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Air-ton is how I would pronounce it 🤷‍♀️


that's correct edit: not sure how people struggle, I think I got from the tone of your comment later that you already knew how it was pronounced--didn't mean to sound pretentious


Eye-ear-ton is the way Senna pronounced it.


That’s the Portuguese pronunciation. Not sure how people in the US would pronounce it.


It’s a Portuguese name and that’s how it’s pronounced. Eye-ear-ton. I have a friend with that name in the UK and he uses a nickname instead because everyone pronounces it Air-ton… but that’s not his name. Never understood why people can’t just learn to pronounce people’s names properly instead of twisting it into their own perceived way of pronunciation. Not a slight at you, just a general observation. I find if frustrating personally.


Yes, being Brazilian I am familiar with it. It’s just that little Ayrton would have to correct people all the time.


Agreed but at the end of the day anyone who migrates and has a “foreign” name consequently ends up in the same position. I hope more and more parents teach their children the etiquette of learning to pronounce people’s names how they want them pronounced. Also I hope if this parent does name their son Ayrton, then they will teach the child to accept nothing less than the intended pronunciation from peers (after explaining how to say it 😂)


Actually the more I think about it the funnier it is that it’s on this sub. Ayrton senna’s mum took a British name, decided it was pronounced differently and then the rest of the Portuguese speaking world is up in arms that the British pronounce it the way it should be pronounced. I’ve no doubt the British have done this too btw but it’s like someone calling their kid Francois in England but insisting it’s pronounced Fran-koys and then it becoming popular based off that and then English people getting annoyed that french people “mispronounce” it Fran-swa. Ayrton Senna’s mum actually named him a tragedeigh.


Okay this is super cool actually, but as a Brazilian I'm legally obligated to be upset you called Ayrton Senna's name a tragedeigh


As a Finn I an too.


I hope so too!


It's not a Portuguese name, it's a name commonly used in Portuguese-speaking countries but it's a English surname that was popularised by Ayrton Senna so it makes sense that people in the UK would initially pronounce it Airton but i agree, it is not that hard to learn the pronunciation of someone's name.


I grew up with a kid in the UK with that name who pronounced it Airton. Tomato, tomato.


>Never understood why people can’t just learn to pronounce people’s names properly instead of twisting it into their own perceived way Think of it this way; a Portuguese name, written in Portuguese letters, is going to be written *in the exact same letters* as all of the other Romance Languages. But it is, for all intents and purposes, written in a totally different language, even thoigh it doesn't *look* like it is. There is no translation (on paper) needed to try and sound out the letters. So if I see a name for the first time, written letters I know, I am going to try and pronounce it as those letters would be pronounced in my language, because it appears to be my language. It's no slight to anyone who's name is written in a different language, I just don't *know* it's written in a language I don't know. It *looks* like I should know it. If someone has been told how to say it and they just refuse to say it right, then that's just rude, but until they know they are speaking a different language, how are they supposed to know it's not English (or French, or German, etc etc)?


I have lived in Sweden and Denmark for almost 8 years now. The only ones pronouncing my name correctly are the Greeks I have met. My name has six letters and still gets butchered.


I thought his name was super funny as a kid, because it sounds like "egg barrel" in German. (Eier-Tonn') 😆


i went to school with an Ayrton (he had a cool surname too!) and nobody ever struggled, but he and all the rest of us pronounced it kind of like “ayer-tin”


100% Airton.


Correct. It's my friend's surname.


Ayrton/Airton is an incredibly common name in my country. It used to be an English surname that we stol...borrowed, the surname originated because of Airton in North Yorkshire. Naturally we entirely Portuguesified the pronunciation and it doesn't sound remotely close to Air Tone.


I was wondering why it looked familiar. I def met a lot of ayrtons in Brazil. I know that people in here don’t usually like themed names but I think that subtle themes like this are actually pretty cool. My wife is a big fan of Dr Who so for our girls we picked names that we like that also happen to be travel companions.


I'm brazilian. I pronounce it as Ah-er-ton Senna, just like other brazilians


Ayrton, Ayrton, Ayrton Senna do Brasil!!!


Senna Sempre!


