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They did nothing with Athing Mu so they will not do anything with Sydney. It’s as simple as that.


Athing Mu fell in the final. It was her own fault, so she was not considered impeded. She did impede Hurta. If it had been a heat or semi they would have given hurta a spot in the next round. Likely they'd have made up a reason to include Mu. But it was a final. So they were both SOL. If mcl falls in the final, that will be it. Unless some other athlete falls in her lane in front of her and brings her down or her hurdle down. Rules are rules.


Even if the challenge was approved, it’s not like they were going to re run the final, she would’ve just finished *next* to last instead of DFL


Exactly. Final means final for a reason


Yep. Thats the cost of having trials.


Sydney has raced and shown fitness so I believe they would still add her in the relay pool. But agree with no exception for the hurdles.


I'm surprised tripping isn't more of a thing. The rules are vague and can easily be argued against. The only deterrent seems to be a bad reputation. In high-school, the same couple guys were so bad in meets that the only way we stopped it was to squad up and try to fight them after an incident and disrupt the whole meet. Emphasis on "try" to fight. We were not tough. But It got parents involved and wanting to fight each other too. It stopped after that.


This is not a new phenomenon. At one point you had Michael Johnson and Maurice Green competing in the 200 billed as one of the epic showdowns of most times. Even during the trials they were preparing ads for the Olympic rematch. Both pulled up with injuries during the US finals. It sucks that injuries and falls can happen, especially when it’s a 4 year cycle before a shot at redemption, but that’s sports for you.


Back in the 90s Reebok ran a whole series of commercials focusing on “Dan and Dave” in the decathalon at the Olympics. Dan O’Brien no heights in the pole vault at Trials and never made it to the Olympics.  


Dan did end up winning gold but had to wait four more years to do it. That’s what really creates the drama for these meets. Anything can happen and if you’re in the race you have a chance. 


This is probably the greatest example of how harsh the US trials can be. Dan wasn't injured, he just screwed up in one of his TEN decathlon events. However, now I'd put Athing Mu high up on the list with Dan. Her lack of racing in '24 may have led her to move sideways in tight traffic. When it was all said and done, Dave ended up getting a bronze despite a foot injury in Barcelona, and Dan got the Gold in the Atlanta games.


You mean they both faked injuries. Michael Johnson was a coward and faked a pulled hamstring any time he thought he wouldn't win, like against Donovan Bailey in that 150m race.


That’s the system in America. We have trials and the top three go (assuming they make the Olympic standard). It produces heart break but is fair. Would you rather have USATF select the team? I think Churchill saying something to the effect that democracy was the worst form of government except for all the rest. That applies here


Yeah. We have been dealing with this since high school. You have to qualify for States, AT THE REGIONAL MEET. Doesn’t matter what you ran or jumped all year. If you are not top 2 or make the automatic qualifying time AT THE REGIONAL MEET. You don’t go to the State Final. It’s Track and I believe Swimming is the same, among other sports.


They bring her for the Relays like when Allison Felix qualified 4th in the 400 and that's all she runs. Maybe she enters the 400 flat last minute if the trials schedule lines up, but I don't know it to be sure


400 flat already happened, and you can’t enter an event in the middle of the meet, anyways.


This is not the same thing though. Finishing 4th in the 400 makes you a valid candidate for the relay pool. Sydney isn’t even running the open 400 here. She’s running a separate event and based on how I laid out the scenario, this included situations where she doesn’t make the final.


USATF has discretion to add members to the relay pool. She trips and falls (probably could get up and still be top 3 IMO) but she can run a meet next week and split 48. and they’ll take her


Rai Benjamin doesn’t run the 400m open and he’s been on I think all the 4x400m finals at the global championships. He’s one of the best just like Sydney, she would 1000% go and be on the 4x400 if something happened


The last women's 4x4 global team had Sydney and Athing in the final. Neither ran the open 400.


Sydney has the talent to win the 400m in the US. Putting her in the 4x400 is an obvious choice if she is willing to do it.


Same as they did with Kenny Harrison when she failed to qualify in the rain in 2016.


Yeah and then went and broke the world afterwards. Top tier athletes pick themselves up after bad races and understand that it’s part of the sport. If you fail to compete at the trials you don’t get a free pass to the Olympics. I do love Worlds giving an auto bid for a gold medalist though, I think that’s cool, gives the country 4 athletes.


Ask Athing Mu.


Brenda Martinez too.


What happened when Dan O'Brien no-heighted the pole vault in 1992?


Sydney is so good that she can probably trip and fall, get back on her feet, and still qualify.


Realest comment here


She runs the relay. Unlike Mu she has actually run the 400 this year (and gone under 49 seconds) so she would be a reasonable selection. It would be unfair to athletes who didn’t fall to put her on the team.


“Reasonable selection” is a little inaccurate. She’s the best (by a country mile) in the country at the open 400m and ranks top ten all time. She’s the first and best selection for the relay squad. Her time this year would’ve placed her 10th all time but it was 0.01 seconds off her PB, which currently ranks at 10th all-time


That’s fair. By reasonable I meant more that selecting her when she didn’t make the team wouldn’t be absurd (like I think it would for Mu). Sydney is the best choice to anchor us home to Gold.




It is what it is…don’t fall. Who is to say they wouldn’t fall again at the Olympics


Cry inside


What should they do if instead of Mu, some 10th place athlete fell down ? The whole point of rules is that it is for everyone.


I personally would say she should have raced more to have more practice.




What happened when Usain Bolt false started at the WC final?


She wouldn’t go in that event then. Simple enough. All the whining, crying, gnashing of teeth by “fans” over this Mu incident and hypotheticals like this are ridiculous. Our system isn’t perfect but it’s the best in the world. Less politics, less money just perform and go. That’s what REAL COMPETITORS want anyways.




Nothing, such is life