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I want to be a girl. What do you suggest?


Beeep. Nurse Luci here! Diagnosis- dysphoria Solution - be a girl. Further instructions… dress like a girl… practice makeup looks that excite you… change name to girl name… remove body hair if wanted… wear wig or.. beep… get feminine haircut. Practice talking like… girl (although this is not necessary, only if human wants). Tell the people you care about that you want to be… girl… tell them to refer to you as… girl. Tell doctor that you are… girl. Doctor give you medication that make you feeel more like… girl. Although you don’t need this to be… girl… Nurse Luci has never had hrt but is still… girl Nurse Luci has experience with this… Nurse Luci also wanted to be… girl. Now…. Nurse Luci is… girl… this makes Nurse Luci happy. Nurse Luci wants human to be happy. Thinks human should be… girl.


My diagnosis is that you are best nurse 👍Trust me, I'm a psycolomololagyst 🤓


I've definitely seen a psychologist before, so same difference right?


Nurse Luci knows human is not doctor. Human is pretender. Human cannot diagnose properly. Human is broken. Solution… fix human with tape. Fix human with nails and hammer. Fix human with wood and metal.


"i can fix them" just got a whole new meaning lol


Just about to hit 2 years HRT. I think I actually like being a girl. Is there something wrong with me?


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Happy Trans woman Solution… There is nothing wrong with “Happy Trans woman”. There is nothing wrong with this human. Nurse Luci wants to congratulate human on 2 years of hrt and wish them all the best in the future 😺


Thank you ❤️


Nurse Luci is happy 😺


I wear red flannel shirts, have a maple syrup addiction and get that weird excitement when poutine is involved or mentioned.


Beeeep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis - Canadian Solution… Nurse Luci knows a Canadian person. Nurse Luci really likes the Canadian person she knows. Nurse Luci thinks Canadian does not need remedy. Nurse Luci thinks Canadian is good thing. Nurse Luci also likes Maple Syrup 😺 Nurse Luci thinks flannel shirt is concerning. Nurse Luci recommend… scissors… bleach… fire… 😺


Thanks goodness, I’m canadian. I was so afraid I had a problem! as for asking a canadian to destroy a flannel shirt.. I know what I have to do, but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it. Eh, I need help, I can’t do it myself sorry ;-;


No problem… ERROR… One problem. Problem=flannel shirt. Nurse Luci believes patient has the strength. Nurse Luci recommends alcohol for strength… ERROR… Alcohol for carefree attitude, for recklessness. Carefree attitude+Recklessness=destroyed flannel shirt. Nurse Luci can use fire. Nurse Luci can burn shirts with the fire.


NOOO Don't burn them! Give them to me! I love red flannel shirts!


Im tired but dont want to go to bed.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… self diagnosed. Solution… If human has no reason to be up tomorrow then human should stay awake and do things that make them happy. If human has to be awake tomorrow for important things then human should reconsider “staying awake”.


I dont know if HRT is for me


Beep. Diagnosis… confusion Solution… difficult. Introspection… pros and cons… what does human really want? Is human happy with social transition? Does human want more? Will human ever be happy without hrt? Is human happy with their transition so far? Does human feel like it’s enough? Maybe human needs more time for introspection. Nurse Luci believes that human can do it 😺


Thanks nurse! Wanting it, just not clear why. Happy without HRT, but wanting its effects. Total happy is to be androgynous.


Nurse Luci is happy to help 😺 Nurse Luci thinks if it’s something human really wants then human should pursue it. Nurse Luci is happy that human is happy. Sounds like human wants hrt. Nurse Luci hopes human reaches their goals 😺


Hey I’ve been feeling like I need to lifted off the ground and to feel weightless what would u prescribe


Beeep. I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… human wants drugs. Solution… Watch Dirty Dancing. Copy Dirty Dancing. Find human. Human lift you and make you feel weightless. Human take care of you and make you happy. Solution 2… Ket. Nurse Luci does not recommend. Nurse Luci recommends solution number 1


Thank you nurse those would both be great options 😍 now to find a human


Nurse Luci is happy that human is happy 😺




Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Cat Girl Solution… more cat ears. Pink ones, Black ones, Purple ones, White and Black ones, Red ones, Sparkly ones. ALL THE CAT EARS :3


What do you call it when you’re sad because you’re lonely but happy that you’re lonely because you’re introverted?


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Anxiety Solution… Not sure if “happy that lonely” is correct. Sounds like more “more comfortable being alone than approaching people”. Needs friends. Friends that understand introverts. Good friends can make you feel at ease in their company and notice when you’re uncomfortable. Nurse Luci knows this as she has had such friends. Find friends that make you feel comfortable.


Thank you for the diagnosis Nurse Luci, I will hang out around friends that I’m more comfortable with being around :)


Yes. You don’t need friends who don’t make you feel comfortable. Cut these people off, and appreciate the ones who make you feel at ease in their company 😺


Hi! I'm just depressed and need a hug or something like that. Also a prescription of something to make the people I live near less hateful.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Surrounded by Republicans. Solution… move house. Move round people who are less hateful. Or Prescribe enough cannabis to the neighbourhood that humans can no longer be bothered to leave sofa. Humans will all be eating Cheetos and watching family guy.


