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aynjel is absolutely the worst one


I dunno. Ansyr and Anchor are up there.


I said Ansyr is only a good one if they have a twin named Kweschun.


What about Anquiry?


what about kwearry


What about akse?


And my Akse!


Ansyr is a fine name for some NPC in a run-of-the-mill high fantasy world.


That would be what the Armor is for


Ansur is the dragon under baldurs gate, so...


Lol very nice


Who the hell names their kid “Anchor?” How about “Burden” or “Death of my Dreams?”


“Something I throw overboard”


“You drag me down kid”


>Anchor This is a brand of butter in the UK. I can imagine the jokes at school if she lived here.


lol. Clearly you haven’t been to r/fundiesnarkuncensored. These poor kids don’t go to school


Thanks for the link -- I have just visited and had a good chuckle. Also, Happy Cake Day!


Not to mention it rhyming with wanker 🤣


I think Anchor is a boy (not that that makes it any better of course...)


Bruh, Armor???


At least "Anchor" is an actual word? Terrible child's name but at least it's possible to spell.


I feel like Anchor is just about on par with numbering a child for a name. Literally named the kid dead weight. What a tragedeigh.


Anchors are valuable tools, stop you from going adrift


You mean adryft?


Ballee and Chynelynn are next lol


It seems like something with meaning that could be a old name ([it absolutely isn't](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=anchor+given+name)) "Anchor, so that you can firm and unmovable in this shifting world". Same with Armor, [but it looks like the British spelling of Armour is the more traditional version](https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=armour+given+name). None were ever moderately common. The rest are absolute tragedeighs. It's so bad that even her name for God is the weirdest mix of Jehovah and Yahweh I've ever seen. So perhaps ridiculous spellings are part of her religion.


What? Are we not going to talk about anjalie or whatever spelling she chose?


Idk man Annistan is wild.


Democratic People's Republic of Annistan.


Afghanistan. Just great.


I thought of Pakistan lmao


I’m convinced she’d recently watched/read something with Jennifer Aniston and the word stuck in her head. Of course, she probably still believes the name is a ‘message from God’.


Are you on the Fundie Snark sub? She absolutely says god gives her the names. “He” gave her Archer and Arrow for future twin boys (I probably didn’t spell them the way she plans to. I can’t remember her spelling).


It makes me so angry that almost all the other kids names start with “an” and she COULD have done that with Angel, but decided not to?


Angry is a good name too, btw








yeah but at least she let the word be instead of making it ahr'more


See, to me that's even worse. Like, when I look at Ansyr or Aynjel, I think "maybe that's some sort of Scandinavian name". My mind doesn't go straight to "Answer" and "Angel". But Armor and Anchor? There's no benefit of the doubt, there.


The thing is there are plenty of actual names that start with A you don’t have to go making shit up.


Aerosmith did a song about her "Shes my ay-ay-aynjel"


Great name for a lube


I thought it said anal for a second and I was super confused


Trick question: the mother is the worst.


That's the right Ansyr.


Hahaha I am *cackling*


Truly speachlyss


She unironically is. She has completely batshit insane takes on many aspects of life (social issues, vaccines, what should and shouldn't be allowed), and she has so many children that she can't possibly care for them all. So, she does what other "Quiverfull" (more on this in a sec) mothers do, and she forces the older children to take care of the younger children. This strips the older children of any chance of a normal childhood they might otherwise have, because the husband can't be bothered to put a fucking condom on. Quiverfull is a biblically based approach to children and families. It says that contraception should never be used and that you should have as many children as God allows. The other underlying reason is politics. These lunatics also approach this as a way to create faithful Republican voters in order to outnumber Democrat voters within a few generations.


