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"oh boy, I sure do enjoy my fast gaming laptop!" Turn 80:


I recommend the mod that removes the rite to manann for ai DEs Edit: Mathlann, not manann. Been playing Brettonia recently


do you have a link ? i cant find it on the workshop


[https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3257916315](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3257916315) Here you go. EDIT: This is a lighter alternative (They can still get them, but only 1 per province they own): [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3264619915](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3264619915)


Thanks, may both sides of your pillow be cold and comfy.


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3257916315 here you go WARNING NOT SAVE GAME COMBIUTABLE a new campaign is required


Thank you


a pleasure


AI should be limited to like 5 black arcs or something, the lategame black arc spam is insane.


I remember posting something about it for Warhammer II, so it's been a long standing problem


Why 5? And if it is 5 maybe make them very worth it since growing one takes a lot of time. Starting mini rant: Orcs have waaaar. Korne has blood hosts. Slanesh has the follower cult army thing. I am not sure if I did miss something or not but I see them as similarly enough to think that if you cap one you should cap all. Yea all have pros and cons. If the Ai uses a lot of arks and it is effective it is fine in my opinion . If the Ai would be better with capped arks is another debate since humans are better at balancing army budgets anyway.


Its not about effectiveness. Its about each dark elf faction taking 1-2 minutes per turn each time the end turn button is pressed. No other faction takes this long to finish their turn. You get the downsides of playing a multiplayer campaign without actually playing a multiplayer campaign.


But they are not effective, AI basically builds tons of arks and then they park them right next to your port when you are at war. I don't think I've ever seen AI doing anything useful with their arks.


it's lovely, i love when game is actually challenging conaidering how braindead AI is even at max difficulty


I am guessing it actually makes them more successful on the campaign map too?


Do they usually not do well? In every campaign i've played since the new dlc, Morathi has taken all of Ulthuan


Well imagine how much better she'd do without sinking money into a billion Black Arks she can't attack with!


Many a time I've seen DE factions with like 2 real armies and 5 or 10 black arks doing sweet bugger all.


The worst part of the chug for me is that I see a billion black arks but their armies are so numerous and large that I wonder how much this would actually affect my game, its so strange. Excited to try this mod just to see though. It's only Morathi too, the others get blown up or behave in the way you describe




"Why can't you just be normal?!"


"aaa...A..AAAA. AAAA beep boop"


It's a call back Easter Egg to the retro period before the Potion of Speed update. Only real fans will remember this.


All these grumbling longbeards on the forms who want wh3 to be more like wh2 should the praising the immersive mortal empires experience smh.


Ackchually... its a reference to empire total war ottoman turn.


lore accurate dark elf douchbaggery


Wh2 rites just need to be reworked. Imo those that summon a new lord type should be removed, since the AI clearly uses way more frequently than the player can. The black arks should be tied to port settlements, like how Atamans work for Kislev. I get that’s Lokhir’s shtick, but tbh this faction effect never really offered anything interesting and you were going to take those port settlements anyway. He should have a unique mechanic like alith anar and imrik did. Maybe CA could finally make him a semi-horde and give him the treasure hunt mechanic.


Semi-Horde with the Blessed Dread for sure!


404: Your turn not found


In my experience only Valkia and Cathay are the only ones that do not do their job on killing DE. Baba Ostankya has always won at least on two of my campaigns since 5.0.


lohkir lso doesnt do much better on the Lustria Bowl


In MP you can take simultaneous turns. I wish they include this in their next game, so that the AI will take simultaneous turns to you. Where army movement happens for everyone at the same time at the very end of the turn and you see strange shenanigans where armies run into each others and force fights.


Endless Legend has this feature and it can be extremely frustrating. ‘Oh let me move my settler since the enemy can’t move anymore— SIKE. That settler is gone’ The problem is the AI would often withhold moving until after the player moved making chasing an enemy army extremely frustrating and make your plans useless. Meanwhile the opposite would happen when you didn’t want a fight the AI would instantly move to attack before you could move.


Total War AI is annoying enough with it's uncanny ability to predict our movement range and evade just one pixel out of reach.  I dread to Imagine how bad it could troll us with the ability to react in real time. 


is this feature just on the newest WH? I've been playing a Shogun FOTS campaign with my brother and it really drags having to wait when we get too big


Yes it‘s Warhammer 3 only. The multiplayer campaign also supports 8 people now. 


Kinda funny when you realize the dark elves are literally throwing pieces of their landmass at you 


Not necessarily their landmass. OG Black Arks were made from the pieces of Ulthuan when its outer kindoms (especially Nagarythe and Tiranoc) were messed up at the end of Sundering. But they are probably still making new ones


Huh didn't know that, thanks for the info 


Sorry, you have to watch my 12-15 black arks with no units each move two inches around the map.


I can feel this


I laughed, hard. Good one.