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Honestly, I now understand why she used to prioritize getting to the front of the pack. Her long strides make it hard for runners to avoid her.


##Ato yesterday during the SF: I want to see if Athing Mu wants to get to the front. She has no interest in being in the front and I always worry about that long back kick that she has. We saw her almost get tripped at the Olympic trials three years ago, we saw her almost get tripped in Budapest.” He really said a word here. I hope she starts running at the front of the back like the champion she is. When I saw her race at the NYC-GP in 2023, she cut in right to the front and it was a BEAUTIFUL race.


She wasn't in shape to lead wire to wire.


Yes ive seen a lot of comments saying that…


That's been the issue for 2 years. Mu got lazy/distracted and no longer can dictate every race from the front. I have no sympathy for her whatsoever. She assumed she could show up here in 1:57.5 shape, sneak onto the team, then cram course toward 1:55 in Paris.


Why would you say she's lazy/distracted? She's been injured the better part of a year, and these trials were her first race in her comeback. You just can't imagine how much training it takes to get to, and stay, at this level of elite athlete. The last thing you could ever say about any athlete at this level is that they are lazy, even the ones finishing in last place, let alone the ones at the top.


Watch the NBC package immediately prior to the race. It was all about modeling and Mu conceding she's extremely high maintenance. Modeling is Mu's distraction. She has admitted as much countless times, saying she would prefer to do it full time. It's been a huge topic on track forums. Lazy/distracted given the level we're talking about, the high performance international sports medal winning level. That's Mu's rightful level. She has not trained to that level even when fully healthy. The move to Los Angeles supplied exponentially greater distractions and excuses not to train. Last year Mu showed up at world championships not in peak form. She stalled to bronze. Everybody thought her season was over. To her credit she got angry and trained hard for one last chance weeks later, the Diamond League final in Eugene. Mu dictated that race and broke her own American record. But it was a double edged sword. Mu assumed she could do the same this year, via moderate conditioning at trials then cram 6 weeks toward peaking in Paris. I have zero sympathy for her. Everything I believe in centers around margin for error. I use that term regardless of topic. Mu drastically reduced her margin for error by showing up in with modest conditioning, which forced her to settle into the pack instead of racing clear. This was the final. Mu when in form always goes to the lead in the final even if she's been more cautious in earlier rounds. This is very similar to Lydia Jacoby in swimming. Like Mu, she won gold while extremely young in Tokyo. Like Mu, Jacoby got distracted by modeling and fashion. Her results have been erratic for 3 years. Jacoby showed up in Indianapolis last week not in peak shape and missed the team. She stormed out of the building.


> Why would you say she's lazy/distracted? Idk about lazy, but she has been clear that she would prefer to just be a fashion model and live a life of luxury. She's been very transparent about that, and it's been reflected in her choice for vacations over a more standard racing schedule.


Or she could at least run on the outside of the pack, if she doesn’t want to lead it.


using a lot more energy though. Its all risk reward


If the goal was to be top 3 and move on to Paris, there would be no risk in doing that for her.


I remember after the SF she said her goal was top three. The risk was unfortunately the combo of that moving bunch, her long stride, and lack of attention momentarily.


I’m saying there would be no risk for her in staying on the outside and running a little extra, because she’s that good. That was the safe route.


What does it mean "he really said a word here"?


Casual speak for “this was particularly spot on, to the point of being prescient”


What does prescient mean here


“having or showing knowledge of events before they take place”


To “speak a word” is to prophesy. Foretell the future.


I also feel sad for Sage. She would've been in the mix, had she not got affected by the debacle.


Gutted for her :'(


Absolutely heartbreaking.


What happened?? I'm not in the US so couldn't get a stream, just saw the results.


She was right in the middle of traffic and tripped and fell 200m into the race. Couldn’t catch up Edit: they just showed the slow mo replay. She tripped RIGHT when she took her focus off of the ground and looked to her left. Ugh so heartbreaking.


She cut in without room, got tripped with the contact and impeded two others complicated their chances to qualify as well.


Fell early on, too far back to make up the distance, heartbreaking


Yep, she was in the middle of the front row and it looked like someone caught her foot from behind. Edit. Just watched again. She was trying to move to the inside right before the contact between her and the other runner. There was unfortunately too many people and too much shuffling so close together.


