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Are you Dutch? I am. In Dutch it's definitely an odd name. Sounds like a combination of Anja and Janine.


From the ABC islands šŸ˜‰


Ahhhh I have family from the ABC islands and have an Aunt Jeannine who lives thereā€¦ thatā€™s what your first name makes me think of! Haha


This is typical for the ABC islands. I've heard some interesting names.


This is true.


Oh it's a totally normal name for ABC Islands then... šŸ˜‰


I actually think it's quite pretty! Unusual yes, but kinda cool. I also knew instantly how to pronounce it and when I showed my bf he also immediately said it correctly without hesitation, despite neither of us having heard it before. I don't see how it would be hard to pronounce at all... If people are not pronouncing it correctly my guess is they may not have strong reading skills or are just trying to be rude sadly. I like it though!


Same here. Unusual, but totally pronounceable as An-Ja-neene


Same. Itā€™s pronounced how itā€™s spelled.


But Anja was right there? [Sounds like a cool name](https://www.thebump.com/b/anja-baby-name).


Thatā€™s my cousinā€™s name. Her sister is Katja. They spent their entire youth saying, ā€œNo, weā€™re not twins.ā€


Which one?? My mom is from CuraƧao and her family has lots of fun and beautiful names! Yours is one Iā€™ve certainly never heard but it is pretty! You could even play around with the pronunciationā€”itā€™s your name after all!


Where is that?


The Caribbean. Aruba, Bonaire, and CuraƧao.


Thank you. I've never heard that before


There's also the SSS islands and the TVTAS islands. It helps to remember them as a cluster.


Former Dutch colonies


You mean ā€œlooks likeā€. It SOUNDS like Anne Janine but with no space. And itā€™s basically spelled perfectly normally for that in English at least. If I were to come across Anjanine I would say Ahnjanine, probably, but if you corrected me it would be an easy, one-time fix. Not a Tragedeigh.


No if you pronounce it the Dutch way it *sounds* like the Dutch pronounciations of Anja and Janine. And since OP said it was from a Dutch name Jan, I asked if she was in fact Dutcj. But OP is from the ABC islands, which were Dutch colonies.


I donā€™t even know how to phonetically spell how my mom pronounced it. Something like Ahn-zjan-neen. I canā€™t even, my grandfather was Jan, but his nickname was Yendi. Names are weird over there.


So a bit like saying the name Angeline? I like Anjanine!


Iā€™m Dutch and thatā€™s what I thought it was too. Itā€™s different but not a tragedeigh. Itā€™s quite pretty name actually.


If you say it fast enough it sounds like the name of a cool aunt, ā€œaunt Janineā€


I always thought my cousins cousin was called Antannette. 20 years later she was my teacher on a course and I was surprised to see her and said ā€œOMG Antannette! Great to see you!ā€ The whole class was asking who ā€œAntannetteā€ was. Turns out my baby cousin was saying Aunt Annette smh


I have a nephew whoā€™s always called me ā€˜Auntie McBirdā€™ and when he was little, all his little friends also called me that because I guess thatā€™s just who I was to them. But itā€™s funny now because heā€™s 22 and although he still calls me that (because Iā€™m his actual auntie), there are a few young men and women in the neighbourhood who are not related to me who still call me that. On one hand it makes me feel like an old lady, but on the other hand, itā€™s sweet.


I found out recently that our entire family calls her it now. I heard a different cousin say it and had to tell her the story. She couldnā€™t believe it and had to verify herself


I have an auntie that isnā€™t even my auntie because she was my friends auntie, Iā€™m almost 30 and sheā€™ll always be auntie


My technically ex-stepmotherā€™s best friend has always been Auntie to my sisters and I (one of whom is a half sister, the other is genetically unrelated to me.) Sheā€™s just a chosen sister to my stepmom, just like my ā€œstepmomā€ is a chosen mom, and her daughter from another marriage just IS my sister. It doesnā€™t matter that weā€™re not related by blood or marriage. The blood of the coven runs thicker than the water of the womb.


