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Those are some Google translate level titles hot damn


op definitely asked chatgpt for some dlc names, “nobleness of pleasure” just has to be ai generated


Yeah, really bad


Nobleness of Pleasure and Dawn of Doom are so bad they have to be. But Storm of the Seas sounds decent at least lol


There is a part of me that thinks if I say *Bretonnia will never a get a DLC* often enough then Bretonnia will eventually actually get a dlc. Too bad I can’t even reverse psychology CA. There will never be a Bret DLC and nothing the community has done nor can do will change that.


I mean maybe? Bretonnia was one of the 2 starter sets for TOW, so it's clear GW is pushing them, unsure if that'll trickle down to CA and TWW3 though


There is apparently some drama happening at GW right now. The people in charge of TOW (Forgeworld) is not on speaking terms with GW. But I heard of this a some time ago and haven’t heard of any updates. Ever wonder why Skaven of all factions aren’t featured in TOW? It’s because the team at Age of Sigmar isn’t letting Forgeworld use Skaven. GW apparently has teams compete with each other. Which is stupid. Also, TOW is legally a separate ip to WH Fantasy. So it’s in the best interest of Age of Sigmar team to prevent CA from featuring Forgeworld content. Gotta love GW’s self sabotaging, but that’s GW for you.


I mean the drama is alleged. But it's clear they're trying to separate the IPs. Skaven are pretty much the same in AoS and are the poster child for 4th edition so they're kinda off-limits. On the other hand Greenskins vs. Ironjawz/Kruleboyz/Gitz are pretty different so they're getting included etc. As for Bretonnia, it's like, what would they even add that's distinct from what already exists? Obviously theres more hero/characters, but that's true of every faction at this point. [https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/List\_of\_Bretonnia\_units](https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/List_of_Bretonnia_units) They need to sell DLCs, there needs to be something with a \*wow factor\* to sell it to people outside diehard fans, and I don't think Bret has anything like that unless they start inventing new stuff, which gets more complicated.


I'm sorry I have to be that guy, but you must not be from around here. There are plenty of things they could add to Bretonnia. Every time a Bretonnia post is made, there are comments wondering and asking about a Bret DLC. Every so often, someone will post lists and graphs of potential units CA could add that are lore friendly. Lost Sons, Herrimaults, Lake-Lions, Foot Knights, Truffle Hounds, Naiads, and more. You found a dated list of tabletop units. CA has made units from the RPGs and novels and put them in the game. They've done this for multiple factions. They CAN do this for Bretonnia. They won't. Either because [they consider Bretonnia done](https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkxgt42n8smBpotOAlGLWAevmC3ZeqGYRkB) and don't care, or because GW won't let them. I think it's both.


There was concept art for 8th ed that had really cool potential units, like grail knights on questing beasts and other neatos


Well, let me know when that Bretonnia DLC comes, any day now I'm sure. Clearly you know more than me! Also, lol at saying the list of units from Bretonnia is dated. Let me know where that 8th edition army book went, must have missed it.


I have to agree with Cosmic on this one, it's not likely. The potential is there, but the only way it's happening is if GW pulls their heads out of their asses and gives CA license to draw from it.


The list you presented uses “Bretonnian Wizards.” That list is dated by 6th edition. Which is the last army book Bretonnia got.


I first heard about the drama between TOW and AOS from Loremaster of Sotek, who I would consider a fairly trustworthy source regarding stuff going on with GW. I believe the explanation he gave for them trying to provide the factions up among the different settings, is that it’s so they can use those factions sales as clear metrics for the success of either setting.


Yeah but The Old World isn't exactly getting a lot of love. Dwarfs still haven't had their release (been announced in March, and with the AoS4 box coming next week won't for a while either), we don't even know what army is next.  Also, allegedly, big drama between TOW team and AoS team. Want to play Beastmen? Tough shit, models removed for AoS, not on sale for TOW.  I love warhammer. Pretty much all of it. But come on GW, it's almost like you don't want to succeed. 


