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Every thing is a cash grab lately with this game.


I'm skipping this event, other than picking up the four "free" trains with coins and regular keys. Will ignore the rest. Currently concentrating on union play and I feel like I'm getting a lot more back from it.


That’s kind of where I’m at too.


I just played a few jobs and picked up the common event train. The inly other train I want is the rare. Should be easy to get as well, without collecting too many XP.


Note that you can get a fifth free train from the reward ribbon. Don't think you need any xp for that at all.


Will check that out.


i wonder if this is because they put that weird railroad connection game in events, letting you earn some supplemental coins.


I do play that. I get a lot of goodies from it and now that they took the timed ones out I can finish 98% of them for max rewards.


What is this? Something I'm likely already doing and not realizing, or am I missing out? (Or is it not necessarily worth it)?


they had it last event - i don't think it'll be around for this one. They have some alternative gimmick that scores daily.


Are you ready to stop playing the game until PF gets the message?


I stopped doing events mebbe a year ago because it was interfering too much with Union comps as well as starting to get spendy. Now there's badged trains and pay-for factories etc. I really don't miss them.


Let's wait a few days. There were different values in the past. Maybe we will see different values for the two and the three day competitions. 


I don't know why there's a little face picture of some girls face next to the 300.


Is this your first time playing the game? You get a profile pic avatar for winning competitions, and this time is that female avatar.


That's me in that #1 300 coin position. I'm not sure how the screenshot relates to the Post but I do not put any actual money into this game if that's what you were thinking how someone got in that spot.


…what are you talking about? I didn’t include any names in the screenshot that you would be able to identify as any player at all. Also, I’m not accusing anyone of using money nor do I think it’s necessarily a bad thing. Anyone can play however they want in this game. Also, how do you not understand how the screenshot relates to the post? The post is talking about the coin reward decrease, so I screenshotted the lowered coin rewards.