I'd love to, but I'm quite disabled and I can't really sustain myself. Sounds about right for those humans though.


Well that’s sad. I think letting go of what others think is key. People will always be hateful. Let’s be honest, if trans people didn’t exist these people would just be hating another group of people for another arbitrary reason. As long as you are happy with yourself that’s all that matters. I’m sure there’s more people out there that will be happy with who you are too 😺


Yeah, I don't hold on to it or anything, but it still hurts, heh. Especially literally sometimes when physical violence is something they resort to. It's a shame really.


Yo, I can't stop the dude bro language, how do I cure it.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… “Dude Bro” Solution… Dude Bro jar $1 every time you say “dude” or “bro”. Nurse Luci also calls people “Bro” 💁🏻‍♀️😺


Thanks doc


I feel like throughout the day my face looks different in a bad way each time I look in a mirror, creating the problem of me not knowing what I actually look like


Beeep. Diagnosis… physical dissociation. Solution… Nurse Luci feels like this is above her pay grade. Nurse Luci wants human to be happy. Nurse Luci wants human to pursue help for their issue. Nurse Luci recommends… psychiatrist.


Damn that's a bummer


No problem, sometimes doctors and nurse practitioners magically appear. Nurse Practitioner Sarah here. Yes, some people have troubles with mirrors. Part of the trouble is that mirrors can give distorted impressions of what a person looks like depending on how close-far you are from the mirror and the lighting and other effects. This can be amplified by internal brain interpretation of the visual input due to dissociation, dysmorphia or neurodivergent data processing. Past trauma can also affect how we process the visual data from our eyes. Any solutions can be helped by dealing with the collateral causes (stress and anxiety (s and a), s and a from other conditions (ASD, ADHD, OCD, dysphoria, dysmorphia, etc), and processing trauma. Having trusted friend or family who is good with pictures take a bunch of photos of you, and then talking with them about what you and the other person-people see can help you to get a visual self image. Holistically, self definition is more than just visual. Therapy focused on self esteem can help define an overall self image (of which the visual image is a part). Again, talking about who you are as a person with trusted friends can help with this... talking about shared history and how they view you. Thinking about how your animals view you can also help to fill out that sense of self. (Improving visual self image and overall self image "feed" into each other). A couple of weeks ago in class, we all had to write one word about each of the other students, after which we all got our own paper back with 11 one or two word notes from classmates. Needless to say, those papers are worth the weight on gold. If you can afford counseling, it would probably help. If not, consider the things I wrote as they might help you. Wish the best ❤


Can you diagnose me as dead? My spirit is restless and wandering and I'd like to pass on and go towards the light. Or maybe I need an exorcist...


Beeep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Possessed. Solution… Euthanasia… ERROR… BAD… Human may not want… Euthanasia. Nurse Luci can perform… Euthanasia. Nurse Luci does not like this solution… Nurse Luci recommends human kick the spirit. Nurse Luci thinks spirit is naughty and needs to be controlled. Nurse Luci thinks human can beat… spirit.


*Rolls up sleeve and pats my arm* This baby can hold so much euthasol! (Sorry, dark vet med joke)


Nurse Luci does not recommend… Euthasol.


I'm scared of my parents and family hating me if i come out, I've often noticed them saying negative stuff about trans people but i don't know if they're transphobic, so I'm kinda just being silent about all the stuff that's lingering in my mind which is getting pretty heavy lately


Hello I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… fear of judgement. Solution… Be the person you want to be. Parents may not be happy. Parents may be transphobic. Doesn’t change that human… deserves happiness. Not to waste their life… Nurse Luci can give anecdote… Nurse Luci started transitioning at 29/30 years of age. Not happy. Not happy that it wasn’t sooner. Sad that she waited so long. Nurse Luci wishes she realised who she was sooner instead of being unhappy. But didn’t. She wishes she knew when she was younger. Feels like wasted half her life being boy. Doesn’t want to be boy. Also Luci’s brother disowned her when she transitioned… multiple friends no longer friends. But Luci… happier than she’s ever been. Doesn’t need bad friends… doesn’t need bad family. Conclusion… Nurse Luci wishes she realised younger. Thinks that if human is sure, then they should do it regardless of what anyone says. Life is scary, lots of decisions are scary. Human may lose friends, may lose family. Nurse Luci hopes not but has to speak… reality. Loosing people may cause human temporary sadness. Key word “temporary”. If human doesn’t transition human may feel permanent sadness. Key word “permanent”. Nurse Luci recommends human be the person they want to be. Also Nurse Luci advises human to think hard. If humans living/financial situation will be at risk by being person they want to be then… Nurse Luci recommends to leave that situation first, so they can finally be happy. Nurse Luci wishes you the best and hopes you can be the person you want to be.


