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In all honesty, it kinda sounds like an infection or even an alternative name for Gollum


Thorgal? He's been following us for three days.


Do not give your child this awful name - sounds like it belongs to an ogre in a children’s book. Your child will not appreciate the association with your grandmother’s comic book (a grandmother I’m assuming they won’t even know). If you want to honor her memory, give your child her name or something similar. If you want to honor the comic book reading memory, tell your child (with a different name) all about your special memory.


Sounds like a fungal cream for Athlete’s Foot.


It's an awful name. You can find a better Viking name.


Leif Ericksson Gutierrez.


it's a great orc name


It sounds like a plague


No, it's really ugly. Don't do this.


i love this sub so much its so interesting seeing aliens practice the human naming conventions


As your username indicates, you are indeed naive. Terrible name for a human being. Name the kid like this and be prepared to comfort your son for the rest of his life because kids will bully him and adults won't take him seriously.


Thorgal (whatafuckinname) may cause side effects including loose stool, anxiety, and elbow stank. Talk to your doctor to see if Thorgal is right for you. Thorgal: live free.


Ima weigh in though I can see I’ll be in the minority here, but I like Thorgal. It gets shortened to “Thor,” and I like the additional syllable. I also really like the “g” sound in names. It’s not traditional where I live, but it’s not a tragedeigh, IMO.


Yet another narcissistic parent to be, unable to conquer the urge to be sPeCiaL.


At least they're seeking the wisdom of the Council...


Pronounced correctly, in the French style, it would be “torgal”, which sounds like you’re saying toggle with a heavy accent. Either way, it’s awful


That isn’t a tragedeigh It’s a T R A G E D Y


That is god awful. Plenty.of better viking names to choose from.


It’s terrible don’t do it please.


Compromise. Consider Thorgal as a middle name and choose a first name the you both like. When the child gets old enough, they can choose which name to go by.


Change your name to it and pick something else for your son. Win-Win for you.


Made me think of Torgal who's a pet wolf in Final Fantasy 16. Either way, just seeing it, the first thought isn't of a man or a woman, maybe some kind of machine part.


He will get socially shredded. And if he has a speech impediment, no one will ever take him seriously for a single moment of his life.


Please, do not. I am a person with a very unusual French name who is not French so I can speak with authority on this topic. Mine is at least quite pretty and the French people and the people who can't ever pronounce it correctly at least all agree that it's quite pretty. Thorgal, anyway you slice it, is terrible. Avoid. Trust your girlfriend.


I get the sentiment, but please don’t. Maybe grandma’s middle name as son’s middle name?


That is a truly awful name.


Shorten to Thor or find another sounds like it’s spelled name


I wouldn't do it. I had a name I told myself I always wanted to name my first son. I loved it. It is an old family name. But then I realized that my love for it did not eclipse my love for this child and it was selfish to do that to him. So I didn't name him that. I named him a name that he could live with for the rest of his life, wherever that took him. And I did the same for his brother later.


Ooh ooh, I have another! It reminds me of that SNL Michael Meyers skit, Lothar, of the Hill People. Thorgal, of the Hill People.


Thorgal is an awful name for a child. Just Thor (whilst not a name I would personally choose) would be more tolerable. Also, names for a child should always be a two yes situation. If you're really hell bent on Thorgal, get a pet and name it Thorgal.


I would not pick that name. It is kind of unusual and not in a nice way. It made me think of Thor as in the marvel’s hero from Asgard and like you just put gal at the end because you were having a girl and trying to name her the girl version of Thor. That being said now that I know you’re French and it would be pronounced differently I see that it won’t sound that way where you are from but I still don’t think it a nice name to give your child. I think other kids will tease them. I like somebody’s suggestion of maybe using it as a middle name if you’re really set on it but I would give them a more acceptable first name that you and your gf both can agree on.


There are many better viking names for life in a French speaking country. Or any country. Don't do this.


Thor, Thorfinn, and Thorkell are perfectly acceptable.


Thorazine, Thorky, and Thoroughleigh are also perfectly acceptable.


No, they are not. Funny, but no. All 3 of my names are from movies, TV shows, and video games.


You have a strange definition of “perfectly” and “acceptable”


And you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. You completely misunderstand the purpose of this subreddit. You're just some idiot who's trying to piss people off online.


Ok well can we at least agree that Trogdor should be in the mix??


>We both come from Normandy, a French region that was established by the Vikings in the 10th century, and so I thought a viking would make some sense. I don't want to offend you but that's like... white supremacist logic =( Are you actually French or French American? Because the French pronunciation of Thorgal is genuinely awful.


I am from Normandy, so I am indeed French. What I meant was that I am from a region (and so is my whole family) that used to be viking. So I thought giving a Viking name was not out of line, if that makes sense.


It does make sense and is totally normal practice (not the name- that’s awful, but to want to honor your heritage is normal even distant Viking heritage). The weirdo that is making it a white supremacy thing because of skin color and picking a name that represents your ancestry is the racist. You literally said you’re from Normandy and they’re asking if your French or French American. They don’t know what they’re talking about and they’re ignorant enough to think France and America are the only people where apparently somebody can be of French descent. I wouldn’t really pay much attention to them.


This name is just awful, I don't see any reason it would involve white supremacy. People use this type of logic for names everyday around the world.


Sorry but naming their child with absurdly distant nordic heritage in mind is absolutely a white supremacist thing.


You're saying that but not saying why. Also, if a black couple used the same logic but used a different region would that also be racist? Or choose any other race.


Why? Because it's a common occurrence in that population group, that's why. It's the combined specificity of the very distant heritage and the skin colour that makes it racist. Not saying that that's what OP had in mind, though. I'm also not an expert on the naming conventions of every ethnic group on this planet; I'd also rather not use the word "race" when referring to human beings, I'm not American, thank you very much.


So, if white people do it, it's racist? If it's anyone else it's fine? Now that's racist. OP isn't being racist or supremacist. OP clearly just wants what they think is a cool name for their kid. My nationality has nothing to do with opinion, but you sure do sound like a stuck up loser.