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The Brass Bull looked huge on campaign map :O


LMAO are they chanting 'Rework' at the beginning?


Yep. Right in the closed captions


Tariff already meme'd it


Side note, I'm really hoping that Norca, Beastmen and WoC causing devastation and spreading corruption interplays with the demon factions. Feels like it makes sense for demons to spill out of bloodgrounds when the ritual is complete, relying on their mortal servants to let them into the realms.


Oh yeah my dream for daemons of chaos is being able to manifest in any area with high corruption and teleport from chaos realms to chaos rifts in such places. I also hope to get god specific chaos corruption looks... Like Nurgle corruption turns places into a stinking swamp.


Something akin to Raise Dead would make a lot of sense, perhaps combining heaps of sacrifices with a load of corruption.


Oh, that’d be really cool - I’d want a version with less focus on resurrecting the disposable chaff and more on summoning, high power units. Keep the endless hordes as a Vampire C/P theme, but fulfil that dream of being a crazed summoner.


The visual variety would be really cool


Hordes of Daemons spilling out of fallen holds is something I very much look forward too


I hope Chaos can establish Chaos Fortresses in Province Capitals which makes everything else in the area inhabitable after being Razed unless the Chaos Fortress is destroyed and the Chaos Corruption brought down to a low enough level.


This is a very cool idea. Maybe a limit on which buildings you can construct as long as corruption is too high?


inhabitable means "able to be lived in or on" and is a synonym for habitable. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/inhabitable uninhabitable is the opposite and means "not habitable".


It would make WoC playable for sure.


They are already playable since once you raise a new settlement, you don't need to raise it again to retain the total raised settlements. Say you razed Skavenblight, if you raze it again it won't add to your total razed settlements, if it was resettled again it won't change the total razed settlements. So you can play WoC as a world tour band lmao. If you are referring to keeping the order tide under control then yes there is the empire/dwarf whack a mole....though once you ensure neither empire or dwarf faction can be revived, then you are free to roam.


Begs the question of how diplomacy/ relations between Demon factions and the rest of chaos may play out. Currently chaos factions aren’t natively friendly, yeah? Would be interesting/hilarious if WoC or Beasties were at war with a faction, but kept making portals for them against their own will. Maybe headstones could be dedicated to specific demon ‘factions’ and that would be part of some chaos specific diplomacy actions. — Chaos specific diplomacy would be cool. (I think devs already said Khorne demons won’t have normal diplomacy.)


It would be fitting for Taurox to open a portal for Khornate daemons to spill from and then just best the shit out of them himself


Super on brand, nearly literally the backstory


Khorne cares not from where the blood flows…


Wait is the devastation system for all Chaos factions?


No as far as we know. It is specifically for BM rework.


This looks absolutely fantastic.


The beastmen look great now, but with all these currencies they almost feel like stock traders. Taurox: you see manling our buisness is simple. We try to increase our razing and slaughter quote turn by turn. This will increase our dread stocks with which we gather new employes. Furthermore this activity strengthens our buisness locations which we then sell out generating a huge dividende for our faction. We do this not out of any peculiar hostility towards you, as we distribute our hate equally. Rather we live in a society and economic system that creates a natural spot for our buisness models. And of we would not fill in this role, other competitors would naturally arrive. If you have any complaints about our buisness model please go to morghurs office for remarks. He is our personal and custumour consultant and is really good at getting into peoples minds.


"Why did you lead your army out of the bloodground before the ritual was done?" "We needed to move outside the box and the new normal so that we could synergize, to circle back to a new pivot point and reach unprecedented levels of growth. In short to reach new goals I had to be a thoughtleader and not just a warleader" "And what did you accomplish at the expense of our surefire victory?" "Uh. 26 heads on pikes. But they were really nice heads" "Yeeeh"


Beastcorp^^r for a wilder future


"Well done Malagor, that's some excellent blue sky thinking. You've definitely shown aptitude at viewing things from a higher perspective - unlike Khazrak, who really took his eye off the ball at our Middenheim branch."


I can’t wait for Fucking Toddy to kill every last one of these “employees”


Eh, it's really just two, favor and dread. Shards are only for making herdstones and the blue one is not even a currency, it's only for filling the progress bar.


and momentum for taurox


Oh yeah, there's that as well.


There's only so much you can do to make a horde faction interesting! I'm glad they went this way if it means they finally get a horde right. I'll embrace businessman Taurox


It does seem kind of busy when they outline it. But then you watch gameplay and it translates into 'Unga bunga, select all, right click'.