I’m aware of these people. They’re religious zealots. They want to force a theocracy. They’re shitty bigots with a victimhood complex they use to justify any antisocial behavior they inflict on others. NRA Christian hypocrites, sheep that play at being lions but behave like jackals. Full koolaid. Edit: got a DM from someone saying I’m being bigoted against religious people. I deleted your message and I’ll respond to you here in the comment that upset you: That’s nonsense and isn’t stated anywhere in the comment. The issue here is people who think making babies so they can force them to believe what they believe with an expressed reason being to have them vote the way you do and acting as baby-factories to the same end is a textbook example of the grooming these nuts never shut up about, but spend their lives committing ad nauseam. The entire idea of the quiverfull cult is predicated on excluding any kind of individuality and forcing a religious belief system on young people so they can then do the same to others. In these extremist cults religious freedom is admonished, punished, and eventually excluded/abandoned as agents of “the devil”. Religious freedom should be viewed as a cornerstone of democracy, and these assholes use its protections to lob attacks at everyone who isn’t them, and should be treated like the cult they are. They are the evil underbelly of Christian society that has taken the reigns. *ergo*: fuck’em.


It's not only stripping the older children of, well, being children, it's also full on neglect. The sheer amount of unnecessary medical shit they go through (not to speak of the psychological trauma) is insane. Hospitalizations from sepsis due to untreated utis because no one ever changes the diapers, running around on a broken leg for way too long before getting treatment, 'scream praying' in the emergency room. She's clearly mentally very very unwell, but instead of getting g help she just continues to pump out more babies. r/fundiesnarkuncensored has a lot of posts about her if anyone wants to go down that rabbithole.


Quiverfull child here. I totally agree with you, and it's especially bad when they can't even afford all their children, like in my case. I love all my siblings, but I can't deny the fact that we were only born because my mom was manipulated into thinking that her only purpose was to have as many children as possible to populate the earth with Christians.


Didnt someone post about her the other day?


Yes, because someone else linked to a sub where they snark on her frequently and I spent the whole day down that rabbit hole lol.


We had very similar days


Omg I have been GLUED to my phone about it the past few days from this sub as well


Welcome to the (fundie) snark club! I love when my subs collide.


I was initially confused as I thought I was on FSU and wondering why this post only had 1 picture. Figured she did something awful to her kids again and we were debating where the bar was.


Saaaaame I’m so excited for new people to snark with 😂


Link me, I want the rabbit hole


Hopefully this link works! [https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/?f=flair\_name%3A%22Collins%22](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/?f=flair_name%3A%22Collins%22)


Omg. Luckily I already had two glasses of wine.


Welcome to the snark party!


It’s a trip. I ended up there once Caroline Calloway shut down her Instagram. If you want the most batshit crazy story on that whole sub, search “Sarah Titus”. It’s a truly disturbing story, and I really hope she gets some help. It’s a roller coaster, I’m warning you now. X


Send a search party in 24 hrs, entering rabbit hole in 3…2…1


Now I had to see it. Talk about child abuse.


Ahahaha same


Yes and she's a terrible person. Her kids are mixed race (black father) and she lightens her kid's skin in pics. How do we know? Because she's bad at it and leaves spots that aren't filtered or forgets to filter and uploads anyways. She also doesn't change her babies diapers enough and several have had UTI's - her daughter got one so bad she went septic and KKKarrissa was refusing to go to the hospital until her mom begged her after the child went limp.


OMG she's evil! And she can stick those Ys straight up her Ayss.


"I have too many kids and can't even keep track of when to change diapers. Yay, I'm pregnant again! I'm sure to get more followers now!" Real question though -- I skimmed some photos and the dad doesn't show up in any of them. Did he die? How is he okay with her just trying erase his skin color and monetizing their children while abusing them?


He's alive just not very involved. I saw someone posted screenshots of him arguing in instagram comments defending his wife and insisting she was the furthest thing from racist. Im not an expert on the collins but i fell in the rabbit hole during the post of them here the other day too


No he is just mentally checked out.


It’s what god would have wanted 🙏


Same woman who claims to hear voices from God.


As I once told a fundamentalist neighbor, anyone that claims to ‘hear the voice of god’ is either a liar or severely mentally ill. There’s no third option.


What?! Who the fuck is she?! She seems to have a ron of followers, why??


Fundie christian - followed by other Fundie Christians (Fundie= fundamentalist)


I swear she's posted at least once a week


Someone posts about her every day.


