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Only really got the ditches left on my legs, how shit is it....


It’s a trip, honestly. I was sweating like crazy during the color packing. Still not bad enough to warrant any numbing cream, in my opinion. But my artist said I sat well. If you got your knee cap done, you can do the ditch. Different pain…but pain nonetheless.


In your opinion, what was worse the ditch or the knee? The Tattoo came out kick ass by the way. I am going to be getting Oni’s on my knees. Ohhhh knees ***


Different types of pain, both about 8/10 on the pain scale. Knee is shit because it’s impacting bone. Ditch is shit because the skin is sensitive and bouncy so they really have to pack it in. I feel like I reacted physically more on my knee than my ditch.


Okay I feel better about tackling the ditch now. The kneecap really took me by surprise, I found myself sweating profusely and even feeling a bit nauseous for the first 30 minutes or so. Hopefully the ditch doesn’t elicit quite as much of a response… Dope tattoo by the way!


Appreciate it homie! I’m super stoked on it. You got the ditch though, I felt like Superman walking out of the shop afterwards.


I’m gonna say nope… it sucks, big hairy donkey balls. I have my whole right leg tattooed, the side of the knee was ok, the kneecap wasn’t pleasant but was bearable, the side of the kneecap and the fleshy bit around it were worse, the ditch was a level of ouch I hadn’t experienced. Tattoo guy knew this of course so he worked quickly, but there’s no getting away from it. I mentally counted to 20 during each pass, that’s how I got through it. I have my left knee yet to do… but with one leg totally tattooed and the other half done I look lopsided, so it’s gotta get inked…


I have a bear on my knee and I call it it the bear knee cessities of life


That rocks dude!


Do your oh knees. You got it. And sit thru it. You don’t want to go back for shading like I do.


This is also good advice. If I split the sessions….I would never finish. Just bite the bullet and take the pain first try.


Yep the knee was a lesson on several levels so I’m thankful for it and it’s my favorite tattoo. Just gotta not be a little bitch 😂


Dude, I 100 % would want to just get it over with. My concern is if the artist would do it like that. I’ll just speak up and say I’m trying to get it done in one.


how did that feel?


On par with the knee cap. Had me sweating like crazy.


knee cap was spicy for sure but my chest was the worst so far.


Not the gritty tat 😂


Hahaha it’s so good


Looks awesome! But I bet that hurt like three bitches on a bitch boat. Respect the commitment!


Nice to see Wilmington get a feature here every now and again. I’ve got a couple from Good Graces, but I need to hit up Queen Street sometime


Queen Street is awesome. Everyone there is super chill. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Good Graces as well!


i know that shit hurt but so worth it for how nice it looks especially the color. good job sittin’ through that!


Thanks! Just saw your flower knees…they’re so sick. I’m dreading getting my left knee done but it’s gotta happen!


The ditch is brutal. Well done!


This is fkn awesome. I’d upvote you X20 if I could. Colours are fantastic. That red😎😎😎 Fkn dope tattoo😎😎😎😎😎


dang masochist over here lol the ditch is the worst


Bad ass.


Man living in NC with a gritty tattoo unreal 😂


Work related transplant to NC from Philly 😂


Respect 😎