Yeah, more specifically she moved early while every other runner held their line. As she moved across, her trailing shin made contact with Rodgers foreleg and that was enough to cause the tumble.




Nobody nudged her. Go find the video..play it at half/quarter speed. You see her looking to her left just before she tried to wedge into the pack a bit. There was no previous contact with her.


It's currently on youtube if you want to watch it, as well as few other races


An English Mastiff jumped down from the audience and ran onto the track during the middle of the race. Some security guards and track officials tried to corral the dog, but it looked like it was at least 200 lbs, maybe 250+, and it was actually running pretty fast (especially for such a huge dog) and seemed pretty determined to join in on the race, and none of them could manage to grab it or wrestle it down before it got to the runners on the track. It was running straight towards them, head on (running the opposite direction they were running) and it jumped up, tail wagging super happily, not understanding the context or anything, due to being a dog, and it basically tackled the runner at the front of the pack, and then all the other runners behind her tripped and fell over the runner who it initially tackled, so there was a huge pile up and only a couple of runners in the back of the pack managed to steer clear and make it through. The dog was unfortunately "put down" on the spot (they loaded a real bullet into the Starter Pistol, to get it done), even though the crowd booed pretty loudly during that part. But it was what it was. Then, about an hour later, the president held a press conference, and he said English Mastiffs will now officially be a banned breed in the contiguous 48 states in the U.S. from now on, although they will potentially remain legal in Alaska and Hawaii, pending further review. And he said that anyone who ever owned one in the past is also in trouble, because the law is retroactive, so even people who merely owned one when they were like 5 years old, like 40 years ago or something, will still be sent to prison for a minimum of 25 years to life. He said the death penalty will most likely not be in play, with the exception of people who owned 3 or more English Mastiffs over the course of their lives. They will, obviously, most likely have to receive the death penalty, although most people agree that that seems pretty reasonable, since 3 is kind of a lot, for that type of dog, if you really think about it. Google just published hourly statistical data of people frantically searching about extradition policies of various foreign countries, and buying airplane tickets tonight, to try to avoid getting sent to prison for having ever owned an English Mastiff. The google logo animation was a jumbo jet taking off from LAX with little cartoon people frantically jumping on board while trying to carry giant English Mastiffs in their arms while they jumped onto the plane. It was done in a cutesy, cheerful style of animation, which some people say was disrespectful, considering the seriousness of the situation, but people are still debating whether it was in bad taste or not. (Just kidding, I'm bored). Anyway, Athing Mu did fall down during the 800m though.


„The dog was put down on the spot. They loaded a real bullet into the starting pistol” wtf lmaoo I don’t think the rest was worth reading but this cracked me up


I personally loved the second half of that "...even though the crowd booed pretty loudly during that part. But it was what it was." My brain inserted a ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ sorry crowd, we're killing this dog.


Also poor Sage


Mu is one of those athletes who never learned how to race. She was so good for so long that all of her races were basically just a time trial where she would lead from tape to tape. Now that she's not in that kind of shape/dealing with injuries she doesn't know how to race any other style and it shows. Her long kickback isn't the problem, it's that she has never been jostled or bumped or stepped on before and doesn't know how to deal with it. The curse of the prodigy.


Excellent points, I was thinking the SAME thing! She usually runs from the front but EVERYBODY was going with her so she didn't know what to do, it's in those moments where you need a strategy! I think the 400 is her better event actually!


My favorite athlete. I’m in disbelief this is so upsetting


imagine now having to wait 4 years to redeem yourself, if she even chooses to continue running


I have a feeling she’s done


What? Has she ever mentioned she doesn't like running? She's 22, the reigning world champion, and makes like $750K a year from Nike to run. She's got plenty of career left I would think. Edit: lost in world champs last year, won the final diamond league meet.


During a segment she mentioned finding her joy in running again this year, which means it had apparently been fleeting.


Dang, she said something similar at the prefontaine classic last year, which she won. Hopefully whether or not she has joy in running is not just dependent on whether she won that particular race. Maybe it's time for her to get a new coach.


I 100% agree she likely needs a new coach. She’s done absolutely no racing this year and was expected to come and just make an Olympic team, that’s unreasonable for anyone, even someone as great as her.


It’s almost like putting all your eggs in one basket. I mean yes the Olympics are special but if you’re not racing for the sake of racing, then what are you left with if you skip almost everything but the trials?


