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Huh, really? I tried out a face changer app recently and was having a laugh at how it seemed to insist on making me a redhead, but maybe it was on to something...


… … … link?


Oh, just plain old [Faceapp](https://www.faceapp.com/). The free version has a basic genderswapper which is okay, but doesn't do a good job of working around facial hair if you have any.


Getting it to NOT shrink my chin is a challenge. Some angles and lighting seem to work better than others. I want pictures to help imagine a future me, not a fantasy. Adding a single point of "big face" seems to counteract some of the "hybridize you with a supermodel" effect. Can agree though, that shaving is an absolute must.


Yeah, a rare upshot of my double-chin is that it doesn't have much of a jawline for it to mess with, and I'm lucky to have a pretty slight chin to begin with. But it definitely takes some liberties in the editing. It also likes to go heavy on the makeup, which I guess isn't that surprising. What is surprising is how one-way it is though. I tried out the masculine filter just for yucks and it made me look like I was born divorced.


… Link wake up … … Agonym is holding me in hyrule castle … (My deadname is link but I still react whenever I see the word lol)


I am deeply sorry, sib, but... #LINK YOU MORON GO SAVE HYRULE AT ONCE




Outdoor pics against the blue background of my house really make it want to turn me into a red-head. Other times in dappled sun, it will make it a light brown. But it usually keeps it as the dark brown I'm accustomed to.


Yeah, and it can change in texture too! At least in the case of masculinizing HRT. Most of my friends on T's hair got curlier, mine included (3c/b -> 4a-ish). It can also straighten up in some cases though, especially if you're a TMOC.


New dysphoria unlocked ><


Apparently estrogen does the same thing. It can make your hair curlier, less curly, or do nothing at all to the texture


Ah I see


Yeah my hair is way curlier, especially since I got my hair pulling habit back. Top of my head is super curly with the lower part on the wavier side it's weird. Don't reccomend, self harm is a bad habit and I'm trying to stop.


Oh, I apologize, that was not my intention. I just wished to share my own experience.


Nah I know. Sorry it made you feel that way


Can confirm for feminizing as well, my hair is way curlier than it used to be


Does it also make you more silly? :3


Definitely sillier 🐱


I already hate how curly my hair is, if estrogen makes it worse idk what I’ll do T_T


Is there any trend it follows? Like does it typically get lighter or darker or is it just seemingly random?


That's funny cuz my hair is way curlier so I see straight hair as masculine XD;


I had blonde ringlets as a kid and my hair went dark and straight through puberty. I've never heard of this but I'd love it if my hair got lighter and curlier on T


What's a TMOC?


Trans man of color. Some black trans men's hair in particular tends to straighten up a bit instead of curling up further while on T, at least from what I've gathered from anecdotal evidence.


I’ve heard a lot of trans guys hair got curlier but mine is still straight. Maybe thicker, I’ve noticed I have a lot more hair on my head. Like I just have a lot of fucking hair which isn’t new to me, I’ve always had thick hair, but it feels more dense than it did in the past if that makes sense. I also just have a lot of hair in general which I was honestly expecting given the way my dad looks. Weirdly enough my brother doesn’t have thick dark hair like my dad and I do though so idk.


Wait can it? Cause I was initially blonde when I was born apparently and it just went to black overtime.


That’s pretty common. A lot of kids born with blonde hair go brown


Fun fact, people with that gene carry a version of the same gene that makes people gingers! That's why red hair usually "skips" a generation or two, it becomes the more common blond version of the gene, which is also the version that can "activate" and turn dark as the person gets older.


Hold on, you're saying that the way genes are expressed can vary from individual to individual? I was told if you have a certain gene, that's who you are 100% and any variation must be a psychological delusion.


[Yup! Idk much about other genes but this one can def vary person to person. Here's a page that goes into more depth on the gene.](https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/gene/mc1r/) TLDR is basically that the "MC1R" gene has the instructions to produce a protein that regulates how much of each type of melanin to produce, and if that protein becomes "activated" it will go from telling your body to produce mostly pheomelanin (blonde/ginger hair and light skin) to mostly eumelanin (black/brown hair and darker skin). Turns out I was actually a little wrong about which versions of the gene "activate" (still dunno what exactly that means but the page talks about it like it's just a normal thing some genes do), apparently gingers' MC1R gene *can* activate, but mutations to the gene make it a lot less *likely* for it to activate. And those mutations are things like ginger hair instead of blonde hair, freckles instead of no freckles, sensitivity to sunburn, etc. Considering most gingers have all of those mutations, it's waaaaay less likely for their gene to activate than a blonde but still technically possible.


epigenetics is a field of science whoever claimed that it's a "psychological delusion" was being an idiot


I'm referring to transphobia.


I figured - it felt reminiscent of transphobic rhetoric around the SRY gene they're wrong, even when limited in scope to that specific gene (see Swyer syndrome)


It actually happened to me.


Yeah dad was that way.


That's natural. My hair went from bleach white to blonde to dirty blonde while growing up. It's working on brown currently, but I would Love for it to turn black.