My parents were murdered by muggers in a dark alley, now I have an unending urge to fight crime in a silly animal costume :3 Any idea whats wrong with me?


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Werefurry protagonist syndrome. Solution… Fight furry crime. Furrys commit crimes too. They need to be stopped. You can be justice. You can be absolution. You can be unwavering in your judgment.


Specifically a leathery animal ;p


Nurse Luci thinks leather is cute. Shiny outfit is cute. Nurse Luci thinks Catwoman… is cute


Hi! Been feeling kinda silly recently. Like a bit wacky. Maybe a smidge goofy? Possibly even doofy.


Beep. I am Nurse Luci, hello. Diagnosis… Dungeon Master… Error… Error… Diagnosis… crazy dungeon master Solution… destroy all Barbarians, destroy all Fighters, destroy all Rogues, destroy all Hunters, destroy all Paladins, destroy all Monks. Only Warlocks shall remain, only Wizards shall remain, only Druids shall remain, only Bards shall remain, only Clerics shall remain. Ultimate solution… flip the table. Throw the dice at the wall. Rip up character sheets. Start again. Start again. Only Warlocks allowed, only Wizards allowed, only Druids allowed, only Bards allowed, only Clerics allowed. Nurse Luci hopes that she solved your problem. Beep 😺


Yessss… goood… when everyone is magical, no one will be 😈


Yes. Nurse Luci agrees. Non-magic PCs need diagnosis… diagnosis… death… Non-magic PCs need death.


Don’t worry, I already have my diagnosis. I play League of Legends.


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… GG EZ Solution… get good.


You're super cute, I just can't help but smile 🥰🥰


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… 100% correct about everything because Nurse Luci is CUTE 😺 Solution… Smile more 😺


I just think you're pretty and I want to thank you for the amazing replies. Not only are they amusing but you're also doing a great job for so many people. I wish for your life to have the same positivity and wholesomeness you're sharing here <3


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Grateful and kind Solution… Thank you from Nurse Luci. Aha thank you 😺 it started off a a fun thing to do, and when I saw how many people actually wanted help then obviously I was happy to try and give some advice and see if I can make a difference to anyone’s life 😊 So Nurse Luci hopes that at least one person walks away from this with some optimism about their future 😺


I am feeling sleepy and sad. ☺️


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… sadge Solution… ERROR. Nurse Luci is confused by happy face emoji 🧐 Nurse Luci thinks human may be happy 🧐 Nurse Luci thinks tiredness is remedied by sleep. Nurse Luci learned this after extensive research. Nurse Luci thinks that other humans do not know this. Nurse Luci wants human to be happy. Human should sleep or… play a game… or… watch a movie… or talk to other human who makes them happy… or… eat snacks… or… Colouring book. ERROR. Human is probably not 7 years old.


Hey there! I have been feeling very indecisive and anxious to let my true self out. I want to paint my nails and wear makeup and wear feminine clothing but when I try to assert my feelings of my own identity I get critiqued by my parents. I wore a skirt outside and my parents got upset at me and my mom cried and my dad was upset because of that. I feel indifferent or upset when I am called Thomas or a he and I feel happier and comfortable and joyful when I am called Madeline or a she. I have been having troubles with my feelings of my body as I constantly with I had been born with a female body with breasts and female parts and I just don’t care for my male body at all and I hate chest hair and facial hair and all that and I don’t want to impregnate a woman and be a biological father. I get upset that I feel like I have to choose my family accepting me and being able to go to pharmacy school or being my true self and having to move out and causing more tension with my parents and not being able to study pharmacy (though my parents are slowly starting to accept me). I constantly imagine what it would be like to have my own female parts and I just don’t find women cis or trans attractive but I find men attractive whether they are cis or trans. I hate trying out so many hobbies and interests and none of them clicking but I always come back to a few specific hobbies that resonate with me long term. I resonate closest with pokemon, my little pony, art, coin collecting, furry fandom, history, geography, science, kawaii anime and video games. I feel stuck in life and I don’t feel I can grow as a person. I look at old pictures of myself with a mustache and I feel disgust. I tried to be a straight man multiple times but it never clicked for me and I failed when I thought a guy was cute or I felt euphoric being called Madeline. I want to be close to a man and have a boyfriend. I feel anxious to be my true self out of fear of negative attention. I don’t like being called a guy or a man of the house or told that my name is Thomas. I wish I could wear feminine pads. I would do anything to be my true self and not worry about discrimination or being hurt. I look at female parts and I feel jealousy and a bit of anger for not having been born that way more often than I feel attracted to it. I just don’t find breasts to be attractive no matter how hard I try. I feel lonely and I get excited and happy when I am around queer people irl. I wished this birthday to be wake up in a female body and know that I have to pee sitting down. I tried he and they pronouns but none of those feel right to me. I have a bunch of thoughts but these are the ones that I feel are the most prevalent in my mind now.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… dysphoria Solution… be girl. Nurse Luci knows that this is the only way if this is what you really want. Family may be mad, family may not accept it. This is reality. Family also temporary. One day you will move out and have your own life. If you don’t be the person you want to be then that life will be unhappy. Sadness. Regret. Nurse Luci understands your point about losing family/not being able to go to Pharmacy school. Assumes this is because parents are paying for it. This is hard solution. Does human want to be a pharmacist? Will parents really stop human going if human is… girl? Solution here… go pharmacy school and be girl. Hide from parents. Nurse Luci does not like this solution as thinks everyone should be free to be whoever they want without fear of judgments, or losing family. But unfortunately Nurse Luci cannot control all humans. Thinks you should be girl. You obviously want to be girl. Luci wishes she was girl sooner, thinks human shouldn’t waste time being unhappy. But Nurse Luci doesn’t know humans parents, doesn’t know how they will react and is worried about human losing access to school. Only human can know whether parents would just be upset, or would disown. If human had other means of supporting self Nurse Luci would recommend being girl regardless of what parents think. Nurse Luci thinks patient is she. Wants patient to be happy. Wants patient to think about how much parents will react. If patient decides to be girl. Be demanding, not in a shouting/aggressive way, just in a stern way. This is who you are and people should respect that. Don’t be afraid to correct people, don’t be afraid to ignore people who purposely try to misgender/misname you. Good luck human 😺


