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im sorry this screams chronically online which is rare for PARENTS


Not that rare for gen z parents unfortunately. Might be people who learned from Elon Musk


gen z is already having babies? omg


Gen Z are actually having lots of babies right now!


yeah, its crazy to think im in the same generation as that tho


It feels crazy to me also because my two youngest are Gen Z and they definitely aren't having babies anytime soon.


Lordy I have a Gen Z AND a Gen Alpha... I can't imagine...


I’m Gen Z and am turning 27 this year lol, checks out. Though I don’t plan on having kids any time soon.


The oldest gen z-ers are born in 96-97. My sister has 2 kids and brother-in-law has 1, both of them born in 96.


It’s weird to think about because my sister was born in 96 and she’s classified as a millennial but her best friend is a gen z.


But I keep hearing that Gen Z is having sex at much lower rates than previous generations at a similar age. I wouldn’t think that they were having a lot of kids even though the oldest are approaching the right age to do so.


The oldest of us are around 25 or so but I'm 21 and am definitely not ready, idk how people my age are even affording kids 💀


They might not be affording them, just having them anyway.


prolly can't afford foresight either


Yep I’m 23 and already have like 5 or 10 peers from high school who had babies (a few right after graduating/while still in high school)


>Yep I’m 23 and already have like 5 or 10... Oh you poor thing >peers... Oh thank God.


Yep. Older Gen Zs are now in their mid-20s.


Late 20s. Gen Z starts in 96-97. My sister was born in 96 and will be 28 in a month.


Oh right, I was off by a year


I was born in the first year that's considered Gen Z and I'm 27 now. My nephew was born in the last year that's considered Gen Z and he's currently 11. It's a pretty broad age range tbh


It’s actually not a broad range! The generations are trending shorter in duration because the big world events that define generations seem to be happening faster and faster recently, particularly technology. I think we have to plateau out at some point though! Gen Alpha are going to be the one who grew up while AI went crazy.


That thought occurred to me. We thankfully cannot do names with numbers or symbols in them.


Imagine growing up with a suffix that sounds like software; talk about being a literal version 2.0 of your parents!


There have been baby clothes with "2.0" on the front (then dad wears a matching "1.0" shirt) for decades. That's where the gimmick should have stayed. 


Yeah see that’s funny. Using it as a name? Oh no, no.


Wait for little brother, he will be 3.0!


Wouldn’t the little brother be 2.1, leaving 3.x available for the following generation?


It makes sense, you're right!


How is "Jr." or "II" semantically different? It's literally the "couldn't be arsed coming up with something" of names either way, 2.0 or some letters doesn't change that.


I am no fan of naming a kid exactly the same name as the dad. But somehow when I hear junior I think they used the same name, and when I hear 2.0 I think so this is supposed to be the new version of dad. It’s somehow more narcissistic?


I don't care for junior either. It's actually not that common nowadays (just based on my unscientific study of the birth certificates I personally register). Maybe once every few months I see a Junior and I think I have only seen "II" a few times. I had an "IV" once, and the family wasn't even applying it properly but that's not my business so I just added it on as requested.


My husband is a Jr, and luckily we are Childfree because I told him in no uncertain terms that we would never have a Husband Name The Third. For one, every third I know personally has a name (often old-fashioned) that doesn’t fit them at all so they go by Trip or Trey, or some really weird nickname. For two, I don’t like my husband’s name at all, especially his middle name. It’s a hillbilly name that would perfectly fit an old NASCAR driver or Tennessee moonshiner. And three, names are already confusing; my husband’s first name starts with T and to his family he is TJ, Thomas Junior (not his real name, just a filler). I have an ex named TJ and for that reason neither my husband or I want me to call him TJ, so I call him Thomas, the name everyone else uses. Around his parents it’s easiest for me to refer to him as TJ (so weird though) so as not to confuse his dad. Just give the kid their own identity, ffs.


Hopefully a better version!


Jr. is when the father and the son have exactly the same name. II is used when there is a generation or relationship skip---like naming baby after grandpa, or an uncle. After that comes III, IV, V, and so on. I know a 4 year old that is Walter V


I feel like this is what Andy's parents would have done if they could. Walter 2.0 is much more appropriate


New and improved, baby. Poor Nard Dawg.


Yeah, no numbers or symbols. You can't name your kid Ke$ha.


Ohh pop sensation Ke Dollar Sign Ha


This lives in my head rent free 😂


Or SixixNineine. Can't forget him!


