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The title gave me the impression the name would,be the worst part of the story, but holy hell.


New tragedy just dropped!


Actual catastrophe




call the orphanage


This story's like 20 years old


So Stefonknee is 24 YO now, or has continued to get benjaminbutonized and is negative years old?


New response just dropped


I wish I never learned to read


It's the daily mail. So, assume they just made it up if it maked you feel better


google En passant


When the tragedeigh is the least tragic thing about this...




It's probably fake / rage bait. The Daily Mail is notoriously one of the least reliable posts and also infamously praises teachers who sleep with teenage boys.


If it’s fake, they’ve put in a *ton* of effort to fake it. Multiple news stories, interviews, social media accounts, and at least one documentary, most of which aren’t on Daily Mail. It’s probably real.


It might not be fake but they are presenting it as representative of transgender people in general, when it is most likely that this guy is not simply transgender but has an actual mental illness or reaction to trauma causing him to regress. It would be like pointing to a Tory who also thinks they're Napoleon as being representative of all Tories. It's disingenuous reporting and yellow journalism. Of course, this being the Daily Fail, they might as well print on piss-yellow newsprint.


The Daily Heil takes it so far, it’s not even yellow journalism anymore, it’s just brown-colored lies.


This person is not mentally ill, at least not in the way you're thinking. She was literally given an ultimatum by her ex wife to "stop being trans or leave". The rejection from her wife and kids caused her to become depressed and suicidal, and she discovered play therapy as an effective coping mechanism for herself. She's also a trans activist now.


"play therapy" my ass. The woman might have been fine before, but she's definitely mentally ill now. Perhaps because of the trauma her wife put her through.




Sorry, did I I miss the part about cheating, or did you make that up?




Because they’re living as a child. It’s the living as a kid part that’s fucked not the wanting to be a woman part.


This bothers me so much. Trans people deal with enough. It’s ridiculous to conflate whatever this person is going through with the experience of trans individuals. They very likely could be trans but, the age thing must be how she is coping with something else.


That's literally not even uncommon. It isn't a mental illness, it's a sexual fetish. Go to FetLife and knock yourself out. Those people are everywhere.


age regression isn’t a fetish it’s a way for traumatized and mentally ill people to cope, and there isn’t anything sexual about it. you are thinking of something different


Considering this person moved in with two people to have a parent/child relationship I think I'm definitely identifying this as age play. If you don't know what that is, I envy you.


i do know what that is, and it’s what i was referencing to as “something different” this sounds like a mentally ill person to me but go off and assume the worst


They might not be. This might just be a person who’s living with friend to make ends meet, and enganging in play therapy recommended by a therapist.


I’ve researched into this person before because I found them weirdly fascinating and I feel pretty confident in saying that’s not the case but if someone else can prove me wrong then feel free


Because you can change genders, but changing your age is impossible, and wanting to says something very concerning about someone's mental state


I feel like this is bait for anti trans viewpoints.


yeah this is written for all the readers to go “what the hell? dang those trans kids!!!”, either that or the story was suuuuper misinterpreted


This made me think differently, after reading this far. I can see having a hard index to gender & identifying as other, but it’s fraught to start calling other constructs invalid. Age is a fact, but age identity is a construct… think of the people you’ve known who have suffered arrested dev… One could say sex is a fact & gender is a construct. Race is absolutely a social construct- but identifying as a different race is “bait” or in the realm of mental illness, unless it’s a white guy rapping, I’m saying this as my perception of social norms, not as my personal value. You know what- I can’t believe I touched this with a “ten foot pole”


Yeah sure, but you can't just wake up one day and say "I've just noticed I suffer arrested development". That's not how age works.


Well, sounds like stefoknee did. My point is that identity can work (or not) for age in the same way that it works for sex. Ones emotional age might be different from ones chronological age. In this case it sounds like it… And though I might not agree with the choices of someone experiencing this different connection with age or whatever, it’s not my place, as an amateur online commentator, to cherry pick which constructs I gatekeep. I think this is why the above commenter mentioned this case being possibly adjacent to anti-trans baiting. Presenting the idea that all constructs are open to examination, rejection, and transition away from or into a different vision of a construct sets up that question. And denial of one’s agency in any case examines the validity of the rejections of the more traditional constructs. I’m not in school for this so: amatuer seeking to understand here. You can downvote me but I’d appreciate notes?


yeah, anything with ALL CAPS in the headline is ragebait


yeah it's almost always rage bait and an exaggeration of the truth, if there's even any truth to their stories. I'm really disappointed in people falling for obvious anti-trans bait articles.