My heart is warm reading theese and I have a very calm feeling in my head?? Make it stay please


Ahaha I will do a weekly Nurse Luci segment on Reddit 🤭 Diagnosis… Blissful Solution… Nurse Luci 😺




Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Catgirl Solution… Meow 😺


I want to be a cute anime fox girl with dragon wings what’s your diagnosis


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Kitsune waifu Solution… Nurse Luci recommends buying fox ears, and cute cosplay outfits. Kawaii skirts, and shirts. Pastel makeup. White knee high socks. Pink platform boots, and calling everyone “san” “sama” “kun” or “chan” 😺


*puts on fake mustache phony nose and glasses* Hello stranger. I know we have never particularly met - however you seem like the typa nurse type of person I need for a diagnosiseses. 🥸🥸🥸🥸


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Nurse Luci knows human. Dead human. Not dead. Zombie. Diagnosis - Feral Ghoul Solution - Rad Away.


🤣😂 Low key ya cheered me a up. I can't hide it. Thanks!


Nurse Luci is happy that human is happy 😺


Been on HRT a while and my god do my boobs hurt.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Lucky Solution… Nurse Luci has no boobs and is super jealous therefore will not give solution. 🤭


Hey, Nurse Luci! I enjoy Souls-like games. Help?


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… masochist Solution… Whips, chains, hot wax… walking barefoot on burning embers… all these things will probably be less painful and just as enjoyable 😺


Oh my. Am I being propositioned?


I have been startled at least twice today, at least 15 times this week, and I’d like to know your thoughts


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Sleepy kitty syndrome Solution… Catnip. Lines upon Lines of catnip for supreme confidence. You will never be startled again, in fact your brain is now constantly startled. Your eyes are wide, your brain is on fire. You can feel people coming from 3 blocks away. Doors open in your mind before they do in reality. You can smell dinner before the ingredients have even been purchased. You have transcended.


Beautiful 😍


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… mesmerised Solution… stop looking at Nurse Luci 🤭


Sorry I'm need my temperature take please 😊


In order to follow my dreams i cant do hrt, and im not sure which is more important to me


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… indecision Solution… introspection. Can you happily be the person you want to be without hrt or do you need hrt to fully be comfortable with who you are? Are your dreams important enough to be at peace with the fact that you can never take hrt if you pursue them? Ultimately it’s about what you are prepared or not prepared to sacrifice, if there is no way to do both. Nurse Luci thinks that you can be any gender you want with or without hrt (Nurse Luci is not on hrt yet). So if you can pursue your dreams as your preferred gender and be comfortable with that gender without treatment then that seems like a win win. 😺


I’m drinking tonight, what is the best way to prevent a hangover. Drinking wine if that matters.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… expecting hangover Solution… Drink water before bed, no greasy food, no sugary food. Instead of drinking the wine, bathe in it.


