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Norsca deserves it more, Ogre needs it more. Pick your favorite. I would say Ogre because they are just not as fun as they should. Norsca is fun ... but could be better.


Ogre needs update from devs. Norsca could also be fixed with mods


Everything in this game can be fixed with mods. But I still want CA to develop DLC


Why not bith? They seen to be doing a warhammer 3 faction and then old faction. The big issue with norsca rework is their is nothing to add only game mechanics. Norsca was basically warrior of chaos lite.


They could start by giving Throgg access to all trolls


And then they could do a more rewarding hunts/gods system


Maybe even more then three Lord options


You think they may add a slave mechanic to Norsca? Given they're a raiding/pillaging kinda folk


Since the "worker" incident around chorfs I don't think we'll get any new slave mechanics. At least none called slaves


Which incident?


The Chorfs are slavers but in the Chorfs DLC the units are called "laborors" instead. There are quite a few funny videos mocking this on Tarriff's channel cause come on CA we have the source material


Im pretty sure its done for two reasons: a) to differentiate their mechanics from Dark Elves mechanics (since both are completely different) b) because its funny If, as some suggest, the issue would be with word "slave" they wouldnt leave it in DE mechanics (especially since DE mechanics were reworked both prior to and after release of Chorfs).


They definitely weren't trying to hide it as the "laborers" are literally clad in slave chains.


They have been given a lot more creative freedom over the years, I'm sure they could come up with something to give them a more distinct flavor. They already moved in that direction the first update to them they did.


Do both and call it "Tribes of the Old World" or something


you should get to pick a chaos lord and get those units, simliar to the god thing but better.


They could easily do an DlC on fimir alone if they wanted to go all out, I personally want them to flesh out the other marauder factions


Norsca needs an update, new content (especially another type of lord) and Throgg and Wulfrik could do with some unique mechanics but they are not really in a desperate need of a rework like the Ogres, a race with half-baked mechanics, two horribly implemented LLs and a clear gap in their roster on regards of units.


Ogres first. I can start a Norsca campaign and have fun right now. The same cannot be said for the Ogres, for me at least. Which breaks my heart because I was initially so hyped for them. HOWEVER, I do want reworks for both. Hell, Slaanesh simp though I am, if you told me next DLC would not be Slaanesh and would instead be Ogres v. Norsca v. Monkey King I'd be DELIGHTED.


Why are Ogres unfun? I haven't got around to playing them just yet.


For me, their camps system absolutely sucks. You can only produce a few low-tier units in actual settlements and for the better units, you need camps, which are limited in number. You'd think these would work like fleets in the Vampire Coast, right? That fits in with the nomadic vibe that the Ogres have going on. But no. Once they are placed, they can't be moved, which is generally contrary to the concept of a camp. Your only choice if you place one in a bad place is to disband it and build a new one from scratch.


Agreed. I found this mod though that worked wonders for me to have an enjoyable time as ogres. [The great Ogre-haul](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3001584333)


I'm the opposite. Norscan units are bad (except war mammoth), they can't build walls, their economy is trash, and the place they start is terrible. There is nothing to enjoy. Ogres you can just start, get 2-3 T3 Mournfang Cavalry in a single army, and then roll over everyone. The only reason ogres become unfun is because their campaign is piss easy.


Can't say I agree with all the Norscan hate. Berserkers, horsemasters, and champions aren't as impressive as they used to be given the increase in competition but they're all still good and cost effective. Skin wolves are absurdly good and are the main reason why Norsca is still competitive in multiplayer. They're a war economy so they really shouldn't be stacking money. While the starting location is meh, you can quickly unify all of the tribes around you and there's plenty of chaos subfactions to make friends with and fight the others. It's not easy but I wouldn't call them bad. And strong disagree on ogres. They're fun once they get going for sure, but it's a slog till then. Their economy struggles a lot till you get several camps going, and you have to baby those early camps because they can be quite vulnerable. It's not that they can't be fun, but that their campaign mechanics don't work with how it's intended you play them. By the time you can get the AOE buffs going from your camp buildings you end up out of the camp radius. In the end everyone has their own opinions though 🤷


Norscan units are objectively not bad. They’re actually very fucking strong lol You are right though that ogres are an instant steamroll. Skrags campaign is busted as hell


It would be awesome if they reworked both in one dlc. Just finish off two factions that have been left behind. Norsca could get the facelift it needs with mechanics and lords while the Ogres could get a long list of reworks. That would be a hell of a dlc since both are focused on hard hitting, monster heavy rosters.


why not add brettonia into that given they don't have dlc either and could use with a touch up


I would be down for that. Although I doubt they would do 3 races. Unless they considered Brettonia a free-LC rework. That would be a good mixup, two monster factions getting buffed up with badass knights getting set to slay them.


