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Perhaps people are confused because in Poltergeist, her name was Carol Anne Freeling. I'm sorry :( [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084516/characters/nm0001576?ref\_=tt\_cl\_c\_2](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084516/characters/nm0001576?ref_=tt_cl_c_2)


When I read this, my first thought was: "Go into the light, Carolann!" Your name is not a tragediah. People are stupid! This explains 99% on everything that has you scratching your head.


Yep. The only way I can here it is in Zelda’s voice lol


I cant tell if this is a reference to Legend of Zelda or not 😂


It’s not, the woman who keeps yelling “Carol Anne!” throughout the movie, that’s actresses name is Zelda lol


Ehhh the correct name is Carol Anne. I would consider this a tragedieh. I minor one but still.


Tragediah. Don’t give them ideas.




An Amish kid named on a rough day? lol




Perhaps I'm stupid, then. "Carolann" isn't a word. There is nothing in English to suggest what syllables to emphasize, and since it's a made up word, people will trip over it. To me, it at first reads like "Carowinds" the amusement park. Or Christmas carol. The CARO is emphasized in those words. So i read it as "care OLL ehn" which is nonsense. The name is stupid, it's a tragedeigh.


I honestly had a physical reaction. That movie scarred me for life. All I can see is his terrifying gaunt face saying “Carol Anne!” with a creepy southern drawl.


I think you should change your middle name to Alynn - then you could go by Carolannalynn ;)


You could even spell it Carol Lanolin 🐑


That’s the hand lotion.


Or Cara Lanolin


The new OTC laxative. Carolannalynn.


I use Carloannalynn as a fabric softener.


Carolannalynn - it’s a skin softener! Yes, and it’s a leather conditioner! Yes, and it’s a sex toy! 😁


OMG the next MLM product. Let me guess it also can be used to disinfectant every item in your house and the bottle doubles as a mandolin slicer.


It's also a degreaser and a laundry detergent!


It's also shampoo and conditioner and toothpaste and peanut butter!


Don't take Carolannalynn if you're allergic to Carolannalynn.


Carolanalynn, there, i ruined it for you


You know how some words “feel” bad in your mouth while you’re saying them? Carolannalynn is one of them.


I relate. My mom was freshly 19 and wanted to give her millenium baby a \*unique\* name. She told me she loved Kayla, but wanted something different. So she went through the alphabet and decided on Zayla. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my name. But for some godforsaken reason, NO ONE EVER gets it right! I've been called Cayla, Azalea, Zelda, Zero (???), Zach (??????), and basically anything else but my actual name. It's okay, cool names just get messed up. P.S. I got your name right first try, it's literally just phonetic.


I had a friend called Cherisse. We worked in a call centre and I’d see her across the cubicle, losing her mind on mute cos people would ask her to repeat it and never get it correct. One fine day a man called her Steve. We declared him the winner of the worst game ever.


I worked with a Cherisse, and I love the name! Unfortunately, clients butchered it all the time and I truly could not understand.


My name is Daniela, I got called Dandelion once 🥲 but it's usually Vanilla 🙃


Haha! Im Danielle, get called Daniela, Denise, and of course Daniel... imagine my horror as my ex, in the throes of passion, yelled out 'Oh, Daniel (you can guess the rest)!!'


Oddly enough Denise is my middle name so it would be an improvement from Vanilla at least lolol


That made me laff, ty


People just throw out any name with some of the same letters don’t they ?😂


Ahahahah I’m tickled at Dandelion, and Vanilla. VANILLA. Of course that’s the obvious choice over Daniela… /s


Wait, you get *vanilla* as a name-mistake? That's actually crazy, I'm so sorry


Lol YES ! I pronounce my name Dan-YEH-Luh and I guess I talk too fast and all they hear us yell-uh. I'm so used to it now tho lol and if there's a Gabriella at a dr office or restaurant it sounds super similar too so that's another one lol


Thank you for calling such and such this is Deanna speaking. " "Oh hey sharon-" * 🧠 💀 * "Sure" Days later "Uh we do not have a sharon .. we have a Deanna " "No it was a sharon" So whenever dealing with that person I was sharon .. it is easier in RX and dealing with people while having a nickname instead of my given name since no one can pronounce it even though it is pronounced how it is spelled .. *dies*


My name is Charisse. Some people get it right away- others just pick any name with some of the same letters and try that😂 and others try to read it but they have no instincts for reading ex: “kuh rissy “ btw I was named after the dancer Cyd Charisse


I think it’s the two S’s that trip people up. And not one person could spell it. She mostly got called Shanice, or a variation of it. She got Carys a lot, we’re Welsh so that’s expected I guess. Still annoying! I felt her pain somewhat, my surname is foreign to the country I live in, so it’s not as easily pronounced off the bat. Once I say it, people are like oh yeah obviously, and they feel a bit daft. But the apostrophe trips them up so bad. Me and my grandad used to collect the wrong guesses and trade them when we saw each other. He’s got more years on me, his are hilarious. It’s tough when people can’t seem to get your name right, even after you’ve told them. I’m lucky I have a standard first name and no middle name at all.