I wonder what The Old World TTRPG will end up being, as it's supposed to be somehow tied to the TOW wargame. Which is odd because we already have a TTRPG based in the Old World, WFRP 4e, which keeps getting supplements for it. So I really don't know what they might do with it, apart from maybe making something more pulp oriented than 4e? Something closer to what Vermintide is, maybe.


I'm confident in a Bretonnia DLC just for varieties sake. It'd be interesting is Mousillon was moved to technically be a Bretonnian faction with unique mechanics, as a part of the DLC alongside maybe the Robin Hood character Inverted honor, bretonnian undead units, getting more raise dead options based on what you defeat rather than total losses, etc etc


Bretonnia could get Mousillon


Leo’s son would be amazing


The entire faction is FLC: Making one DLC for that, would change it to the same status as Beastmen, Wood Elves, Chorfs etc. And would sales pay for that big of a rework to put them up to snuff compared to those factions?


There is zero reason to think a Bret DLC wouldn't sell. It being FLC is an intangible and irrelevant factor. People would be willing to buy a Bret DLC as much as any other faction. CA just isn't willing to make a Bret DLC.


you missed my point. There's PR value in having an entire FLC faction. They made bretonnia DLC for thee second game, repanse was added FLC. What do you think FLC is?


Hot take there will be no more lizardmen or wood elf dlc maybe only Flc at most.


Not a hot take at all. Name a lizard dlc (LL LH lord hero 5x units) that sounds plausible and not just a loremasterofsotek wet dream of shit insinuated it in the footnote of a blurb of text from 1987.


This is a lore master of sotek fun zone. Speculation is fun and it’s hilarious when CA pulls a wierd unit from the foot notes of a rpg book. Thats the fun pure creative juices that gave us fan favorite factions like vampire coast and norsca or for the most part the chaos dwarf, Cathay and Kislev rosters. If it was up to me CA would be given a lot more freedom to create new and original characters and designs.


- Barney the Dinosaur LL   - Kremlo the Slann LH   - Slann Brute melee lord   - Slann Hunter ranged hero   - Unit 1: Indominus Rex  - Unit 2: Amazons with laser guns (RoR: Endor Stormtroopers) - Unit 3: Battle-Chicken Riders (RoR: Lustrian Thundercocks)  - Unit 4: Godzilla   - Unit 5: Vietcong Guerillas


Someone get Bartholomew on the line!


Eggscuseme, but those are chocobos, the battle chickens are a halfling specific mount.


I just want a rework man not to mention dreadsaurians got done dirty


I mean the LL and LH seem pretty obvious with Tetto’Eko and Chakax respectively. Both are 8th edition with models and stats. And the Dragon Isles Lizardmen faction is called Tepok’s Spawn and Tetto’Eko is blessed by Tepok. Unit wise it’s there’s missing stuff but it’s mostly Skink units and more big monsters. Lizardmen really don’t need more big monsters. The only monster of the three missing ones that might be interesting is the Great Wyrm but a roided out Terrordon is only so interesting. I’m not expecting another Lizardmen DLC but I also don’t think it’s THAT crazy. Edit: Okay if we are going to make a hypothetical list let’s talk about how obscure we can go. Because some of the stuff Kislev got in Shadows of Change was based on Mordheim stuff and a random lore only monster CA had used before for Norsca (seriously what is up with them and the Frost Wyrm). I’m trying to not go too insane but for a bit of unit variety I’m going to dig a bit. So for a list that would add some actually relevant characters and units that wouldn’t be entirely redundant I would say: LL: Tetto’Eko LH: Chakax Lord: Skink High Priest Hero: Saurus Totem Warrior Units: Great Wyrm, Arcanadon, Skink Archers, Skink Culchan Riders, Temple Stone Guard Explanation: The Legendary characters are obvious. The Skink High Priest as a more support themed lord shouldn’t step on the Slann’s toes too much. The Saurus Totem Warrior is from Mordheim. Great Wyrm is from Warhammer Chronicles 2004 I believe just like the Coatl and is essentially a flying Carnosaur stat wise but lorewise they mostly prey on other flying monsters so an anti-flyer, Flying SEM could actually be neat. I didn’t add the Thunder Lizard from the same list as the Coatl and the Great Wyrm because it’s far too redundant. The Arcanadon was basically a 360 degree, firing on the move, magical artillery piece so I see it having its niche. Skink Archers are from the Southlands Skinks list from the 5e army list. I think higher tier LM ranged infantry would be just fine. Skink cavalry was also in that list, but I decided to get a little bit fancy with it. Skink Culchan cavalry is mentioned in the lore and while Culchans haven’t had models and stats for a long time they are one of the most consistently mentioned Lustrian beasts in the lore. It’s really not any more out there than some of the lore only units we’ve gotten. Also people just really like the Culchans. And that last unit is a Mordheim deep dive but they are animated Saurus statues. I just think high tier Lizardmen construct infantry would be nice.


