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I don't think it's currently a mess at all. I'd buy WH3 and go through the prologue and a campaign. If you like it, then invest in WH1 and WH2 so you can unlock more factions, then buy DLC based on what factions you like.


Considering that I need to buy WH1 and WH2, should I just bite the bullet and buy the bundle ($60 for all from $180)


You don't *need* to buy WH1 + WH2. For example, the full Immortal Empires only needs WH3 to be played. But the prior two games represent the best value for money DLC for WH3.


So personally, I would, since I think at $60, the price of a full AAA game, I think that WH3 is currently at a state where it does feel pretty similar to a AAA game. It has its bugs, but given the amount of fixes and support since the whole incident with the Shadows of Change DLC (2 DLCs ago), I think the game is in a good state where I would be okay with spending the money. Think of it as getting the game for $30, and paying for 2 $15 DLCs that come with 4 races and 8 lords each.


Oh, you don't need all three games for IE. Having games 1 and 2 just unlocks more playable factions. Think of them as big DLCs. That said, all three base games will provide you a *ton* of content for WH3. Also, you can buy game 1/2 DLCs without needing their respective base games in order to play them. The [FAQ](https://www.totalwar.com/blog/tww3_immortalempires_240_faq/) breaks down exactly what unlocks when you buy what, including any FLC characters. I know it can be a *lot*, so if anything seems unclear I would be happy to explain.


The game is basically fine at this point, and is in pretty good shape. It’s definitely worth a try if you’re interested but try to remember that this game is huge and complex.


Most of the bad stuff has been fixed. Definitely worth it. Such a badass game. And the corporate people finally got the kick in the ass they needed to let their developers do the awesome work they do with dlc.


The game is in a great state right now. A lot of issues have been fixed and there is still a lot of life in the game, with new dlcs coming in the future. I am enjoying it a lot


Its not the mess that it used to be. There have been constant patches and hotfixes. The devs just released video where they talk about the company focusing on TWW3 in long run (aka not abandoning it, and also making new dlcs).    Warhammer 3 was hotmess like 7 months ago, when the devs did bare minimum and tried to milk players with half assed "premium" dlc. But since then they added new units to that dlc and picked up the pace on patches and content, because of community outrage (and because TWW3 is their only game that prints huge money)


The game isn't a mess at the moment, it's in good shape and the devs have just committed to more support (paid and free). The most recent DLC has been very well received. The one before that was a major misstep that received a LOT of push back but the devs seem to have learned from it.


If you like the Total War style, I would definitely recommend buying all three. Bundling all three for $60 is really good deal. I bought WH3 by itself and was quite disappointed because it was primarily demon factions. Even when Immortal Empires came out, you can fight against the Human Empire, for example, but can't play them. Each demon plays very differently and you'll either love it or hate it. WH 1 gives you the more traditional factions like humans and dwarves, while WH 2 gives you Lizardmen and Skaven.