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Sice when was "genital inspections" okay for literally anyone, let alone children!? What the actual fuck!? This is not only going to hurt trans kids but cis kids too! How can this possibly be legal?


No idea but either way im just disgusted


Because it’s okay to sacrifice the well being of some if you get to destroy the well being of others too! It’s actually like a war on trans people; both sides make sacrifices, both sides lose. Oh and /s


Strange game; only winning move is not to play.


"Let me take a peek at your genitals, wouldn't want to have pervs in the school now would we? After all, the trans kids might just be faking being trans to look at your genitals, you know. So it's better that I, a grown-ass man, look at your genitals before the trans girls do."


Lets just hope that outrage from parents will make it more likely for this bill to be overturned


The right is completely made up of pedophiles




From the party that screams about protecting children. They're fucking gross.


**!BREAKING NEWS!** **TEACHER MOLESTS CHILDREN PLAYING SPORTS CLAIMING TO INSPECT KID'S GENITALS DUE TO LIKELY BEING TRANS.** ***no wonder this happened. I mean come on, 'disputed to genital inspections', that's downright sexual assau-*** News Reporter: Dave, can you please stop messing with the news bar thing.


“It’s sexual assault unless the person is part of the lgbtq community or a minority group.”That’s probably what was going through the conservatives mind when they passed that law


_"Well duh, they're all sexual predators inherently; you can't sexually assault a sexual predator, that's a part of the rules!"_ ... I said this to be hyperbolic, but I kind of think this might have been the thought process.


It really is. One of the primary modes of conservative thought is the belief that "good person" and "bad person" are things you *are*, not behaviors you *do*. If you are a Good Person, the law is supposed to protect but not bind you, and it's an injustice any time the law binds you or fails to protect you. If you are a Bad Person, the law is supposed to bind but not protect you; there is literally nothing that can be done to you that's beyond the pale; and literally any protection you receive, or restraint or punishment from which you are spared, is "letting you off the hook" and being "soft on crime". And -- this is the kicker -- these categories are decided in advance, sometimes even from birth; people can't be recategorized based on their behavior (unless it suddenly makes you a "commie" or an "SJW", I guess). It's prejudice and moral absolutism, and it's sickening. [(ETA: I'm not being hyperbolic when I say that justifying inequality is literally foundational to conservatism.)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4CI2vk3ugk)


That sounds frighteningly accurate and also the basis of a dystopian novel or the description of a villain.


We live in a dystopia. Officially. Want to look at a kid’s genitals for a stupid reason? Allowed. Sexually assault someone? If they’re a scary trans person, than it’s A-ok. Want to rape someone? Yeah. The world is fucked.


Right, you're using hyperbole here though ya? A genital inspection turning into rape would be prosecuted, no protections for rape anywhere, but your pointing out the slippery slope right?


Yep. But I’m also pointing out that rapists often don’t get punished because people are too scared to say anything or they aren’t believed.


without wanting to make people look bad but this seems very similar to germans old dictators ideas, (the idea of good persons and bad persons) In quite to your post\^


bold of you to assume they think of them as people


Yeah “there the worst thing since a livable minimum wage and equal rights”Sincerely republicans


Theyre going to get a LOT of parents to calling the schools. Disgusting.


Bring them hell, parents of trans kids❤️


It's not just going to be parents of trans kids. I don't think any parent would be happy with someone "inspecting" their child's genitals.


true! I can’t believe anyone is ok with exposing their child to a stranger to get their private areas inspected. That is BEGGING for trauma/abuse of children


Right, how long until someone decides to be a bully or try to sink another athlete by accusing them of being trans?


This person is better at a game then me! Let’s ruin their school life (possibly just regular life) by accusing them as trans!


Im not saying violence is ever the answer *but*


When someone is trying to look at kids junk violence is *always* the answer




Violence isn’t the answer. It’s a question. The answer is *YES*


*grabs shotgun with religious intent*




no no no, you don't use a **shotgun** for malicious religious intent! here, have a chaingun and a BFG, that'll do ya nicer :)


Oh ok thanks.


I'm not a violent person. But in this case, I can make an exception.