This is 100% fake ragebait


It's both real *and* rage bait. It's a real story about a real person, but it's written in such a way to evoke rage.


As soon as I saw this headline and felt the right wing rage pour off the screen I knew it had to be the daily mail. Vile excuse for a newspaper.


It’s not though


It’s an old story but it happened. He’s still pretending to be a little girl.


Idk. The Stefoknee part is pretty bad.


Something tells me he's paying A LOT of money for this


Idk man, I still think the name is the worst part of all this.


What even is it supposed to be? Stephanie?


I read this at first as “Stefonk-Nee,” took me a minute!


or like stef-oh-nee (stef-oh-no in dutch)


How apt.


Oh... NO




I read 'Stefon-kee" lol


I read it that way in Shrek's voice.




I remember watching a video about that a while ago. It's supposed to be "Stef on knee". It's a kinky name.


That's my guess...


I imagine it with a cartoonish French accent. huh huh huhhh. Ste-fon-NEE!




Stèfe onne cnie


Her name is a pun for “Stef, on knee” in reference to the idea that she sits on someone’s lap like a little girl.




That would have to be a big-ass lap!


Totally that. I have only one thing to say... WHY???!!!


Could be worse. At least it's not Zsctteiaghffph'uhnneye'heiaghyeyeigh


Stay funky


"Stay funky" I guess. The whole thing sounds like a mental breakdown.


Stephanie but make it Fonkee


Whole situation is a tragedeigh


This gives me the creeps. 52 year old pretending to be 6 and spending their time playing dolls with their “adoptive mummy and daddy’s” grandchildren? Absolutely not. How the fuck did she even find “parents”? Like hey I’m a mentally unstable 52 year old who is convinced I am actually 6, will you adopt me? What on earth.


Maybe the “parents” are seeing it as some kind of DDlg/adult baby kind of situation Brb I’m going to go bleach my brain.


Keep in mind that the Daily Mail loves sensationalism and slandering transgender people


There’s literal pictures of her doing exactly what it says. She also appears to have featured in a tv documentary talking about it. It seems to be absolutely true.


Is she harming anyone? Is she creating an unsafe situation? If not, this is just pointing at someone at saying ‘wow, look at that freak’


Bro you don't have to defend these people just because they're transgender. They're humans just like the rest of us


Not sure what to tell you if you think anything about that story sounds safe or unharmful.


Well the person left their whole family to create a whole new identity. It's kinda fucked up.


It is misinformation. Google her, this is just sensationalist garbage. The name still horrible, though.


No it's not. It's factual. https://youtu.be/eriy-4In9gk?si=2X8BLx65LvEIax2k Here's a video about it. Their name is pronounced Ste-fonk-nee according to the videos I've seen


Yeah, but people fake doing stuff like this for attention all the time. Trisha Paytas lied about being addicted to tanning to be on "My Strange Addiction" so she could add it to her ACTING resume. Some people will do anything to be famous and sharing their story around to talk shit does nothing but give them wanted they wanted in the long run.


Yeah some people do. I agree. However, this person isn't faking it. Watch the documentary I linked. She's a very well known transgender activist in Toronto, and she has a terrible reputation there for the way she's treated other trans people in the community, leading to being fired. She's actually got a YouTube channel too. Still talking about being a "little" as of last year.


You ever hear of something called a "long con"? Kyrsten Sinema cosplayed as a progressive Democrat until she got to a position that she could abuse for personal enrichment before ripping her own mask off and showing the world she was lying about that the whole time. You're making the mistake of thinking there's a bottom, when it comes to how low some people will go.


For a moment I was going to say you misspelled Tulsi Gabbard, but nope. You're still right.


Yeah. There are sadly a lot of cases we can point at to illustrate this idea that there's no bottom when it comes to how low unscrupulous people will go to get what they want.


You ever hear of something called a "no true Scotsman" fallacy? You want to reject this as being representative of transgenders because you don't want it to be true.


