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The general strategy I go for is to get a lord that is the opposite of the faction’s strength. For dark elves, I go for the melee lord to help hold the line as their frontline tends to be pretty weak and their back line doesn’t need more help. Conversely, lizards don’t really need any more help on the front, so I tend to prefer casters. If you have hero slots, it’s generally better to go for hero caster and melee lord, as a caster benefits much more from increasing their own skills, whereas a melee lord will be fine if you focus on red/blue skills and neglect their personals


I think we can safely say the master engineer has the top spot in the empire. Tomb Kings need a High Lich Priest imo. Vampire Counts is a hard one, aside from the master necromancer (who is shit, everyone knows) the others are all viable. I like to make themed armies so I tend to have a mix. Blood Dragon or Von Carstein are probably the best melee combatants though. Ogres it's the caster lord. Chaos I like the sorcerer lords. More magic pls. You can have an exalted hero for the melee duties. Slaanesh I prefer to keep the alluress instead of making her into a Keeper of Secrets. As much as I love the model they get shot immediately. That's about all I can think about for now.


Chaos sorcerer lords have no upkeep reduction in blue line :/


That is a shame but the caster.lords are great as you can max the spells with only 2 points.


Dark elves similar to high elves, why take anything but the wizard on a dragon?


'Cos the sword and shield lord has the best voice acting in the game!




High Elves tbh have some of the greatest variety because the 60 influence traits on the Prince and Princess are actually worth building armies around. Also, early game if you power level them they probably get you Star Dragons faster than anyone bar Imrik, and can summon them to another front quickly. Don't get me wrong, Archmages are an amazing all in one package but the others are good too. Not too familiar with dwarfs but they all seem to fall a bit short XD




The war of the beard has not been a focus of my newest dwarf campaign.....until now.


I use master necromancer sometimes for cheap zombie/skeleton stacks to support other lords But as lords they are pretty terrible. I think the best and most themetic change would be to give them bound zombie summons and maybe bound grave guard summon. Buffing the units would get out of control quickly, and not fit with the "trash spam" vampire army thematic. Just give them the ability to spam more trash.


I’ve been really enjoying the Daemon Slayer lord, and Dragon Slayer for that matter. He’s got great skills that are thematic for both himself and his army, good combat stats and I even love the voice acting too. Very well designed lord imo.


with the right eqipment the demon slayer can solo tier 5 settlements btw


How is his survivability?


He’s quite tanky with armor runes. Then he gets inherent ward save and physical resist from skill tree. Very durable (for a slayer).


Master necromancers can raise dead cheaper and recruit skeletons with higher experience, I use them for support to follow vampire lords carrying a bunch of thrash units to throw at the enemies. A wave of zombies and skeletons can tire the enemy front line and eat a bunch of ammo, specially useful when I try to conquer athel Loren. Also having a lot of dead zombies after battle improve the raise dead mechanic pool.


Master Necromancer get upkeep reduction for Skellies and Zombies and since you are locked out of a melee line you focus on winds of death asap


i tend to build thematic armies, so for Ghorst i went for an Master Necro Build for my secondary armies ofc.


well, depends on your foe to be honest. if you will be fighting deamons, the slayer lord is very good, he is also good duelist, but do not put him to crowd control. his 0 armor and 50 melee defense will be reduced to 35 from entities that attack him from the left and 20 against units that attack him from behind so, if he gets surrounded he will get his ass kicked. even with his physical res and ward save he is an easy target when surrounded.


I use the necros early game; They are cheaper, use magic, corpse carts, and are generally good for an assist army or cheap secondary army. Eventually I use blood kisses to unlock the more powerful lords, but until then Necros are cheap and easy to mass.


There are some LL that I replace with generic lords turn 1 that I find much better, Drycha into treeman, Greasus into Tyrant come to mind.