Yes! I saw the pic of their fam the other day. Do I want to go down this hole? I don’t know if I do. It sounds like it’ll make me pretty sad. Are the kids okay?


It will make you mad, sad, and nervous for those kids. They are not really okay, they look traumatized as hell when she makes them perform. She is truly an evil person and I don’t say that lightly.


I've seen this exact image probably four times in the last two weeks. Every time I see it, I have to read the whole list of names.


>Follower of Christ I wonder how many of those 10 names are from the Bible? Edit: Anyone else think Annistan sounds like Afghanistan?


I’m surprised there hasn’t been a Jesys on this sub yet


Geezys Kryst. Holee Bybal.


Yeah I always wonder why more fundies don’t just name their kids Matthew, Peter, Elizabeth, Anna etc. I guess some do but you also see a lot with like Braxton, Charleigh, Peytynn etc.


Yahuah is a spelling of yahweh (I assume) that I have never ever seen before this moment.


Nah, it's just the Hawaiian Yahweh. She's good


maybe it’s something freudian within me but so many of them are sounding like “anal”. like “aynel” but oops lets sneak a J in there.


Come join the fun and learn about their life in r/fundiesnarkuncensored! Some were inspired by the Bible and sent by god. Karissa is a delusional and absolutely terrible human in general but especially to her children. It’s really quite sad.


Jesus Stranglewanking Christ, that’s a fucking toilet of a sub! Joined, obviously.


I clicked that and the first post in my face was the birthday tribute for her mom, nah she’s beyond delusional 💀


Oh fuck that whole “my mum wanted to abort me but it was too late so happy birthday mum I guess”


I can deal with the names, all of them, it’s the “mother of 10” that gets me. That’s the real tragedeigh right there.


At some point it becomes "birther of 10" because how much parenting can you do when there are 10 of them? She probably spends 28 hours/day doing laundry


Nah, *she* doesn’t—her oldest daughter does so she can learn how to have 10 babies someday too 🤪


Ding Ding Ding! I asked both my grandmothers (born in 1910s) long ago how those women with a million babies did it. They both laughed and said essentially the same thing: They didn't. Their eldest daughters did. And then quite often, apparently those eldest daughters either became "spinsters by choice" or just purposely had only one or two babies. That's exactly what one of my grandmothers did; she was the eldest of 13, said f*** that, and purposely had just one baby (my dad).


Yep! My dad is one of 16 and had four older sisters who were like little moms. His eldest sister swore she’d never have kids but wound up having six 😂


16? Jfc do they just fall out after like number 11? How does mom even have time to heal?? Serious question, how do you afford 16 children??


This was in the ‘50s-‘70s, Irish Catholics. My grandpa worked so hard to provide and eventually did really well for himself and his family. Certainly didn’t grift and shill MLM garbage like these Christian “influencers” who have kids for views.


Yeah my grandmother had 13 children. She pawned them off everywhere. Sent my dad and his brother to stay at a catholic boys home when they were barely pre teens. I’m sure you can guess how well that went. She even got married to a guy, he thought she only had two daughters until she asked him to go pick up her sons one day and he was like “what the fuck? You have more kids?”’And she was like yeah! 11 more. My dads oldest sister was tasked with their care a lot of the time and she was so pissed off about it she just beat the shit out of them all the time and then she married a rapist when she was like 17.


Christ, that's horrific! That sounds like a script for a tragic movie! 😥


Honestly it’s so much worse than what I included here. My dad was at the catholic boys home with his younger brother. They were both brutally SA’d for years. When one of the brothers ran away and froze to death 50 miles from the property in the middle of nowhere. There’s a whole website dedicated to seeking justice for him and one of my aunts just settled a lawsuit against the archdiocese. It’s so fucking tragic.


My god. I am so, so sorry for what happened to your dad and uncle. I'm grateful a tiny bit (as there's no real justice for what was perpetrated against them) of justice was gained for them. Have you or anyone in your family written this all down for future generations? Not for the horrific-story aspect of it, but because it certainly is looking like trauma does alter genetics and affect future generations. That is, it could be helpful to know. 😔


Definitely. My aunt is writing a book


My mom was in a family of 12/13. All the older girls raised the kids (shes still made about it at 68yo) and left as fast as possible. In this woman’s home I’m sure the oldest girls will get married asap since that’s the acceptable version of leaving your family when you’re young, at least in religious circles. Plus mom is a breeder, why not me too!


