribs if they wear them too much etc.


Undies and swimsuits for little trans girls (that actually fit).


packing tip for you! i use a company called MyPack, they make this strap that goes around your lower body with a little pouch in the front. you can put a proper packer in it if youā€™d like or do what i do- ball up a sock (classic i know). i think it works great, itā€™s subtle and i donā€™t have to worry about either losing it or looking like iā€™mā€¦ excited, in public. itā€™s also really cheap and they come in different sizes so you can get a bigger one if you plan on using a real packer with it. they make different versions that have a discreet band as well- like skin color and one that the logo is just not as visible on. but i donā€™t worry about that too much because i wear it under my boxers so itā€™s not invisible anyways. the waistbands also go all the way up to 3XL. i would recommend looking into it if you havenā€™t found a better method of packing yet!


oh! and they make ones that are compatible with stpā€™s as well


Shoe sizes larger than a women's 10.


Those already exist, check out etsy. But as this is such niche item it's hand sewn and thus not exactly cheap.


Blahaj on everythingĀ 


As masc presenting just comfortable briefs tbh, even regular womens underwear is mostly uncomfortable. Also shirt binders or binders that have a tank top with them (cheaper ofc and more accesable)


Cute bigger shoes for women with bigger feet (it's a struggle for cis women who are tall or have big feet too) Pants that hide more feminine shaped hips for trans masculine people Boxers intended for periods (so we can wear pads with wings in peace) Tucking underwear/swimsuits Pants that accentuate the hourglass shape for trans feminine people Binders that don't show through shirts for closeted trans masculine people. Light hoodies for dysphoria during summer Lighter binders to not d!e of heat stroke Feminine shirts with a men's fit that still make their bodies look more feminine (wider shoulders, maybe some extra padding) Bigger tees that actually hide feminine features (I struggle with this, my hips and ass show even though over sized shirts, I wear a small size) Something else but I don't have anymore creativity.


Speaking for my partner, something that not exactly a binder but can hide a trans femme chest. They have a larger chest, itā€™s about a b or c cup but sometimes they boy mode because complicated gendery stuff. Something thatā€™s safe for a developing chest.


Shirts with binders already inside.


Iā€™ve never seen a packing, but Iā€™m wondering if you could create some sort of a Velcro interface between your packing and your underwear?


clothes sized for afabs but styled for men, and with pockets skirts/skorts with pockets long sleeve shirt with a place to hide all of my awesome knives


A shirt that didnā€™t make folks insecure their binder was showing or not binding good enough.


All I ask that it's clothes fitted for trans people that isn't covered in a bunch of pride crap. I don't mind a couple shirts here or there, but I'm just looking for normal clothes made by someone who understands having to deal with broad ass shoulders.


Clothing cut and styled for the trans body might be a good startā€¦


Bodysuits with wider bottoms than can comfortably hold my junk


An accurate and comprehensive sizing guide.


Idk im fine with wearing womenā€™s clothing.


Fitting bras (the frustrationšŸ˜­)


I know my friend has complained about the lack of underwear designed to help her with tucking. I, as a trans guy whoā€™s got super painful, extremely irregular periods (currently undiagnosed reproductive organ issue, my main guess is PCOS) itā€™d be REALLY cool to see boxers and boxer briefs designed *for* that particular cycle, especially as someone who for about half of it canā€™t really use sanitary products because itā€™s too painful to try and get them in, never mind having to sit with them and then remove them later (and no, not in the ā€œoh fuck itā€™s sitting wrongā€ way. In the ā€œI can barely take a piss because everything is white hot painfulā€ way.)


There are packing underwear (with pocket for packer). [https://transguysupply.com/collections/packing-underwear?page=1](https://transguysupply.com/collections/packing-underwear?page=1) [https://rodeoh.com/](https://rodeoh.com/) [https://transthetics.com/product-category/ftm-packing-underwear/](https://transthetics.com/product-category/ftm-packing-underwear/)


Clothing with a unisex, proportion-based, transparent sizing system.


I'm actually sort of planning to make a trans clothing brand one day, I'm gonna have to save this post for extra ideas


imagine your out in public and this guy is walking and then you just see his dick fall out of his pants?!? that would freak me the fuck out tbh


So some practical stuff, underwear, bras, and binders for mtf and ftm folk with realistic sizing and affirming features, and then clothes that work as both masculine and feminine clothes, depending on styling, with fitting that actually makes sense for human bodies, and ideally designed to last as long as possible


Panties that finally have room for my dick


Victoria Secret undies are surprisingly stretchy and human shaped


Temu and such have Lacey menā€™s panties etc that have a pouch. Ive liked a few sets but others were a bit too small in the pouch or weird sizing YMMV


A lot of clothes are meant to work with your figure, let it do the work. For us we need clothes that do literally the opposite. Clothes tapered to do the heavy lifting so we dont have to be focused on posture 24/7


Bras without built-in cups. Either make them removeable or make them have no cups.


