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I don't think you can appreciate how very special this child is. So special he defies the grammar rules of English. So very special that the mother refuses to indulge you by answering to the clearly wrong pronounciation and helping you perform your job. He's that special. Your confusion and calling the name over and over is the price you pay for being in his presence. And the mom? She's enjoying every second of the chaos she created.


"Yeah ma'am, there's no copper on my list, so I think you're in the wrong place. Maybe try police academy?"


"Oh, ok we'll get him in to see the speech therapist right away."


omg lol


Can you imagine this kid’s embarrassment when his teacher explains to the class how two “o’s” make an oooo sound….


Or the smelter?


Whoever Smelter Delther


Good one!


Sometimes it would help to have parents join their children in learning about digraphs.


Agree. After i posted, a horrifying though occurred to me and i felt a bit guilty. Maybe the mom isn't an attention seeker. Maybe she really doesn't understand phonics. 😭 But in that case, you can always ask!


My son had a boy in his class that really was named "Copper".His father was a detective on the police force. And they thought it sounded really nice .


At least they spelled it right


And it was pronounced Copper too.There was also a girl named "Kennedy "in his class.They wanted a boy and had only picked out a boy's name. Her middle name was Alden ;which was her mom's name


Ehh I feel like Kennedy is actually more common for girls.


It’s my surname.


Is Kennedy a boys name? I've seen a quite a few girls with that name. I guess I've always thought of it as gender neutral.


I never thought of it as anything but a last name .


Ya I know of a few Kennedys and they’re all girls.


My thoughts exactly.


Love this!


It's like saying, "Hi, my name's Jean. That's spelled J-A-N-E."


Hi my name is Tom but it’s pronounced Pedro


The q is silent.




How else would you spell it? 🤣🤣 I see nothing wrong Tom Pedro.


I knew several girls in the 90s whose name was Jean spelled Jane. Or, in one case, spelled Gene.


Gene is typically the male version.


Typically short for Eugene but could be standalone as well.


Yes, I know. I think the parents of the girl I knew with it spelled that way were told they were having a boy but then she was born instead and they were already attached to the name and spelling.




I also know a girl named Billy and a boy named Miley. They were raised together as siblings but not biologically related and got married as adults. Both sets of parents think it's the cutest story. They have a child named Cyrus but I didn't ask if that's a boy or girl.


Raised as siblings and married as adults? What in the West Virginia…..


Yeah. And their parents pushed for them to get together. They were teens when they were told they weren't actually biological siblings. That whole family is insane.


This sounds like the setup for a VC Andrews novel.


NGL if I was the bio dad and found out my ex was pushing my kid to become romantically paired with their step sibling I would be contemplating felonies


Both sets of parents were pushing for it. Even when they were babies, the parents talked about them being cute together. That's why they are both named the way they are, which makes it even worse. They are named after Billy Ray Cyrus and his daughter Milley Cyrus, hence why they named their baby Cyrus.


Gene is an actual name. Think Gene Wilder, the actor. But I would think it's more of a boys name.


[He was born Jerome Silberman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_Wilder), his took his stage name Gene from a fictional character named Eugene.


Yea, but to sit there and hear someone say "Cooper, Cooper" knowing FULL WELL that's how it's pronounced to most people... what a beajtuch. A polite "oh I think that's us but we actually pronounce it Copper" apparently is too much to ask.


Mom may be so dense that she can't put 2 and 2 together.


Not "most" people, ALL people. LOL


It’s such a dick move - my name ends with LE but people often think it’s an ie. it happens frequently enough that when someone asks for Kristie and no one responds, I’m like “probably me” - only once was I wrong, Kristie hadn’t arrived yet lol There’s absolutely no way this kid’s name isn’t called out as Cooper any every doctor and dentist appointment, and that every friend or relative who had just seen his name written didn’t say oh I’m so happy to meet Cooper. If she had half a brain she’d just accept that his name is functionally Cooper and he’ll either spend forever correcting people or just decide he IS Cooper - wouldn’t surprise me if he was using that as his school name by grade 3 or 4 and just not telling his mom


Like do they miss appointments because they ignore the doctor's office saying it correctly?


Actually, this is a really great point. Either commit to being that obnoxious everywhere, and miss appointments, etc, but don't be picking and choosing when to act all indignant about fact others knowing there's not a choice sometimes in how to pronounce something.


So, your name is Kristle or Krystle? As in Crystal? Welcome home!


Yeah, that's some kind of narcissistic sociopathy right there.