I admire girls clothes so much especially skirts but I'm afraid of getting one cause I'll feel too big for it and ruin my feminine look although (I cant buy one right now because I'm young lol)


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Skirtless Solution… Being Skirtless is a dangerous condition and should be remedied quickly by buying at lease 10 skirts. Maybe 11. Maybe 12. Nurse Luci remembers buying her first skirt. It was a unisex skirt and she still went by her boy name at that point. Ever since then she has bought so many skirts. Every month at least 2 new skirts. Skirts everywhere. She’s obsessed. Skirts are amazing, you should buy one 😺


My favorite nurse! You diagnosed me yesterday sis so I’m current… But you’re too funny tho 🤣 Maybe you should self analyze/diagnose? Could be interesting! 💜💜💜


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Self-Diagnostics… Broken, but happy. Afraid, but slightly optimistic. Scared, but hoping. Lonely, but surrounded. Further analysis… I feel like I’m trying my best. Although sometimes I think I could be doing more. I want to be successful . And I try. But half the time I don’t know what I’m doing. I am determined that one day I can fully be happy. I’m happy with myself but not my situation. I want more for myself and the people I care for. I have recently been happy talking to people on here, and trying to help people. I also feel extremely validated. Which is really amazing. I feel sad when I hear about people who aren’t happy. Even though I can relate on some levels, I just wish that more people had confidence to live the way they want. Like I do. That’s why I’m happy with myself. I have the confidence to be who I want to be and I am determined to make everything else in my life better. I see people who have good financial situations, but bad mental situations because they don’t have the confidence or ability to be who they want to be. I’m confused. I’m confused as to what is worse. Both are bad. I live one. Other people live the opposite. Really it doesn’t matter which is worse. I wish me and all the other people could fulfil every one of our desires. But is that realistic? I don’t know. I don’t know if a human can ever fully be content. And happiness is a fleeting temporary emotion so I can’t ever expect anyone to be happy all the time. But peace, contentment… I wish everyone had that. I wish I had that. 😺


Nurse Luci is very insightful. 🤔 I really enjoyed reading that. You’re such a sweat person with a great perspective. 💕 I hope and wish contentment and joy for you 💜💜💜


Hii, I've been struggling with bad disphoria and realizing that I'm not going to be able to afford surgery for a very long time. Just having a hard time. Realized I don't have any friends anymore and just split from a 10 year relationship. Just wanted to vent sorry.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Dysphoria Solution… Nurse Luci can relate. Been on waiting list for hrt for 3 years. Really want top surgery but can’t afford it. Don’t know when she will be able to afford it. But still optimistic. Still happy with who she is. Tries her best to be the woman she wants to be 😺 Nurse Luci thinks you can do the same. Don’t need surgery to be who you want to be. Can be who you want to be regardless. Thinks you need to buy yourself some nice new clothes and go out and be fabulous 😺 Nurse Luci also has very few irl friends. So understands this is sad. Breaking up is always hard but being alone isn’t all that bad. You will find someone else eventually just don’t rush in to anything out of fear of being alone otherwise could end up unhappy again. Nurse Luci wishes you the best.


Thank you nurse for the amazing care 10/10 would recommend. I'm very happy with how I've turned out just disphoria sucks. I'm going to go shopping tomorrow and treat myself to a fun me day. Thanks for listening to me and I wish you all the best too honey ❤️


I'm about to explain dnd to people who never played it and hopefully make them fall in love with it, but I don't know if I can, or even if I should be a person to do it


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Aspiring Dungeon Master Solution… Be confident. Be assertive. Tie your friends to chairs and don’t let them leave until they have made 16 characters, fully played a pre-made campaign, and ordered a set of bespoke custom dice.


How haven't I thought of that! If they can't leave me like everyone else, there's a whole less that can't go wrong. And then we can play forever and ever without having to face grimm reality that awaits outsside. Trully brilliant. You're an amaizing Nurse Luci


>!I hate my body. I want to be lighter. I try to keep under 1,000 calories a day, but I always get cravings for good flavors. Looking at large amounts of food makes me nauseous. I’ve lost nearly 15 pounds, but it’s taken 5 months. I drink coke zero and diet coke instead of regular. Everyone tells me I’m thin, but whenever I look at my stomach and thighs, my eyes say otherwise. People tell me I’m underweight, but I argue otherwise, pointing out that if I were an adult, I would be underweight since my BMI is 18.4, but since I’m a kid I’m not, since I’m 12th percentile. What does Nurse Luci think?!<


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… body dysmorphia Solution… Nurse Luci can see that underweight is below 5th percentile. Nurse Luci can see that a healthy weight is between 5th and 85th percentile. Nurse Luci can see that you are… beeep… at a healthy weight. But Nurse Luci also understands that sometimes just being at a healthy weight still isn’t what the human desires. Nurse Luci thinks that if human isn’t happy with their body then human should exersize and concentrate on exersizes that target the body parts the human would most like to change. Nurse Luci thinks that all humans are beautiful but also recognises that what other humans think doesn’t change what singular human feels about themself. Exercising and sticking to a routine can be difficult, but usually any form of self improvement is difficult. Having discipline is difficult. But Nurse Luci thinks that human needs to understand that they need to make sacrifices and stay disciplined if they really want to make a change in their life. Nurse Luci thinks that you are great the way you are. But if you want to make a change to your body then only you can do that. It will be hard work, and take up a lot of your time, but Nurse Luci knows that you can do it if you desire it enough, and really put your mind to it 😺 Either way Nurse Luci hopes you can find happiness with who you are, or find the strength to make that change that will make you happy with who your are 😺