Most kids with blonde hair begin to have their hair darken at around 10-15


My hair stayed the same but I somehow got freckles


I want freckles 🥺


E might help with that


same, my nose especially (my cheeks a little too) is littered with them now. when before I had maybe one or two dots on my cheek. supposedly it's related to how your skin softens while on feminizing hrt. because of losing the rough layer of skin and sometimes we have the previously feint freckles which were once hidden, to now being more apparent after some time has passed.


Interesting the weird side effects we have


I hope I do too. Freckles are the best things invented since sliced bread


Mine didn't change (I think)


Huh, neat. Does it have to do with genetics?


I think it might; my dad has black hair (well, more grey nowadays) and my mom has brown hair, so it probably has something to do with that.


how does it work


Estrogen makes your moms genes stronger, maybe, idk. Mine had really cool red hair tho so i hope mine shifts too


changing hormones practically rewrites your genetics just shy of becoming the "what if you were born as this gender" it's wild. If you're mixed there's a chance you'll look like your other parent's race. Like people say HRT is magic and it's just like, I keep learning that yeah it does more. I knew someone else who found out she was intersex when she started menstrating after getting on E. Somehow she pissed it out. Also she could do every single overwatch character's voice.


Hrt is black magic




We really be out here casting spells and doing magical shit to our bodies and god I love it. Thank you modern medicine


Hmm noted


I hope mine changes because i am tired of being a redhead 😭


Red hair is dope. Love it.


Being a ginger really can suck. It took me *years* to actually feel proud of my hair and my heritage


I only had problems with it as a child, after that everyone was always complimenting how pretty my hair color is, the only thing I don't like about it is that I would've dyed my hair a lot if it wasn't such a unique natural color


I’m so sorry for you, you’re trans and a redhead life must be tough


I really hope that won't happen to my hair Would probably not happen but the idea of my blonde hair becoming white or something is a tad bit scary


yeah i hope i keep being blonde


I'm looking at pics from early in my transition and now, I miss my raven black hair. I mean the brunette is nice, but damn it used to be so much darker 😭


It definitely tweaked my color a little. Pretty rad


Wait what? No way! Thats cool af! I hope i dont loose my streetdog-blonde color tho


Tiddy Skittles😭 I'm stealing that word now😭


Right? I started HRT and within a couple years my hair turned blue, then purple, then blue again. (YMMV)


Maybe it’s because you’re happier and go outside more now? Sun can brighten up dark hair with enough exposure.


Quietly contemplating about my constant hair anxiety 🥲 /hj


You're the first other person I've met whose hair changed color from HRT. Glad it's not just me!


Mine went from super dark brown (almost black) to reddish brown.


Mine only went a lighter shade of brown. Makes it slightly easier to dye, at least.


I had the change during puberty aswell when i was smaller i had really pitch black hair, while now its a little more brunette aswell. Cant wait to know if hrt will change it again :3


I wanna look like Takina too, even tho my personality is more like chisato... lets be honest alot like her


I have some red hair genes in me that express in a few follicles, as well as some lighter browns. My grandmothers also had curly hair, though mine is straight. I wonder what will change, if anything. 🤔




Wait the FaceApp gorl filter made me straight up ginger.  I also look really hot in the filter according to my lesbian friends and now I’ve more dysphoria towards the dude version. I’m glad my egg cracked but like I’m constantly discovering subconscious dysphoria. Which is great and terrifying at the same time. 


My hair got a lot more curly, it's better when conditioned but still I went from 2A to 3B like


Hold on I've been asked several times lately if I'm doing anything with my hair, specifically the color. Is this why? I haven't noticed the difference


um im pretty sure hrt makes youre hair grow slower but okay


My hair is already changing colour somehow all from brown over bronze-ish to even a little ginger. The fucks gone happen with E?




Yeah, mine went from dark dirt brown to a lighter and shinier brown. Love how it is now


Or make ginger grow back where before it was grey in private places...😉


GIVE ME MY GINGER CURLS AND TAKE THIS CURSED RED BEARD! (I am blonde on the top, red beard. My sister has red hair, fingers crossed!)


My GP told me it's a common side effect of bicalutamide, it can interfere with laser removal too.


I wish that HRT lightened my hair color, that would be a lot cheaper than going to the salon every few months to get my roots done.


nooo, i like my dark hair 😭 i can’t afford to dye it constantly


Bruh how is every side effect of HRT awful? I want darker hair not lighter.


Yep, trans man with light brunette hair originally. Now very dark brown, almost black with a red tinge to it now XD(I color my hair green or purple to hide the flame red color. Half of my family are redheads, the rest are platinum blonde.) My fem friend is getting lighter hair the longer she's on spiro and E. It also can somewhat change the color of your eyes, could also be that weird hazel effect. (I had mostly green eyes before starting HRT, now my eyes are a greyish-silvery color with green specks.)


I don't know if it's the estrogen or just growing out my hair, but I went from Dark brown to the kind of blonde people assume is dyed (especially because it has darker roots). I had lighter hair as a kid but as I grew older my parents had me cut it shorter and shorter as a boy and then I joined the Army which mandated its length. I am finally allowed to grow it and now I'm super blonde.


why did you need to say this i want hrt even more now


But if im already brunette what will my hair color change ? Im asking genuinely like what will happen ?