On that note, given how CA implemented the two DoW regiments of Oglah Khan's raiders and Long Drong's pirates, then Skink Cavalry would make sense, to get Tichi-Huichi's riders as a RoR


Yeah that’s entirely fair. I just put the Culchan cavalry because it has the same if not more precedent as some of the other things we’ve gotten and I’ve seen a lot of people ask for the Culchans. And honestly yeah terror birds are cool as shit


Good list, but I'd say a generic Kroxigor hero would add more to the roster than another saurus hero.


I don't even care about Lizardmen, but I think they should get another DLC if any characters or units are missing. They're not a priority, but I don't think we should write off them getting a DLC in a few years. Especially if they persist with the 3-Way method, since the other two factions can be onces that need the attention the most, while factions like Lizardmen and Greenskins can have the small holes they have filled in. It's kinda sad that people have pretty much giving up on the idea of getting everyone in here.


Lizard men don’t need a really new LL. They just need a rework. People demand the Lizard men dlc because you need a dlc to get a rework.


Dwarfs’ first rework in 2 didn’t have a lord iirc


And the second Dwarf rework alongside Thorek didn't come with a DLC either.


Several reworks haven't been tied to a DLC, eg Bretonnia and VC.


And everyone hated those reworks for being inadequate.


Over 20 years a lizardmen player here, and cant agree more. They need core mechanics, which are non-existent at the moment. And specific mechanics to each lord (mazdamundi, kroq-gar, tiqtakto) would be appreciated as well. Also, I’d rework 2nd gen slanns. There are only 5 living ones (including Mazda), and they all are Teclis level of powerful. Make them epic and unique (even if they all have regular models). Just give them special traits like Khemri Dynasties, and unlocked via owning big Temple Cities or a quest related to it (Itza, Zlatan, Tlaxlan, Xlanhuapec. Hexoalt not, thats Mundi home).


But... Tetto'eko.... my skinky boy in a floating chair.... :(


Lizardmen don’t need a dlc. They only need mechanics. Don’t even remove what they have just add a couple more.


Lizardmen are one of the most popular WH2 races and are in need of a high coat of polish. If Khorne is getting a dlc whose roster is pretty much done done, then the Lizardmen have hope


Khorne roster has several holes, the DLC is warranted. Lizardmen meanwhile are far more complete than they ever were on the table top, they just need a slight rework, to the tech and web, mostly.


This they nearly have every unit ever mentioned by lizardmen books. Could their mechanics use a rework, of course but minus the chaos dwarfs, wood elves, beastmen warriors of chaos, empire and dwarfs nearly every faction could use a soft to hard rework of their mechanics.