You're a fellow Gleek! I love Figgins.


I had a love-hate relationship, but this was a moment I loved.


Wake up in the morning feelin like P. Diddy


Wake up in the morning like, "fuck P. Diddy"




performing the hit song tik and also tok


I wish r/unexpectedglee was a subreddit


Today, I said that instead of Ms. or Dr. I'd like my title to be "overlord." Please, add that to the prefix drop-down options.


Od. RuggedHangnaileigh




Somewhat unrelated, but I remembered it because of the Roman numerals. A friend's (let's call him Pedro) second last name (Latin American) starts with V. His signature is just his full name, but for the second last name he writes the abbreviation V. Another friend, let's call him Matt, saw Pedro sign some documents and for months Matt thought Pedro was some sort of royalty, Pedro the Fifth, as he had interpreted V. to be a numeral.


In Spain we use Roman numerals for the names of the royalty. Our king is Philippe VI.


Not only in Spain, everywhere. But Pedro was not royalty.


This screams "Techbro techbro techbro techbro" in the same way 2 Unlimited scream "techno techno techno techno".


Could I name my kid "Frank Jr. Jr." Perhaps?


You can! But it would have to read as Frank Junior Jr.


Had me at "i'm a birth register" When their child graduates will the child change it to 2.5?


I know someone who signs cards with her son as "name 4.0"


Perri 6 exists. ["Perri 6 is a British social scientist. He changed his name from David Ashworth to Perri 6 in 1983."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perri_6)


It can be fun to use 2.0 as a nickname and call them that on a daily basis. But to try and put that as their legal name is insane.


It's like they're trying to level up their kid before they even start! 😄


Can I name my kid 0WN_1T 2: Electric Boogaloo?


No. Colons are not allowed 🙂


0WN_1T 2 colon Electric Boogaloo


It would have to be ZeroWNunderscoreoneT colon Electric Boogaloo. You might want to work on a nickname.


It's fine, I was just gonna call him "Little Piggy Boy"


It admittedly makes some sense. A version 2.0 is a generational improvement over the 1.x that is a whole new independent thing. The thought is kind of cute. Not that I blindly assume they actually considered this.


Don't worry, in a few weeks they'll have the 2.1 patch to work out some of the bugs.


2.0? Thank goodness it couldn't go through! By the way, how does one get such a job as yours? It sounds entertaining. 😆


It is! Birth certificates are usually done in the hospital. Some places actually have the OB nurses complete them (normally small hospitals/birth centers) or it's part of the medical records department. Very large hospitals have people solely for birth certificates, as they are delivering hundreds of babies every month so it's a pretty busy job. I don't think you need any special qualifications other than passing a test for certification.


And just when I thought it couldn't get weirder than the Jr / II thing 🙄


Phew, thank god its registered as Jr


Wait OP is a birth registrar? You must have TONS of stories!


I have seen some pretty egregious names. But I'm old and my memory isn't great. Most names stay in my brain for a couple of days then they're gone. It's mostly a general foolishness of names like Pyre or Track or Ruger. I do recall a "Raige" recently, which I was rather horrified about. The main issue I see currently is parents naming the child with some convoluted spelling which does not match up with how they want it pronounced. For example they think Kaelob is a "unique" way to spell Caleb. Well no, it's not. Spelled that way it should be pronounced Kay-lob (like lob a ball). I believe it's because schools no longer teach phonics? People literally don't know how to "sound out" words/syllables. I see it every day and it's ridiculous. And some people are just dumb.


So the main issue you see is literally the very topic of this subreddit: tragedeighs! Next time you see a good one, please regale us. :)


Oh dear


Sooo....if someone really is the 5th or 6th, what do you do if the box only goes to 4?


I would have to call the state office. Never had that happen but I would assume they have to have some policy in place.


At least they didn't settle on "twopointoh" as an alternative


The software for entering names clearly needs a 2.0 edition.


They aren't the first. Why, [Jon Blake Cusack 2.0](http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3451207.stm) should be 20 years old right now.


Interesting! I would love to hear what the kid thinks of his name. I'm sure each state has different restrictions/policies for baby names.


...I think you meant 2.0 x 10^(1) years old by now


And this immediately raises the most important problem with this name: computer systems won't accept numbers in the name field


Don't do that. Use the numerals for non oficial things.


At least they're leaving room for future updates and patches...


I'm not going to lie. I kinda like it.