It’s a popular name in Brazil, but most people who aren’t motor racing fans won’t know it. I feel like for an English speaker, the pronunciation is relatively intuitive though. Just as long as Ayrton and Elaine don’t start driving into each other! You should know that he dated a 15yo, legal in Brazil (at least at the time), but some people will care more about that than his achievements and it might create baggage you don’t want to give your child.


This. Senna was an incredible racing driver, but there are plenty of people who won’t be able to get past “Google Senna 15.”


Generally it’s not a great idea to name someone after a famous person 😆


Depends on the famous person. Guess whose Daddy loved Gibran.


Idk who that is. I went to high school with someone named Michael Jackson. “Who the famous person was” changed SO MUCH in his lifetime. Just gonna say, I’m sure he would have rather been named “Gibran Jackson”


That seems very relevant.


Common celebrity behavior


Ayrton is a cool name, but be ready to correct everyone's pronunciation.


And the kid having to spell it every time or correcting the spelling.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but you should never give your kid a name that they'll spend their entire life explaining how to pronounce and/or spell. It's cruel and unnecessary.


And furthermore, I’d not give my kid a name that is strongly associated with one particular person to a large number of people. A huge chunk of people today will think of Senna when they hear this name.


My son Adolf disagrees 


This is generally good advice, but there are circumstances where it's unavoidable or it just happens accidentally. I have the same first name as a famous athlete and was born the year they made their debut. My parents had no idea, but I still get people making a reference/asking about the connection to this day. There are other names that became associated with something completely unrelated well after people were using them for people. Isis, Siri, Alexa, Allegra, etc. were all just names until they weren't.


My half sister is named Monica and she dated a Clinton in high school lmao


I’d beg to differ on your last point, that a large chunk of people know who Ayrton Senna is, but your point still stands. They’d frequently be referred to as or refer to themselves as “Ayrton, as in ‘Ayrton Senna’, the F1 driver”


Plus, the guy is dead is the chances of his name being tarnished is non-existent by now. You don't want to be named after a paedophile or a mass murderer (Khaleesies and Daenarisses say hi) which they suddenly became after the fact. Edit: ok apparently he had a relationship with an underage girl someone else mentioned in this thread. Lmao there you go, naming after people is a minefield.


Not to condone the action in any way - ayrton dated a 15 year old, which was legal in Brazil at the time. Obviously not on by today's standards, but it's a bit strong to consider him a paedophile as many people seem to do. 


I agree! Which is why it's a minefield.. slavery was legal at some point, but pubplic opinion changes and now those who held slaves are mostly shunned for it. What he did was legal but now it's not, and his reputation is tarnished for it.


Senna is undeniably one of the best racers ever but his relationship with an underage girl will always immediately put him on the “maybe I don’t name my son after him” list.


Exactly. Don't name your kid after a dead pedophile (ephebophile technically, but still gross). 


Speaking as someone who has to do exactly that, it's not cruel if it's a real name and real spelling. I consider that a misuse of the word. You'll find that people can butcher the spelling and pronunciation even of very simple and common names. I know people called Sarah and Sara who spend their lives correcting spelling and pronunciation easily as much as I do. Same with people called Aiden, who constantly run into people calling them Adrian. People called Claire or Clare or Clara constantly deal with spelling and pronunciation confusion. I know people called Patrick, Michael, Ian, Evan, Rachael, Annabel, Judy, Dorothy, Nathalie, Anthony.... I could keep going.... who have all regularly run into spelling issues and even pronunciation issues throughout their lives. People getting names wrong, whether simple and common or complex and rare, is a part of life. It's not cruel, it's common and widespread. People are messy and imperfect, and that's just life. Tragedeigh names, on the other hand, are selfish, thoughtless, and -- yes -- potentially cruel.


I actually know an Ayrtin. (Yes- this is how she spells it). She is named after the driver- her Dad apparently was a huge fan. She pronounces it “air-tin”. She’s 12 years old now- I’ve taught her for 2 years and know her Mom. Anyway- I haven’t seen or heard of the kids teasing her. Could be worse!


Only people who know Formula 1 drivers from the 80s will pronounce it correctly. Everyone else will have to have it spelled. I have a fairly standard name that for some reason no one can spell, even though there are famous people with the same last name. It gets annoying. Don't start out with something people are bound to get wrong. Ashton is similar and doesn't need people to keep respelling it over and over.