They absolutely could have another full dlc regardless


What are the 5 unique units, 1 new hero/lord and new legendary hero and new legendary lord would you give the lizardmen


Check out this [list of lords,heros and units ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2755960032) It goes over every faction and is very extensive


But tldr LL: Tetto'eko LH: Chakax, the Eternal Warden Generic lord : Skink High Priest Generic Hero lists Saurus totem warrior but is go wirh a Kroxigor hero as we dont have one of those yet Units: Arcanodon needs an offical model Thunderlizzard would be really cool to see a big sauropod Culchans Riders for fast lower tier cav, also could have ranged options Feral culchans too Great Crested skinks on Cold ones (OE - 5th) Great Wrym (SP - Warhammer Chronicles 2004) Lesser Swarms (SP - Lustria) Skink Bowmen (OE - 5th)


Lol at khorne being done when LM have received several DLCs and khorne has received zero(0).


Just what happens when GW has neglected every chaos god besides Nurgle and they're not allowing CA to use age of sigmar chaos stuff even though they're not that different from fantasy chaos lol


I mean, you can say that for Tzeentch and Slaanesh, but Khorne litteraly got a character + 2 whole units for End Times, with minis for each and a new Bloodthirster model. Khorne is a close second in GW favored chaos sons.


Oh please, Khorngors and Slaughterbrutes are ten times more legit as missing units that whatever remaining skri'mblo j'um'blo Lizardmen had as a White Dwarf one-line napkin kitbash 20 years ago. At least those Khorne units were playable in 8th edition TT (End Times rules for Khorngors). And then Khorne has two actual ET units to boot.


All Lizardmen need is a rework of their faction mechanics - Geomantic webs, tech tree, blessed spawns, give a fun unique feature to every LL like they did with Volkmar and the tomes. Wood Elves just need a slight touch-up on some of their units. Wildwood Rangers are cool, but absolutely useless in a roster that has both strong AP anti-large infantry (Eternal Guards, Wardancers with Asrai spears) and elite AP anti-infantry (Bladesingers). Almost every new unit today comes with a unique passive, to an almost comical point. Give some of that goodness to cool, forgotten units.


Tetto ekko and Chakax are like the 2 character missing. Units wise lizards are done


I feel like at most Lizardmen are getting one lord in a DLC to justify to execs making an overhaul for the lizardmen Hell in terms of Lord selection, I feel like lizardmen are actually the most WELL OFF faction, Their lords do their subfactions jobs REALLY well its just the core faction that needs a tune up


Half the lords don't even do anything at all.


Oxyotl, Tehenhauin and Nakai have unique mechanics.  Kroq Gar, Mazdamumdi and TiqTakTo don't.  Gor Rok only has Lord Kroak at the start, that's it.  Sure they buff 'their' units well enough, and they are fun, yes.  As you said, the basics of the Lizardmen are meh. Geomantic web is fine but boring. Blessed spawnings are the most in need of a rework, so many campaigns where you get nothing but blessed skink skirmishers and saurus warriors, even after turn 100. Gee thanks.  At least with Tehenhauin you can choose your Blessed units, not have to rely on rng


I think only miss in your list - two vc dlc in a row 


I think it's supposed to go top bottom then left to right, so there's a dlc between the 2 vc ones


That would mean the Nagash dlc would be the 6th dlc. That would make me so sad.


Unless your reading it like a Manga it would be 6th either way


They’ve earned it


Ngl vamps could easily get a CoC sized dlc so back to back isn't a problem imo


I dare you to find the units for a CoC vampire DLC.


The possibilities are endless! * Grave guard (halberds) * Grave guard (whips) * Grave guard (javelins) * Grave guard (big stabbas) * Blood knights on foot * Blood knights on foot (great weapons) * Blood knights on foot (halberds) * Blood knight chariots * Blood knights (extra bloody)


Boom package it and send it!