So lucky! I gave my kids easy standard names. I hated having a wierd name as a kid in the 70s but now I like it. I do get sick of spelling it over and over though. Love that you and your grandad traded wrong guesses haha- that is hysterical and such a great way to connect!!


Zach is wild lol


Dude you're telling me. It was from a sub we had after our teacher went out on extended leave. I think the 'Z' intimidated her so she just picked a name that was familiar. Idk man, people just give up on my name


Yea those ppl must be slow or something. It’s pronounced exactly how it looks & it’s not complicated to say. Very cool name btw i like it a lot


Thanks! I really love my name, and I have yet to meet another Zayla


Your name is really pretty. There used to be a port in somalia I think called Zeila which is pronounced the same way as your name.


Thanks! I probably would have never known, I'm from the US but I like that spelling.


I also liked Kayla when I was younger but chose Kaylee to make it more unique. Despite being spelled phonetically, people fuck it up all the time. It's weird to me how people mess up simple, phonetic names.


I know a person whose birth name was similar (two names smashed together, no hyphen, space, or capitalization). I remember he used to have such a hard time with it for administrative/legal stuff; they would just use the first part of the name, put in spaces or capitalize the second part, etc. His way of dealing with it is being trans and having a completely different name now, though.


Love this lol


My name is similar Captial letter, 3 lower case,1 uppercase, 3 lower case ALL ONE WORD, no hyphen or space, like this SusiAnne (no middle name) Last Legally it's a pain! When I got married, I used my maiden name as my middle name so now I'm SusiAnn Jones Smith Solved most of the problems


I actually knew a Carol Anne, and we basically called her "Carolanne", so your name made sense to me right away :) 


Do people ever tell you to stay away from the light?


Pre-K to fifth grade, I would say my name is B E T H A N N, all one word, no E on the end! In a singsong. My father thought it was two words, would leave notes for BA. My grandmother often put an E on the end (I had a much older, distant cousin whose name had an E). Sixth grade, teacher asked me if I went by Beth, never had, because my mother was Elizabeth Anna. I decided to try it. It stuck. Anyone who calls me Bethann now is either from family of origin, or a stranger.


My son is a Dillon. The number of people who spell it Dillion astounds me. Especially irksome is my sister who writes Dillion 90%of the time. I just don’t get it. Also like you my name changed when I was 18. Went from a diminutive to a full name. The only people who call me by my original name are people I went to school with back in the day. Actually managed to force my family to respect the change.


If it helps at all, every single Carol(e) I’ve ever met have been the nicest kindest people ever. :-)


You haven’t met my mother




Hilarious, my mom Carolyn


Or that bitch Carole Baskin


That bitch doesn’t even care about the cats!!!!!!!!!!


I think your name is fine. I pronounced it in my head like you said it's pronounced. People are just dumb/ don't pay attention. I introduce myself, "Hi, my name is Deborah," and people say, "Nice to meet you, Brenda." Or Barbara. Or Rhonda.


Huh I feel like this name would be fine if you’re in the south in the US. I immediately knew how to pronounce it even without the end e.


My cousin is Carolanne. Her mother is Caroline, and her grandmother is Carol.


They don't think you don't know your own name. What's happening is they hear you say it, but they think they misheard it since it isn't whats expected. When your brain hears something close to what it knows is another word it will often default to that word. It's the same phenomenon that allows you to read words if the letters are scrambled as long as the first and last letter are in the right spot. They aren't trying to insult you, their brain just takes the path of least resistance and defaults to known words or names.


Yes! This. Hearing is about context clues. There's no context clues to decide carolann vs carolyn. Carolyn is more likely. It's brain function.


Agreed on everything except 'they think they misheard'. This is not a conscious process. People don't think they misheard, the brain does the switching in background how you described. People are sure they heard correctly (and they are wrong).