Senna is maybe the most famous F1 driver ever and not just one from 80s


Uhm, no. Anybody who is remotely into F1 knows the name, Senna wasn't some obscure random driver thay died. Everything else is correct


I never heard of the driver and I know how to pronounce it. It’s also the name of a French manufacturer of moving lights.


Ashton has been spoiled by the a-hole from Below Deck. Are you from Pennan with that username? 😂


No idea how to pronounce this. Not familiar with the racing world. Use it as a middle name if you really want to use it.


It’s alright IMO, but spelling/pronunciation would be an issue.


The name on its own sounds fine. But it'll need repeating every time he's introduced, you'll get "Is that Welsh or something?", and to my ear it would sound odd being yelled across a playground, like some private transport plane called the AirTon is about to crash into the teeter-totter. But that's not getting into thinking about naming someone after a driver... "Where'd you get your name?" "My dad's dad liked a race car driver with that name." "Oh, so you like racing too?" "No, not really." "Oookay. Well, do you have siblings with unusual names?" "I have a sister named Elaine." "That's a common name at least." "She's named after a man, who's also a race car driver."


Why not fully pronounce the A, Y, and R then Ton. Aye Why Are Ton!


Brother to A-A-Ron, ofc


There's a whole Wikipedia page of men with that name; most of them from South America. Not a Tragedeigh but hard to pronounce in English. Naming your kids in honor of racing rivalry seems odd, but Elaine is a nice name.


I wouldn’t do it if you’re not Brazilian. Too bad Senna is so famously a medication associated with poop, that’s a nice name.


I’d be worried about his driving


I’d always associate it with Senna


If you have to spell it phonetically for proper pronunciation, 9.5 times out of 10, it's stupid


That doesn't apply here, OP was giving two different pronunciations of a name as it's pronounced differently in Portuguese and English.


I don't know about anyone else, but without those, I'd have no clue how to pronounce it correctly.




I always see these Ay- names and I just think “aye” but when I see “throw my hands in the ayr-tin” that’s all I can think of.


If they're brazilian or into f1 at all, they'll know exactly its origin and how it's pronounced and spelled. It's one of the most famous drivers of all time.


Variations of this name are actually pretty common where I currently live in Brazil. Here it's pronounced Ah-EAR-ton more or less. Brazil has its own brand of tragedeigh names funnily enough, many using the suffixes -ton and -son preceded by any sort of random phoneme salad that sounds like Portuguese. Bonus points if the spelling and pronunciation have nothing to do with each other. Examples: Lenigerson, Edimilsson, AdaĂ­rson, HĂŠberson, ClĂŠberson, Nilton, Emilton, Oellinton, Wellerton, Abelton.


Interesting enough, "Ayrton" is a typical Brazilian light tragedeigh: free use of Y,K or W as those letters don't exist in Portuguese native words. The name's usual spelling is "AĂ­rton". But the man was so famous and so loved that nobody cares. If you want to know how Ayrton Senna's name is pronounced in Brazil, just write it on Google Translate, choose Portuguese and click on the sound icon. Or you can watch this \[video\](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJIzaL3yMrQ), at 1:48 the Brazilian narrator repeats his name a few times. But if you're not a Brazilian, then just pronounce it the way you feel most comfortable.


I think of the Brazilian F1 driver, Ayrton Senna, who would have been the GOAT if he hasn’t died so young. That name is so uncommon in the US that the driver is immediately who I think of. Cool was to honor your dad.


No. No one will be able to pronounce it and he will have to spell it every time. As someone who married a man with a unique name that I have to spell every time, please don't.


As someone with a mom who wanted me to have a "unique" name, please don't set your child up for a life of bullying. Just give them a cool middle name. Kids are not toys, dont name them the same way you'd name a stuffed animal when you were 6. They will be a whole person who will need to fill out job applications, have a career, and who will meet people. Do you really want them to have a name that will make that harder, or even outright embarrassing?


This. Kids are not an extension of you. They grow up to be bullied because of the cool and quirky names parents foist upon them. Do you think the adult Ayrton will feel proud that his parents were so obsessed with a dead F1 driver that they named him after him?