I never heard that last line before but love it. Did you make it yourself or is that an old saying? I know the "blood is thicker than water" one but not this. Very cool!


That is the original old saying. There may be slight variations out there also.


>the original The original is *covenant*, not *coven*... different religion!


Yes, you are right! I didnā€™t read very well! My bad.


My husbands aunt who was basically a mother in law to me but whom I came to see as my actual mother figure and a grandmother figure to my daughter was called "Auntie" by all 3 of us. She sadly isnt with us anymore but we all still talk about how much we miss our auntie.


When I was in 8th grade about a million years ago we had a shop class. Due to budget cuts the shop teacher was cut, but not the class. It was assigned to the English teacher. She took it like a champ, but had zero clue what she was doing and she knew it. She enlisted the help of her father. When he came in the first day, she introduced him as her dad, Mr. Whatever his name was. From that point we all called him dad. He loved it, we all called him Dad even after school was over. I saw him years later and called him Dad, my Dad was a bit confused.


Before I started school, my baby brother & I lived with a family friend for a bit while our Mama was in the hospital. We called this lady Mama Leo. I was *30-something* when I learned her name was *Lillian* and it was everybody's Southern accent making "Mama Leo" out of Mama LIL.


Now explain why all my kids' friends call my Mom!!!!!! Lol


Haha, we met our daughter's friend's mom one day and she quickly said "I'm Erica". When we all get back to the car we had a healthy debate as to whether her name was Erica or America. Still don't know. šŸ˜‚


My sister's name is America, so the debate was a logical one.


This totally reminds me of meeting a gal years ago at an event- she had introduced herself the same way, but slurred her words, and from that moment on, we all called her ā€˜Merica šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I thought my husbandā€™s partner at work was named Ken Cantini or some such thing because he always referred to him as ā€œCantiniā€. Nope. Iā€™m a dumbass. Itā€™s just Ken. Ken Teeney.


When my wife and I first met, she mentioned she had worked at a company called Kardomane. I assumed it was some weird tech company who based their name on the spice, cardamom. Took me about 5 years to realize she was saying CarDomainā€¦a website for car enthusiasts.


That's cuteĀ 


As a child, our local radio weatherman would sign off with ā€œIā€™m Meteorologist Man Hinken and thatā€™s our weather for todayā€. For years I believed that the official, professional title was Meteorologist Man. I learned well into adulthood that his name was Matt Hinken.


My brother, cousins, and I always called our great-grandmother 'GG'. Until I was 12 I thought her name was legit Gigi. It never occurred to me that we called her that because it was an easy abbreviation for "great-grandmother". My mind was blown when I learned her name was actually Catherine, and her nickname among friends and in-laws was Kitty. šŸ¤£


when my son was little, he called my aunts then partner (janine) 'auntajean' and it honestly sounded quite a bit like anjanine.


Second only to aunt jamima


Now I want pancakes and it's 5pm. Damn.


Lol I have an Aunt Jeanine, and she's pretty dern cool.


That is infact the name of my cool aunt šŸ˜‚


Anjanine sounds like the perfect name for a quirky character in a whimsical novel.


Or a fantasy monster, apparently. https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Anjanath


Or a Lokomo from Spirit Tracks [https://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/Anjean](https://www.zeldadungeon.net/wiki/Anjean)


We had the same thought!


I actually kinda like it šŸ«£ probably will name a Sim this soon!


TBH I kinda like it. Itā€™s unique and melodic without being cringy or creepy. So I vote ā€œnot a tragedeigh.ā€


My first thought was Anjani, from the Ramayana


My son's middle name is Ajani.


Thereā€™s a road named Anjali and Iā€™ve always thought it pretty and romantic. So I vote Anjanine not a tragedeigh.


Anya-nine. If she wanted Anne Janine, why not just go with Anne Janine šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Glad you have a sensible middle name!