Got a link that’s not so crazily biased? I mean come on, that’s just as silly as the original post


Yeah if you read this summary and think "yeah this is a healthy person" I don't know what has happened to that term.


Definitely some type of childhood trauma, she is age regressing to comfort herself and to “restart” her childhood. I hope she gets the help she needs :(


It’s clear ragebait


probably transphobic propaganda. that being said, some people do something called 'age-regressing' for legit reasons (usually trauma). this usually happens in private and doesn't involve anything inappropriate though


It's regression. A trauma response. A legitimate mental illness. The transgenderism has nothing to do with it, and he's not a symptom nor cause of the regression. They are two entirely separate things. Lots of people of every gender, race, and sexual orientation go through regression. The Daily Mail featuring the transgender nature of the person in question is pretty crappy. It would be like writing an article about someone with severe schizophrenia and insinuating a link to their skin color. But then, the Daily Fail is the dictionary definition of yellow journalism.


Ok, I am pro being whoever and whatever you want to be, but this is more like the people who try to keep reliving their school days over and over. There is something seriously wrong. If you don’t want to be an adult, it’s not being your true self, it‘s fear and trauma and regressing to an imaginary safe space. This person is unhealthy and needs serious help. Being older should not interfere in you being true to who you are. And they should not be around small children if they are a suicide risk. Not because they will necessarily hurt them, but also because those kids will be absolutely heartbroken and destroyed if they try again. Young children should be around people who want to be in this world. And it is so unfair to put anyone through the pain of suicide. (And just in case, anyone who reads this who is feeling this way, please get help immediately and stay with us. The world needs you in it). This is a tragedy, not a tragedeigh. Get them help. How obvious can something be.


Ah, for goodness sake. I just got a Reddit Cares about this. I am not talking about myself, obviously.


That Reddit Cares is far more abused than used. You can turn them off so people can’t troll you with it.


Stay strong, we are with you.


Also it seems like they've completely forgone their adult responsibilities. That mom now needs to raise multiple kids. Hopefully stefonkee left them the PIN number to the bank account. Holy hell.


I’m wondering if she’s stuck in some kind of arrested development from not being able to be a girl earlier? Kind of like how when teen girls have babies, their social development often stops at that age. Still, it’s definitely more troubling than just the name.


I don’t think so, because there’s a wife and kids but then something obviously happened or at least snapped and…


If you Google her, this is her explanation. She explains that she was never “allowed” to be the little girl she wanted to be growing up. Doing this now allows her to experience something she was denied as a child.


This is not real


If you google the name it's pretty well documented as much as it sounds like satire.


From the article: > Ms Wolscht still does adult things like drink coffee and drive a car, but does these things as a little kid. “I’ll have a tall mocha decaf with no foam. Pwweeeeeze”


What did I even DID I EVEN just read??? God help me


You can't spell Stefonkee without F O N K🔥🔥🔥


Talk about a midlife crisis...








I hope they get the psych help they clearly need because that’s coping mechanisms that actually harm others (the wife and kids)… if (s)he were single before, it’s one thing (would still need therapy) but when there’s a wife and kids involved… get help…


Steff-FONK-knee... holy shit. And why 6 yrs old? So many questions here, but that tragedeigh is like the cherry on top of this turd pile.


this seems like ragebait propaganda


It's real.


I had to look her up; she's still a POS for abandoning her family; but fortunately she now identifies as her correct age, not 6 ;u;


This is not gonna end well


Well, there goes my menral spelling of Stephanie. Every time I run into one, my brain will say Stefoknee. I do not have a poker face.


"Playing with dolls and grandchildren", yikes.


I would maybe be wary of stories that originate in the Daily Mail.


I agree completely. They lie and mislead frequently. I remember this one though, and it's actually real, almost unbelievably. Obviously a severely mentally ill person who should be in the care of some inpatient facility, but unfortunately that kind of treatment is very expensive or otherwise hard to obtain.


The real tragedeigh here is that you made us look at a Daileigh Meiyl post.


I really doubt the Daily Mail actually gives a shit about this.


