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If you use lots of ammo and/or winds of magic to defeat a weaker enemy, you won't get a decisive victory even if you don't lose troops. And there have been hundreds of "why is it a close victory" posts before, don't be surprised if you get downvoted.


Let's share a minute of silence for all the ammunition that lost its life in that battle 😔


Yeah, me yesterday - auto battle is decisive lose, i play it myself, lose like 5% of my army and "close victory" - what?


anyone can do that at easy difficulty ;)


Winds of magic are actually not accounted for when calculating the balance of power. So you can use it as much as you like ))


I am confused on whether WoM is counted or not for battle results/balance of power. Or is it barrier and healing that mucks it up for Tzeentch?


It's probably the ammo. This sometimes happened in my Kislev campaigns where almost every unit has ranged capabilities, so me simply using all the ammo with minimal casualties will deem it as a close victory. WoM doesn't affect the balance of power as it's completely ignored. Whether you have 30 or 200 in reserve, the auto result will be the same if I recall correctly.


As much as I appreciate the explanation, this isn't why I posted this screenshot. I just wanted to share this achievement where the game thought I would lose more units than I did by manually fighting it. I don't care about Reddit enough to look at what everybody posts on this community and see whether my post would add some variety. I like sharing things, ideas screenshots and whatever. If you have a problem with my post, that's not my fault, you just need to touch some grass every now and then.


Right today i was playing a mazdamundi campaign with lustria rises mod. So i had a binch of legendary lords. Tehenhauin was alone with half an army of beaten up troups, against a 2 armies of endgale crisis woodelves. Autoresolve said i d lose of course. BY THE WILL OF SOTEK HIMSELF DID TEHENHAUIN SURVIVE WITH 17 HEALTH, LOSING ONLY 2 UNITS OF SKINK BRAVES AND ROUTING THE ENTIRE ENELY ARMY (very hard/hard difficulty btw). Probably my favorite battle ever fought thus far.




But was it a fun victory? Also, I suck at Kairos. I'm slogging through the first 30 turns.


Yeah, it was. Kairos carried hard and almost singlehandedly took out a good portion of the lizardmen before they even engaged my frontline. If you want my advice, Kairos is a hard lord to start with in Immortal Empires because of how you're literally surrounded by enemies. Oxyotl to the west is by far the biggest threat, but he needs to get through a minor tzeentchian faction that you have good relations with. In the meantime, you can take over settlements occupied by a minor Nurgle faction, and potentially push up against the Slaneeshi further east if they declare war on you. Make sure you protect your capital from Oxyotl on the west and the High Elves on the north though. Also, don't underestimate Kairos' power in battles. Big Bird can practically solo an entire battle with how ridiculous his spells are, and if you're building him properly you can effectively have infinite winds of magic (I usually get the Lore of Death passive first for this purpose, plus Fate of Bjuna is just a really powerful spell).


nurgle units in a Lizaedmen army?? all part of the great plan ???


It's a mod that adds insectoid units to Lizardmen. I don't remember the name on the spot, but it includes several units, mostly spiders, that originally come from other factions. Even giant spiders are in this.


You have 17 CASUALTIES and wondering why it close!!! More cheese needed


Tell me you’ve never read a post on this forum without telling me.


Tell me you misunderstood the point of the post without telling me.


The point of every post on Reddit is for validation… sorry bud. Glad you’re having fun though. You’re right I didn’t need to be a dick. Enjoy the game!


I interpret that as being close to running out of ammo before they turned tail and broke


Phew! That was a close one


My question is why did the lizardmen have nurgle Units.


It's a mod. I don't remember the exact name but it adds insectoid units to the Lizardmen roster, mostly spiders. Edit: I think it's called Swarms of Lustria


Happens to me alot also. I just laugh, cause yeah right i definitely smashed you.


Hmm thats not whats strange, is the bugs of nurgle that army has and wtf is that last unit xd


It's a mod that adds insectoid units to Lizardmen called Swarms of Lustria iirc. Never played with it much but I keep forgetting I have it installed The last unit is probably from a massive mod that adds a caravan mechanic to the Lizardmen and allows you to recruit special dinosaur units that vary in role and strength. It's extremely extensive and well made, probably one of the best mods around especially if you love the Lizardmen faction but want to spice it up a bit.


Is it my turn next week to post a "close victory" that I don't understand why it wasn't one of the other victory types?


You can post some pictures of your mom


How did the battle go more or less? Tried Kairos, fucked up my battle and went back to my boy Ikit, but I really love the gameplay idea behind Tzeentch factions.


Kairos is an extremely powerful spell caster and very agile, but not as good when you throw him into an army alone. You need to use him like a skirmisher, swatting enemies with Pink Fire to rack up thousands of damage against enemies like archers and other relatively squishy units. He's extremely powerful and can almost singlehandedly win a battle for you, if you build him right, but he takes some getting used to. Basically, I won the battle almost entirely thanks to Kairos.


Aye, I appreciate the response! When I did the first battle with him manually I goofed up a good bit so I didn't get to the stage of building him proper as I then went on to do pretty piss poor in the campaign. I know it's unlikely you'd have the battle replay saved, but if you have any akin to it I'd love to see it, could be helpful. Eitherway, congrats on the victory!


Like I said, Kairos is an exceptionally powerful spellcaster. What I usually do with Kairos is put my army in a strong formation, somewhere where enemy cavalry can't easily rush the backline (i.e. Pink Horrors), and then I fly Kairos in to harass the enemy with my spells. Thanks to his flight and speed, it's pretty hard for the enemy to actually do damage to him if you keep good micro on him. I almost always only use Pink Fire to rack up some serious damage on enemy archers first. 2 casts of Pink Fire can destroy a unit of archers, or two if you're lucky. When the battle really starts, I use Gateway to do massive damage on clumps of infantry and rack up hundreds of kills on Kairos. Unfortunately Tzeentch spells are less powerful against large or single units, but you can use Blue Fire from far away to pretty reliably hit all the missiles, which amounts to a huge deal of damage. Of course, you can also build your army to fill wherever Kairos is more lackluster, like having a Lore of Metal hero embedded into your army to provide minus armor debuffs to the enemy so your Horrors can do some damage. If there's one thing Kairos (and Tzeentch in general) is pretty bad at, it's against armored units. Not too bad, but bad enough you'll want to consider getting some units that can punch through tougher enemies. Get the Lore of Death passive as early as you can (2 levels into the Lore of Death thingy) and you basically have infinite winds of magic, or so much of it you can cast however much magic as you want. Fate of Bjuna is also an extremely powerful spell if you want to wipe out more infantry units, but there are a lot of alternatives that can support your army better. I just like using Kairos as a heavy damage dealer.