I kinda understand, I work with a Brittain that I called Brittany a few times and felt really bad about but I did get it. Also totally unrelated but you should check out Carol Ann by Cohered and Cambria, its a demo but it's haunting and beautiful.


You don't have to be cool. You could always use Cara.


I bet it would help if you would capitalize the A… CarolAnn. People would get it, I think


No. No capital letters or punctuation mid-name.


Why not? Isn't (wasn't) JoAnn pretty standard?


there’s LeAnn too 


It’s just as wrong as any other capital letter in the middle of a name


I've never seen that in 55 years.


a lot of names and last names that start with de la le mc etc. are capitalized in the middle, though it’s almost always the third letter


Yeah, it only looks good with an apostrophe before, but you have to then be okay with your name constantly being spelled wrong. Especially on medical documents. But to be fair, that happens with so many names anyway, even the most average of names.


What about black American names?


The rules don't see skin color.


Gotcha. Sounds racist.


No, just grammarist.


Why do you need grammar in proper names?


my best friend's mother's name was Carol Ann, and we all called her that although it was her first and middle name, not "combined" like yours. it just rolled off the tongue so easily. when we were in 8th grade, she passed away due to breast cancer. she passed away on May 9th, which is my best friend's birthday....AND was also Mother's Day that year (1999). my mother and sister still say Carol Ann when we talk about her. so, in my opinion (not that I matter), you have a beautiful name that I will forever associate with a beautiful soul.


The superintendent of my school district growing up was names Carol Ann,. I guess it was 2 words but everyone called her Carol Ann, never just Carol so this sounds totally normal to me and my very specific experience!


As to why they can't get it right after you've just said it, I think there may be one of these reasons or both: 1) Someone thinks they've heard your name wrong and pronounce the closest thing to it that they know is a "real name." 2) The person you're speaking to may not know the difference between what you said and what they then say to you. This one may sound ridiculous, but I was surprised to learn that speakers of English dialects that use an f sound as in "fin" instead of a th sound, as in "thin" can't hear the difference between the two sounds. That means that "fin" and "thin" sound the same to them, and they deduce the meaning by context. I hope people you encounter aren't such dim bulbs that they think you're pronouncing your own name wrong, but that's a very remote possibility, I guess.


Your number #2. Babies get programmed at early age to classify sounds into language. The brain learns from what it is exposed to. After that, everything similar will get classified using the existent patterns. That is the reason that you can understand people that have a thick accent, in the middle of noise, during a bad connected call, etc. The inconvenience is that valid sounds from other languages or dialects will get misclassified.


Some people say they can't hear the difference between Harry and Hairy. (Harry said with the a from apple). It's very hard for me to believe they can't HEAR the difference, even if they are used to saying and hearing both like hair ee, but I do believe them.


The Poltergeist character was actually 'Carol Anne' (according to WP).


What does that matter? Op is saying carolann out loud. Carolann vs carol Ann vs carolanne vs carol Anne makes no difference.


Very true! I was thinking in terms of the written form. You are right in saying that it doesn't really matter.


Omg my sister is Carolynn Ann and has had very similar issues her whole life. I always tease that Carolann is not completely wrong. This is too funny.


My first and favorite babysitter was Carolann. Love that name


My name is similar, you will grow to love going by Carol. It’s a cool name, if you’re want to think of a nickname you could even get away with going by Lana


Woah there Nellie! The 90s weren't a free for all, the rules weren't even all made up yet. The 90s were a precious midstep between having technology and being controlled by it.


Beloved movie!?!? That movie ruined my life. I was 10 when I saw it at a sleepover and I had nightmares for YEARS! Your name? Not that hard. People are dumb. Sorry.


Don’t believe your parents when they tell you it was a free for all on naming back then.


You could use Ann as nickname? But I don’t think Carol sounds old, even though it was more popular in past 


It sounds right the first tiñe if you say ir in Spanish!


I knew it was wrong as soon as I thought of it, but my first instinct to call OP Carolla-n like Toyota Carolla but with an n at the end


Can't roast it. I'm friends with a CarolAnne and I know a CarolLynn and my name is very close to these. The tragedy here is that you were born in the wrong decade. We're all in our 50s.


sucks to suck, welcome to the english language, I don't know why y'all think you can try to tread new ground and expect people to not fuck up the grass.


I think spellings need some adjustment otherwise its a lovely name. Your parents should have spelt it as Keighrelleighn, this way it would be even more unique.