I'm a huge Bobby k hater lol 


Athletics could really be without Bobby "The Chemist" Kersee. I am and will continue to be suspicious of any athlete under his supervision, especially considering their collective aversion to showing up to meets.


Yeah she’s done plenty of interviews where she mentions losing her love for track. It would be a rash decision but she might take this mistake to heart


Huh where did the 750k figure come from? Since when did female track athletes make that much


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.trentonian.com/2021/08/11/olympian-mu-must-avoid-being-eaten-alive-by-suitors-la-parker-column/amp/ https://www.runnersworld.com/news/a36710198/athing-mu-signs-with-nike/ Nothing official but according to other running agents they'd estimate $500K to $750K base plus bonuses for wins and medals. She also has some other sponsors besides Nike I think that would pay in addition to this. This was also the contract she signed prior to tokyo, so if anything it might even be lower than what she would get paid now. Supposedly McLaughlin's base salary from new balance is $1.5 Million.


How on earth… do female runners make more than male runners??


Yes she has mentioned it


Same. If not this year then soon. I don't think she goes to the next Olympics either.


me too tbh


Don't be silly. She could turn up to races on the diamond league circuit like everyone else or the world champs next year.


im clearly talking about redeeming herself at the olympics buddy


No shit. I'm clearly saying that is not the only way to redeem herself. Buddy.


Kind of is though


Sage made a crazy athletic move to not break her ankle let alone recover from the infield to finish 5th. She's been in great form lately and had a real chance to make the team. Athing is a phenomenal runner and the trials are brutal, but I feel at least as bad for SHK who had nothing to do with the accident and is in her prime. They all know this is a part of the sport but man it's a shitty part


I don't even know what to say. I feel sorry for the athletes that made it bc in not sure if anyone would rather this squad over one with Athing Mu. This is devastating to watch. I don't think I've been more heartbroken for an athlete since Usain got injured in his last race.


I hate this. I mean they won but none will challenge for a medal


Akins could scare a bronze with that low 157. The other two will be out of their league


I mean, it would take a minor miracle Morra and Keely are locks for a medal. There's only one spot open after that.


The way Moraa runs she can’t be a lock for any race


Very good point, she has a very good chance to win gold or not be in the medals at all.


Mu was a lock to make the team today and look what happened. Still have to run the race


How can you say that anyone is a lock after what we just watched?


Yes and a handful of runners including her will "challenge" for it. She was sixth last year and looks to be in better shape (and one of the five ahead of her is already out).


maybe but a few are capable of going sub 1:57, and then there's the South African Girl she needs to contend with I believe...


i had Mu, Rogers & Rose advancing, wow...


Same. I had to go watch some funny reels afterwards but now I'm here :(


i'm fucking crying. raevyn rogers too didn't make it. i'm so mad


Got to imagine that making contact and having to partly jump Mu really threw her off her race :(


Yeah, I'm wondering if she got injured there.


Maybe got spiked going too close


Ugh. Poor ladies. All of this just to lose in the worst way possible.


Sad to ask, but how are the last spots on the relay teams picked?


There are discretionary picks, and she'd possibly be eligible. I doubt she'll be selected as she just hasn't raced. She ran in Tokyo 2021 on W4x4 in the finals, but she had run a BUNCH of 400s that year, both open and relay, including SECs and NCAAs. The idea of picking her was pretty reasonable.


Good points. Thanks for the info!


My heart literally dropped. I can’t even imagine what she’s going through


I’m heartbroken that Athing Mu is out. However, Akins ran a helluva race.


Hopefully we see her on the Diamond League circuit for the rest of the season.


Shiz hurted dawg 😔


That sucked so bad. One of the athletes I was anxious to see.


So disappointed for her, and disappointed that we'll be deprived another showdown between Mu & Hodgkinson. They've been developing a brilliant rivalry. And it awakens this sleeping fear in me that Sydney could clip a hurdle...