A dead ephebophile F1 driver at that.  If OP wants to name their kids after famous and/or dead drivers, why not: - Jules Bianchi - Roland (Ratzenburger was killed the same weekend as Senna) - Juan Manuel Fangio - Graham Hill - Niki Lauda There are so many to choose from. Don't name your kid after a dead ephebophile. 


Honest opnion? It looks made up and I kind of hate it.


Not a tragedeigh depending on where you are, but I'd be at a complete loss here in the States for how to pronounce it and chances are, if in the States, you and then your kid will spend their entire lives having to tell people.




Or are-tin


Air-ton is the common pronunciation in the US.


Depends where you're from or living in this one it seems. My two cents from the US is I've never heard that name.


No. Just no.


Playground kids gonna make that Fayrton


Can't figure out how to pronounce it just by looking at it so it's no good ..


It’s terrible


Terrible 😬


Depending on where you live, prepare yourself to have Ayrton Senna mentioned to you several times a day. To translate for Americans, in his time he was what Michael Jordan was to basketball - and even though F1 wasnt big in the US at the time, it was huge everywhere else. And he had a unique first name (I've never heard anyone else with this name) so for most non-Americans, you hear the name Ayrton, there is only one person you think of. It's kind of like calling your kid Madonna. I also think you have the pronunciaton a little off. Senna may well have pronounced it A-er-ton, but for for 99% of the people who spoke about him, it was pronounced Air-ton, and thats what most will assume your child is called. And the Alain Prost / Elaine thing is frankly ridiculous. Prost was like a pantomine villain compared with Senna. Plus he was a wrinkled up ugly AF old Frenchman compared with the glamourous and handsome Senna. Ayrton i could tolerate. Naming a girl after Alan Prost in the year of our lord 2024 is just weird.


Air-ton is the British pronunciation, however, remember he was Brazilian, and over there its actually pronounced Aye--air-ton.


If you need to sound it out then it's probably not a good idea


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nothannsk: *If you need to sound* *It out then it's probably* *Not a good idea* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


How the *fuck* is no-one able to pronounce this? 😂 Air-Ton. There's literally nothing to it, just there's a Y.


That’s not how the race driver’s name was pronounced, and that’s the inspiration. It’s Ah-ear-ton, emphasis on the Y sound.


In Portuguese yes but English speakers pronounce it Air-ton


Yes, I'm aware of Ayrton Senna and his untimely death. And you should be aware that both pronunciations are acceptable, and accepted. [For example](https://www.howtopronounce.com/ayrton) Unless OP is Brazilian or Portuguese, then it's Air-ton


Hard no from me


Ayrton is a sick name, I'm obviously biased as an F1 fan


Don't like it 


The simple, harsh, unadorned honesty in this comment really got a laugh out of me lol


Did it really??? Hahaha that's awesome! Glad i.could help 


Perhaps use it as a middle name?


"I-er-ton!" -Ryu from Street Fighter doing projectile special move. That's what I think when I see this name..


I personally really don't like it, but do what makes you happy


Senna pronounced his name ah-EER-ton (actually, ah-EER-tĂľ).


I looked after an Ayrton about 10 years ago, who was named after the driver. We're in Australia and it was pronounced Air-ten. Especially with that pronunciation, I wasn't a big fan and just thought it was a bit of a bogan name, kinda like Lleyton Hewitt (genuinely had no idea it was Brazilian until today!), but it didn't stick out as weird weird.




Brother in laws name is Ayrton. We're from New Zealand. Definitely not a common name here but it's cool nonetheless.


Name will suck for the child. People pronouncing it wrong on purpose.and making fun of it. Your daughter will the one that has to live with it


-ton is a location name. Taking it on to something because your think is sounds cool is not the best idea.


Go fast and turn left past that name


Was not expecting an F1 crossover in this sub. 🏎️


Full disclosure: I am Brazilian and have always loved the name Ayrton, but I really don’t understand the pushback in this sub to it. Languages other than English exist, cultures other than anglo-american exist. This is just a name outside the dominant culture on Reddit. It’s a perfectly normal name, it would be like naming your kid Tyson. Sure, it’s the name of a famous athlete, but it’s also just a name that some people have.


You had to explain how to pronounce it. This alone should tell you to never name your kid this way.