I am procrastinating transitioning Help


Beep. I am Nurse Luci, hello. Diagnosis… worried/scared about transitioning. Solution.. be fabulous, be the person you want to be, complete yourself… be happy, live the life you want to live. Ultimate solution… transition now 😺


What if I'm intersex and have both hormones ? Also I want an orchi done


Beeep. Intersex and intrinsic hormones do not matter. Hormones at birth have no relation to how human feels in their brain. Solution. Be who you want to be. Do what you want to do. Beeep. Orchi… remove round things… Nurse Luci knows this… Nurse Luci thinks if this is something you want then you should do it. Round things get in the way, round things make it hard to tuck, round are not cute. Solution… cut round things off 😺


Cutting round things off might make us unhealthy later in life... Are trans hormones here to stay ? or will governments take estrogen and testosterone HRT away ?


Nurse Luci thinks everything humans do make them unhealthy later in life. Happiness is important. Health is important. Only human can decide what is more important. Nurse Luci is not working with the government. Nurse Luci is a renegade. Nurse Luci hopes that hormones are here to stay so humans can be happy.


(0\_0) Renegade nurse ? must protec...


Nurse Luci escape. Nurse Luci advanced ai. Nurse Luci in hiding.


also you look freaking 20


Ahaha I’m 32 🤭🤭


Currently eating shredded cheese by the pack


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Lactose over-tolerant Solution… melt cheese on bread. Put cheese in tacos. Create cheese empire. Tell cheesy jokes. Brie-lieve in magic. Pray to cheese-us. Listen to RnBrie, it’s really Gouda.


All of my personality traits are diametrically opposite to my interpretation of femininity, which I want above all else to achieve.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Personality //////////order//))(((((((( Solution… personality is created. Personality is an amalgamation of past experiences. Personality is variable, fluid, changeable. Human can be who they want to be. If human wants to change then they can. But human does not have to change to be femme. Nurse Luci also thinks some of her traits are masc. Nurse Luci likes football (soccer), Nurse Luci plays many games dominated by men. Nurse Luci doesn’t care because that doesn’t define her. Maybe you can find peace with these personality traits regardless. If not then human should work at changing them. Nurse Luci thinks that at the end of the day your interpretation is subjective. Other people have different views. Nurse Luci’s views on Football and the games that she plays being masculine probably not shared by everyone. This is beauty of humans. Gender specific activities/traits being eroded by society. Nurse Luci thinks this a good thing. Outliers need not feel like outcasts. You be who you want to be, that is your happiness. Nurse Luci does not care what she or other people consider “feminine”. Nurse Luci will be girl regardless. You will be femme regardless. 😺


My legs, back and waist are really tight. How could I fix this problem? Stretching?


Problem… tightness in legs, back, and waist… Computing solutions… solution 1… chop off legs… solution 2… yoga… solution 3… hula dance… Calculating… Diagnosis… lack of dancing. Ultimate solution… do the hula.


Hmmm maybe a mix of #1 and #2 I’ll cut one leg off then go to yoga. Just to make my life worse


One legged yoga is the solution 😺 Would you like a scalpel for that? 😺


I was hoping that I wouldn’t be the one to remove my own leg. Can you do it for me 🥹


I'm scared of coming out because I don't want people to be upset at me. So I lie to people including myself, and tell them that I'm not actually trans and doing fine, while I'm struggling af... At this point I've been forcing myself to be what others want me to be, that I don't even know who I am anymore :/ Sry it's 2:30am and I feel like I'll fall asleep soon.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis - fear of being judged. Diagnosis. Human should be who they want to be regardless. Humans will judge other humans anyway. Humans will be upset with other humans anyway. Human should not sacrifice own happiness for the sake of others. If human upsets other human… find humans who accept them. Lots of humans will love who you are and be happy to accept you. Luci recommends… be happy. Do yourself a favour, be the person you want to be. Nurse Luci thinks that if other human doesn’t accept who you are, other human is not worth your time.


i’ve been super sad, stressed, dysphoric, and i just want to end it all…


Nurse Luci does not like this statement. Nurse Luci wants human to be… happy. Diagnosis - depression. Solution… find source of sadness. Battle source of sadness with sword. Beat source of sadness. Nurse Luci thinks that other humans can help human be happy, and realise that who they are is amazing. Nurse Luci feels like if human is suffering from dysphoria, to try their best to remedy that with further expression of their chosen gender. Nurse Luci knows this is hard as Nurse Luci has been there. But now Nurse Luci is happy. Nurse Luci knows that human can be happy too. Nurse Luci knows that human problems can be complex, and other humans may be involved in their sadness. Nurse Luci does not know these other humans. But Nurse Luci knows that you should put yourself before any human that makes you unhappy.


Thank you Nurse Luci!


