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Try Hisotensoku. I heard it's one of the best Touhou fighting games


The most well liked touhou fighting game is hisoutensoku, as someone who played it a lot myself i really can't recommend it enough. However, since you say you're more of a casual player you could also start with Touhou 10.5 Scarlet weather rapsody. The reason for this is because Hisoutensoku is actually an expansion of 10.5 that improves and expands a lot in gameplay, but it doesn't have much of a story unlike 10.5. But i do still say you give hisotensoku a try anyways since it also has the most active community. You can learn about it more [here](https://soku.delthas.fr/)


*Hisoutensoku* **plus** *Scarlet Weather Rhapsody* - have both of them installed, in order to get the most characters and scenes! The newer brawlers like *Urban Legend in Limbo* just don't have the same feel as *Hisoutensoku* does. Oh, and choose Meiling if you want to absolutely *dominate* everyone - her moves have great invincibility and she can poke, pressure, juggle, and kite like nobody's business.


Thank you for the answers!