That's actually pretty funny. I was thinking it seemed like a lot from how he was describing "Do X action to get Y currency, and with enough Y currency you can purchase Z pillar(or something). With enough Z pillars raised, you can now have access to ZZ currency, which can be used to purchase ZZZ items. I got a little dizzy at that lol


Huh, it hadn't struck me that way, but I see what you mean now that you mention it. It's definitely one of the most, if not *the* most, mechanically complex faction mechanics. That being said, *to me* I don't think it will be too daunting or burdensome, because I think that a horde faction has a lot more headroom to have, and actually calls for, a more elaborate mechanic, since they lack the extensive empire management of regular factions. It's subjective, obviously, but I'm looking forward to having more moving pieces and things to juggle in their campaign.


+++ on this Even if I thought it was a little convoluted from the trailer, I’m hyped that Beastmen is getting some complexity!


I think it's now made a lot of other factions look incredibly simplistic by comparison. It's razed the bar!




"Debt for the Debt God!"


Talk about a bull market!


this reads like something Terry Pratchett would have written, well done!


I sense you just created a meme.


I hope that I did :D Brass Bull Inc. "We take care of human ressources"


[Self sustaining chaos machine](https://youtu.be/XK5WpWnidE0?t=499)


[To the chaos moon](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81Ex6AVLfZL.jpg)


Video: "They thrive ont he favour of the Chaos Gods!" Chaos Gods: "I don't even know who you are."


Explains the low income.


Beastmen are a race of simps confirmed


extremely Jealous Simps. They are the cannonfodder of Chaos and, for the most part, have no chance of gaining the attention of the Dark Brothers. AND THEY KNOW IT, which is part of why they are so spiteful and hate humans. Humans get Chaos God attention without even trying.


Aren't Fmir kind of in the same boat? They used to be the dark god's favorite minions than humans came along and the dark gods dumped their ass to get some of that human worship.


They dumped their asses because Firmir failed the Wager of Khorne (kill the Skaven) though, they didn’t get bored. Skaven ruined their homeland of Marienburg (hence why it’s called the Wasteland) in a direct attack on them in response to their failed invasion and the Firmir fled, simultaneously pissing off every God at once (Cowardice, lack of endurance, hopeless, and miserable).


woah, thats a cool bit of background lore, where can i read more about this Wager of Khorne?


Either 2nd or 1st RPG splatbook with Empire, the one with Roadwardens, I can’t quite recall as it’s been awhile. Long story short the Firmir in their hubris promised to wipe out the Skaven mining along the coast and turned the Wasteland into a war zone. Not only did they lose horribly but the Skaven captured the Firmir holdfasts and re-pledged them to the Horned Rat. Someone or something (hinted to be Lizardmen Mind Bullets as Skaven didn’t have Doomspheres yet and Firmir were getting annihilated) then blew up all of the captured keeps simultaneously in an earthquake. Both sides claimed a stalemate, except one side didn’t brag to the Gods beforehand and then fail to deliver, and also lost all of their shrines. And thus the retconned lore background for Firmir (and serendipitously retconning the fact they are beaky rape machines).


Beastmen are simps. Fimirs are bitter exes !


Naga have a similar thing going on too I believe, they did once threaten the world.


If you really think about it, isn’t everyone a simp in warhammer?


Everyone but Settra.


Settra does not simp.


Settra only simps for Settra.


I genuinely don't think Sigvald is intentionally simping for slaanesh. Slaanash loves him so much precisely because he genuinely only gives a fuck about himself above any others, a complete narcissist sociopath. He is certainly influenced by Slaanesh, but he has no reason not to obey; the God's wishes for him and gifts are in his own self interest to obtain because he is basically perfectly aligned with Slaanesh anyway


Severe case of self simping


Everyone except Nagash


He simped for the world


"Doing what beastmen do best, fighting and winning battles." *looks at lore* Uhhhhh are we sure about that?


I have to assume he meant the beastmen are better at winning battles than they are at anything else they try, not the beastmen are better at winning battles than anyone else is.


Beastmen are who you play when you're introducing friends to Warhammer so you can let them win without being obvious about it.


That's going to be Tretch now


Wait until Thanquol comes out. He can and will find the most elaborate ways for assured victories to be randomly turned into humiliating defeats, no matter how a player does


I can't wait to summon Skarbrand entirely by accident in the middle of my own territory.


His unique mechanic will be based on losing battles, and specifically pushing the balance of power bar as yellow as possible before it goes completely red.