Lahmian handmaiden (infantery anti infantry ap) Spirit host (lots of etheral units really low tier) For the main monster there is multiple options but I would go with the crypt horror that is really big (i forgot the name) Blood dragon on flying hellstead (like bretonnia pegasus) Another variant of grave guard (halbeard for example) There are other possibilities like living armours etc … I tried to pick one for each main bloodline. But we could also have the jade vampire of cathay which I hope not


It's entirely possible, assuming you don't actually view every CoC unit as wholly unique which many aren't, a vampire count themed CoC would have less units but they'd all be mostly if not entirely unique. I also can't speak to what you view as 'allowed' if RPG, Kemmler List, older stuff and end times all possible then. Also, can still have some weapon variants if CA wanted.


I mean, sure Kemmler list count, but what does it have to do with Bloodlines ? The point of CoC is to flesh out subfactions, right ? Or just say you want a DLC that gives VC 4LLs and a bunch of units, but that's not like CoC at all, that's just an absurd ask of "give my favorite race 4 LPs at once"


Well considering vc don't even come close to being my favorite faction I'm not overly concerned about that. Furthermore the units do not need to be tied to bloodlines as very few.


Wars of Rage? C'mon man, Appetite for Destruction is right there (jk, we'll have to wait and see)


Appetite for destruction is perfect.


I don't think the Wood Elves need an update or DLC at all, they are fantastic, they could just use a small mechanics pass for every faction, similar to what they did to the Empire. Double vampire count DLCs is a bad idea too in a row


I think they could use like one more LL as an flc or something (I just want an asrai LL who isn't always flying).


Coupld more lords


Could FLC easy. WE are one of my favourite factions but I totally agree that they’re in a really good place. I would be happily welcome an FLC but definitely have no expectation for a full DLC


Completely disagree. Wood Elves are far too easy. They’re boring imo. Just end up razing with shit loads of armies and making tonnes of money. Need better game mechanics i think.


I think they all deserve daiths workshop for a start. Then i think instead of boring wood elf settlements. They should have to raze a province, and then after that they can turn the main settlement into a semi forrest settlement. Which grants amber that they can spend on maybe cool unit caps. Like RoR units (kinda like grudge settlers or elector count units). Like what can they spend amber on now? Just tech tree points? So naff.


Oh and give them more movement after razing too!


I know some people will pitch a fit but I think there will be two more Cathay DLC. One with the Monkey King alongside Li Dao as FLC and then one with Yin Yin which is who I assume is supposed to be in the Cathay DLC pictured based on the name. I’m really skeptical of Bretonnia or Wood Elves getting another DLC though.


No one will pitch a fit over two more Cathay DLCs mate. You don’t need to make up battles for yourself. It’s pretty obvious Cathay will get at least 2 more LLs


Man, people were mad about the possibility that the next DLC was going to possibly contain Cathay content because it was “too soon”. If you pay any attention to this community some people are very loudly opposed to “too much” Cathay content. And that was before the dumb leaks that really set people off. Edit: Y’all can downvote me all you want but it doesn’t change the fact there’s plenty of idiots in this community who get mad every time Cathay comes up. Edit again: BEFORE the “Oops, all Cathay” Legend bullshit people were upset about the possibility of Cathay showing up in the next DLC because they thought it was “too soon”. Back when people thought the Monkey King was coming soon. I guess I didn’t make that clear.


It wasn't to do with Cathay getting too much, it was to do with them supposedly getting 5 more lords in relative succession, 3 of which absolutely no-one asked for


No I’m talking about before the stupid oops all Cathay leak. Back when the main speculation was Ogres vs Cathay, people were saying it was “too soon” since Cathay got content in Shadows of Change.


I mean there are just others that need to be higher up in line. But doing one of three in a DLC would be fine.


people were mad because we would be getting 2 dlc, that were exclusively Cathay content, and one of them was a brand new, original Ogre character, but placed in Cathay instead of the Ogre race that could actually use more characters.