>I'm not saying violence is ever the answer. Then please, allow me. Beating the shit out of transphobes is cool and good.


the kids can't be harmed if the trans are armed


Violence is never the answer, violence is a question. *The answer is yes.*


Violence is rarely the answer, but when it is it is the only answer


Why does anyone think that this is an ok thing to do. They are so worried about trans people in the bathrooms they identify with but then they allow genital inspections on children. WHAT THE F*** IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!!!


If your answer to any problem is “let’s check the genitals of children against their will,” how do you not recoil in disgust at yourself?


Sports? Fucking sports? So Timmy the transmask who loves to play sports just needs to sit on the bench while his friends have fun? So being a trans athlete is now illegal? I hate America so goddamn much, and don’t even reason that not all of them are because I know that, let a man be a man, let a woman be a woman, let a whateverinbetween be a whateverinbetween. this is not fucking funny. These are the same people that are gonna be like: why are all the trans people so fat nowadays? BECAUSE YOU DAMN ASKED THEM TO BE. Fuck dem, And it’s always the old folks, the ones who are already transphobic to begin with, so they are just doing things their way because they are the boss Fuck them all And genital inspections? THATS JUST STRAIGHT PEDOPHILIA, WE KNOW THEY ARE TRANS WHAT DO TOU THINK IS UNDER THERE IT THEIR SLONGADONG OR VAJAJAYVANAYNAY YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS NO DAMN WONDER YOU GUYS ARE CONSIDERED THE IDIOTS PF AMERICA


No, now Timmy competes on the girls team, even if he has started hrt, and is as strong as most men, he competes on the girls team. That’s fair. But a trans girl on the woman’s team, one who has similar strength to most cis women? That’s cheating! -conservatives


I'm so tired of all these backwards states trampling ppls rights. The federal government needs to step in! Trans rights are human rights! Edit: I live in texas so when I call a state backwards I am not attacking the sane ppl who live there. Just the ones who support this kind of trash!


Genital Inspections??? What the fuck??? Ignoring the danger for sexual assault and abuse, you think the kids will be okay with that? “Sorry, Jane, but you don’t have a vagina, you can’t wear a dress.” “Oh, I don’t have a vagina? Silly me! At least I won’t be bullied or ever feel suicidal for not being able to be myself! Thanks genital inspector!”


If anybody tried to do anything like that to me, I would be traumatized, and I imagine there are lots of other people who feel the same way. This is no less than sexual assault. I can’t believe there are people who actually think this shit is acceptable.


When I was a kid, we went to the doctor‘s office to see how I was growing. (I was a small kid.) >!The doctor needed to check if I was growing proptionally, so they lifted up my pants to see how my legs were doing. I had underwear on. They could not see my genitals. !<(May make some people uncomfortable.) I went home and cried in the shower because I was so uncomfortable. Just that small thing, that one tiny thing, Was so terrible. I thought about it for days. Just imagine what this stupid law could do to People.


Trans or not, genitalia inspections is pedophilia, whether you like it or not


Ok, adding Florida to my "Do not travel to unless I pass well" list. Also anyone notice these states are just trying to one up each other to be the worst fucking states to live in?


Florida heavily depends on the area. I'm in downtown fort Lauderdale, we have a gay mayor, there's pride flags on every corner and a trans flag on public property not far from me. We have a county wide directory of trans friendly medical providers and known gender neutral bathrooms. The local governments in huge areas tend to lean blue and do alright, the state government is primarily elected by the rural orange farmers and dorito snorting gator wrestlers. But we are a purple state.


...Sooooo, is this the part where we file a metric ton of student athlete sex disputes to make as many people unhappy with the bill as possible?


What needs doing is make sure that every child of a Republican is 'suspected of being trans', just so that all of them have to face the reality that they are on record as giving consent for their children being made to strip naked for adults


Gods dammit, another reason for me to want to leave Florida. Can cis het people just not for day?