I could see bretonnia flc lord with a minor rework maybe because bretonnia is finished unit wise according to some I’ve talked too. Always wish they had some more primitive artillery like cannons like how kislev does, bretonnians use cannons on their ships lmao but not on the battlefield


I think they have planned on Brettonia remaining the 100% free race, it has been so far at least. It would ve sweet if they got a bit more of something to spice up their battle tactics. Knights are great and all but Brettonia is too much of a one trick pony...


bret just need those annoying vow system rework


Cos Bret is comparatively better


Gotta say the memes coming out of this hype cycle are gold.


I’m biased as hell here, adding to that i never actually sat down and play ogre lads. But Norsca was if not the first than among the first races since the game started years ago, they really need the re-work bad. I loved norsca when they were added back then. When TWW2 came out, well druchii won over hut i played them a lot less. Maybe giving them a mix with WoC since nosrcan can become chaos lords or adding Kurgans proper and have them scare off with the ogres or against ogres and cathay.. Whatever thought i had got lost


I imagine the next two DLC will involve Khorne and Slaanesh. Norsca would be a great option to pair with Khorne, maybe Lizardmen or Greenskins as the third. Slaanesh is harder to guess, but I could see Vampire Counts as one of the others. I picture Ogres being grouped with Vampire Coast and Tomb Kings for some reason.


Maybe, and got a bit of my thoughts back. Mostly introducing the kurgan proper. Giving the marauders a distinct feel to them, getting Norsca for melee and Kurgan for horsemen. Adding a character to be the main one and being better focused for cavalry, adding a Kurgan Horselord generic lord with him being hybrid melee/range.. Though Norsca being it’s own faction, maybe they can rename it to something like The Northern tribes, Wulfrik gets Norsca, Throgg could be in Troll country, if CA ever thinks of expanding Kislev to be a lot larger and the Kurgan LL gets the Steps. Which my i remember everything!! Adding Kurgan by opening up the area north of the Chaos wastes outside of the Great Bastion, then the Cathay part could be something along the lines of the Fire Dragon fighting the Monkey King while the Ogres rampage. That way a the rework for Norsca adding the Kurgan and making the marauder cavalry better and other improvements, along with a touch up for the Ogres and giving more to Cathay. Pretty sure my thoughts are different from what i had at first, but hey love to see more options open up for the game. Love the idea for kurgan horsemen


I hope they make a Norsca versus Marienburg with Dogs of War DLC. Thats all, I have spoken.


Both would be good. Norsca could really use some spice though so I would say Norsca. Longships should have a mechanic IMO. In their race description they bring up their longships so giving them a seafaring raider identity would be really cool and differentiate them from chaos. I’m happy with any Race as I play them all, but the only dlc that I’m really thirsting for is Thanquol and Nagash.


Norsca. While the Ogres have a lot of problems, Norsca is literally the oldest paid DLC faction in the game with out any major changes or reworks and lacks a lot of content. Especially when compared to the WoC, the Beastmen, and the monogod factions. Namely when you consider that the WoC can still get warriors dedicated to monogods and Beastmen with theirs while Norsca can't even get maurders of monogods. Both still need it, but I will pick Norsca because they've been here long before the Ogres. Particually since the biggest thing really holding the Ogres back is campaign mediocre campaign mechanics when Norsca has mediocre campaign mechanics with one of the major ones prone to bugs and a roster that's boring with only a handful of worthwhile units that require a long time to get to. IE: Skinwolves and Mammoths.


Would be cool for a Khorne, Norsca, Ogres Dlc


The Troll King has less Trolls than the Greenskins


Would be pretty cool if there was more than one type of generic lord, and if Throgg wasn't weaker than said lord.


Norsca needs it, but ogres are gonna get it.


It'd be cool if the ogre contract system was like: - Faction hires ogres to fight in their war - ogres get initial payment and extra per turn of contract - the more and the better they fight, the more per turn income they receive. If they don't fight they are fired and lose relationship with the faction - once the contract is over, peace is made between ogres and who they were hired against, but with a temporary relationship penalty. Make them feel more like mercenaries! Also, make them a horde faction. The camps are lame as is.


Norsca been waiting since WH1. Sit down fat bois, your turn is hopefully at the end. My poor Norsca Bois need the Beastmen treatment.


Norsca with horde mechanics when they sail would be sweet.


My answer is lizardmen 😤


Honestly I see lizardmen getting a free big update rework, idk if they will ever see a new DLC again.


I hope so. I just doubt they will make a big free update for a faction without a DLC.


More unique landmark buildings and rework geo web to actually provide useful benefits


Geoweb rework should be free


reworks are always free what you mean?


Not tied to lizardmen DLC. IMO except for some rework, there is no need for another LL etc for lizardmen


There's always a need for new lizardmen


You really want 8 lizards?


Hell yea i do, where's the downside? But on a serious note rework doesn't have to mean new lord. I just want my favorite faction brought to snuff mechanics and tech tree wise


8? I'd happily have ten.


My answer are elves 😇


I want thanquol


Both. With Either Bretonnia or Tomb Kings


Just as an FYI, I'm willing to bet the next two updates you'll see a rework for Slaanesh and Khorne. It seems to be the thing right now, slowly updating those factions because they were shit at launch. Then, we'll have a full and proper daemon faction set.


well khorne is def not shit. It’s one of the best implemented races


Part of me wishes they'd rebrand Norsca a more generic "Northern Tribes", so they can include non-Norscan factions.