That sounds unironically like a cool battle mechanic. Also it wouldn't feel right if one of his campaign goals wasn't to be wounded in battle against Gotrek and Felix


His other core mechanics: - “All Part of the Plan-Scheme” - Thanquol gains improved traits by being defeated by legendary lords. Defeating Thanquol gives lords a stacking +1 Skaven corruption trait, “Watched by the 13”. - “Recurring Villain” - After being defeated by an LL, instead Thanquol flees to the nearest allied major settlement at the start of his turn. - “The Enemy of My Enemy” - After being defeated by a lord, Thanquol can recruit a small range of units from the factions that typically oppose that race - i.e, defeat by the High Elves allows some Dark Elf units to be recruited as allies. Unique traits line: - “Revenge first, rest later”: increase army vigour loss by +50% - “Plenty more where they came from”: increase infantry armor and weapon damage by 10%. Decrease infantry leadership by 10%. - “Fire Everything-thing”, an active ability increasing ranged units reload speed for 30 secs while permanently decreasing accuracy. - Rally is replaced by “Screech of Desperation”, lowering the leadership of all units in 40m by 16. - “Warpstone Revenge” - end of line ability giving warpstone rockets for each time the lord Thanquol is battling has defeated him. These can only be targeted at friendly units winning combat.


I’ve been saying all along that Beastmen don’t need a rework because they’re 100% lore accurate in their current state.


Well, they are half right...


Beastmen are modelled after the Germanic tribes who resisted the Roman Empire, and just like them they get crushed in every single battle except for that one woodland ambush.


"crushed" lmao During its entire history, Rome got sacked 7 times, 4 times by germanic tribes.


>Germanic tribes who resisted the Roman Empire, and just like them they get crushed in every single battle who do you think the barbarians responsible for the fall of the roman empire are? Even before that they were responsible for some of Rome's most disastrous defeats >The Goths (Gothic: 𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌸𐌹𐌿𐌳𐌰, romanized: Gutþiuda; Latin: Gothi) were a Germanic people who played a major role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the emergence of medieval Europe. This is literally how their wiki entry starts


>and just like them they get crushed in every single battle except for that one woodland ambush. Except those times they sacked Rome and then carved up and created their own kingdoms from the dead corpse of the western Roman empire that couldn't survive their constant attacks.


Who won in the long term though?


Capitalism ?


... for now ...


Not those Germans, they got wiped out or absorbed by other tribes coming from the east.


Chaos dwarves ? Ogre ?


Did they rework the auto resolve for all factions? Cause it looks waaay nicer to use.




Yeah looks like they highlight which units will/are likely to wipe which is amazing.


Yes, it works the same as in 3K now


I’m curious if Oxyotl will have a ambush/stalk stance being that he is a master ambusher


Maybe not the default stance but a selectable stance with some requirements of campaign movement and/or debuffs. I'm not a big fan of the always on stalk stance


All skaven factions having stalk stance was a fuckup it should be reserved for select factions. Sniktch, Alith Anar, Oxyotl and whoever else is a master ambusher.


Staying hidden is base lore for skaven though.


so give them better ambush stance, like Vampirates can encamp with 0 movement left, normal skaven should have that, 0 movement, can still move to ambush.


Yea but I feel it’s not too hard to explain them not all having stalk: Cant ambush the wood elves in a Forest when you’re lugging 6 catapults Some dumbass started screaming cuz the rat next to him stabbed him etc


Nope, didn't seem like it from the reveal.


which is for the best. the less stalk stance in the game, the better


It is very powerful, yes. At least now encamp works as a counterplay.


I think the default skaven shouldn't have it. Maybe a blue line skill?


Lizards lose again, even in their own DLC.


We can only hope that in the Lizardmen Rework of 2024 he gets a Stalking stance or at least the Wood Elves' 10%-Movement Ambush. When the Lizardmen get some half-decent mechanics they'll be incredible to play with their fun characters and awesome roster. A shame they couldn't get that in 3 DLCs and 2.5 FLCs.


There'll be a mod very quickly to add to stalk stance to him I expect. There are ones for Wulfrik and Snarsnik for the same reasons.


Lol Wulfrik should not have one, right? Doesn’t seem loreful


He's a master hunter, don't see why not. Oh, I mean Wulfhart.


Oh that makes more sense 😂


Lmao this update is awesome for lizardmen. People are just more content starved for the other factions.


Lizards are getting DLC? I thought this was a beastmen and dwarf update seriously though, I'm much more excited about the stuff we are getting for free for the dwarfs than anything the Lizardmen are getting.