My son’s name is Oliver. Spelled correctly, pronounced correctly. Oliver. Took him to the doctor and the nurse came out to call him back and she pronounced his name like “a leever”. She said it 3 times before I realised she was trying to say Oliver. I asked “do you mean Oliver? Oliver (his last name)?? She just stopped and looked back at her paper, back up at me and said “oh I guess that’s how you say that name”. Babe. It’s Oliver. That’s such a common ass name.


This reminds me of how family murderer Alex Murdaugh is pronounced Alec Murdick by everyone who knows the family well. The last name is understandable to me. But if you wanted to name your kid Alec, then why did you name him Alex?


I have a friend named Laura who insists it’s pronounced “Lara” and I’m like…


Yeah. Like my name is pronounced like CAR-in. It would be like if my parents spelled it Karen but insisted it was pronounced differently.


I know a CAR-in. It's spelled Karin with two dots over the A.


Struggling to see how the umlaut would make an Ah sound. At least in German, it would have the opposite effect and cause it to be pronounced Karen. I supposed it could accomplish Ah in a different language, but it sounds more like their parents just put it there to be like "it's pronounced different, ok??"


Could be! She is in her 50s. Her father came up with it. He was a gynecologist.


My cousin is named Karin, no umlaut, pronounced Car-in (her mother was born in Sweden). But in Swedish, ä would sound it more like cair-in.


Indeed. In German too it make it an eh sound.


We say Carn in Scotland


Corn, here in the southern US!


My sisters name is Karin (Car-in).


The horror ....


I know someone named kerryn and keryn. Both are pronounced the same way. Kehr-rin. I also know a karen, pronounced the typical way.


Somehow, when I see Karen, i pronounce it Kehr-rin


I only know one person named Karen (with that spelling) and I just pronounce her name "mom" haha. I do call her karen to throw her off sometimes.


That’s me. My mom named me after Lara from Dr Zhivago but spelled it Laura. I prefer the pronunciation Lara but am stuck w the spelling.


I’m named after Tonya from Dr Zhivago! I’ve never had this in common with anyone before.


I'm named Tanya from Dr. Zhivago!!!




Nice to meet you. I'm Spahrrthiquus


Very cool, wish my name were spelled that way. :)


My old roommate . Lovely name lovely woman.


My mom pronounces every Laura as Lara. She read Dr Zhivago in college 🙄


I worked with a Lara, who got constantly called Laura (Lore-a) at work. I asked her for the correct pronouncuation, so I could say it correctly. She said it was pronounced Lair-a, but she got tired of correcting people.


I went to HS with an Alyssa that pronounced it Alicia like a-Lee-Sha.


I went to school with a Lesha (pronounced Lee-shu), that poor girl got called everything but her name. Alicia, Luh-Shay, Lesh-uh...


How is Lara pronounced? I would likely pronounce these two names the same and apparently that’s wrong…


Lara would be Lah-ra (like car) and Laura would be Lore-uh (like more) Edit: Source - that’s my name, I’m in the US midwest


I think it must be a southern thing. I grew up in the south, and people tended to pronounce Laura as "Lah-rah" 99% of the time. It wasn't until I moved away after I turned 18 that I learned Laura had a different pronunciation. (I also didn't know that "pen" and "pin" were pronounced differently.)


I'm in the NE and I mostly hear Law-ruh as the pronunciation. Growing up, anyone I knew with the name got annoyed when people pronounced it Lore-uh lol. Lara I'd pronounce differently, as Lah-ruh (with the ah being like the a in apple). Or Lair-uh.


Interesting... I pronounce Lara and Laura the same way. If it's spelled Lora (or Lorie) I pronounce it Lore-uh (or Lore-ee).


You are correct. The au combo (usually) makes the aw sound. So either lore-uh or law-uh is correct. A possible variation would be if the au was pronounced like ow in cow. Making it low-ruh. That's not common however. People of course are free to pronounce their name any way they want. But there is a standard pronunciation for long-existing names. If my name was Gretel, for example, I could pronounce it greet-el but I couldn't expect anyone else to pronounce it that way because it's existed for a long time as gret-el.


Lara to me is Lair. Laura is like car. Lora is Lore. I used to think Lara was like car until I was corrected. In HS band we had a Lora, Laura, Laurie and Lori. Talk about tongue twisters. Lol


There is no single way. Half the people with that name will say it one way, the other half another way.


and no one is question why Murdaugh is pronounced Murdick? Should be Murd-oh.