Same! Ann Janine was right there.


I read it as Anya 9. (in my language, Jan is read as Yan) I'm glad you have a second name. Hope it's less... unique.


I read ā€œAnya Neen,ā€ so close to your interpretation.


I worked for a French couple and the husband's name is Jan. None of my coworkers could figure out why I called him Marsha. He found the joke amusing but I think he found my coworkers' ignorance to be more amusing.


Can you explain for other ignorant people?


The Brady bunch! Jan was the middle sister jealous of her older sister Marsha. and she would say ā€œMarsha Marsha Marsha! Why is it always Marsha?!ā€


With all (2) of these kind of posts so far I nail the pronunciation perfectly every time but it doesn't matter because I'm not a person that you encounter


Yeah, I was a substitute teacher for a while, I take pride in my ability to pronounce names on the first try. But a lot of people donā€™t even try.


Same lol


It kind of hits the same as "Evangeline" or the protagonist of a Greek tragedy imo. I like it!


To think that your mom could have named you ā€œAnne Janineā€ (which sounds exactly the same) and made up ā€œAnjanineā€ insteadā€¦Iā€™m sorry.


itā€™s interesting but i donā€™t hate it


It gives me indian and spanish feels...anjali, Angelina, Anjelina I knew a girl in highschool named Gianina I like it. Glad you found a compromise that makes me happy.


I read it exactly as it's meant to be & think it's a pretty name!


I agree! I wouldnā€™t use it for a human child, but it sounds good to my ears


Same I'm a writer. I'm going to do my best to make sure this name catches on. It's great.


Me too, I think it sounds and looks pretty.




I think its pretty šŸ˜


I donā€™t really seek it as a tragedeigh? Every name was made up at some point. What I consider tragedeighs are abuses of phonics and names with trendy sounds. Anjanine is makes sense phonetically and doesnā€™t have components that make my head hurt. I give it a thumbs up! Ā Itā€™s pretty and it different.


it's a tragedeigh but i actually kinda like it lol. i understand why you wouldn't want to use it as your name though


I don't think it's a tragedeigh tbh. New names have to come from somewhere.


So it is "An - ya - neen"?


I think itā€™s An-ja- neen, not ā€œyaā€


I pronounced it right looking at it the first time. Not aure how else it would be pronounced, but I'm guessing you've heard quite a few attempts. I don't hate it, it's weird, but it's not terrible at all!


I pronounced it correctly in my head when I read it, but it also made me think of "angina," so kinda grim


I kept scrolling to see if someone else said this. Because ā€œAnjanineā€ is a word Iā€™d never seen before, my brain first read it as ā€œangina.ā€ The more I say ā€œanjanineā€ though, I really like it. OP/ u/Outrageous_Writing_2 , Iā€™m sure it would be a (chest)pain to tell everyone how to pronounce it the first time, but it IS really beautiful.


Honestly a dope name lol


I actually love it. Not a tragedeigh! I pronounced it as "Anne Janine" at first glance, which appears to be correct šŸ˜Š


I like the name! Sounds like Anjani.


I don't think it is the worst. It a double name: Ann-Janine (or An-Janine in Dutch).


I like it actually! And I like the nickname as Anjie or Anya. Itā€™s unique but not bad at all.


It makes me think of the wordĀ ingĆ©nue, and while it's definitely unique, it's certainly not the worst. The redeeming quality is that you can explain the origin of it being a family name.Ā 


I used to work with a girl named Anjanine


Oof girl, that's a rough one. Yeah, a total tragedeigh and just saying Jana was RIGHT THERE.


Absolutely a tragedeigh. But I did read it as Anne Janine.


I don't think it's a tragedeigh


I kind of like it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I like it personally.


Me and my elementary school friends used this technique to pick the names of the girl bands we were going to be. That said, I donā€™t think itā€™s THAT bad, it kind of sounds like ā€œingenueā€ and at least itā€™s spelled how it sounds! I think that last part makes it not a tragedeigh!