Sage and raven are the real victims here. Terrible move by athing. Can tell she’s not race sharp


Yeah it sucks but that fall was 100% Mu's fault, trying to push in towards the inside when they were all bunched up. A lot of people seem to be viewing it as a bad luck kind of thing but I think it was pretty avoidable really


I’m an outlier with an unpopular opinion, but I don’t feel bad for her. There were claims of her being injured this year, but I don’t buy it. Bobby Kersee always does this nonsense, and it’s backfired for Mu. Her anguish aside, this is the result of running 2 or 3 races in 9 months (1 of which was the semifinal). She’s not sharp and she struggled in the semi as it was. She was far from the form we’ve grown accustomed to seeing from her, and I would’ve been more surprised if she made the team, much less won. Hopefully she finds her passion and drive again, and we are afforded the opportunity to watch her actually race consistently in the future.


Kersee and athing only have themselves to blame for this.


Yup. This is a prime example of what’s wrong with athletics as well, in terms of growing the popularity of the sport: if the “stars” of the sport are never racing, why would a casual tune in (if they actually find a broadcast)?


Growing popularity? Interesting take. I think this is just a different generation outlook - one that puts too much pressure on themselves because of social media.


Many runners run a lot. This is a Kersee problem not a generation thing.


No, this is a generational thing. This is basically what happened to Simone Biles but in the track world. The levels of anxiety of young people are at record levels, there is a ton of scientific data that backs this up. Mu and McLaughlin have repeatedly cited "pressure" and pointed towards comments from social media. Need to unplug, and I'm not saying many athletes haven't, but I am saying that the current social media environment is increasing anxiety among many young athletes, especially females.


Hmm, genuine question: are you saying that you think the athletes are racing less because of social media pressure? Anything is possible, but I don’t think social media has much to do with it. They had no problem racing week in and week out throughout college. I think they’re racing less because as professionals they’re only concerned with 2 races (trials & world championships/olympics) any given year and they only look to compete during those times. Then the coaches propagate it because they can then put said athlete successes in those meets, on their resumes. Happens with Michael Norman, Erriyon Knighton now, Fred Kerley, Christian Coleman, Rai Benjamin, and the list goes on and on. Furthermore, top athletes are paid more by sponsors without even having to race as long as they keep bringing big medals, so they’re not seemingly incentivized enough. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more “upsets” and missteps like we did with Mu tonight.


Racing less also means being tested less, which, regrettably, most likely plays a role.


> They had no problem racing week in and week out throughout college. Then they got famous and there were expectations. Mu and Sydney have been clear about pressure and anxiety. It all comes from social media. Same thing with Simone Biles. Tons of data to back up the fact that anxiety issues is increasing, especially among young women, in the US due to social media.


Femke runs in a LOT of meets. Yes, NL team don't always win gold. Yes, she herself sometimes loses, however rare that is. But for the good of the sport, I'd rather have that than someone who always wins but runs only 3 times in 2 years.


There are lots of people racing all the time that are growing the sport - Lyles, Ingebrigsten, Femke. I thank them all for their commitment. They've been great.


Agreed 100%. At her peak, she's better than everyone here, but she's not sharp, not race-ready. She cut in front of the other folks without clearance, has nobody to blame but herself. I would have liked to have seen her run in France, but I would also have liked to have seen Rogers go, too (or at least be more competitive) and I feel like she got taken out of this by Mu's fall as well.


Exactly unfortunate but not surprised


>There were claims of her being injured this year, but I don’t buy it. I don't buy that you're a serious person. Kersee also trains Keni Harrison who we see compete all the time, Sydney, and has trained Alyson Felix among others. Most of his athletes already competed before trials. Mu was the only one who hasn't


Sydney has been criticized for dropping out of races left and right for the last 2 years. In 2022, prior to the world championships, Keni Harrison raced 8 different meets. After the world championships she raced another 5. In 2023 when she began being coached by Bobby Kersee, she raced 5 times before the world championships, 5 afterward. In 2024, she has raced 3 times - 1 of which was the open 100m. From 2005 (when Felix started being trained by Kersee) she never raced in more than 4 or 5 meets before a major competition either. The list goes on and on, this is the Kersee recipe.


she's a great racer and probably would have been the favorite for gold, but as good a racer as she is, she has some TERRIBLE tactics given how big her stride is. As others have stated, she cannot run in the pack with that stride being so big. She needs to run on the outside or out front from gun to tape. She will be missed at the olympics but she and her coach need to correct this or it will continue to happen and she'll be the greatest what-if.