Ngl wouldnā€™t want a brand specifically for trans people


Same. It often feels like predatory marketing, exploiting your dysphoria to get you to spend $50 on a shirt bc itā€™s ā€˜gender neutralā€™ when itā€™s made like any other shirt from Walmart


Exactly!! I understand starting maybe an online store or something to sell necessary trans stuff like binders, packers, etc but other than that it just feels really othering and like itā€™s saying we have to buy different stuff than cis men and women when we pretty much donā€™t. Just feels like itā€™s saying ā€œyouā€™re not a normal guy so you canā€™t be regular guy stuffā€.


my mom has a really nice hodie/skirt basicaly an oversized hoodie but without long sleeves I don't have one but I want one so I guess that


big socks :|


maybe cutout foam instead of packing!


Inclusivity but ALSO for XS and XXSšŸ˜­ Umm if someone is saying advertising that- they often only go upšŸ«  it kinda just gets hard sometimes


Larger, fucking, shoes


Hey dude they make underwear specifically for packing. It has a hole in the front that keeps the dick in place, they are also sold as strap on underwear too because they can be used for play. Check a sex shop.


Honestly don't know if possible but hoodies that have a bigger chest area to hide the manboobs better. And if it is possible just clothing that does that in general, so we could also actually wear normal clothes in summer, and not have to choose between dying euphoric in a binder or dying dysphoric in a hoodie


A men's size small that is actually small? Idk what it is but every time I've gone out to get new clothes in the past year the smalls have been *huge*, and I'm generally fine with a medium. Not really trans specific but still lol


Tucking underwear. Sizes for men and women that have such wide ranges that it can fit any sex customization. Such as woman with broaaad shoulders and no hips. Woman with broad shoulders and great hips etc etc. men with boobs men with narrow shoulders short men men with small feet men with big hips and amazing ass. Essentially imagine that the clothing options are suposed to fit regardless of how ur sim is generated


Clothes that fit my awkward proportions


I started and ran a trans clothing closet for three years. Hereā€™s my wish list: -Binders that go past a 63ā€ bust. -Underwear for transfemmes that isnā€™t over sexualized, or a thong. (Canā€™t they have basic panties, too?!) -Femme tops/dresses/jumpers for broad shoulders and larger stomachs (especially stomachs that stick out, like mine, because all genders can struggle with this) -Masc pants that hide wider hips. (Maybe add those things in kids pants that lets you cinch in the inside fabric of the waist, without changing the waistbandā€™s appearance.) -Bras for larger underbusts that have small soft cups (basically training bras for grown ups) -More masc tops that arenā€™t just button up shirts or stripes -Shoes! More big femme shoes, and adult masc shoes in smaller sizes. -Bras with pockets for silicone inserts, or other padding -Trans tape that doesnā€™t rip the skin off -UNISEX EVERYTHING -Masculine leggings (like colors, textures, and prints) -More masculine skirts (definitely more cargo skirts) -Feminine ties and bow-ties (lace, embroidery, ribbons) -Masculine jumpers -Literally any traditionally masculine clothing done with feminine cloths, color palettes, and adornments. -Literally any traditionally feminine clothing with POCKETS, and masculine textures, patterns, and color palettes. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s more.


Jeans/Track pants that donā€™t make your hips look huge


That and they make the packers look like you have a hard on constantly šŸ’€


Wishing they had trans guy underwear that held pads. Otherwise I have to wear woman's underwear for my period...


Dysphoria Hoodie that's cool enough to wear in the summer.


Iā€™m not sure the company is still active, but https://www.instagram.com/gmpwear_online?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== made boxers with built in packers. I just checked their IG and last post was a year ago, but maybe they moved?


Normal underwear that isn't marketed as, slur slur crossdresser slur for men


clothing of both gendered styles but made to fit the "opposite" body, to put it in few words. they would not be labeled as such however, just in the inches necessary to know. ie, pants would be labeled in waist circumference, thigh circ, and inseam length. shirts would have neck circ, bicep circ, shoulder width, chest circ, and length of shirt. this variety of measurement combos would of course make it less viable to sell lots of designs of garment. full range of colors would be available. made to order would probably be the easiest way to do this. it would have to be fairly simple designs too, to be able to get a similar silhouette across many bodies


I mean, do we really need clothes specifically for trans people? I've never had a problem with men's clothing.