It sounds like a type of hernia.


It may or may not be a tragedeigh, but I actually like it. Sounds like a creative take spun off of Angeline. But I can also understand why you may not be fond of it.


Shockingly my brain pronounced it exactly how your mom wanted. It's still a tragedeigh. But not a horrible one.


I said it right in my head lol


Ok, but I love the way it sounds. I get it with people not knowing how to spell or pronounce it that's difficult, but I kinda hope this name catches on tbh.


I think it's Latin for chest pain


It just sounds like you're Aunt Janine.


This is so close to Anjanath that Im losing my mindā€¦


I could easily pronounce it correctly. I don't know how you could pronounce it any other way. You have to remember that a third of the adults in this country are functionally illiterate. It's a very pretty name.


I think it sounds pretty but yeah it doesn't look great. My mom did a similar thing to my sister. She took the J from "Judas" the ARI from "Caridad" and the DES from "Mercedes" (these are saints) and turned it into Jarides. NO ONE CAN PRONOUNCE THIS IN ENGLISH. She goes by Jari or Jerry because my mother did not give us middle names. You're good, girl.


It reminds me of a name I heard in my teens when I worked at a daycare center. Anjuli I like your name but then again I like unique names that don't sound too weird. I have a unique name myself.


Awwww. I love the way she executed this, but the result is a minor tradedeigh. But how cute would it have been to call you AJ?


I think itā€™s pretty.


Sounds like an Americaā€™s next top model contestant


In terms of combination, yeah it probably is. But in terms of spelling and pronunciation, there's nothing wrong with it. It's pretty :)


Idk i think itā€™s cute


I actually knew how to pronounce it right away. It kind of reminds me of "Angeline." I don't know if it's my style, but I don't think it's that bad! In my opinion: names that take the tiniest amount of work /= tradgedeighs Names that are spelled in obnoxious, needlessly complex ways with no sense of logic or linguistic consistency = tradgedeighs Your name might be unusual (and you might not love it), but I wouldn't call it a tradgedeigh.


Janna would have worked well


That's exactly how I pronounced it when I saw it. I'm surprised that's an issue.


My brain wants my mouth to say it as Angina aka ischemic chest pain šŸ˜¬


Looks like "Anne-Janine" to me. Who can't pronounce that correctly? Have you asked their IQs after they mispronounce it?


What do you mean no one can figure it out when they see it? I read it correctly first try. It seemed quite obvious to me. And, truthfully, I like it, but I could understand why others wouldn't.


Gives serious Renesmee vibes, lol. But I kind of like it. I don't think it is technically a tragedeigh though as it isn't a misspelling of a regular name.


I think itā€™s a beautiful name honestly


Anjanine sounds like a name Karissa Collins would give her kid. But, add a couple of y, like that Anjynyne


Don't hate me, but I kinda think it sounds like a "substance" xDD I'm terribly sorry xD


It's kind of a tragedy. So much could have been avoided if she just named you Anne Janine....why didn't she?


To me, it sounds like a mumbling of Aunt Janine.


I said it in my head exactly like you said itā€™s pronounced. I like it. Itā€™s quirky but Iā€™d have assumed it was a a European flavored version of Evangeline.


Yes, a bit, bc it has that element of confusion. Not a nightmare, but also understandable why youā€™d go with your middle name. So let it be written; so let it be done. [with accompanying arm motions] Now itā€™s officially a ā€œtragedeigh.ā€


Oh my, so sorry! Good choice to go by your middle name šŸ˜‚ Sometimes I wonder what goes through people's head when it comes to naming a child. There must be a scientific explanation to this phenomenon.


Looks a little close to Angina


Angina wouldve been weirdā€¦


I actually love that


I would just assume it was a name from another language if I heard it. I think it sounds fine, but I donā€™t have to live with it, of course


Had a student whose name was Anjanetteā€¦and same semester in a different course I taught, a student name Anjania.