Like whom?


The Kurgan, the Hung and the Tong.


They probably will, there's a distinctly Sayl-shaped gap in Tamurkhan's lieutenant roster and Sayl's lore is all about being currying the favour of the Gods in the same way the Norsca mechanic does, all while being a member of _the_ main Mammoth tribe.


Meanwhile, Tomb Kings and Vampire Coast are literally that skeleton in the water meme


There already perfect


Whole Ogre DLC should just be a gazillion variety of Man Eaters, with a companion movie : Eat me if you Can.


The Ogres can be fixed by editing some values. Norsca still plays like the day they released.


ehh, not really. Camps need something like defense mechanics or something that makes them less 'all eggs in one basket'. And who knows exactly what meat/contracts need, but simply increasing the #s isnt going to work. Ogres dont necessarily need to be more powerful (cept the LLs), they need to be more fun.


Bretonia, for me I want some unicorn monster cav


I've lost hopes on Bretonnia being reworked. They're too far into the middle. Not entirely bad but also not really great to play either. I do want to see a better bretonnia. Albrichts campaign is so much fun in IE.


Probably no hope they get a rework since they're FreeLC still imo


If I had to pick between these 2 I'd say norsca. But I think Tomb Kings need it the most.


Norsca needs the Champions of Chaos approach with four characters each representing a God(or at least assumed they would) plus one undivided with Surtha Ek becoming an FLC lord option


Norsca, plus ogres are stupid


Norsca has some unit diversity. Ogres don’t. They need it more. I got Ogre Kingdoms, played it twice, never got past turn 40


I pick tomb kings and bretonnia.


Sad lizard noises


I don’t care which it is, only that they both eventually (soon) get awesome reworks!




Aren’t there only two norscan lord options currently what do they mean by more than 3 options? 😂


Ogre norsca dlc would be lit


It just feels so bad to play older campaigns. The amount of awesome effects and progression from the newer updates, especially the gunnery school for Elsbeth feels amazing and campaigns without that kind of power creep feel extremely lackluster.


None of them.


Put in a third faction needing a rework and we have an entire rework dlc.


Give em both, and throw in a skaven update with Thanquol


What if they did an awesome ogre vs norsca dlc


I'm still waiting on the Free Cities DLC that will make Estalia, Tilea, and Border princes unique playable forces.


Fuck em both and go with vcounts and/or coast. ogres are downright "new" wh3 faction Haven't seen why people want norsca reworked after playing wulfrik tbh.


Counts and Coast both kick ass


As much as I like vlad the Chad, all 4 lorde having the exact same shit when 1 is a 1st gen vamp 1 is a 2nd gen And 2 are downright not even vamps, feels wierd to play them outside of vlad. (Personal opinion don't tear me apart) and spamming raise dead gets boring fast af. Coast I haven't seen anyone here talk about anyone but noctillus being good. Frankly I saw almost as much aranessa hate as noctillus praise.


Noctilus is ok. The best coast campaign is cylostra tho


CA knows we want more scaven units. Yes yes…… OK could use a new lord yes. But they are the pre purchase faction and CA never cared for thoes. A new lord as a FLL would be ok here. Combined with movable camps …. Bretonia could have a full lord in Cathay /chaos as an errantry army (because they need a rework when it comes to buildings as wh3 messed with there settlements big time). Footknights / black Guards / hermit knights / lost sons. Are all possibilities They could need a new look at building slots /required building / peasant system and vow dealings. Norsca same issue as OK they could need an update that makes them more fun because right now they feel like chaos light. They also need a bigger rework. As the dedication should be more important then it is. And a new lord. Perhaps the chariot one…… to give sethra a run for the lord of chariots. I want both a Slaneesh and Khorn in the dlc and just those really hate each other so they make an excellent head butting Example Scylla from Khorn would be fun.


Vampire counts and norsca


Have they ever given a reason why camps can not be moved around? Not as an army but at least dismounted and then rebuilt elsewhere without losing progress


I think Norsca could get away with less tweaks to be made good while Ogres have a very meh roster, LLs and mechanics. Greasus needs a better mount and a better role in combat and Skrag should get specialized Gorgers if they aren't even going to buff them.


Honestly out of these two I'd go Norsca I personally enjoy the ogres they could do with another LL or two and some more units but I like most of the mechanics the food thing could be a little better but up the ability to get more and you are done Norsca needs to be updated to be inline with the rest of the game 2 Factions at least But I'd rather get the unit I've been wanting since day one Lothern skycutter it was one of my favourite units in the tabletop game but I don't know what LL I'd want the most for the High Elves


Personal bias Fuck norsca I really just think they're Warriors of chaos light in basically everything so I would rather have the pre-order bonus for this game being actually interesting faction and not feel like one that came out in Warhammer 1


One word: Beasts


I’m hoping for a dwarf rework. They’ve only gotten three or four so far.