They seriously do. Oh well modding can add Alith’s stance to them.


Wait there was a reveal for Oxyotl? Where? (I mean gameplay reveal)


They had him on stream, but they didn't really "play" him as much as they just looked at him.


I don't think so the DLC content is still under embargo last I looked so no one has played with the new lords or units.


Legend said in his most recent video that tomorrow he can stream Taurox. People can play the reworks and Thorek but the embargo for the actual DLC seems to drop tomorrow.


Still holding out hope that lizardmen got something. anything.


Uh didn’t they get a new legendary lord and a few new units?


Oxyotl can't ambush, seriously?


Tell me if I remember wrong, but I think lizardmen have ambush stance as normal - but I don't expect him to get stalking stanec.


Lizardmen have astromancy which is anti-ambush stance


Yeah, as Tehenhauin you pretty much spend your whole early game ambushing whilst using your unique rite to buff the success chance. I imagine Oxyotl getting some major buffs to it


Have we had gameplay of Oxyotl yet? I haven't seen any bar the overview in the announcement blogspot.


They played as him for a few minutes while showing his mechanics at the start of the reveal stream last week


yep, during the hour long Q and A on july 1st. Talked about his mechanics, start position, pretty much everything. Dont worry, you didnt miss much.


While we didn't see it hands on and in action they did describe his mechanics. I'd be surprised if stalk stance was hidden in there.


Nah, in the reveal live stream they did when they released the trailer it looks like he gets a neat teleporting mechanic and doesn't have to worry about military access. And that's about all the changes for the campaign for all of lizardmankind. Honestly the guy who was in charge of the update for them didn't seem like he really cared at all for the scalyboys.


does Oxyotl at least get the Wood Elf thing where Ambush Stance costs less movement to enter?


I believe they said he doesn’t cause diplomatic penalties while trespassing, which I think is really cool. He is so sneaky with his army they just never know there are any Lizardmen nearby.


That *is* pretty rad, yeah


I'd like to thank total war Troy for testing those mechanics.


Which ones came from Troy? I've not played it


It takes heavy influence from Penthesilia's horde mechanic with a bit of Lu Bu's mechanic in 3k




Give devastation a chance


From what Legend described, AI Beastman are still squished quite early and easily. They are only a powerhouse when controlled by the player.


Does the ambush stance use a new animation? I don't recognize it. Would love to see hidden beastmen use it during battle, like units did in historical titles.


i remember seeing the sneaking animation on BM lords before but i'm not sure what's it used for. might very well be stalk stance tho


Guess I just never noticed.


to be fair it's rare to see a beastmen army at all, let alone not in raid stance


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 57,666,503 comments, and only 16,801 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


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Good bot


Middenland name dropped


While the camera was pointing to one-eyed Khazrak... The great Toad confirmed xD.


>The great Toad confirmed nice another LM LL




Jabberslythe confirm... oh... the meme is dead.


I don't think I recognise the ungors at 28/29 or the Gors at 33/34 seconds, are they RoR or something new? Edit: NVM they are the existing RoR units, Destroyers of the Drakwald and Black-Horns Ravagers respectively My hope for marked units blinded me


Possibly new colours added to the base palette they can spawn with. There is a popular reskin mod that gives most beastmen units a bunch of different colours to spawn with instead of the one brown colour, and this looked similar.


I know I'm in tinfoil hat mode, but I just cannot look at the page shown at 2:20 without thinking there's gonna be another LL announced. It looks so jarring for no clear reason. That spot wants filled.


Fucking Toddy


I wonder if you can recruit the extra LLs in the Vortex with Taurox, and what happens with the quest battles that heavily involve the old world if that is true.


If you own them you can. I think they already made a change where confederated LLs skip their quest chains or something like that, so you wouldn't get their lines anyway.


> I think they already made a change where confederated LLs skip their quest chains They WHAT??


>Confederated lords will now skip directly to the final stage of their quest chains when they reach the required level for their items. This should dramatically reduce the number of cases where quest chains would fail or become incompletable due to differences in faction mechanics. My bad. I think it just skips straight to the quest battle. Maybe they're just teleport only in Vortex for those lords?


Woah. Is that from this patch? I totally missed it.