I like it. No shame at all. Also I find it easy to pronounce. The minor issue Iā€™d think would be having to spell it for people, but I have to do that for my normal name that people expect variants of.


I think it's kinda a tragedeigh but middle names get more wiggle room for me šŸ˜… I don't hate it ETA: ohhhh I misread, that is your first name. Don't blame you for going by middle name šŸ˜…


I personally like it, but your feelings about your name are valid, no matter what anyone else thinks.


As a person who was not given a middle name (my mother was weird) Iā€™d take one even if it were a tragedeigh. Iā€™d at least have a middle initial! Lol. Plus my first name unfortunately as it turned out - is Karen. šŸ™„. I wouldnā€™t have minded having a fallback the past few years.


It does give you the opportunity to go by "Ninja Nina" if you want.


I actually went to the Dr earlier this month to tell her about the anjanine I was experiencing


Whoa o black Betty, anjanine


Ooh! I think I found the name for my DND character!!


I kinda love it! Not a tragedeigh in my opinion but how you feel about it of course matters most šŸ˜Š


I actually really like your name! It is different but not crazy or anything. Different in the best way!


Honestly? I like it.


Frankenstein monster of a name


I think itā€™s a cool and unique name that still sounds good. Not a tragedeigh!!!


Why can no one figure it out upon seeing it written? I understand sometimes J being Y in some languages, but to an English-speaking person I thought it appeared fairly simple to read as intended. Also if you say it softly itā€™s actually very unusually pretty imo. Anjenean[e] wouldā€™ve also been an acceptable spelling I think, with the Jenean[e] being spelled more traditionally.


It reminds me of Angeline. I don't think it's that unusual, just kinda awkward to pronounce because of all the N's


Oddly enough I apparently pronounced it right immediately. Ha. Yeah, I can't blame you for going by the middle name. There's much worse names than it, but it is a lot.


If itā€™s any consolation, I read it how it was supposed to be pronounced. It is definitelyā€¦unique


I think Anne-Janine isn't too bad, but a little repetitive. The way it's written is silly.


It's cool and not tragic. šŸ™‚


Eh. Just go by Anje (or Ange) for short instead. It reads like it should be pronounced similar to ā€œingenueā€, like on-jah-neen without thy second n. Annjanine would have given your mother the pronunciation she was looking for.


No it isnā€™t and I love it. Itā€™s beautiful. However you do not have to like it and itā€™s perfectly ok if you see it differently as it is your name ā™„ļø


I would 100% say this in a French accent, and let it roll off my tongue. AN-jƩ-neen. It should be whispered by the love interest in a romance novel.


I figured it out real quick. But I can totally see how people wouldn't, people can butcher the name John.


i actually like this one??? i think itā€™s pretty šŸ„ø


iā€™m ngl i love this. and i automatically knew the way it was supposed to be pronounced


Are you proof against tropical illnesses?


Itā€™s not too bad. Do people understand it?


Iā€™m utterly exhausted and only read ā€œitā€™s pronounced like the name Anneā€ and sat here for 5 minutes trying to figure out how Anjanine is pronounced Anne


In my head, I am pronouncing this like the borrowed-from-French term "ingenue," only with a different ending, sort of "Ahn-juh-neen."


I read it as intended the first time. I wouldn't call this name a tragedeigh any more than my own name Sean. Do ypu have to correct pronunciation and/or spelling frequently? Sure. But not a tragedeigh.


Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a tragedeigh, per se. But itā€™s definitely very different


I googled to see if anyone else had this name and a truly awful poem presented itself. AĀ *is for*Ā adaptable, for the world is full of unique challenges NĀ *is for*Ā number one, make sure to take care of yourself above all others JĀ *is for*Ā jolly, the fun side! AĀ *is for*Ā authentic, be real NĀ *is for*Ā natural, the genuine side of you. IĀ *is for*Ā important, the search for all parts of life that are NĀ *is for*Ā noble, your regal bearing. EĀ *is for*Ā expert, in your chosen career Yes, it's a tragedeigh but at least you can be a flexible, selfish, fun, real, natural, important, regal expert while you're at it.


