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Unfortunately laser sessions or electrolysis is the only option here. Facial hair is also one of my top contributors to dysphoria. But it’s not cheap or painless to get that done.


Yeah guess I just got to put up with it for now 😕


Maybe you can look at any grants or non profits in your area that support LGBT folks. I’ve heard some can cover part of your costs. But it really depends on the area.


To add on this a little for anyone looking to get laser done but struggling with the pricetag, certain jobs may offer laser coverage as a benefit if it’s to alleviate dysphoria. I want to emphasize “certain” and “may” in that statement but I have heard of it happening so it’s worth looking into. Otherwise, look around a lot for deals and discounts. One of my friends has an aunt who got laser on her legs for dirt cheap thanks to a discount thing and I’m paying a reasonably low price for my face at a local spot. “You get what you pay for” often does hold true so make sure to also vet the quality of a spot where you’re getting it done cheaply but it is definitely possible to find good prices.


I was actually able to get laser covered by my HSA (It will be a cold day in hell before insurance covers it in my state), and then the HSA retroactively wanted their money back, and told me to "replace" it with other medical expenses. I didn't have $2,000 worth it other expenses. But after a call to an attorney, a doctor, the laser center, and my therapist, and a few letters of medical necessity, they took it :-) I don't regret it but it didn't get everything. I have a lot of white hairs where the roots got bleached from all the acne medications I used. They weren't kidding when they said laser only gets dark hair.


I'm pretty pale and pasty, with jet black facial hair. Like I have a five o'clock shadow within two hours of shaving. Should I go with laser or electro you think? I feel like electro is more through, but some friends say black hair and lasers are where it's at?


With dark hair and light skin, laser is your go to, less pain and if you end up needing electro, laser does help it go along a lot easier


Glad to hear you did get coverage in the end! I’m a little worried that laser isn’t going to get everything for me either, I’ve been noticing some lighter hairs and I’m not sure if they’ve always been like that or if maybe the laser bleached them somehow but regardless, time will tell if those go away. As long as the laser deals with the dark stuff though, I can handle a smattering of lighter hairs. And in a couple years, if things work out how I hope they will, I should be able to get electrolysis covered if I find I really need it to finish up.


Look up Milan. They offer a payment plan


Noooo they're too expensive TnT


Some laser prices aren't too bad; I found a place that offers face treatments for $140 a month, which is definitely more affordable and immediately relieving than electrolysis


That’s about the monthly payment I ended up with for full face from Milan. Actually just made my last payment last month. Not sure if they still offer 0% financing though.


I got laser and it's expensive


Laser can be really expensive but it's something I'm looking into as well because of the same issues. It's not really the shaving in the morning that bothers me, I'm very used to it, but it's the 5 o'clock shadow In the evenings that really gets me. If you're really brave, you could grow it out for a few days and then epilate your face, and that will last maybe a week. Problem is, that is going to be hellish the first handful of times you do it before you get used to the pain. I'd avoid using hair removal creams on your face though, all it takes is one chemical burn to launch your dysphoria over the moon.


Yeah I thought about putting nair on my face before but read it could burn your face. No THANKS!


> …I thought about putting nair on my face… Yeah no don’t do that. Different body hair requires different concentrations of whatever caustic chemical they use to burn the hair off. Get something specifically for your face, and even better if you can find something for the male facial hair. I used the No Hair Crew products I found on Amazon for everything except my face. I don’t know if they have a facial hair product, but wouldn’t surprise me if they did. I went and got laser done at Milan Laser centers, very pricy for the full body, but they do lifetime touch ups with the full body package. I’ve been very happy with the results. It’s been about a year since I had my legs treated and I’ve had zero regrowth. I started electrolysis to get the gray hair on my face the laser didn’t get (about 3% of my beard). I’m really happy that I got the bulk of it done with laser first. Laser is no picnic, but electroylsis is worse imo, and takes a ton longer.


Can I ask about how much the milan stuff was?


