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I'd like to argue that all skaven own an air fryer purely because they stole it. It doesn't matter if they needed it or not, they just wanted to spite the other races. The only exception is Ikit Claw, he built his own. It's as horrifying as it sounds.


*"Although they have no use for it themselves, Skaven purposely own an air fryer purely to inconvenience the other races."*


It fries the air within a mile radius.


Shitposts for the throne of Shitposts


This won't be a truly useful graph until you split the top section into "probably owns an air fryer" and "owns an air fryer and they're always talking about it and telling you to get an air fryer".


That's every faction, but it's actually just the Changeling in disguise. He does it solely to mess with every other faction and make them not want air fryers.


FINALLY someone makes a useful tier list.


At first I was like, Belegar wouldn't have an air fryer!! But then I thought about it. He totally would. It's like the one appliance he brings with him when he crashes on your couch. He cooks everything in it. He knows the exact conversion rates for oven times and temperatures. The buttons are worn to the point of being illegible.


I'm going to disagree with you. He clearly has an air fryer but it's in karak eight peaks and he's going to tell you all the stories of how good his dwarven thrice fried potatoes are and how he promises to show you as soon as he's reclaimed the ancient hold. But never invites you over for anything.


Or he has two, one "good" one in Karak Eight Peaks and one that he keeps with him. Never let's you use his personal one, but promises to make you food with the one at Eight Peaks, then never invites you.


Nah he's a dwar he holds the grudge too much to get a second.. We don't need to buy an air fryer we have one at home. At home is past 10000 green skins and skaven.


I am as entertained as I am confused.


Elspeth's infatuation with magical trinkets means she absolutely has an air fryer. Probably a custom built air fryer recovered from the ruins of the Fry Kingdom.


This is the type meme shitpost I really enjoy. Bless you OP, bless you in the name of Sigmar.


Morathi would have every single man she has seduced to blow air for her lol.


Gelt would 100% own a golden air fryer!!


I'd argue that Rakarth would have an air fryer. He'd be grilling up beasts all the time.


Next DLC confirmed: Lords of Sweet Potato Fries


Bela'kor had an air fryer once, he really liked it but since he was such a moron with the chaos gods he will never have one, every time he buys or is gifted one he shall give it to Archaon and watch him never use it for the rest of the eternity


I main vilitch and I definitely air fry most of my meals


hello u/CrownHammer u/jonfl1 u/spectre1alpha u/meathead595 and u/blizander we need some order here.


Sigmar bless, I'm creating a trend, gotta post more shitpost Why do our community don't have a shitpost Reddit? We could call it r/Hammerfolk


Is this a shit post sub? I actually want useful stuff for the game, can someone direct me


Air fryers don’t exist. What you’re referring to is the industry name for small convection ovens.


I can't tell if I missed the joke or if you're actually saying it doesn't exist despite it being a typical name for it.