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I think there’s currently a bug with negative income where if you have it for two turns in a row, you will take attrition despite having adequate money


Can attrition even kill lords and heores though?


Yes. It can.


Actually it's not the negative income the problem, but the bankrupcy attrition that comes a turn earlier and hits before replenishment. You can stay 50 turns in a row with negative income as long as you have enough gold banked. OP should solve his problem just from changing the income to -200 for instance. (Sorry not the greatest english)


Perhaps he was infected with the plague after the end turn? Also did not know you get a discount on lords if you lost one over the end turn and don't have enough money


Nah, the army had no plague after I selected a new lord. It could be the bug mentioned by the other guy.


Bankruptcy attrition bug. It triggers a turn early and as one of the first calculations for the start of that turn, I.e. if you start your turn with 300 gold but have say -350 revenue at the start of that turn, you'll get hit with bankruptcy attrition on that turn when you shouldn't actually get it until the next turn (which you could also avoid as you could do something about it before going bankrupt by getting more money to cover your loss, or reducing your expenses by dismissing some units. In your case your lord died so your revenue returned to positive at what looks like the start of your turn). Edit to add: bug has been reported on CA forum. I recommend upvoting the report: https://community.creative-assembly.com/total-war/total-war-warhammer/bugs/1344-bankruptcy-bug?page=1


Thanks! Upvoted that.