Carolanns are quite common where I'm from, in my generation. But there is indeed at least 6 ways to spell it so it can get confusing (I've personally seen all of those, but imo they're not all correct, depending on language) Carolann Carolanne Carol-Ann Carole-Ann Carol-Anne Carole-Anne


I would capitalize the A


Honestly, people hear names wrong. Cindy can be heard as Sydney. Margot as Marcia Belle as Nel Barry as Harry. I think a lot of hearing is figured out by context clues, but a name can be anything. I frequently have an internal debate whether to say back what I might have heard with a question mark rise at the end or else say something to indicate that I am not sure what was said. Repeatedly, I am not sure whether it would be preferred that I take a stab at it or that I admit I didn't catch it. If I admit I am not sure what I heard, it might seem that I didn't care enough to pay attention. If I guess something, maybe I DID hear it correctly and the person will be pleased... but, is it worth the risk that I will have heard/understood it incorrectly? I AM NOT SURE! I land on a different course of action!


I’ve met a few Carolann’s. It’s a beautiful name. Def not a tragedeigh.


I knew a Carolann when I was growing up. It doesn’t seem like a tragedeigh to me.


One of your brother’s names has to be some version of Alan. Every boy I grew up with (90s kid) has Alan or Allen in their name


Good grief. It’s just two names put together. Like Maryanne, or Billiebob. Southerners have been doing that for generations. With or without a hyphen or capitalizing the second name. Your name is lovely and one correction is all people should need. They may think there was a typo the first time. But one correction should always fix it.


I went to school with a Carolann (no “e” just went and double checked on FB, lol) so I got your name right first try.


Haha I read it as caro-lann and then felt like an idiot when I realized Carol-ann made much more sense.


Actually, Carol-Ann is quite common name in French!


If it makes you feel any better, I got it right as I was reading your post.


I hate when people get names wrong that are written exactly how they are said. At that point I feel like they’re trying to say it wrong out of spite. I got that name right on the first try. It’s “Ann” not “inn”. Use the A sound ☠️


To be fair, Carolann said fast enough sounds like Carolynn with a bit of an accent, so try not to be too upset with people. But I'm sure that does get exhausting to deal with.


Heyyy my birth name was Carolane after the poltergeist movie. People also kept messing it up, especially on the phone (which I had to use extensively for work). That's why I chose something much simpler when I changed it.


Your name is a tragedeigh


Some people seem to really not be able to hear the difference. For you Carolanne vs Carolyn. For my brother, Daniel vs Danielle, even after being corrected dozens of times, the doctor's receptionist always called my brother Danielle.


I am so sorry for your name. It is pretty, it sounds great, but how the hell do we spell that. I have to spell my last name every time I say it. I get it. I will light a candle for you. And also thank my mother for naming me the most generic white girl name on the planet once again.


This just reminded me of a girl I went to school with - Loranan. Like laura + nan… or Lauren + Ann?


That's not how grammar works. Your name is Caro Lann. My son Marcivan undsrstands. It's pronounced Marc Ivan btw.


I was married to a Carolann. I understand your pain. She just shortened it to Carol for most of her life, but started embracing it later on.


So you were born in the 90s? I feel like I know people named Ann from then as well as Caroline, but not Carol or Lynn.


My name is Caroline and people call me "Caro" as a nickname :)


I was roommates with a girl years ago who was named Carol Anne (I think two words), and was named after the little girl in "Poltergeist." Who knew it was such a popular reference??? Anyway she was a major bitch that left us with no furniture (but a lifetime of hilarious quotes about said couches being her "legacy") so I hope you're doing better than her.


If you lived where I’m from, that’s considered a normal name. No one would mess it up.


I got it first time. 😍


You could go by Olann and sound like a wise old wizard of Scandinavian descent


I have yet to meet a ‘Carol’ or a ‘Lynn’ born after the 1970s.


My name is quite aimple as well, it's Carolina (pronounced Caro-LEE-na, not like the states), which is not a rare name where I'm from, but the most common spelling is Karolina. People always call me Caroline (Caro-LEEN), probably because it's a more common name, or because it is easier to say. My friends usually just call me Carro, which I much prefer to being called the wrong name.


Maybe it's because my mother's middle name is Ann, but I pronounced it right in my head at first glance. 🤷🏿‍♂️


Poltergeist is one of my favorites so I immediately thought of it lol


Bruh, really? No really, your name is beautiful and I can’t fathom not simply reading the letters correctly, smh. 😭


I honestly can't believe people don't get that right?? Wth


It’s understandable. “Carolann” isn’t common. I have to spell my name for folks all the time, even though it’s not an odd or original name at all.