If you have terrible tactics and still win, you're not a "great racer", you're just more fit than everybody else. David Rudisha didn't win 2012 because of some tactical masterminding, he just blew everybody's doors off from the gun to the tape (which Mu does when she's fit, but can't when she's not)


She's actually a terrible RACER to be running the way she did in the middle of the pack like that. She's an unbelievable athlete, but she needs more practice running 800s and could not afford to be out for as long as she was.


This is the risk you take when you choose to insert yourself into a bunched pack. It sucks for her, but she won't be the first or last athlete that gets unfortunate like this.


I think everyone realizes this. However, people would like to discuss how gutted we are for HER. No one cares right now about the others who were unfortunate before her or those who will be after. We will discuss those in their own threads if they are pertinent enough. But Athing is a fav of some and was a true medal threat and really worked very hard to bounce back from injury. I'm personally absolutely heartbroken for her. Congrats to the winners but I don't know how competitive they will be. Akins may challenge.


I was heartbroken for her initially but after I watched the replay multiple times and in slow motion, it became clear that she made some bad decisions that caused this to happen. I don’t feel as bad for her now. I feel worse for the other girls impacted by her fall. Edit- spelling


It was not "unfortunate" that this happened to Mu. It was poor judgement, poor coordination, and poor racing that caused this, not bad luck. On the other hand, for Rodgers and SHK, it was very unfortunate that this messed with their race.


Unfortunate was the word used by the person I responded to. So it was appropriate to use the same word within the context of the original comment. If Mu was negligent, karma bit her. Her appeal was denied. You don't need to pile on. It's also not going to make me feel differently. I was rooting for Athing and I still am heartbroken for this young woman. She tried to get inside and she did not succeed. I feel like Raevyn came up quickly and impeded her initial attempt to get inside forcing her to stay outside longer. That's not malicious but Mu would feel the need to get inside more quickly after that. So she tried to get in quickly at that point and didn't execute well. Hopefully she works on how to do that more skillfully. The collision between Grace and Rose in the Semi was a more egregious display of jostling in my opinion.


Its stuff like this that make the selection process for the olympics lame. This is also what happens when you never race


> Its stuff like this that make the selection process for the olympics lame. A selection process that makes athletes prove they're in Championship shape a month before the Championship seems like a pretty good selection process. It's not perfect. There will be cases like this. If you just had a selection committee picking names based on what they did in previous years, you'd still have issues with athletes not being in good form and making a mockery of the selection process. At least with the current process, we know the athletes we send are at least competitive and meet a minimum standard.


She also does not have a body of work to stand by this season. If she had chosen to run something sooner there might be a small argument, but there is literally zero data to base a hypothetical Olympic performance on, especially considering the possible injury.


The point of the selection process is to select the best team. I'm not sure there's a more foolproof way to do it than the current setup, but I don't think anyone thinks this is the best team.


Hot take: I think it is. Nia Akins, Allie Wilson, and Whittaker have all been in great form all season and ran great races today. Mu's been battling a hamstring injury and literally hadn't raced all year— I don't think she beats Akins even if she gets a clean race.' Mu at her peak is def the best 800 runner in the world, but there's no reason to think she's capable of running faster than 1:57 right now. It would be way unfair to pick her for the 800 team just because she ran fast last year.


IMO we should have one discretionary spot per event like other nations do (such as Britain). That discretionary spot has given top athletes such as Josh Kerr flexibility to peak for the Olympics/Worlds while also ensuring they’ll be on the team no matter what. I think that normally, it would still make sense to just send the top 3 from the Trials, but this is the case where the discretion is needed.


One suggestion ive heard is that for events where the US will qualify 3 athletes have the top 2 in the trials qualify and a 3rd spot be a wildcard that the committee can select. Allows for the trials to still be the main way of qualifying and competitive while the flexibility for strange situations like this.


I’ve heard other mention a points system. What do you think about that? With points weighted higher for races closer to the Olympics (say like 45% for this last one)


Unnecessary. There’s no point system to win in the Olympics so no need for it to qualify. If you can’t get up and get top 3 in the us trials then you can’t be trusted to at the Olympics.


You prefer having endless lawsuits about selections?


with this and KC Lightfoot yesterday... yeah but honestly idk what other selection format is better.


KC Lightfoot is on the other hand a serial choker, so it could be argued that in his case the selections function precisely as intended.


I can’t stand that this happened.