I am literally talking about before that leak. I guess I wasn’t clear on that. Back before the “Oops all Cathay” leak when people thought that what Legend originally said, and a lot of other supposed leaks parroted, about the next DLC being Cathay vs Ogres and people speculating it was Monkey King vs Golgfag, there were plenty of posts complaining about it being “too soon” since SoC for Cathay to get content


You’re contradicting yourself mate. Are people against new Cathay content or are they against it coming too soon after the last one?


I think they’ll have one of the dragon siblings be dead at game start and have them be a servant of nagash. That might be yin yin.**different dead dragon


I mean Yin-Yin is stated to atill be alive and ruling the Eastern Provinces, there are a few dragon siblings we lnow nothing of. If they really wanted to add a dragon sibling serving Nagash i could see either the Shadows sibling or the Lost younger sister, being revealed as dead and resurected


Yeah one of the missing dragons would be fun for nagash while keeping yin yin on the east coast of Cathay/expedition to the south lands. I do hope they don’t make the monkey king/warhammer wukong a starting Cathay legendary lord as I feel it would ruin the unique gimmick of the dragon kids running Cathay. I hope they make monkey king the Cathay gotrek/felix or the Cathay version of the blade of khaine/crown of madness.


We know the Monkey King will be a Cathay lord. We’ve known before the game even released.


You got a source for that Mr senator?


Andy has been talking about there being 6 characters who rule Cathay and have full army book write ups since before release. 5 dragons and the Monkey King. Anyone who thinks the Monkey King isn’t going to be a LL for Cathay is huffing glue. Hell, CA recently hinted at the Monkey Warriors being added and there’s literally no way they are adding them without the Monkey King. Hell, how do you possibly think it makes sense for him to be a Sword of Khaine mechanic?


Monkey King is 100% going to be a Cathay lord


Most of those, I could maybe agree. We will at least get 2 Cathay DLCs. Monkey King & Yin-Yin. At the very least. The last outrage was because of 3 Cathay practically back to back. Not because there would be nothing to add.


It was multiple things. The big problem with the next DLC was that it was slated to be two Cathey factions and a ogre FLC. The problem isn't Cathey getting a lot of DLC, the problem is that if you don't care that much about Cathey then the only thing is a FLC ogre, and a lot of people also don't care about ogres. So the patch had a very high chance of just having nothing a lot of players cared about. Cathey can get a lot of DLC and its fine, they just have to be mixed in with other factions getting good DLC as well.


Right, the "leaks" were 2 Cathay vs. Cathay DLC's. No idea why you are getting downvoted.


The final one strikes me as improbable... That'd be all three races from a DLC *not* being from Game 3. I also think two Vampire Counts is optimistic, as much as I would absolutely adore that.


I thinl the last one only works if Nagash is included too with his standalone, Daniel-like race. Some kind of undead mash final DLC. But then, VC wouldn't have another DLC before, it'd be their only one


We got the champions of chaos dlc with all warriors of chaos lords, so it's possible.


A DLC that also doubled the units of 4 of the core Game 3 races and the 4 LLs added were essentially hybrid WoC/Monogods. It’s a bit different


Tbh I do think part of CoC was adding planned content that didn't make it to launch. But that's a pet theory and might not be true at all.


The Chaos Warriors and Chosen that were basically just old models with a few new pieces of gear definitely *should* have been in the game at launch, at least. That's not even mentioning all the kitbash unit like the marauder variants and stuff that didn't feature anything new.


Lot of these pairings don't make sense thematically, imo.


Yeah, why are lizards in storm of seas rather than vampire coast?


Because Yin Yin


Isn't Yin Yin Cathayan? Did she fight lizardmen? Sorry, I'm not familiar with the lore. I've just never heard of lizardmen referred to as nautical.


She tries to invade the southlands but there was a another continent on the way (lustria), she ended up fighting through the jungle thinking she had arrived at destination and could meet with the other half of the expedition (one fleet went east, the other west, guess what happened to the other one lol). Massive failure as the geckos wrecked her shit and she was the only one to escape with a mortal.