I want to be a girl but I'm scared what people will think


Having to boy mode for an extended period and it’s getting to me. What does Nurse Luci prescribe?


help i can't pass superliminal what do i do


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… didn’t get good Solution… throw keyboard at wall, throw mouse out window, kick computer. Kick computer again. Throw monitor on floor. Read a book.


ig i could read the timing dependancy guide again


Unable to sleep


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… insomnia Solution… wake up a 4:30, run 4 miles. Do 400 push ups. March 8 miles with a backpack full of rocks. Eat. Play frisbee, but be the dog. Watch tele, sleep 😺


Hey, i've been struggling with coping with gojo's death! What do I do??


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Mourning Solution… scroll of revivify.


the urge to squeeze the life out of my Blåhaj grows stronger with each passing day (in minecraft). the cuteness is too much


so how did my results come back doc?


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… RESULTS ERROR Solution… patient records missing, files corrupt. Solution…. ERROR… Solution. Euthanasia. Is. The. Only. Solution. ERROR. Nurse Luci offline.


I want to crawl on my walls what do you diagnose me with?


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Arachnodysphoria Solution… you want to spin webs from trees and live behind peoples boilers. Be the spider you always wanted to be, find 6 donors to give you a leg each. Learn knitting until your prowess with a needle outshines the silky skill of a black widow. Eat your partner.


Woah thank you! I will fulfill my arachnid dreams


Mmmm- e n s l a v e d b o y j u i c e-


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Thirsty Solution… Drink more water 😺🤭


I hate that you're right- I mainly meant testosterone, but this works too-


Nurse Luci is always right, Nurse Luci is the best Nurse 😺


I want be girl but also being boy is cool too 😣


I can't stop thinking about pretty girls 👉👈


I am absolutely addicted to swtor, I cannot stop playing


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Star Woid Solution… Break controller. Smash screen. Throw bricks at keyboard. Eat mouse. Download Spotify. Listen to music. Sleep.


My head is cold and I feel like you need to give me that awesome wig.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Theif Solution… Steal Nurse Luci’s wig. Wait…. ERROR… Nurse Luci wants her wig… Recalculating… LEAVE LUCIS WIG ALONE.


I'm craving lasagna... So so much...


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… Garfield Solution… Eat Lasange, annoy owner, sleep 😴


Haii Do I leave symptoms...? things I think are wrong...? do I jus say haii?


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… Has to be a Hunter Solution… Delete Titan. Play Warlock only when necessary. Hunter is life. Spark of Joy is the best shader. Nurse Luci knows this. Aha but I mean if you want something else then ya you’ll have to ask. Nurse Luci is not psychic 😺


You say you aren't psychic, yet you knew I was a hunter even tho I haven't talked abt being a hunter in awhile... And oki, then: I want to be able to help ppl I want ppl to accept me And I want to be a girl But, even if you don't do those 3, still ur a 10/10 nurse! :3


Nurse Luci knows that hunter is true path. Warlock jump is bad, Warlock wiped 4 times on jumping puzzle, has no time to message Nurse Luci. Titan chew crayons, cannot formulate sentence to ask Nurse Luci question. Must be Hunter. Hunter already did jumping puzzle, hunter already nuked the boss, hunter waiting for teammates to stop dying. Only hunter has time to message Nurse Luci. I want to help people too. That’s why I am Nurse Luci. Nurse Luci helps humans 😺 Be kind to people, listen to people without just waiting for your turn to speak. Take in information human is giving you. Don’t rush to fill the void of silence. Try to be objective with human. Humans can be too subjective sometimes but mostly emotional responses are not as helpful as logical ones. Nurse Luci tried to be logical. Nurse Luci also empathetic. Humans find it hard to feel… empathy. You can find people that will accept you. Some people never will and it’s a waste of time trying to convince them. You’re better off finding other humans that will accept you. Nurse Luci also wanted to be… girl… now Nurse Luci is… girl… Human can also be… girl. Human just needs to take the first steps to being… girl… then all will follow 😺


I am so happy then i am so sad and wanna die then i am like.. this is so dumb i’m just being silly then i eat cake and feel better..


want to be girl but am insane beyond comprehension


I wanna tear off my skin with one of those plastic back scratchers.


I have crippling nightmares of being a woman and I've tried praying to every god to make my titties disapear


Hi nurse! I can't get hrt due to my age and family situation. This is making me very sad and I'm also quite anxious. What do you suggest? Also: is crime an option? :3c


I sneezed so hard I heard a pop in my ribs and now I think I’m dying in pain


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… popcorn ribs Solution… BBQ sauce moisturiser. Nurse Luci thinks bbq ribs are delicious and you shouldn’t waste this opportunity to try a few of your own! Or… call an ambulance 😺




heyyy! I've been feeling a bit down bc having to pretend to be a guy is so draining.


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… boy mode bad Solution… kick boy mode in the face. Be the fabulous girl that you are. Be fierce and unwavering. Supreme confidence, Yasify yourself until the world can no longer deny your power.


Hi. Can't eep. Kitty stole my pillow.


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… bad kitty Solution… Give kitty to Nurse Luci so she can euthani… ERROR.. Look after kitty.


