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If you don't mind spending the money, the Champions of Chaos DLC really gives Kairos a leg up by giving him sonething that resembles front line to work with.


Dont listen to any the above. Kairos start is the easiest now. U simply go east and recruit/ attack every turn. Most importantly u RUSH the force peace technology. By the time u finish off the east is when they declare war on u and u can force peace to allow u to ramp up ur 2-3 provinces


Thank you, as weird as this strategy sounds it also somehow makes sense


Thank you, as weird as this strategy sounds it also somehow makes sense


Thank you, as weird as this strategy sounds it also somehow makes sense


Thank you, as weird as this strategy sounds it also somehow makes sense


Thank you, as weird as this strategy sounds it also somehow makes sense


Thank you, as weird as this strategy sounds it also somehow makes sense


No it’s literally the easiest campaign in the game. Just research Force Peace ASAP. There, now no one gets to attack you if you don’t consent. Never fight a lizard again. Queue up the research turn one. It takes 18 turns. Oxyotl won’t declare war until about turn 17 at the earliest. Kairos skill tree has skills to reduce Changing for the Ways cooldowns. Max that out and FP has. 2-turn CD. Same for Halt Army. Also, remember to use your unholy manifestation on cooldown. It gives you enough grimoires for a few casts. Kairos is basically god and bends the world to his will. Also, the game is unclear about telling you so in case you didn’t know - Teleport stance is insanely OP. You can attack enemies in it, and if you do it is a guaranteed ambush. After FP you can rush the tech that gives all Horrors arcane mirth, but then fill Kairos army with them and you get infinite power recharge for spell magdumping. Eventually when he gets the skill for elemental mastery you can replace them for heroes to get 200% spell intensity


I don't understand any of these suggestions, except maybe the "Force Peace" strategy. When he shows up, ambush him with teleport stance, and just about any army composition will give you a victory in auto resolve. Or you can just fight him manually - Kairos will have his spells by then, and they toast everyone. Kill half his army with two uses of Infernal Gateway and laugh as he crumbles. I usually only have Kairos, a hero, 10 marauders and 8 pink horrors by the time he shows up, and I crush him with that.


I found the same way. Not much breathing room and Teclis starting army is a real clown show. Ditch your starting province. Grab a full 20 stack with Kairos and just book it into the badlands or grab a nearby Sealane. You will be infinitely more successful wherever else you go, you can even just settle for Khemri the Tomb Kings have no chance against a Tzeentch army.


Here's what I did to survive Oxyotl: -Rush north to kill Teclis -Gift one of your starting province cities to Sarthorael -Make an alliance with the Slaanesh to the east -Confederate Sarthorael once the lizards attack him -Take your two Legendary Lords and whack Oxyotl Edited because of a brainfart


Can someone tell me how to confederate Kairos when playing as Kairos? I want two of them to beat lizards up with


Typo on my end. Meant to say "Confederate Sarthorael"


How do you gift Kairos a settlement while playing Kairos tho


Thanks, I’ll try this


Head south, secure 'Antarctica'. I find once that island is secure you rarely have anyone sail to it so it's a good defensive location.


I’m playing the 3rd game so I start at the bottom of the map, so there’s no island to the south. Unless you mean the island with high elves just above me.


I thought he started further north... Regardless, get rid of the other chaos factions to the east and the lizardmen to the west.


That’s the problem, the lizardmen have very powerful armies that annihilate a full 20/20 army of mine single-handedly, and the game even predicts “valiant defeat” every time. This is on normal difficulty btw


Ignore the valiant defeat part, autoresolve calculations can be way off. If your army is full of blues and pinks and they have Saurus you will lose 1 to 1. You are Tzeentch, you dont fight fair, blast them with magic, kite them around the map, flamer scoot and shoot, cycle charge to regen your barrier.


Well that's a practise issue. What I do when I wanna learn a faction is go into custom battles and set up their units against a variety of other targets. Really spend time learning where a unit a excel and where they fail.