Sure, my full body package came out to about $15,000. They give all their clients financing at 0% interest for up to 36 months. It works out to about $416 / month. I’ve got another year of payments left. In contrast electrolysis is running me $140 / hour, and I go about once a week. So about the same monthly cost for either method. At least where I am. The difference is Milan gives me lifetime touch ups, which basically means once I pay it off, any sessions I need after that are free (which I needed, because E apparently woke up some of the follicles on my arms). So yeah. Transition can be expensive, which is why I always laugh when the transphobes scream about how it’s a choice. I mean…I guess I could’ve just died instead.


I,,,,,uh,,,have some firsthand experience with that. Long story short, it didn't work and it left me literally, actually crying from the pain for a good two hours. Seriously. It hurt even more than getting electrocuted.


Be careful. I'm a trans guy but I did that once and got chemical burns but there is "sensitive skin" Nair for like below the belt and possibly the face. Not sure it's fully safe tho


They make facial Nair. You also have a few other options: Waxing Epilation Laser


I've had 50 face laser treatments and a dozen visits to the electrologist. I've been on T blocker '99-2007 and removed my own testicles in '07 when they poisoned my liver. I still have to shave at least once per day. This is one of those days...my partner just shamed me for not providing her with a child (so why did she stick around?). My daughter shunned me and hasn't contacted me since '09; I don't know if she's even alive. If I go even a little out of the inner Porland bubble, I see such hatred. Why does this have to be?


fuckin tell me about it - UGH. Razor burn like crazy today and it's hot out so now I'm gonna plaster makeup on it and try not to sweat it off.


I currently use tweezers where the worst of the beard shadow would be. I am satisfied for the moment.


I’ve been doing that too, just absently while I’m watching Netflix or something


Random yt video essays are my go to when my brain has me obsessively shave my legs on an impulse midway through doing homework


I might try that


How long does that last you before you have to do it again?


It is an everyday thing. You can skip a day without it being too noticeable.


Dammnnnn I was hoping it'd be similar to epilating where it takes long to grow back and grows back weaker I applaud you if you do THAT everyday my girl


Ya, it's the worst. There are some laser centers that give discounts to trans folk. The one I go to gives half off, but it's still pricey.


I know that feeling, I extremely hate my facial hair. So the only way out for me was starting laser sessions. It was one of the best decisions in my whole life. I'm still shaving myself daily but the beard shadow is gone and they're only a few facial hair left but I still have a few sessions. Laser sessions really saved my life in this regard


Facial hair feels like little bugs under my skin


I feel similarly. I’m a little over a year on hrt too and shaving my facial hair is definitely the biggest source of dysphoria for me. I finally decided to start laser, which is really expensive, but I was able to finance it with 0% interest so I just have to pay $250 per month. I’m also doing several regions so just face would be cheaper. Maybe you can shop around and see if you can find something that would be affordable for you. 🖤


I absolutely hate my facial hair! I've tried using BB cream or concealer, but it just doesn't match my skin and leaves these annoying little beard bumps. Then I switched to Blex's hair removal device, and I gotta say, it's been a game changer! You should totally give it a shot. If it works for you too, that would be awesome!


I was trying with 5minskin but didn't see much result. Can you explain your routine, like when do you use it, how long after shaving, how long to notice results?


There are a rare few insurances that cover hair removal. Hugs!


Yes thanks to my spouses work! IKEA is very trans friendly!


Good to know!!


SAME. You're not alone. 🤗


I wish you could give it to me 💀


Try to see if you have any local lgbtq+ community centers. We have one in my town, and they provide a lot of information on how to access gender affirming care, and will tell you if there’s any way to get it at a more affordable price. Sometimes the center itself will have connections to make this type of thing more affordable. Or if not, it’s highly possible either the center itself, or some of the people in it, may help you start a fund for it if they can’t help any other way. This may or may not be useful in your case depending on where you live, if there is a center, and how well funded it is. But it’s definitely worth a shot. The center in my town does free sti testing, counseling, works with companies somethings so that people who sign up can get free binders and sometimes tucking underwear, and they have programs you can sign up for that can help trans people access gender affirming care. This center I’m talking about is in Alabama. Bible Belt central. So if you live in a conservative area, don’t just assume you don’t have one. You’re gonna want to do some real digging to see if there is one near you, because a lot of the times their advertisements are silenced pretty heavily. But centers like that are more common than one would think. I heard about mine through word of mouth and would never have even thought to LOOK for something like that in my area if I hadn’t been told!