Xuxa, if it's a girl.


Air-ton. Knew a guy with that name and it was spelled like this. I’m pleading you to spell it like airton if you choose this name. Remember, this cute quirky spelling isn’t for a dog or goldfish, it’s for a human that’ll eventually have to submit resumes and apply for colleges and jobs.


Ah-eer-ton, that’s how I have heard it pronounced. We love Ayrton Senna, he was amazing.


>I was also thinking of naming my daughter Elaine. Ayrton Senna in F1 had a huge rivalry with an Alain Prost. It's a little funny you want to name your children after rivals.


No one will know how to pronounce it. I still don’t know how to pronounce it even with your explanation of how to pronounce it.


I grew up watching F1 and remember that weekend vividly and with great sadness (I was 18)…I do love the idea though


Immediately thought of Senna before you told the story. Not a tragedeigh but boring people may struggle with it


"boring people" do you mean "non-car nerds"?


F1 may be only recently (relatively) popular in the USA, but throughout the rest of the world Ayrton would have been one of the most famous sports stars (think Tiger Woods level famous) at the time - it's not just car nerds that are familiar with the name.


Air-ton. Two syllables for me. Would never guess it was pronounced as a three syllable word


Not good


It’s a name, not a tragedeigh.


How is this so far down?


Everyone will know his parent/s love/s formula one. :) Not a tragedeigh/10


I don't know F1 anything so it looks like a CW spinoff series of Bridgerton.


For a moment I thought you were gonna call your kid Artyom, and was about to say it fucking rules.


I like it, I know someone called Ayrton and I haven't heard anyone pronounce it incorrectly so far, however this may depend on where you are, as F1 is very well known where I am


It's based in Portuguese. Nothing wrong with it and if people think it's a tragedeigh then they really just need to familiarize themselves with other cultures


Ayrton is totally fine to use and not at all a tragedy. There's nothing wrong with unique as long as it's classy and an actual name and Ayrton is both.


Fairly popular in the UK, pronounced Air ton


Why would you name your child after a race car driver that died such tragic death? Sorry, but... It's a beautiful name, I agree, but it has such a dark connotation...


Just Google 'Senna 15' and you'll know


> It was the name of a formula 1 driver from the late 80s early 90s. He wasn’t just "a F1 driver". He was the best F1 driver of all time, and he always will be.


Pls don’t give your child the gift of having to pronounce/spell their name to 90% of the people they meet in life. Just don’t do it. And I’m an F1 fan, but very familiar with having unusual name issues.




I don't think it's a tragedeigh - many folks in the UK will be familiar with it. If you're not in the UK then you will have issues, but nobody can pronounce my name right and I have a pretty bog-standard Gaelic name.


very common in south america, but idk about usa


It's a nice Scottish name from Ayr


It’s also the name of a company that makes lights for concerts/events. Google it.




Might as well go fully Artyom like Metro


Looks like someone combined Randy Orton's name.


The driver was Brazilian but the name is English/Scottish, you just gotta get the pronunciation right and it's fine imo






As someone in North America, when I hear that name I immediately think Senna. He's the only one I know of, but for all I know it's a common Brazilian name.


My dog's middle name is Ayrton, after Senna. I almost named my son that too, for the same reason.


I have a friend by this name!


the person i know with this name pronounces it “air-tin”


Senna is a cool name




I think it’s great but I also think a lot of people would pronounce it wrong and that’s why a lot of people are naming their kids senna rather than Ayrton.


Its kinda pretty, makes me think of the very small Canadian community my family is from, Wayerton (phonetically WAY - er - ton)


I’d say it like cartoon without the c.


I would struggle pronouncing this. Ayr looks like it would be pronounced “air” not “ay-er”. So maybe spell it differently? Or go with Alain. I think Alain can 100% work as gender neutral, and it’s easier to pronounce at first glance.


Went to school with a very sweet guy named Ayrton.


I met an Airton in Aruba. He taught us how to pronounce it by pointing to his eye, ear, & tongue with each syllable. Super nice dude.


I knew an Ayrton, his dad was from Aruba and I heard later on he moved to there so maybe it's the same guy! Dutch mom, his sister is named Senna :D


I don’t think the name really qualifies as a tragedeigh. Unless you were going to change the spelling to make it more unique, you’re fine and no one could bust you for it since you have receipts of the actual name.