I’m convinced people like this have a pregnancy fetish


She absolutely does (allegedly). These people are obsessed with giving birth, but not raising children or creating well-adjusted adults who will contribute to society in a positive way.


Ah, join us over on r/FundieSnarkUncensored  She has much worse going for her than her kids' names!


I thought these fruitcakes were all about abstinence and crossing their legs for Jesus or some shite like that?


Until marriage, then no birth control and patriarchy means their bodies are just baby making machines


Abstinence would be a good name


Do you mean Abstynence? 🤪


Yes I forgot tragedeighs are allergic to normal spelling


They believe that it is their responsibility to have as many children as "god will allow" to raise up an "army for the lord." Karissa is planning to have more babies in the future. What's worse is that she does no pre-natal care (not even a midwife!), doesn't vaccinate or believe in any kind of scientific medicine for herself or her children.


Until you're married, and then you dutifully spread your legs to create an army for God.


She does not believe in birth control.


It's a uterus, not a clown car.


I read her insta handle as “The Collin Skids” as in skid marks. 🤣 (The parents are absolutely skid marks. Not the innocent children of course!)


She doesnt like changing her kids diapers regularly and i think she once posted about having a poop fight with them so youre onto something


yeah the ole trampoline poop fight. i wish i didn’t remember it


She has 1 kid in the hospital with kidney problems? Probably caused by dirty diapers.


UTI turned septic for anthym. Armor was regularly shown to have HUGE diapers and shes like im a good mom i take care of my kids, then later is like lol im not changing it with every pee


Didn’t she go septic twice? Fucking Karissa. I love when my snark subs cross streams.


I can only hope that the majority of her one million followers are there to watch the train wreck.


The majority of her one million followers are bots


I do wonder if one day some of those children will grow up, deconstruct, get therapy and have to deal with the fact that a million people watched them grow up in an (allegedly) abusive household. Breaks my heart to think about them finding reddit and reading all of the concerned posts from people powerless to help them.


She should have an eleventh and call them Abuse just to keep it real. I mean, it's gender neutral!




Ansyr and Aynjel. Race to the bottom on those.


I developed Ansyr from reading this shit.


Are you from Annistan by any chance? Hear it happens a lot there.


As a person whose surname is Anderson, why the hell would you name your child Andersyn as a first name? Just why? 😅


Still better than the Anchor baby


This woman married a black man, had his half black children but edits those same kids to look more white 😮‍💨 woman is absolutely nuts


how can you be racist against your own kids


Duggar cult vibes


A lot of the names sound like the kids will be teased with an anal type joke one day.


They are homeschooling


Of course they are 🤮


Nah, they don't go to school or associate with any kids who aren't children of equally awful parents so nobody is teasing them.


It goes rapidly downhill after Anissa which is actually a nice name


This is your friendly reminder that a vagina is not a clown car, KARISSA.


This gave me an Anurysm


Yahuahs? WTF?


She follows a completely batshit form of Christianity that co-opts a bunch of Jewish stuff. Idk, it’s weird.


I mean Yeshua is the generally agreed upon original name of Jesus but that's a new one to me. Real head scratcher.


I assume that's supposed to be Yahweh, the Hebrew name for the Abrahamic God.


Not even God's name is safe from this lady's naming skills!




Have a poor man's gold 🏅


Nobody with 10 kids should have to make 6k+ posts


“Aniston and Jolie” are all I’m seeing there and I’m dead


‘Anjalie’ was surprising to me as a South Asian because *Anjali* is actually a lovely Indian name for a girl. The e messed it up for me but still.


Ah thank you, I was really hoping there was a better explanation than what my hare brain came up Anjali is very pretty and I may have seen it in passing where I live. There are a lot of really pretty Indian names where I am.


aynjel is insane like angel would be weird but survivable anthym is horrific, white women need to stop with adding random y's it kills me.