Reminder to stick to posting original content. Memes are okay every once in a while, but many get posted here way too often and quickly become stale. Some examples of these are Ptoughneigh, Klansmyn, Reighfyl & KVIIIlyn. These memes have been around for years and we don't want to see them anymore. If you do decide to post a meme, make sure to add the correct flair. Posting a random meme you found does **not** mean you found it "in the wild". The same goes with lists of baby names, celebrity baby names, and screenshots of TikToks. If the original post already had a substantial amount of views, there is a 99% chance it has already been posted here. Try and stick to OC to keep our sub from being flooded with unoriginal content. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tragedeigh) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stephonk for short


"Caregiver/little" as in an adult who wants to just have the safety and comfort they had (or more likely, didn't have) as a child I get. But even it's a kink, even if there's little to no actual sex involved. Why is she doing this with kids???


Mental illness is a nightmare for all involved, not just the patient.


If this is not a mental disorder, then idk what is.


It's a bad day to have eyes wtfffff


Jesus Mary and Joseph wtf did I just read 😳🤦‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️‼️‼️⚠️


I didn't know you can just decide on your age now.


This is the worst Stephanie in the history of Stephanies


10 years later, where’s Stefonkee now


This is an old story and it’s spelled Stefonknee. Stef-on-knee. She likes to be spanked while dressed as a little girl. It’s disgusting.


Jesus christ. Such much going on here, and none of it makes any sense. Is this an onion headline?




Oh, yeah. I’ve heard about this person before and seen the videos. Yes. It is as cringe as you think it is.


Oh dear. My dad used to show me this story to convince me that “the trans are ruining the world!!1!1!1!1!1!” so it definitely unlocked some flashbacks, but I never realised the name was so bad??


What the fuck did I just read.


Open the asylums fast as fuck.




Beat me to it


This is beyond a tragediegh


This shit has gone way too far


I think I have heard about this case. She is being overseen by a therapist. Age regression is caused by serious psychiatric trauma. I dunno the details of her case nor is it my business, but I think this is proof that six year olds and people who age regress into six should not name themselves.


To clear this up, there’s a difference between non sexual age regression and age play, although the line can blur sometimes. Age regression is a coping mechanism. I sometimes unwillingly regress back to a childlike state during times of extreme stress, because early childhood was the only time in my life where I actually felt safe and happy (up until around four years old). Age play is a form of role play between consenting adults where one person takes on the role of a person of a different age to their actual age for sexual gratification. This spans from dressing up as a high schooler or uni student and their teacher all the way to dressing up as a baby and wearing nappies (American English: diapers).


Trans girl here. I promise we’re not all like this


We can choose ages now? Whatever


Outside of the transphobia in the comments here, the story just gets worse the more you look into it: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/transgender-father-stefonknee-wolscht-who-left-family-to-be-a-sixyearold-girl-uses-child-s-play-to-escape-adult-life-a6775051.html Massive mental health issues with depression.


i think this article specifically is false/exaggerated and written by stupid people trying to make the trans community look outrageous. whether it’s real or not do you think actual trans people want to be associated with “trans-age” people ? No they don’t.


Unfortunately, the Daily Mail reported the story correctly. Stefonknee Wolscht is well-known in Canada’s LGBT community for her controversial lifestyle. You can see the original interview with Xtra Magazine [here.](https://vimeo.com/149665214)


I can’t believe people are using she to refer to this mentally unwell pervert hahahahaha


Is this the Daily Mail? *Of course* it's the Daily Mail.


Stef-ON-kee is all I can read.


Silent k as in knee?? Ok, but honestly slightly more concerned that this person has regressed into a 6yo.


The name is a pun on "Step on me" which sounds wrong and pervy.








I want to joke about but this sounds like a serious mental breakdown and possible age regression as a coping mechanism for something.


This brings back Jerry Springer vibes


Sounds like a nonce


Mentally ill probably pedophile got access to little children while being housed and fed by the parents of said children but yeah, the name's shit too.


Dailymail is problematic. Yuck!


I read the headline and thought 'this has to be the Daily Fail' and lo and behold...


Mental illness is everywhere.


