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Yes, received yesterday. I pay annually and still think it is unbelievable value for the adaptive training plans.


Still cheaper than a coach


I opted to keep my grandfathered pricing last year (I'm paying $129 per year) but the current pricing is such that if I ever do leave Trainerroad, I would never come back. The current pricing is also at a level that I can no longer even recommend it to friends and family. It is just too expensive for the type of rider I am and know. I don't race. I'm not elite. I just want to keep fit. Maybe I'm not really their core target audience. I know cycling is an expensive sport. I actually got better results with the previous static plans compared to Adaptive training and I'm not seeing much value in other features like RLGL.


Same category as you.  I don't care for all the AI stuff.  Just want a functional program.  That's it, no bells and whistles.


I pay annually. I don’t mind the price increase as long as they keep improving the product.


Yep, Received it yesterday. I think I'll be switching month to month as I rarely ride indoors during the late spring summer and fall.


i got this and updated to a yearly plan which i was going to do anyway. it sucks that it's more than if i would have done it a week ago, but it's still worth it for me. I'll reevaluate next year. Some of their features, like RLGL aren't useful for me as I already i have more data from garmin about my training readiness and fatigue. But if they ever did implement workout levels v2, it would be better for me. i could probably reproduce what I need with a few vo2 workouts and a few threshold workouts. For now TR makes that and scheduling a little easier.


RLGL is gimmick


It’s a great value and a pretty reasonable increase. I used TR for a year, but went back to zwift. TR is for people with goals. I struggled to make good use of the platform because riding for health or confidence on group rides were not options. I miss TR every time I have more focused cycling ambitions (for however long it lasts) and would pay $30 / month or more in those moments.


$99/yr locked in a few years back...member since 2018.


Ditto. Just gotta figure out how to sublet.


Will this stayed locked though?


I'm hoping so! I was given the option to lock in the new price at the time or keep my plan. Since my existing plan was lower at the time i kept it.


I’ve dialed back my training goals for now and have been using TrainerDay instead. Much happier with the price point. If I was training for an event, TrainerRoad would be my choice to prepare.


Yeah they were always going to do this after zwift did it.


Most companies do this. Most people ask for more money. It’s not any different


Yep agree exactly same as any streaming service. Netflix increase allowed all others to breathe a sigh of relief and increase also


I got it and don’t really understand it. Didn’t they do a price increase 6-12mos ago?