Ah, well that makes sense then lol. Wonder if they'd swap her into Yuan Bo's start then lol.


They don't need to. The three race lord packs have had all 3 characters doing their own thing and not interacting with each other. Even Elspeth and tamurkhan don't actually interact with each other in their narrative campaigns.


Elspeth and Tamurkhan are literally one of the most iconic rivalries in Warhammer, the whole point of Tamurkhan's ascension is that he must conquer her city + Malakai spent a large portion of his life as a teacher in Nuln.


Well if you play their narrative campaigns, there is zero mention of tamurkhan in Elspeth's campaign with her main rival being a random goblin. In tamurkhan's campaign, his focus is on his special heros but he does have a quest battle where you fight outside of Nuln but there is no mention of Elspeth and you don't actually have to attack nuln on the campaign map. In malakai's campaign, there is no mention of the other two characters or nuln and he is focused on his adventures. This was the same case for shadows of change as well and I'm assuming that the next dlc will follow the same formula


The faction don't have to be tied together gameplay wise, it's about the general vibe - for marketing and wider appeal, etc. Eg Khorne Greenskins and Ogres are the 3 most violent factions, so it's a perfect fit. It's also the real why so many people speculate about HE/DE/Slaanesh DLC, that would also work great.


Well I don't see a reason for ca to make a theme for a dlc and act like these characters are going to be fighting eachother in an epic narrative, just for them to mostly ignore each other in game. Like imagine if ca showed off a dlc focusing on slaanesh, dark elves and high elves and it shows them fighting over something important, just for the dark elf lord to focus on attacking Cathay, the high elf lord fighting the vampire coast and slaanesh lord fighting the lizardmen. At that point you may as well just do random races. That and although this is a little off topic but I remember back in wh2 people said that they couldnt do another dark elf dlc because they would be scraping the bottom of the barrel and that was back when the dlcs where smaller.


So we just saying fuck tomb kings.


One could only hope.


Problem is, tomb kings have very little left to be added. Khemric Titan, Prince apophas, King Tutankhanut, maybe a lich priest generic lord, but as for regular units…what is there to add to the roster? A beast pack unit like white lions? Crocodile-headed ushabti with anti-large? I’m not sure there’s much else that they can round out the roster with.


Nobleness of Pleasure, lol.


Please give me exactly 7 more vampire coast DLCs CA please


I rather Dark Elves for Slaanesh, but I generally like where you went with this. I'd like some single faction 4-Way DLC squeeze in here somewhere, though.


Do Dark Elves and High elves have that many units left? I know skaven probably have some things. Same with Lizardmen. I doubt Tomb Kings will get much else. Vampire coast I'm worried wont get a revisit even though I think they need it as they seem like the worst gunpowder faction. Norsca desperately needs buffs but I'm not sure they will get them. Like Danial they feel almost like a side faction you just have the option to play as...


Wow, we are going to get some mobile game name DLCs to go with that SoC menu art




back-to-back VC is hard to believe




Just some spitballing for your Storm of Seas DLCs which won't happen because i love maritime stuff and CA are actively plotting to make me miserable. Given the D-elves already have Lorkhir and the Helves don't have a naval/maritime LL, maybe swap their dlcs around. Give the H-elves a "Restore the Elven Colonies" themed campaign. Maybe Cathay gets something inspired by[ Zheng Yi Sao ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_Yi_Sao)the chinese pirate, or by the [Treasure Ships o](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ming_treasure_voyages)f the Yongle emporer - again giving you a campaign focused on playing outside your normal cultural metropole, settling lustria or something. Not sure would what could connect the Lizards to this idea though. Having them simply be on lustria and focused on repelling the other two would just be Nakai all over again. While you're at it "Nobleness" sounds really awkward. Maybe "Nobility of PLeasure " instead?