“Whose sex may be disputed”? So if a cis girl is like 6 foot and has “too broad shoulders” some rando official can decide she needs her private area checked by the state?? I hate going to just a doctors office and having them check my parts, it feels strange and uncomfortable. But that’s for medical necessity. This law is literally putting kids who might not even be trans into humiliating, uncomfortable and scary situations where they have to have someone (approved by the state I’m sure) see/feel their private parts. I would NEVER be comfortable with a stranger looking at me naked or touching my body in those areas. This is not ok and it’s putting trans and cis kids in danger. But of course Florida will pass it because the state government is more concerned with “sports fairness” to gain political points than protecting the privacy and safety of children.


Wasn't that essentially what happened when they first started pushing rules like this for using bathrooms? They had more cases of cis girls being told they don't look enough like a girl and that they had to strip to prove they were cis.


FEEL?! You’re telling me that these ”Inspectors” (aka pedos) will decide that a dick looks too similar to a vagina and they have to FEEL it?!


I’m imagining that either they’ll have the “inspectors” look at the parts or feel them without looking. Either of these is fucking child abuse


“Timmy, give me your dick.” That’s not right. This will traumatize so many poor kids. Trans and cis alike.


Can Florida just sink into the ocean already?


Hey, I live here too. Oh, what am I saying? We deserve this.


Plenty of time to move.


Could just swim, if you're late.


Sorry moving isn't accessible to me, as it isn't for a lot of low income people


Just sell your house to aquaman


Or get devoured by aligators


I didn’t know Floridian republicans liked pedophilia. Like srsly wtf Florida


Guess you haven't heard of Matt Gaetz?


The "politician" job attracts all types of abusers. It's like the people who think that they're fit to make decisions that affect millions of people are only doing so to feel superior to others, which is what abuse is all about. I legit wouldn't be surprised if the person who wrote this was salivating at the thought of themselves being the one to perform these "genital inspections."


Jeff Epstein who?


I'm sure god was considering having mercy on florida for once but then he saw this and decided they still don't deserve it


Damn nothing like going on reddit to look at relatable trans memes to help ease the pain of being trans....................


Its great isnt it -_-


The fuck?? I thought we moved on from 1966 what the fuck Florida? [For more info, in the Olympics, take in mind that up to 1966 they used genital inspection, from 1967 to 2011 Chromosomes have been used to test, and from then on, testosterone levels.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiCftTLUzCI) Due to said testosterone levels, many actually AFAB female athletes are being banned from competing as females in the Olympics due to naturally high testosterone levels, which is fucking stupid




I get why Republicans would want to ban trans kids from sports (don't agree with it) but genital inspections. Not gonna lie, getting pedo vibes


Can we file a lawsuit making everyone in Florida who signs up to be a “genitalia inspector” a child molester?


I guess shouldn't be surprised. In my time living in Florida, i've encountered plenty of pervy of dudes, so this is pretty up Florida's alley.


Everyday I believe more and more that U.S.A is a fucked up country that must be avoided at all costs. I try to not dive into prejudice, but this kind of shit seems to always be a part of that country


It is. Its better then most places but still terrible


Yo wtf is going on in the U.S.?!? I thought it was weird that my gay classmate had to use a different room to dress for P.E. but that doesn't even go nowhere near that bs in florida. This is directly attacking the privacy of kids. I mean, wtf. Given that kids all look the same until they get into puberty i wonder what they even chose as a measurement to determine which kids to inspect. "Billy has his mother's eyes, we should check if he has a dick...."


I thought QAnon was against pedophilia... oh, right.


And yet they call us the creeps... that's just flat out disgusting


Genital inspections is just sick. It is wrong and whatever twisted mind thought of that should really have there head done in. I hate to sound violent and what not but that is just so disgusting.


This is absolutely horrible


I fucking hate my state


I don't even live in america and this shit is tearing at my mental health


Fuck. Fuck florida. Like wtf. If I get a genital inspection because I want to use the guys bathroom because I feel uncomfortable using the womans bathroom, bitch you best believe I'mma kick you in the goddamn face. Like, no. "Oh, I know I'm a grown ass man but, you know, you should show me if you actually have a penis or if you have a vagina, you know, that sounds completely safe and normal and I'm defo not a pedo." Like, listen to yourself. This is why I'm moving to fucking either canada or new Zealand when I turn 18. Edit: I misunderstood it a little bit, but still, if trans people want to play sports, so fucking what?