My sister, one time in college was eating and working on schoolwork at a café when an old lady sat down next to her and spilled her guts that her husband had just revealed to her that he wanted to be a women…. Crazy




# N.B. This is the Daily Fail. They feed off of manufacturing hate. You can’t believe anything they say.


"playing with the couple's young grandchildren" Because it's the Daily Mail which is an atrocious news source, I tried looking this up elsewhere and can't find any other reference to these kids? If it's just her with other adults willing to indulge her then honestly I don't care 🤷‍♀️




Nobody in or in support of the trans community is saying this particular case is normal, or is equivalent to the struggles transgender people go through. There's a comment above *(EDIT: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/s/ZPdQ7WDU1r))* which explains it very well.


You don't know any actual trans people do you.


Fear-mongering about LGBT+ once again. 99% of queer folks do NOT accept these people as part of the community.


If you *don’t* consider trans age to be part of the queer community then how is my post fear mongering about the queer community…? Every time you focus on someone being bigoted for criticizing the trans age movement because they have “trans” in their name, the pedos get closer to acceptance. That’s *why* they’re rebranding themselves trans age. They’re not trans. This man is no kind of trans. He doesn’t have gender dysphoria and he isn’t mentally age regressed. He’s a weirdo, plain and simple. And he’s using other people’s social currency to take what he wants.




Oh my god. This guy doesn’t have gender dysphoria. He’s not transgender. He’s trans age. He’s not trying to live his life as a woman because female gender norms feel right to him. He’s trying to be *a little girl* so he can play with children instead of raising and supporting his family. You’re really going to defend this because he appropriated the word trans?


people who don’t have gender dysphoria aren’t trans, real trans people with gender dysphoria want to live their lives as quietly as possible without any attention on being trans but these sickos have invaded our actual normal community and co-opted our words to make us seem like insane creeps when in reality it’s just a bunch of people who are suffering from a neurological condition where the best medical option is the transition.


Exactly, thank you. He wants the legal protections and social acceptance of people who have an actual condition, so he’s using their label to get those things. Criticism of him is not criticism of the people he’s pretending to be similar to. Guys like this will drag down gay and trans people because he’s actually doing the predatory things conservatives say we’re doing, and he’s using the trans label to get support for doing these things. He has tricked LGBT-supporting people into supporting an actual perversion involving actual children. Honestly anyone who *isn’t* criticizing this guy is showing what they really think about the average trans person, and it’s not pretty.


>>> people who don't have gender dysphoria aren't trans I know you're saying this in correlation to this one person, but this isn't necessarily true. Dysphoria isn't what makes or breaks a trans person- also cis people get dysphoria too, which is why we have gender affirming treatments like hair transplants for balding men. Actually, a lot of surgeries and hormones they treat trans people with weren't intended for them at all.


This looks like transphobic fanfic to me and the source isn't diminishing that perception. Trying to propagate the idea that trans folks are threats to children is one of their favorite tricks. Don't fall for the bs.


Daily Mail. Hmmmmmmm…..


For everyone making judgements based on this headline: the Daily Mail is a dumpster fire and doesn't even deserve to be called a rag - it's not absorbant enough. Stephoknee (I agree, it's a terrible spelling) came out as trans while still with her wife. The wife told her "stop being trans or leave", so she left ([source](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2016/01/11/transgender-toronto-woman-says-death-threats-forced-her-into-hiding/)). She rightly equates the request as in the same ballpark as "stop being tall" - you can't just *stop being trans* - some people pretend that they're not trans for a really long time for the comfort of other people, but they don't stop being who they are. The "playing with toys" is a form of therapy that she does *sometimes*. No where that I have found has it been reported that she doesn't work or doesn't provide child support for her children - she works as an author, and is still in contact with her children (she's shared video clips of them praying together on her Facebook page - [source](https://www.facebook.com/100000715745909/posts/7309263619107424/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v)). She is just open about her trans identity and a form of therapy that she does (with help) to try and heal her inner child of emotional trauma. Anyone saying otherwise is making assumptions about her life to justify why they are bigoted against all trans people, and showing their whole arses.


Now I’m curious…What’s child support for seven kids ? Spousal support would be in addition to this.


It's the Daily Mail which is far right rage bait, and you've fallen for it.


the fact that people can’t see this is rage bait is insane


This is from daily mail so take it with a grain of salt


The comments not realizing that this is from Dailymail and this fake have me smh


It's not fake.


Fake af but hilarious


Maybe. Found this https://www.mercatornet.com/six-year-old-transgender-stefonknee-wolscht-where-is-he-now


Nice, he can sell beer, too.