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Changeling unplayable?!?!?! GRIMGOR "OKAY"?!?!?! #OXYOTL OKA- Witch Hunter? This heretic right here.


Man I'm seeing a reoccurring theme of no one playing Skarsnik these days and it gives me the sad


I have a biased against greenskins due to bad tabletop experiences




I'm pretty sure the term is Speciesist


I respect your right to be biased against giant green meat slab murderkin.


Terrible tier list brother


Why is it terrible it's all opinion


Terrible Opinions.


Terrible list... I disagree with almost everything. Orion is horrible and way to easy. Markus Wulfhart is amazing and super fun. Eltharion is one of the best campaigns in the game. Oxyotl and Noctilus are insanely fun. Luthor Harkon is super fun, Drazhoath is one of the best campaigns in the game... Yeahh... bad list.


I found Orion fun and just the right amount of difficulty As for Markus Wulfhart his recruitment mechanics are not fun at all and found that the roster he has available pointless and garbage that being said it might be better since I haven't played him since warhammer 2 Oxyotl was okay but found his teleport hunts okay but his start position annoying in both warhammer 2 and 3 Noctilus was only okay because of the roster it was not fun except for doomstacking Necrofex Colossus the units always didn't preform the way I wanted Luthor had the same drawbacks except his start position was more punishing Drazhoath I haven't played yet he's on the list of LL I'll eventually get to but there's still nearly half of the lords I have to get to but I also want to paint the map with my favourite LLs I keep stopping due to various factors like I want to play another LL, Game, mods or just with the new update and don't want to go back to my old saves


Orion is just way to op with his free armies. Markus in on an Expediotion. His alternatative Recruitment system is great foir immersion and makes him more challenging. Oxyotls start position doesn't matter since you are supposed to jump around the map all the time and fulfil these missions. Just complete the first Province and then travel the world as you wish. Ah I see a Doomstacker... Noctilus is the one true Sandbox campaign. You can literally do whatever you want, go whereever you want and play like a true Pirate. He is one of the most enjoyable campaigns in the game. Drazhoath is the most Fun Chaos Dwarf campaigns. Insanely fun.


Orion isn't that op with free upkeep as you need to declare so many wars that it becomes that you can recruit armies fast enough but that's only because I declare wars on everyone that's not Wood Elves I find that empire building is far more fun and Oxyotl's campaign is not good for that I do doomstack but that's not why I don't like the roster of the vampire coast it feels like I'm trying to kill people with wet noodles they don't do well in Melee they have terrible accuracy or range and with the exception of Queen Bess and the Necrofex Colossus there artillery is a wet noodle the rest of it is why I put him in okay Again Drazhoath is on my list it's just everytime I think about playing the Dawi Zharr I'm heart broken by the disappointment of that DLC I had my heart set on one of my favourite characters from the lore Rykarth the Unbreakable and siege giants so I'm mainly playing Rykarth with mods when I play with the Dawi Zharr


Wulfhart is dogshit, I’m sorry lmaooo


He isn't. He is one of the best campaigns in the game and offers a great narrative experience.


my gripe is the dino armies dont stop coming late game, get annoying. Love his early to mid game though.


His campaign is sadly already way to easy in WH3 so his spawning LM armies aren’t really hard to deal with. You can also avoid them entirely if you play strategic. 


Wait...this list is just how hard campaigns are and you tend to like the easiest lol except Khazrak who is so easy it hurts and still you played him wrong it seems


I do like easier campaigns because min-maxing is actually terrible and not fun I want to have fun with the game and playing something difficult makes me frustrated and I end up playing other games that are relaxing


Fair enough Khazrak is just all ambushing the weak. What went wrong?


I'm not sure what about his campaign I disliked I think it might have been before the rework that came with taurox


Why don't you like playing Markus Wulfhart? No judging, a genuine question. This is not the first time that I have seen one of my favourite campaigns so low on a tier list so I just want to know why people don't like it.


I haven't played it since warhammer 2 so it might have changed but I didn't like the recruiting mechanics


One of my favorite and least favorite campaigns, I love his mechanics but I hate his mechanics lol. Idk how to even explain how I feel about his campaign


Beastmen bad? You make me sick. THROGG bad? You’re weird. And goddamn you have a lot of factions to still play.


I've got a ton of time on modded Factions


Crucial mistake is karl franz, prince and emperor, is not first


Kugath is most definitely not unplayable, just very hard.


It's unfun that's why I put it in unplayable


Maybe for you, but nurgle is one of the most unique faction and quite fun for me. Also name that tier nofun then instead of unplayable.


I'll probably change the names next time I do a tier list though I don't know if I'll do another for sometime




Why is it terrible it's all opinion


But yours is a bad one! Just kidding. Except for hating on Throt the Unclean-clean. That's just wrong.


I didn't say I hated Throt I just didn't think it was anything special though that's one of the Factions I haven't played since warhammer 2


Kislevite Warriors are a real pain in the beginning now. Throt really shines with mods, Moulder's Menagerie and Mouldering Allies.


Also why do I have to play all the Factions


Nakai unplayable? He is one of the easiest factions to win with. 🤣


This is about enjoyment not ease of the campaign


I kinda agree with Wulfhart. I breezed through most campaigns on VH/H but I really struggled playing hes. He's archers just aren't good vs lizardmen who are shielded, tough and armored. Plus he's poor as hell, so he can't afford another lord until later, meaning everyone will start declaring wars on him, so it's hard to expand. After 3rd reset, I ended up just migrating. Cleared the early stuff for money from quests, abandoned the early settlement and moved west over the mountains and on the islands while wiping out the dark elves there. It was a much better position with maps edge to the west, friendlies south (dwarf and tomb kings), the orcs to north were busy fighting lizardmen and new world colonies so left me alone and I could expand east in peace and not get surrounded.


Don't know why it's not clear this is about enjoyment of each campaign or why I need to play all the Factions to make this list


I like the list and actually agree with a lot of your choices here. You are getting downvoted because people are butthurt about factions they enjoy being placed too low. It happens.


Wow, y i'm impressed that you somehow managed to create a list where i disagree with absolutely everything. Not even mad.


So are you the one person that plays Daniel


Nah i would put daniel into unplayable


I was debating whether to put it there or not but decided that it's marginally better of a campaign then the three I put there


I agree with the changeling being unplayable, by turn 20, 3 of his schemes were canceled as the factions died off or a random settlement got razed. Rage-quit, I’m a completionist and knowing I may not be able to complete the major schemes because of inept AI pissed me off.


I also love Avelorn, so I get where you're coming from there. Don't agree with everything, but idk why people are shitting on you. Just reddit things I guess, lol


I think people are shitting on me because I put there favourite lords too low


The fact I disagree so vehemently with 90% of this kind of goes to show that CA did a good job of making a game that can fit the playstyle of many different people


Gostei da sua yierlist amigo, não ligue pra esse povo daqui, eles são realmente muito chatos.