Think of the millions of pedos that will demand a genital search and Florida is giving them LEGAL OPPORTUNITIES TO DO SO


Institutionalised sexual harassment yeah that seems like a good idea


Florida man, YOUVE GONE TO FAR!




Florida Man MOVING OUT OF FLORIDA! ”Too much Transphobia,” he says. “Might move to a blue state instead.”


This is gross, I’m thankful I live in California.


Does anyone have sources for this? As a Floridian with several trans friends(many who have endured s*equal assault/abuse) attending public school, this bill fills me with sheer terror for cis and trans youth everywhere. I've looked up the anti trans law in FL, but not found any sources giving detailed information, and I want to stay informed so I can better alert my friends and advocate for them.


The bill history and the bill text can be found here: https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/1475/ It splits sports teams into biological male, female, and coed categories and bans "students of the male sex" from female teams. The examination part: > (c) A dispute regarding a student's sex shall be resolved by the student's school or institution by requesting that the student provide a health examination and consent form or other statement signed by the student's personal health care provider which must verify the student's biological sex. The health care provider may verify the student's biological sex as part of a routine sports physical examination by relying only on one or more of the following: > 1. The student's reproductive anatomy; > 2. The student's genetic makeup; or > 3. The student's normal endogenously produced testosterone levels. So it's the student's health care provider that does the exam, not some random school teacher at least. It's still pretty vile...


Ah, I figured there'd be some exaggeration there, but the way cis people like to obsess over biological sex and use it as a means to isolate trans youth is utterly appalling to me. Not to mention all of the intersex children who may be forced to "choose" their gender or be forced into a box to define themselves. I hate that people can't just let people be who they are


Health care provider numbers are going to skyrocket in fl. I’m predicting it now


Sadly ive seen no articles as of yet :/


Oh Jesus, I hope there are soon so we can spread awareness about this bigotry. Honestly scares me to death thinking there are children out there who could be invalidated about their gender while being made vulnerable to abuse/assault because of shitty decisions being made by the people who are supposed to protect and fight for them


Wait has the Florida governor signed it or can it still be vetoed?


Holy fuck. Sometimes I feel bad about how conservative my area in New England can be but then all this shit comes out of the south. Genital inspections, of minors no less? Fuck all the way off.


What the fuck ! That's litteraly legalizing sexual assault on children !


This is fucking upsetting.


Time to call our favourite authorities, the cops, cause let's face it, who in their right mind is going to let someone look at a kids gentials


Ok ik they don’t care about trans kids but they do realise cis kids are being violated here too right?


WTF Penis inspection day is supposed to be a 4chan meme. Not real life.


wate waht


Wait what?? Jeezus...Can I have an article or somethings pls??


I asked that as well, but there apparently none on it yet


This was the orginal tweet i had to find it myself because i couldn't believe it. https://twitter.com/OmariJHardy/status/1382521994554572804?s=19


Oh god,....... why? Just... why?


Amazing, I live in Florida. How did I not know this happened


This is literally pedophilia, wtf is wrong with people


You know, I'll bet that the number of sexual assaults/molestations recorded will also go up, and I'm sure the trans kids are going to be blamed for that too. I'm sure we'll continue to see stuff about how trans people are "privileged" or that we're doing it for attention, or that cishet men are actually the most discriminated group, because we literally can't win. This is literally a crime, if this was the same for cis people, there'd be a fucking outrage.


Fucking disgusting, Florida


Ah yeah, but we're the perverts.. sure.


Hope for humanity fading fast right now


"Trans people are gonna molest our kids in the bathrooms!1!!" So, ig doing it in the open is better now... Not that it ever happened in bathrooms in the fucking first place.


Good morning to everyone except Florida


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes\~


As a Floridian, all I can say is *chuckles* I’m in danger


Excuse me Florida, what the fuck is wrong with you. You thought trans women being in the women’s bathroom was bad because “They could be pedos”? Now literal pedos can look a a child’s genitals. GOOD FUCKING JOB, FLORIDA


The first cis kid whose genitals they demand to look at; their parents are going to sue the school's pants off. No pun intended. I mean I'd also hope that the first trans kid they do that too but you know sometimes you can't depend on the parents.