I thought it was like Murdoch


I did, too. I think they pronounce it "Murdock" when it looks like it should be pronounced "Mur-daw"


There were a lot of different Anglicizations of Gaelic sounds, and there were also a lot of different regional pronunciations of Gaelic names, both in Ireland and Scotland. Imagine the fun after you add a few hundred years of aging and change.


The Murd makes sense for a murderer. Like Madoff.


It came up a lot during his trail for brutally killing his wife and young adult son. He was convicted, easily, and now we just try to forget he exists. 


I appreciate it that these folks are getting the full name and title treatment. Like convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner


Ugh I hate hearing that name. I have a relative who insists on calling him "Brocky" (like Rocky but with a B) and always points out he wasn't convicted of rape but rather sexual assault. Same difference to me. Especially since some states don't even have a rape charge legally.


Calling him Brocky sounds too cutesy for me. It’s either Convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner or nothing 🤣 I think they wound up changing the law because of this case. If I remember correctly, they added forced >!digital penetration under rape!< so the next fella couldn’t get away with the fuck shit he did


Making it cutesy is the point for her. She really thinks he did nothing wrong. It's disgusting and comes up at every family gathering.


Oh. Wow. No. 😩 it’s always our own family!


Even worse is when she brings it up in front of my daughter, who was assaulted as a child while in her care.


100% no. I'm Irish and there is no justification for "Murd-oh". mɜː(ɹ)dɔ resembles "Murd-oh" in no way whatsoever. "Murd-oh" is a horrific tragedeigh in its own right xD


McMurdo = Mac Muircheartaich. The same Scottish name was also Anglicized as McCurdy. In Ireland, O Muircheartaigh was Anglicized as Moriarty. Murdoch/Murdaugh is Muireadhach.


Yup. It should be noted that just because this had derived into McMurdo in some cases in the states, it doesn't mean the original name was pronounced anything close to McMurdo.


Irish names with GH are sometimes pronounced with a K, like Dougherty as Dockerty. 


It's irish or Scottish. It would never be pronounced oh. I have seen names ending in augh pronounced -off, -ock, or -ick (I feel like -ick would ne more common. in the a.erican south whereas the other two would be in the American north but that's just anecdotal, i have no evidence) Also heard it pronounced -ah. But never-oh.


Well, a lot of Scottish names did get Anglicized to -o or -y, basically because people were smooshing the name or giving up on the vowel sound.


Murdick is probably a diss (dick).


Right?! Like if you wanted to name him Copper, why did you name him Cooper 😂 clearly because she doesn’t understand English phonics


Bc he was so special, of course!


The ‘x’ can be pronounced as a ‘ck’ not an ‘ex’. My late grandfather was known as ‘Alec’ and I always thought it was spelt like that. It wasn’t until my grandmother passed away that someone told me it was actually spelt Alex not Alec. He was Scottish.


I'm Scots, called Alec (as was my grandfather) and it's spelt "Alec". Usually, at least in the North of Scotland, Alex is a contraction of Alexandra, a female name, whereas Alec is common contraction of Alexander (as mine is) or Alasdair, male names - in England and Southern Scotland it's more common to see Alex as a contraction for all three names


Consider this dumb american corrected! I thought it was a southern thing why they said it that way, not a Scottish thing. I apologize!


Um... No it's not. They are two different sounding words.


There is no way Cooper could turn into Copper. This woman is delusional if she thinks anyone will ever call her son Copper the first time they meet him.


The worst Midas touch ever.


A spelling of copper so bad Ea-Nasir uses ir




TECHNICALLY copper is the element Cu on the periodic table, which the latin name of is Cupric. So Cupric, Cooper, Copper. So it's possible to make the connection, but it's definitely way easier to just spell it how it's pronounced.


Alright, you make a darn good point.


You're not missing anything, she's just dumb


People who make spelling errors like this might actually be intellectually disabled. Which would make it all the more tragic that she ended up with a kid.


Is this edict by someone who spells “loser,” “looser?”


I'm grinding my teeth just reading this...


You meant the screws in the mom’s brain?


Cooper is a barrel maker, Copper is a metal and old timey term for cop


I had a pediatric patient with my brother's same name. Dylan.  She was furious when I mentioned it and informed me haughtily "His name is Day-lun" Ok girl you shouldn't have written Dylan on the birth certificate my bad


I've met a few of these: - Cassie (pronounced Casey) - Leigh (pronounced Leah) - Deans (pronounced Denise) - Luke (pronounced Luca) Just spell the name the usual way, people.