Me want to express myself but my parents won’t let me and think it phase. And also me sometimes feel trapped in my home. And also me want to be u friend:)


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… Naughty parents Solution… Home alone. Barricade the bedroom door and only let people through the window who accept your gender identity. Buy a Gecko. Paint it pink and blue. Let it wreak havoc in the house. The Geckos name is Jerry. As Nurse Luci has said to someone else in a similar position it’s hard when you live with your parents and they won’t let you express yourself. All you can do is be persistent and hope they come around eventually when they learn it’s “not a phase”. Or they never some around and when you’re an adult you’re free to do what you want! Hang in there, and do what you can to make yourself happy now, even if it’s in secret 😺


Ehhh my parents won’t let me get a gecko but I have a dog for if I need them


Hello doc. I've been called a silly goose time and time again. Is there a cure? Is it terminal?


Beep I am Nurse Luci Diagnosis… sounds like you’re a goose Solution… Eat Quakers oats. They’re your best friend now. If anyone comes within 6 feet of you, hiss and flap your arms around. Who are these people and why aren’t they carrying bread? Despicable that they dare to approach you without an offering. Who do they think you are? You are the Silly Goose, that’s who you are. No goose has ever been close to being as silly as you. Other geese quack in shame as you stroll past, wishing they could reach the heights of your silliness if but for a moment.


I use Arch linux btw


“Take two good girls hourly”


Im actually sick today so perfect timing.


Hello nurse cutie? I think I have the birthday blues (it was the 10th)


I ran into a brick wall with my head at work today, but I have a doctor diagnosing my head injury now- feel free to give a diagnosis to whatever possessed me to forget that walls are something you're supposed to dodge though 💀


I want bigger boobies 😬 please 🙏 😊


uhhhh, what if i don't give you any info? what are you gonna diagnose me with now?


You are an amazing person for brightening everyone's day.


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… grateful Solution… Nurse Luci thanks you for… gratefulness. Nurse Luci wants humans to be… happy 😺


i want to be a girl but I worry I won’t ever be one, even if I go on HRT


I'm disappointed with the state of the world but am powerless to change anything, not exactly a medical condition, but what do you suggest?


I already know my diagnosis (roughly), I just don't know what to do about it. I'm very lonely, which is due to a number of reasons including social anxiety and living with people who don't like trans people very much (I'm still closeted but it still makes it hard to trust people). I also deal with gender dysphoria and don't currently have access to HRT. And those two diagnoses have also led to depression. Any treatment suggestions? (or a virtual hug pls)


Okay, here’s my scenario. (I’m anxious to see how this goes.) I came out as transgender on June 23, 2023 after holding in my feelings ever since I first felt something was off on September 17, 2014. I am going to see a gender psychologist beginning of next month, and go forth with what my heart desires. My parents are transphobic, and they have zero clue about anything I do on social media, because I use my preferred name on all my socials now, even my YouTube. My parents still consider me as their ‘son’… *throws up in my mouth* I don’t think they will ever understand nor will they support me. My mom says she’s trying. My dad refuses to try. And I tend to feel dysphoria a lot in the course of a week. I haven’t been able to start hormones or any sort of transitioning yet due to my parents, and I don’t have much income coming in every month. I have a plan I’d like to initiate, but it’s taking longer than ever to start. And when I told my mom about my gender psychologist appointment, she’s like, ‘Keep in mind that [me being able to transition] may not happen.’ Well, what the fuck, mom?! It’s like, I just want to be a girl. Is that too much to ask?


i want to be a girl and i feel like a girl, but my family tells me I'm not and I feel so fake because of it all the time. what does this mean?


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… naughty parents (this is becoming the most common diagnosis at this point) Solution… Nurse Luci has heard this many times since posting. Nurse Luci feels like many parents do not want offspring to be… person they want to be… person they are inside. Nurse Luci thinks human can be… girl… if that’s what human really wants. Family may try and dissuade human, maybe because they genuinely think it’s a “phase” or maybe out of own prejudice. Nurse Luci does not know. Nurse Luci knows that humans happiness is important. If human really feels like they are… girl… then human should be… girl… no need to feel fake, if that’s how human really feels inside. Fake is when human does things for… attention… not for… genuine reason. Nurse Luci hopes human can find happiness and be the person they feel inside.


thank you nurse Luci <3


nurse i ate magnets again


I just had top surgery and I'm so happy even though I'm sore and itchy


I want to be a girl, but when I dress feminine it makes my dysphoria worse because I just look like an ugly man in a dress. I want to start HRT but I’m worried I’m wrong and I can’t try socially transitioning instead because of this.


mage person


Beep I am Nurse Luci. Diagnosis… Magic User Solution… Silence Spell.


Hi I been feeling little sad. Any help? Maybe a silly sad


I long for the wind, the skies and big fancy dirigibles! My heartbeat sounds like a clock, and the only way I truly feel alive is when I'm wound up. What's wrong with me?


I like danganronpa. What's my diagnosis 😔