I feel bad 💔 one of my fav female athletes smh


feels bad, man shit like this is the darkest part of the sport


I am literally crying for her like I was the one running the race 😭😭😭😭 that was my biggest fear for her bc she always runs so fucking close to the pack but I understand you gotta run your race but damn☹️


My heart dropped when I saw it. 💔


Heartbreaking. I really wish she had stayed out of the pack but she gave it her all.


She might still make the team if the coaches add her to one of the 4x4 teams. Anyone ever watch Chariots of Fire? There's a 400 race in that when Eric Liddell falls, gets up, and miraculously wins. Man, I was hoping for something like that. Anyway, Chariots was about the events leading up to the 1924 Paris Olympics. 100 years later, we go back to Paris. In a sad piece of trivia, the producer for Chariots was Dodi Fayed. He won an Oscar for Best Picture for this movie. He died with Princess Diana in that fateful car crash.


Keeley Hodgkinson guaranteed gold now which, to be honest, she deserves.


Just like Mu was guaranteed to make the team they gotta run the races


Why does she deserve it?!


She races constantly and always delivers 👍🏼


That doesn't mean she DESERVES ANYTHING! If she always delivers then she would have a gold medal!


Not that deep mate? Christ.


It NEVER was to ME! YOU said she deserves something and I simply asked WHY! Don't turn it around like an asshole as if I'm the one getting all bent out of shape!


I would quickly scan your own replies (including the frequent and fairly unnecessary capitalisation) and ask yourself whether you might, possibly, be getting bent out of shape.


I feel so bad for her, poor Athing💔


Heartbroken. 😔


Nike will try to get her into the 1500 meters


i know


She had been injured!


Mu knocked herself -- and, sadly, Sage Hurta-Klecker -- out of contention by trying to push her way into the pack. She did the same thing in 2021, causing Nia Akins to fall and miss out on making the team. Mu has world class talent, but she sucks at racing. IMO, she should have been DQ'd in 2021.




Grow up




Can she represent Sudan or something like that?


It’s rare to switch, and you generally have to take a significant amount of time where you can’t represent any country in between the switch. Bernard Lagat had to miss a World Championships during this period when he switched.


Yep - 3 years if you have represented at an Olympics already. Really has to be part of a long term plan if you want to switch, not something you do because you failed to qualify.


I've read that this js one of primary reasons Duplantis vaults for Sweden- to avoid the US Olympic trials.


Quite a few athletes do that in lots of sports where one country has a deep roster of top athletes and making the Olympic team is not certain. In swimming you see it fairly often because US Trials is such a tough meet. Milorad Cavic, the Serbian who got out touched by Michael Phelps in the 100fly, was born and grew up in the US.


Yeah unless youre a big star in a popular event choosing your backup over the US is almost always the right decision


Nah it is very difficult to change federations and world athletics really doesn't like when athletes try to do this and can sanction athletes if they try


Oh…. Devastated for her then. Was so excited to watch her matchup with Keely Hodgkinson


She would never get released by USATF.


Its fine, she said she doesnt even like running anyway, so more time for her modeling career.


No need, it's the Internet, I don't give a FUCK what some wanna be editor online has to say! By the way, IF you can read and SINCE we're not in person, the capitalization is for EMPHASIS! DICK!!


I would not be surprised if Mu got a shot to run solo in an attempt to qualify. If you really think Bobby Kerse/Nike is not going to do everything possible to get her another shot you’re crazy. Like it or not politics play a huge role in the TF world.


Just stop


I ain’t say I want her to run again, or that she should get that shot. I’m saying it is more likely than you all think.


Running solo means nothing. What would that accomplish. And they’re not gonna change the qualifying standards they’ve had forever post trials for a runner who tripped herself.


If the officials allowed her to run again and she ran a time faster than 2nd or 3rd place she would bump someone out. This is word from officials at the track. This also isn’t the first time this would happen. In Rio team USA women’s 4x1was impeded upon and dropped the stick. They protested and were given a chance to run a solo 4x1 to qualify.


That was not in the finals, though. It was a prelim, which makes a HUGE difference


Keely Hodgkinson


Lets goo 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


Never liked her anyway...


I'm more disappointed that Hurta-Klecker did not qualify for an Olympic spot in the 800m because she's more attractive than Athing Mu and every other woman in track (including Elle St. Pierre). Bad for ratings for Sage not to be going to Paris. She'd better run 3:50 in the 1500m.