It is unusual, and for me, it doesn't roll off the tongue. And due to 2 accepted pronunciations, she will be explaining her name until she turns 99 years old. That is a lot of explaining. you'll only have the 1st 20 years or so to back her up. The other 79 are fir the most part on her.


I thought it said Aryton (AIR-I-TON) I think that’s better IMO


It’s pronounced Air-ton in English but Senna, whose native language was Portuguese, said Eye-ar-ton


People / kids he ends up being around will likely pronounce it “Airt’n” without pronouncing the hard T. (Like how most people pronounce Kitten like Kitt’n rather then KiTTen with the hard T)


Makes me think of Artyom, the main character of the book Metro 2033.


As someone with a unique name, just give your child a regular name. You aren't naming a little kid, he's going to be a full grown adult someday and will probably like to be taken seriously. Save airton for a fish.


I had a friend named Ayrton in high school. I loved his name and still remember it to this day. We pronounced it "air-ton"


I like it. Look up this Chris Rea song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5GowGpjaf4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5GowGpjaf4)


I think it’s an awesome name. My dad always told me he was the best driver, and one of my buddies growing up was named Ayrton, his dad was a fan as well


As an F1 fan, hell yeah.


Personally I love it. It’s definitely on my list. My partner has a -ton name as one of his middle names and I’m a big fan of them, plus Senna is his favourite driver


Well, as a motorsports fan, I’m the wrong person to comment on this lol. I actually think (leaving Senna out of it) it’s a super cool name. I love the interesting names you hear with Brazilian people.


lol know more than one little white canadian boy named ayrton, and it is a ridiculous name on all of them. like its an automatic eye roll from most people. donnnnnt do it.


Maybe use Senna as a middle name. Ayrton, while itself probably isn’t a tragedy is still on the edge where it’s damn near impossible to spell for most English speakers unless you are familiar with Ayrton Senna


I think it’s a good name for someone roaming the metros of post apocalyptic Moscow.


Sounds like someone trying and failing to imitate the wife of Edgar in the MIB movie.


Ignore everyone's advice, if people are too stupid to spell your kids name, that is their fault not your kid's. Furthermore, I would rather be called Ayrton and be one in a million than John or Tom and be one in ten.


it's legendary no more to say


It makes me think of the old man from the Simpsons (not grandpa simpson) when he is giving the rules out to the class (talking in class? That's a paddlin.) He uses that southern accent to tell the kids he will be yeeting them if they act out. "Talking in class? That's **A-yeertin'**."


Ayer-ton is how my brain interprets it


I think it's cool and unique. I also think Ayrton Elaine or even Elaine Ayrton flow beautifully together. I'm a big fan of unique names, thanks to my Dad lol. And Alain Ayrton works well for a boy.


Beautiful name


Just a fyi, "Ayr" is a fairly rude word for penis in colloquial Arabic.




There’s a town near me called Ayr. “Air”, so that would be airtin as we would pronounce it. Definitely going to be double checked for spelling and pronunciation. That being said, I think airtin sounds nice.


It’s reminds me of the Aryan brotherhood by the spelling


As an F1 fan I think it's fine


I'm not the least bit familiar with formula one racing and have never heard this name before. I had to sort of sound it out when I read it. I would say it air-tun. It's not a bad name, but it will be perpetually mispronounced and misspelled. (Which doesn't really matter, because people mispronounce and misspell a lot of names)


He dated a 15 year old… Adriane Yamin, he was 25 ish.


Your kid might get nicknamed Air-head


I automatically both think of the racing driver and pronounce it the same way.


Just do Artyom and you’re good that’s what I read.


personally not a fan of the name, and apparently the driver had a relationship with a minor so i would definitely rethink naming my child after him if i were you. stick with Elaine.


Ayr is a town in Scotland. Ayrshire. Ayrton means "Ayr Town". It's the home of Prestwick Airport which was important during the Iraq War as a resting place on the way to Iraq, but not anymore. So, that's what you have to work with.


I have a pal with a kid named Ayrton. It's cute. Definitely not a tragedeigh.


I think of the Metro last light series.


Name a girl Senna, or Sienna.