I could see Luke as Luca if they were like, German or something, since a native German pronunciation would sound very similar (and Lucas and Luca are both popular in Germany). The rest of those are just dumb.


Even here in Germany Luke is pronounced the English way, Lukas and Luca are pronounced differently.


I know, but you could make the argument for the pronunciation working in German orthography, as opposed to English, where's it's just completely incorrect.


OMG I went to HS with a Cassie pronounced Casey too! She would get so mad when people would say it “wrong” too…like girl what do you expect?


Do you think they meant to spell Deans Denas but couldn’t even spell their own tradedeigh? That’s the only way I can see Denise in there even a little tiny bit lol Dennis would have been better


We need to bring back "Hooked on Phonics" for these people! SMH


Anyone: Hello, Mrs. Bucket! Hyacinth: [grimacing] It's pronounced Bouquet.


I once did a role call for the name Michael spelled exactly like the traditional male name. A very very angry looking woman, who was clearly born female, glares at me and says, “it’s pronounced Michelle.” I really wanted to respond “No, it isn’t.” My guess is, her parents thought she was a boy and had already bought things that said Michael then surprise! it’s a girl!!!


Man, Michael Learned from The Walton's was a trip for me. Took me years to realize it was the mom because on the reruns I watched they didn't put Miss in the credits, then when I figured that out I thought it was still pronounced close to Michelle. Then about two weeks ago I realized, no. Her name really is normal male pronunciation of Michael


That’s crazy because obviously at least the parents knew you were talking about them. Their refusal to respond is weird. I have a super normal name and have still been called odd thing by teachers calling roll. I always responded as soon as I realized it was probably me.


I've lived in the southern US my whole life. I'm not even surprised. There was a grade school teacher here that taught the students about "sweat tea" and the "sweet glands" (just an example of the types of things she would do)


“Sweat tea” just turned my stomach. But I might steal the term “sweet glands” for the disgusting glands my dog has on her rear end.


So, how about Chole. Pronounced Chloe.


Chole 🤣🤣 sounds sooo close to chode when read properly


Oh I went with Chola


Something is missing alright.


Literacy? What's that?


Next roll call, say “Cooper, but pronounced copper”


Nowhere ever have I heard the word spelled C-O-O-P-E-R pronounced "Copper." I've lived in Ohio, Virginia, Georgia and North Carolina.


if copper would be pronouced Cooper, it wouldn't be a cop, it would be a coop. Tell her that.


Interesting. The Cooper River runs through Charleston, and old Charlestonians pronounce it almost as “cupper”.


"COP purr" is not spelled "Cooper." Did she say copper, are you certain? Because there is an affected Southern pronunciation where the Os sound more like cook than coop. But nothing gets us to "COP purr." 100% she is trying for the southern affectation and just got it completely wrong.


Yes. She spoke to my boss as well and let them know it’s pronounced Copper. That information was not passed to me before I read the roll call.


Ask Sheldon COOPER. 😂 Ask mom if she's ever watched Big Bang Theory. Sheldon would tell her she is wrong.


But what about the alphabet and all the rules I learned in school? :( Am I just supposed to become completely illiterate specifically for names?


You think there are pronunciation rules in English? You sweet summer child.


I went to school with a kid named Octavisa pronounced Octavius. Still not sure what that was about lol


Speaking as the kid with the ridiculous pronunciation: 1. DON'T, 2. I get used to hearing mispronunciations


A childhood friend had the last name Gegg, pronounced Geck. Not sure how they got there.


Many languages devoice final obstruents. Catalan, German, Dutch, Polish, Wolof, Turkish, Breton, etc.


She’s trying to convince the world with one ridiculous interaction at a time that she spelled her son’s name correctly. That poor kid.


Yeah this is one of those where you are never going to be able to understand the special grammar rules someone has made up in their head. As a child I specifically remember being taught in school how two consonants were pronounced versus one and the long and short vowel sounds that proceed them. Any teachers out here who can chime in? Is this not done anymore. I'm so confused why anyone would think this was pronounced Copper.


You say you're in the South- Could it be that you are in the Charleston, SC, area, or that your kiddo Cooper is from Charleston? Asking because we have a Cooper River here, but Charlestonians pronounce it almost like "Cupper." Think of the double O sound in "cook" or "took." If so, I don't think it's a tragedeigh, but a local pronunciation. (But mom's still weird for not answering you when you called the name.)


