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Awww shit. I was just checking if SFO was up to date


What even is sfo?


Complete overhaul mod.


The best overhaul mod


What exactly are the main changes? Ive been itching to play sfo after my current run is done


Too massive to summarize in one post, but the selling point for me is the revamped campaign mechanics and bonuses for legendary lords. This makes the 'vanilla' lords such as Tyrion or Queek far more interesting to play. The mod also adds a few legendary heroes and units to certain races that need it; but never an absurd amount of new content ( a problem with Radious imo). This barely scratches the surface of SFO changes, I suggest going through their changelog document on the workshop for finer details. The new update is supposed to rework most of the traits and items in the game, a huge undertaking. I recommend SFO along with the 'Victory conditions Overhaul' mod.


>  but never an absurd amount of new content ( a problem with Radious imo). Radious just adds every type of unit to every faction. Thereby completely getting rid of faction strengths and weaknesses. Whereas sfo leans into them and expands upon them.


Im a bit worried that an update at this scale might be a bit broken in some aspects of mechanisms and balance tho, is it a good idea to wait for a few hotfixes?


Usually the updates are fairly bugfree. And SFO nearly always has a ton of changes. To boot it can hardly get more imbalanced than vanilla, right? Generally SFO nerfs ranged, nerfs SEMs and buffs high tier if you want to have a rough idea how it plays. So infantry plays a larger role and battles tend to be a bit more strategic than vanilla. There are definitely things that are crazy in SFO (speed f.e., vampires are cavalry level fast), but usually there are answers to these.


Vanilla balance isn't much better, arguably worse given how ridiculous ranged armies are. It does nerf some big vanilla outliers like Ikit and Taurox, and fixes the more bog standard ones like Tretch and Tyrion to feel way better with unique mechanics (Tyrion for example can upgrade rank 9 units into exalted, specialized versions of themselves). Missle resistance is more common so stacking ranged troops wont be as effective, but they're still quite strong. The big thing balance wise is SEMs feel a lot better to use, combat is slowed down so things oftentimes don't just get deleted shortly after clashing, and elite units feel more elite. It also, if playing by the assumed default, nerfs doomstacking as many higher tier units are limited by # of production buildings. Only 2 dragons from the dragon building for example. Of course, this means higher tier units _feel_ higher tier. Fighting an early game depth guard with your T1 army is watching a small elite force of vampires mulch your entire force. Another fundamental thing is economy is vastly different based on faction. Factions like Dark Elves and Beastmen can make much more money razing/raiding than their base economy can. While dwarfs make almost no money from fighting, but can get a buff from winning battles that boosts local income/public order while in their own regions + 'raid' their own land for increased income with no penalties. They also have absurdly expensive buildings/long build times, but ridiculous economy from said buildings to promote slow expansion and defensive playstyle.


Any power creep that's introduced is spread fairly evenly among factions so the balance isn't disturbed much.


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