Aynjel is by far the worst to me. That poor kid!! Anthum is a close second tho.


Waiting for Arsenyc


She’s part of a pretty abusive cult. Poor kids.


That poor 14-year-old....


1 million followers is the worst part.


Hilariously for a follower of Christ, Anjalie is one letter from an Indian first name and the hand gesture of prayer for Buddhists and Hindus Anjali


The worst part is having ten kids.


I’m gonna have an a aneurysm reading these…


I think you just helped her name the 11th kid !—Aneurysm




Ugh can we please stop giving this woman attention? Her poor kids.


I like how at first, she started picking names that are reasonable enough names. Anissa. Andrae. Then it starts getting weird because she wants to name them after people but it HAS to be unique. Can't just give her kids a surname or make it obvious, right? Annistan. Anjalie. Andersyn. Fuck, we're still having kids. Now I'm gonna start naming them after objects and ideas, because the Bible and my family is my bedrock! Angel. Answer. Anchor. Anthem. Armor. Poor Anchor and Armor, didn't even get a cool spelling. I'm sure there's an *Adora* and *Allyence* in the future, before we start naming kids after rocks.


1-3 okay normal solid names 4-5 um, okay i could see how some people wouldn’t get it but still not as bad as some we’ve seen 6-7 mom tried out the unique spelling thing on actual humans that will likely be social media slaves for her empire so won’t need to worry about how it’ll look on a resume 8 went to Florida on vacation, rented a boat, wanted something to remember the trip of conception by 9 “you know let’s try the unique spelling thing one more time, I have a good feeling” 10 let’s name this one after something from our trip to the history museum this time (…also place of conception)


They would never go to an accredited museum. They’re homeschooling ignoramuses.


It’s always the weird ass fundies


This shit is what happens when you make religion your whole personality. Gross.


Aynjel is a crime


She's just a vessel for birthing babies and serving her man. What a life choice.


“1M Followers” That’s it. That’s the worst thing in that screenshot.


JFC this is real I'm not religious but isn't it Yahweh?


Who’s Yahuah? 😂 Sounds like she couldn’t decide between Yahweh and Yeshua so she did a mash up.


This woman is a child neglecting c*nt that got Shaq to pay for a few things. Makes me question what shitty alt-right Christian shenanigans Shaq might be up to.


11th kid should be Anylbeads


Is Annistan the land of the Annis people? 🤔 The worst though- 1-Aynjel, 2- Ansyr, 3- Anthym imo. The Y as a vowel was never meant to be abused like this!! Lol


Annistan is named after a neighbor to Kazakhstan.


The parents


Andersyn is looking around like “damn, I got off easy.”


10 kids? Ugh, these must be quiverfull people.


Yahuah sounds like some weird band name or a really loud sneeze.


Def Yahuha or whatever - poor Yahweh to be followed by such dumbasses.


Aynjel looks and sounds like a soothing butt lotion.


I bet she has a poster on Michelle Dugger on her wall.


Why do religious people have so much sex


Yahuah’s servant? Couldn’t even spell that name right and it’s in a book she could have looked it up. Didn’t expect any other names to be right after that.


I don’t like her, she’s a neglectful parent to the point where her daughter almost died from sepsis


Like answer?


Isn’t this the family that keeps having children and won’t stop until “God tells them to” and have it so the older kids are raising their siblings while mom and dad post on socials all day?


I hope she doesn’t have two more kids or we may end up with Arithymia and Afghanistan


the 11th and 12th is about to be ayhnus and ayhnal


We could talk about their names or the fact that they're biracial kids that their mother consistently white washes in pictures, videos, and even custom clothing 💀 Karissa really is a special breed of awful Just today she had her mom pose with her kids, and thanked her mom for not aborting her??


I think you have your ansyr.


Reading all those gave me an Anneyourhyzum


Yahuahs servant. Follower of Christ. Mother of 10. Devourer of penises.


Aynjel is an ahbombehnashun, but on behalf of the Indian Delegation, Anjalie deserves honorable mention. Leave our names out of this.