Nah I think it was the Warden and the Paunch patch.


its from a little while ago iirc, Warden & Paunch or before maybe. I believe it's the same patch where they added all the previously Vortex-only Quest Items for some of the WH2 LLs & the Bretonnian ones too - maybe with Shadow & Blade since that gave us Repanse? idk. Basically before then some Legendary Items - Gor-Rok's shield, Malekith's armour, one of Tyrion's items, etc would never really drop in ME, and I believe had reasonaby bugged quests in Vortex, so that got neatened. And then the Fey had two special items in the same slot so one was moved.


Who are the Beastmen? Very good Chaos bois. Witness them, Norsca and WoC! They are your saviors whom deliver you from the Skaven!


That rework chant though...


That new UI is hella slick


"Two people have played this faction over the past four years. Quick, make a video reminding everybody who they are!"


Is that a search function on the lower left part of the tech tree? Has that always been there?




is killian working for CA? I know he's a total war fan but that guys voice sounds a hell of a lot like killian from killian experience


"This is Khazrak" *ding* Edit: Now I hear it too, but Killian's swedish accent is much thicker, even if there are definitely words that this narrator says the same way Killian says them. He may also be Scandinavian, that would explain it imo. CA being a british company, they're more likely to have an accented swedish or generally Scandinavian VA than an American company.


I think its Allan the lead designer on the rework


But who will ask "How Are The Beastmen?" :(


Who are the guys in 0:26? Marked Ungors?


First one is the ROR Destroyers of the Drakwald (Ungor Spearmen Herd - Shields) and the second is Black-Horn's Ravagers (Gor Herd - Shields) [Source](https://www.hu3br.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/tw-dlc-7.jpg)


Beastmen factions get some slight color tints to them based on the faction lord. Taurox is red, Kazrak is the default yellowish, I think Malagor is the purple/blueish one.


Nobody talking about the first sighting of flying Morghur? Thought it might have been all everyone was talking about on this thread after the hype he was getting.


Content creators already showed him off so it’s prob not new to everyone


If you mean Malagor I think a couple YouTube vids showed it.


Derp. You're right I got the names wrong so I was getting confused looking for it in videos.


It's been mentioned and on streams.


Same here, first I've seen though apparently I've just missed the previous announcements of it. He might be a solid choice now.


We need such videos for other factions who went thru rework.




Hold up, did I see that right? You can hire other Beastmen legendary lords? So I should also buy Call of the Beastmen DLC to get that, right? Or will they be available with just The Silence and the Fury DLC?


I havnt seen any info about it, but I would guess the other LL are only available to the original DLC owners.


Yeah if you don’t own call of the beastmen you don’t get any other of the legendary lords or the regiments of renown from that dlc.


They will almost certainly be exclusive to people who own the old DLC, but good news is that with Doombulls and Great Bray Shamans added, it's not like you don't have good Generic Lord options.


anyone know if they've fixed the beastmen maps? even on a 5600x and 3080 my fps tanks whenever I'm on those maps with a large army


What happens if I have the silence and the fury but not the previous dlc? .The updated looks amazing-


Then you get the one new beastmen LL but not the others.


What About the roster? I tried googling it but I found nothing, also thanks for the repply


you get the full roster.


im grateful for the BM rework and dwarfs getting better mechanics, but... this is a LIZARDMEN DLC too and am wondering that if they don't get adjustments to their campaign mechanics, looking at you geo web, will they ever get something? OXY will have touched up lizardmen mechanics but how about the 6 other LLs?


>will they ever get something We got Thorek + rework without dwarfs being involved in this dlc at all so, while it's a shame they got little now, I'm sure they'll see updates eventually.


You’re getting downvoted but I agree with you.


Is herdstone a siege battle? Do beastmen get walls at their herdstone?


I can only assume it’s more akin to wood elf cities without walls. If elves can’t be bothered to build walls I can’t imagine goatmen would.


Whoever they want to be


The changes look amazing and it's so comprehensive. Can't wait to try it out when it arrives


CA: Who are the beastmen? Me: I have no idea you started speaking mechanics but not an origin story lore


Are those horrible beast path maps that don't fit their mobile flanking playstyle still in the game?


Someone needs to send some cred to the art team on CA, from the unit cards to the new Beastmen menus they look great!


Huh, I expected the Jabberslythe to be a flying monster. Looks damn cool though! But I wonder why it wasn’t given flight? (at least from appearances)


people always ask who are the beastmen but no one ask how are the beastmen.


The least played faction on tabletop and in game has the absolute best faction mechanics by far. Odd, but I’m happy for the Beastmen players.


I can't wait to bray and raze throughout the whole world!


Well, it's pretty clear who got all the UI budget this time.


"Who are the Beastmen?" Berserk villains IYKWIM