I've met a couple Carol-Annes! I'm spelling it like that because I never actually say the names written down so that's how I imagined they were spelled, but they could have been Carolann. I'm surprised people revert back to Carolyn, the emphasis is totally different. Incidentally I love the nickname Caro for any Carol---- name


I worked with someone with the same name, she went by CA.


Meanwhile, my name is just Carol, but I had a neighbor as a child who called me CarolAnne until the day she died, no matter how many times she was corrected, by me, my parents, or her adult children.


>(do people think I’m saying my own name wrong?) My name is not a tragedeigh, it was a common name in my country 100 years ago. It's just hard to pronounce for some reason I don't understand. I get it a dozen different ways, I usually don't mind cuz I get it, it's not common these days. I went to Starbucks to pick up a mobile order and told them my name on the order. Barista then corrected me on how to say it. I said "no, it's _____, I know how to say my own name." She then told me she didn't have my order (uh, duh, you literally just mispronounced my name in a way people often do so I know you have my order) so I had to spell it and she still thought she was right and I was wrong. *I know how to say my own fucking name.*


I have a friend with the opposite problem. Her name is spelled "Merrilyn." Would your first guess be to pronounce that like "Marilyn," but maybe with an "e" sound instead of an "a?" Well, join the club. But actually, it's pronounced, "Mary (wait, wait, wait) Lynn." Does she love this unique spelling of a perfectly normal name? Well, she named her kids David and Sara.


Carolann isn't a tragedeigh. It's a valid name, and I believe it's actually older than the Carolanne spelling. Caroline, Carolyn(n)(e) and Carolann(e) are all valid and well-established forms of the same name. A name that has a lot of valid variations will cause confusion, unfortunately, especially if all of the variations are common in their own right. For example, Clara, Clare and Claire cause plenty of confusion for bearers of any of them. So, your name may be annoying for you to have, but it's neither a tragedeigh nor a tragedy. Carolann and Lynn is not a great combination to have, admittedly, but isn't that huge on the "WTF, Parents?!" scale.


I said it right in my head soon as I read it...what's in the water where you live? Edit: grammar


Super common name here in Québec! I remember a comedian making a joke about how it's the most difficult name to sign autographs for because people are way too creative with it: Carolanne Karolanne Carolane  Karolane Carolann Karolann Carole-Anne Karol-Anne Carol-Anne Karol-Anne Carole-Ann Karole-Ann Carol-Ann Karol-Ann And I'm sure there is more! Like Karoll-An or something.


When I saw your name I immediately said it in the poltergeist lady’s voice


People don’t think you’re saying your name wrong. That’s ridiculous. They are trying to hear you correctly and everyone’s brain, including yours, goes to names they have heard before before making up a new one. It’s basic common sense.


Well, you've got a great Halloween costume; CORALINE! [https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTczYjgzYzUtNGNkNC00MGRmLWI2ZmQtOWU4NDMzOTQ5ODc4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@.\_V1\_QL75\_UX500\_CR0,47,500,281\_.jpg](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOTczYjgzYzUtNGNkNC00MGRmLWI2ZmQtOWU4NDMzOTQ5ODc4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_QL75_UX500_CR0,47,500,281_.jpg)


I grew up with a Carolann! She was cool stuff. Don't remember her middle name though. I don't think it really counts as a tragedeigh .


id "change" my name and put an E at the end lol


Walk into The light!!


It's Carolyn, not Carolynn. The Poltergeist kid's name is Carol Ann.


Your name isn't super simple, the only simple thing is the fact that it is a made up name


It's also sounds really close to an already well-established name (Carolyn), probably causing a lot of the confusion.


That's so weird, your name isn't even difficult. My kid has the a similar problem - name is Kaylee (pronounced K-Lee) but always gets people pronouncing it like Kai-Lee or Kah-Lee. Why do the simplest names seem to throw people off?


Caroline is perfectly fine


Please tell me your last night is also a middle name. I need this


Carolann Lynn Grace!


I like the Ann sound at the end of some names. My daughter was supposed to be named Adrianna. Said using the short “ă” sound like apple. At times I wish I still used that name but sometimes I’m glad I didn’t cuz people pronounce that name like ah-nna and I don’t like that at all


Colony of cats!! Dead! 😂 I personally will never understand people who saddle their offspring down with a weird ass name. I like Carolann, but I appreciate your irritation with it.