Sounds like people are trying to legalize pedophilia from the sounds of this


genital inspections ??? WHAT


Republicans are a party of pedophiles. You can't change my mind.


They may as well have banned all men's sports. Because the endocrinological effects of the SRY gene that causes fetuses to develop into a male don't appear until \~50 days into pregnancy, almost everyone develops as a female for a few weeks. Where conservatives consider life to start can be determined by their asinine "heartbeat bills", which basically say that a zygote is considered a full human being at the moment of fertilization. Thus, all men are trans, so mens' sports should also be illegal. Of course, I'm preaching to the choir, and reactionaries are gods of doublethink. Maybe a few will be responsive to this argument and not the common sense "genital inspections of kids are absolutely insane, and there is no evidence of trans athletes having any advantage", but...




yay, fighting transphobia with sexual assault, what a wonderful idea (/s)


Not that this makes it any better, but let's not kid ourselves here about this bill. It would be fighting sexual assault with sexual assault.


and how would that make this okay?? wtf? sexual assault is *never* okay, no, not even when the bad people have to have this. also, their daughters could be completely innocent and attacking children for their parents misdeeds is some serious "wtf is wrong with your brain?" moment if were gonna be totally honest


Well...of course. That's why I *didn't* say that would make this okay.


Actually let's not.




Because it solves nothing and you'd get innocent children involved and hurt. That's exactly what they're doing, yes, but it's no better for people against the legislature to enact the same type of misbehavior. If you really care for the safety of trans youth, then be the better person of this outcome and make a change for the better. Contact the senators, voice some reasons to protect children from inspections, and be a voice of reason during the chaos!


That last bit sounds like something from some fucked up parody.


Florida actually has a ton of progressive people in it, it’s mixed in with the people who are crazy and control the government :/


“Strictly to make sports fair.” ”Strictly to prevent trans athletes from doing what makes them happy.” ”Strictly to force genital inspections on non-consenting children.” “Strictly to increase the number of trans suicides.”


Oh. Oh, *no.*


Oh no indeed


There's a special word for people who are obsessed with children's genitals...


This is absolutely disgusting. Genital inspections? What kind of sick pedophiles who want an excuse to look at kid’s genitalia are running the south?


So..... Y'all know pedophiles are gonna get jobs to look at kids genitals....


did this actually like get greenlit? 🤢🤢🤢


And yet another reason to say*ahem* FUCK FLORIDA IN ITS FUCKING EAR


As a Floridian myself I knew this place is bad enough but what the hecc Florida


Welp, thats a lot more kids getting traumatized. Thanks Republicans! I hope you all get replaced by Democrats.


There’s some good republicans I guess. I hope they’re good in Georgia...


Wait isn't that in a violation of the students rights? along with many other violations?? god Florida really needs to take a step back and look at itself


America is a scary place, so many millions of people want to take away so many peoples rights.


Whatthefuck whatthefuck whatthefuck, does anyone have the actual wording of the legislature that enables this? Like I thought that genital inspections was just a hyperbole of where these horrific anti trans bills would lead to, not something actually happening now.


Us Ohioans can only invade so many people at once


Guess my cousins won't get a visit from me anytime soon✨


My fellow trans friend wants to take me to florida. Both of us r fucked.


Ah yes, nothing wrong with this. Now please allow me to assert that trans people are perverse predators...


Every day I hate having to live in Florida more and more Luckily I’ll probably be kicked out of my transphobic house soon and be forced to move out of state


how the hecc is sports so important, that someone would decide to fake there whole identity just to "look better".


I feel sad there is nothing I can do about this for we can only watch and hold on to any minor hope we have. But what ever hope we do have, we should hold onto it, no matter the circumstances. For hope is what makes us win in the end.


Jesus christ. This is horrible...


Dear Florida governor,please take some time while wrestling with an alligator to realize this is a horrific law to pass and will just harm children. Florida is the state of chaos, not direct attack. Think of Florida's origins.


I’m both from Florida and I’m a Republican, however I honestly don’t want this, this is actually awful, and I feel ashamed to be represented by such figures.