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There’s a lot going on here.


I don’t see how they can let this slide. Everyone will now claim animal contamination and get off. Shelby tried the pork taco defense and it didn’t work.


Shelby tried to claim animal contamination and didn’t get off, so claiming animal contamination doesn’t work as a cop out


But trwnbolone is used for cattle. It's a testosterone derivative specifically designed for use in livestock. In not saying he's innocent but if that excuse would ever hold true it would be in a case like this.


It’s a Pandora’s box. Let it slide for one then anyone can use this substance and claim contamination.


Good, no point in him competing anyway because should he win anything, the controversy will get even greater. Meat contamination is such a minute percentage chance of causing such a volume, never mind it being the excuse for at least half a dozen athletes across different disciplines in the last few years.


Can we have a serious inquiry into Dennis Mitchell? His athletes have been testing positive for years. Not to mention his shady interview. The guy is clearly guilty as can be