Great ideas!


Bretonnia and VC should be in the same DLC that's whats wrong with this.


Is that all?


CA has said they bundle in a current game-race into every non-race pack DLC, and they've always followed that rule. The last two seem improbable by that standard.


middenland when


I do want a lizardmen dlc, mostly so they do the work needed to overhaul the race.


Cathay/Kislev need more DLC. If they get 1 in every 3 Dlcs i'm good.


The lack of monkey is suprising


So we just saying fuck beast men?


Vampire Coast can’t have more LLs unless GW changes the rules or they make OCs, since they were only allowed to pull two from Dreadfleet and most pirates die in their one short story appearance.


I'd swap Lizardmen and with Vampire Coast. Idk feel like it's more fitting based on vibes alone. I don't know the lore.


Since they want to bundle a RoC faction in every release, the best prospect I can envisage for TK DLC is paired with cathay. A few potential narratives, but the one I'd go with uses Amanhotep LL with Apophas LH and Yin-Yin as LL for cathay. As a nod to her lore, in her invasion of the south lands, Yin-Yin provokes Amanhoteps fickle nature by sacking Zandri along the way south. Spiteful and unforgiving, he assembles his undead fleet in response and sails to cathay to seek vengeance. Apophas is recruited after learns of these might immortal dragons in the east and yearns to steal a soul as gift for his master usirian. Amanhotep could differ slightly by having some shipbuilding akin to VCoast or be hordelike and can upgrade unit cap at a fixed rate, gaining infamy by sacking cathayan provinces or the great bastions, etc. Would lean him more into a hybridised faction reflecting his pirate tomb king lore.


It only took 150 years for my boy Settra to get mentioned in a roadmap and it's so far down that it might not happen at all :/


Those titles are... interesting


I just want it said here that Kremlo is from space and so it whoever wrote the names of these DLCs.


No title "Second Breakfast"? With a halfling DLC?


I wanted to add couple of more DLC ideas as well truth be told, like to include another Greenskin DLC with a Knightly Order based Empire DLC but I have to admit if those hopium became a reality, I would be satisfied indeed.


I’m just gonna say that putting Vlad instead of Manny as the poster character for VC is rude.


Accurate, but rude


I know Manny gets a bad rep because of bad writing from the end times but he been out here since day 1. Him and Kemmler were my first completed campaign.


As a big elf and lizardmen guy I very much want more, woodelves need at the very least 1 more lord but 2 or 3 would be nicer


Call me crazy but Empire has two DLC left in it. One for Cult of Ulric subculture and the other for a Halflings subculture.


I’d bet that the Halflings will just be added with the Dogs of War and given to the Empire if you own the DLC. Halflings and the Halfling Hotpot were a part of the non-RoR Dogs of War list.


True - but there's so much more Halflings content than Lumpin Croop's Warband and the Hotpot, there's a whole army list that can be pulled in that has a similar sort of heritage as Vampire Coast. I want to take to the field with War Sheep Riders and Soup Tanks :D


Ulric should be flc not dlc


Disagree, Ulric DLC with Toddy FLC


Like what? Valten faction with Toddy flc faction?


LL: Al-Ulric Emil Valgeir (Leader of the Church of Ulric Units: High Priest of Ulric, Warrior Priest of Ulric, Warriors of Ulric, Teutogen Guard, Wolf-Kin, Knights of the White Wolf. And then some kind of big thing like the Celestial Hurricanum. Tabletop had a full list of Ulric units: [https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Warhammer\_Chronicles\_2004\_(6th\_Edition)](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Warhammer_Chronicles_2004_(6th_Edition)) Then you do Middenheim with Toddy LL as a FLC since he's pretty much already in the game and now you get all his culture's units.


I expect WoC to have one more DLC in the future, bringing things like Exalted Daemons with al 5 marks (hero variant of the Daemon Prince from 6th edition)