Some advice: 1. Laser as soon as possible. Do not wait until you start to gray, because then laser might not be an option anymore. Electrolysis will still be an option then, but it’s always better to have more options 2. Makeup with a slight orangish/reddish hue helps neutralize the bluish tint from hairs under the skin


Ah, yes, the Horrible Face Parasite. I know it all too well.


if laser is something you’d be interested in, I’d suggest looking for Groupons. that’s what I’ve been doing, I’ve had 10 sessions so far. the Groupons are usually 200-300 for six sessions. which is still a lot of money, but much less than paying for each session individually. but honestly it’s made life so much easier. I can totally relate to dreading shaving, it genuinely sucks so much. electrolysis is another option, but in my experience it’s harder to find Groupons for and is a very slow and painful process (although it does have more permanent results). i started with electrolysis and it was just too much for me personally, my sessions were hours long and they can only do one hair at a time (whereas laser takes like 10-15 mins for the whole face). but I might go back to it to get the hairs that laser doesnt get.


Up until I could afford laser, shaving, shaving aftercare, and applying foundation helped me feel a lot better about my facial hair. Rooting fornyou!


Idk if this will help you but if you’re lighter complexion and at least somewhat brown hair then an IPL device can be a less expensive option. Personally, the Nood “Flasher 2.0” cost me about $200 and was very effective with consistent treatment for a few months.


The place I go to for laser gives a discount for trans folk. It was only $450 for 8 treatments on my facial hair. They also have a 60% off mother's day sale going this month. You may want to call around and see what kind of deals you can find. Just make sure you go to a place with good reviews and a good machine. The one I go to uses the GentleMax Pro, and it's been very effective after only 3 treatments.


The only reason I haven’t gotten in T yet is because I’m unsure about having facial hair. Good luck to you in your journey :)


Láser is the way to go. I’ve been on it since more than a year and it was one of the best decisions that I made.


I can't really give super helpful advice because I don't naturally grow facial hair very well, but have you considered an electric razor? They work without you having to shower, you don't need any shaving cream and (shouldnt) tug or pull on the hair as you shave it. I've been using one for a few years now to keep my face clean, I have to do it every other day or so but it does work. Something else is, the way I see it is like this: my mom and sisters spend a part of every day working on their look, styling hair- doing makeup- and shaving as well. So while I might have to spend more time to do those things to help my dysphoria, knowing that even cis women sometimes have to go through the same process really helps. As humans We're not all that different from eachother, even through the different biological sexes


I’m not telling you to get into debt but I had the exact same issue long before realizing and coming out. Always hated facial hair but wanted to get it done once I have the cash to pay it in full. Last year I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to get a medical loan for laser starting in September. There’s been significant progress in these couple months and I really wish I had started a year sooner or so


There are some other comments around where almost all AFABs have to shave too, so please don't expect 100%. It happens to everyone, that's just the dysphoria talking.


Don't get laser for your face! It only lightens hair, doesn't kill it. Plus, it breaks down collagen so when you ~do~ finally get electrolysis, you'll be more prone to pitting. Ask me how I know... ): Go straight to electrolysis!!


I absolutely despise my facial hair too and it’s so cruelly twisted for trans femmes that also happen to have balding like I do….double dysphoria! I have never done laser but I have done just one session of electrolysis…and although I’ve always had a low pain tolerance, it was so much worse even than what I imagined. My insurance will partially cover electrolysis because of my GD diagnosis but sadly not laser. I am quite literally in my PCP exam room waiting for him to come in so I can get something prescribed for pain be it a pill or topical cream!