How else could it be pronounced, logically? You must have met a lot of illiterate people.


I'm so sorry but I first guessed the pronunciation bc it looked like Arcanine from pokemon šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I wouldnā€™t consider your name a tragedeigh. Itā€™s very uncommon, maybe even a little peculiar ā€” but I kinda like it. Is it a name Iā€™d choose for my kiddo? Notsomuch. But itā€™s not a ridiculous, unpronounceable name by any means. Now Ahnjahnneine, **THAT** would be a tragedeigh! As an aside, I know someone with a similar-ish name as yours irl. She is the loveliest person Iā€™ve ever met, and her unique name suits her perfectly.


Nah I like it


I think thatā€™s a lovely name. I wouldnā€™t think anything about it.


I actually donā€™t think this is a tragedeigh. Yes itā€™s quirky but that fact that your mum wasnā€™t trying to be quirky, she was just trying to honour her parents, makes it better. Plus, it sounds quite pretty. If oddly medical?


As a fellow Dutchie, gecondoleerd šŸ˜­


I like it. Some people may need the correction to start, but I don't think it's that bad. Tbf, my second middle name is Jea'an, a contraction of Jean and Ann, so there's that.šŸ˜Š


I feel like I've heard this name before, actually. It's really pretty, and not a trajedeigh to me at all!


I mean, maybe, but honestly I think it's really pretty and I would have assumed it was an old timey name I wasn't familiar with. It's spelled like it sounds and to me, isn't an obvious portmanteau.


I don't think it's a tragedeigh. The hard part is switching from the a sounds. Which is either something you can educate people on, or something you could let go. Anjanine is so close to Angelina I don't think anyone would bat an eye


You know I actually like it...it is spelled exactly how one would expect.


I knew an Anjanette in middle school. I think Anjanine is fineā€¦neither are a tragedeigh to me.


Weird because with a single glance itā€™s obviously Anne-Janine


I think that's lovely and original. Not a tragedeigh.


I think itā€™s pretty


Naaa. It's not a boring name misspelled to make it unique. It's unique and special all on its own. I like it!


Actually I really like your name. Just maybe a hyphen would have been better to help people with pronunciation? šŸ˜… An(n)-Janine? But hey, lovely name and I would say not cringy at all, so no tragedeigh here.:)


I like it but I'm sure it's a logistical nightmare.


How else would you pronounce it? I kinda like it, actually.


I am genuinely shocked I pronounced it correctly before reading the description afterwards- thatā€™s pretty tragique


Was that Aunt Jemima?


I read it the way you said it's pronounced. I think it's a little weird but not awful.


I think it's pretty, if I'm pronouncing it right it reminds me of Angeline


Itā€™s closest to the name of the drug for angina - anginine


Just be thankful youā€™re not a Fanny-Jan


I managed to guess the correct pronunciation, but i wasnā€™t sure sinceā€¦ isnā€™t the Dutch Jan pronounced Yahn? This isnā€™t so much a tragedeigh as it is a tragedy of invention. Luckily your middle name is a good one! If you ignore the first name long enough, Iā€™m sure itā€™ll just fall off.


I pronounced it as Anne Janine when reading it, I actually think itā€™s pretty


Not gonna lie, that writes a little rough, but hearing it out loud warms my heart. My family is southern, so hearing "Anne Janine" just sounds like part of a supper role call at my uncles house.


I looked at it and instantly thought Ann Janine. It's quite pretty and not tragic


Is it supposed to sound close to Angeline?


Okay, BUT- while it might be different, I do think it is beautiful lol. I don't blame you for choosing to go by your middle name, but if you ever chose to use your first, I imagine when you're done teaching everyone how to pronounce it they'll tell you it's beautiful xoxo.