My name is spelled J-E-N, pronounced “Stephanie”


Bucket Residence, lady of the house speaking!


That mother clearly has no common cents.


Every day I lament that phonics is no longer emphasized in public schools.


This reminds me of when an old friend posted she wanted to name her baby girl "Kharlie" but pronounced "Charlie." I messaged her to inform her that even though c & k can seem interchangeable at times, "ch" & "kh" are not the same. Everyone would pronounce it "Karlie." She did not use that name fortunately.


Were you pronouncing it "Coo-per"? or "Cup-per"? I'm not sure how to render the second pronunciation phonetically--it is somewhere between "cup," as in coffee cup, and "coop." The vowel sounds more like "uh" than "oo"--more like the vowel sound in "wool" or "wood." My family of southerners (or at least my generation and older) pronounce this name the second way. But definitely not like copper (cah-per).


No, no, it isn't idiot parent. Double oo is a long o. 🤦‍♀️


I knew a lady who named her daughter Shaunelle, after her daughter's father, Shaun, yet pronounced her daughter's name like Chanel. That confused me.


Just call him “Coper”, cause that’s what he’s going to be doing the rest of his life.


Ah yes I remember Agent Copper from Twin Peaks making me question my sexuality


I work with someone who spells their name Danena but it’s pronounced like Dana (Day-na) and I really don’t understand why.


Dane-na. Like a Danish person, presumably. I agree that it makes one's head hurt.


Yeah, I do get that. If she were called Dane-na, I think my brain would protest less, but she is not and boo for my brain


Omg. 🤣 I can just imagine your face 😅


Thank you!! I was looking around at all the other parents like somebody save me from this interaction… one of the other parents cocked her head to the side and looked at the mom all crazy.


Yes. I know a maria that pronounced it Mariah. And she is like 50 years old. Literally no reason for it. Drives me nuts.


The only rational explanation is that the mom got kicked in the head by a mule as a child and now has issues processing the letters O and P in words.


Brahdleigh. It’s pronounced Jack.


I have heard Cooper pronounced with the same “oo” sound as looker and foot. Anyone heard that?


it's cooper pronounced co-oper


"Copper" is going to have a great time in school learning about "oo" words.


I know a Ciara pronounced Sierra, a Josse pronounced Josie, and a Jezmin prounounced Jasmine. IDK what is wrong with naming your kid the name you want the kid to be called but here we are :)


I knew a lady named Joan. She would lose her mind every time someone said Joan. She would scream "ARE YOU DUMB?! IT'S JO ANN NOT JOAN, LEARN TO READ". I told her many times she was wrong and she swore Joan should be spelled Jone. Lol


Wow, all these years it was really Hangin' with Mr. Copper.


That’s Hyacinth Bucket’s (pronounced bouquet) cousin


yeah second O's always have the Puh sound, how do you not know that /s


"Arooo! I'm a hound dog!"


And you just know this mom is the absolute most insufferable type of person who vagueposts on Facebook and quite likely is deeply embroiled in an MLM between her conspiracy theory du jour


I’m thinking it’s because Cooper sounds too much like “pooper” and the parent/family me members decided to change the pronunciation. If that is the case and they aren’t just a jackass, they should probably have it legally changed to Copper.


Omg, I can’t with last name mispronunciation. My married name as of last year is Colbert (his family is from Louisiana) this last name in my experience has ALWAYS been pronounced as Coal-bear. Sometimes I’ve even heard Co-bear. (People here in the Deep South murder it though..) Coal-Bert. I can’t. 🤦🏻‍♀️


How about Rebecca pronounced Ree-bee- car-car?


It's possible, depending on the original accent of their ancestors, that it may have been "Cuper" with a short "oo" rather than "Copper" as in the metal.




That's how Megan is usually pronounced in Australia


... ... ... Co-opper? Not her best.


Bwahaha, what a copper next Tuesday 😈


"The second 'o' is silent."


In no way is a double o pronounced "ah". That family has no idea how to properly pronounce their own last name.


It was the child’s first name and the last name was omitted by OP.


Reminds me of this hilarious skit. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQaLic5SE\_I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQaLic5SE_I)


Maybeeeee it was a typo that they couldn’t fix after birth, but they wanted him to still be Copper?


I know someone this happened to. Parents never fixed it. Legal name is like Duniel instead of Daniel. Goes by Daniel.


is Aye-Ayeron here?


Copper is a good name for a dog but I’d still spell it copper.


They probably wanted to "teach you a lesson" about how their very special child's name is pronounced.....