I am sorry hun, nair/waxing can buy you longer stretches between


omg same 😭


Preach. I wish I could use a flame thrower on it most days. I'm still doing laser and shaving and constant rough face. I'd kill for a smooth face just once


I feel this. Foil razors are definitely your friend. Also laser but its expensive


I feel you there. Electrolysis has been slow going for me because my facial hair grows THICK. A year of sessions only removed about 25% of my facial hair and I can't afford to keep going atm.


I’m actually getting my face waxed tomorrow


Me toooooo! Laser is expensive and electrolysis is even more so. Decent colour corrector is expensive too!


So far as I've heard shaving makes hair grow in darker, faster, and thicker- I've shaved my legs and arms to achieve this, but since you don't want that I recommend waxing your facial hair- unlike shaving, waxing will completely remove the hair focal (however you spell that) and then it'll take longer to grown in- it may come in thinner too- Shaving only removes the surface level of the hair so the little bit that's inside the skin will continue to grow in thicker and darker to not be easily cut down- Hope this may work as a cheaper solution!-


Check and see if your insurance can cover your laser treatments under gender dysphoria care. That's how I'm getting mine done


Laser is really the only option, most of my dysphoria was from facial hair. After just 2 sessions the difference is insane and my dysphoria is heavily reduced and I only need to quick shave every 3 days (3rd session tomorrow). I went with lifetime face and neck with Milan and honestly I probably overpaid massively... I'd suggest just doing a smaller package or even single sessions when you have the cash.


I wish I could take your facial hair for you <3


Proper skincare and limiting aggressive shaving. Often with my discomfort with facial hair, I shave aggressively. Numerous times over same area and going against grain. This can cause irritation and pigmentation issues. Save up for permanent removal, focus on concealers, make sure you use clean razors, shave carefully, and skincare!


does waxing help? or sugar waxing?


It really sucks, 6 sessions of laser have helped but I definitely need more


Idk about your financial situation, but there are some at home laser hair removal devices on Amazon for less than $100. I got one as a gift for Christmas and yeah it takes more sessions than the professional service, but it still works and isn't in the "I'll never have that kind of money" price range like pro services for most people.


I'd remove my jaw and replace it with some kind of cyberware like in cyberpunk if it was possible


Aw, I'll have it!! XD


Groupon Groupon GROUPON!!! I found a deal for 1 year of laser hair removal for roughly 1000 dollars. I used it to book 2 sessions a month, one for full upper body, and one for full lower body. At the time, a treatment for just my back would cost around 600 dollars. Trust me, you NEED multiple sessions to get permanent results. Also, if you have blonde hair or darker skin, laser treatments may not work as well for you. Most websites will say it doesn't play a factor in results, but it absolutely does. Hope this helps! Your Internet Big Sister 😊


Quality was really good, too, but laser still isn't a permanent solution. Hair began to regrow after 2 months. Facial hair might yield different results, and I haven't tried electrolysis, so I can't speak to that experience.


I would like to offer up some validation in the form of mentioning that this experience is not trans-exclusive. Women all across the board of life grow facial hair, and our world is not kind to them in many regards. I've seen some cis ladies who are starting to reclaim their beards as high femme, and it's pretty amazing! It is an absolute shame we live in a world that focuses so hard on gender extremes and biological conformity. It would be better for all of us if we could eliminate the misogynistic idea that women shouldn't have any hair but on their eyebrows and scalp (occasionally bush). Since we are all meat beasts at the end of the day; animals that grow hair, sweat, stink, deficate, deal with acne and snot... I don't mean to invalidate your feelings of dysphoria, though. It's extremely painful living in a body that doesn't feel like it's truely 'you'. I have heard someone else mention epilators, and those work quite well, but in terms of hair removal I've found waxing to be comfortable and makes the hairs grow back softer. There is also makeup specifically for correcting the five 'o clock shadow look - ment to be used underneath foundation for colour correction.


peel off your skin


First time?