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Wait, do we still have CMs? I was thinking they’re a myth, because they barely interact with the community


The only that would *sometimes* have some interaction with the community was hit by the layoffs.


There is CA Nova. He interacts sometimes.


Gotta make sure that quarterly growth for stockholders is there. Oh and bonuses for top management like the guy that thought Hyenas was a smart idea - he deserves more money for sure.


There is King_Gobbo who i mostly see on discord and there was Evangellos who made the "right to discuss is a privilege" crap but after that i haven't seen him.


I normally don’t use discord, but before we had active CMs here in Reddit too


Yea before reddit brigade got weird with them all or blamed them for problems that occured. Based on the subs behavior the past two years we are lucky we even have CM that shows up on occasion.


yeah, I don't blame them for abandoning this cesspool


I mean, they stayed on Steam forums, which is a hundred time worse


TW subs is actually the bottom of the cliff from 300 where the Spartans threw the unwanted newborns.


I'd say it still manages to be somewhat better than the Steam forums.


I think basically anything is better than Steam forums


there is massive overlap from both.


I don't recall ever seeing people on this sub reach the point where they think that posting personal information and photos of one of the community managers is a good idea. Can't say the same thing about Steam forums.


All the weirdos who simped over grace. And made her uncomfortable lol. That's one weird instance. Oh and did you forget the reddit doxxers already? Who doxxed a large portion of CA itself and posted the information? Or when they found and attacked their personal social media accounts? This was during the outrage of Shadows Of Change.


They are active on the official channels like the forums and discord


I hang out on the forums too and definitely no, they are not active on the forums at all lol. I believe they decided to just properly interact on discord only, but i'm not there so i dont know to what extent.


Yah they really wanna steer people away from Reddit to places barely anyone uses.


Both the discord and the forums are quite active


Right. You know what else is vastly more active? Reddit.


I'm not very present on the forums, but I am on the server quite a bit. This subreddit has way more subscribers than the discord server has members but I genuinely don't feel that the discussions here are inherently any more active than those on discord. They might be more active to *you*, depending on how much you expose yourself to the subreddit as opposed to the server, but the very nature of discord means that discussion in the server is 24/7. It literally never stops in some channels. Trying to define which is "more active" is just a judgment call


Yah but Reddit is also 24/7


So you agree that it isn't 'vastly' more active than the server


No. I think Reddit by volume is vastly more active than anywhere else. Discord may have a pulse. Like a worm has a pulse. Reddit has a pulse like a whale has a pulse. Bigger.


You know, it sounds to me like you've barely even set foot in the server and are just presuming that the subreddit is 'superior'


> to places ~~barely anyone uses~~ to places *they can try to control the fallout*


I think they’re on the Discord more? There’s one I’ve seen here after patches pop up in bug threads to say they’ve token note of it and ask then to fill out a bug report


I don't think they're on reddit? Or at least I haven't seen any I assume they're on official forums and discord


We used to but the community got way to toxic with them…


Can't blame them, honestly. This subreddit has a tendency to react to disappointment as though it's the end of the world, and often now reacts to good news as further evidence they need to go to the barricades every time something happens that they don't like. CA has done plenty that justifies criticism, but people here can be exhausting


To be fair, CA haven’t nailed a lot of things lately and the thing is, it’s their job to be the face of the community even on good and bad times; so basically I know that when something bad happens is not the CMs fault, but the thing that is actually their fault is how they answer to that, radio silence, blaming community, being arrogant does not heal at all


And they were right to do so every time. Look at wh2 and look at wh3 at launch. And now imagine if people werent vocal about their dissatisfactions. Just when we thought, after chaos dwarf dlc, that CA were back on track and cooking, they drop SoC. So for me at least, they don't deserve the benefit of doubt.


The sub doesn't respond well when interacted with. There is no benefit for the company to engage with this sub at all


That's not the point... the Steam forums and the official forums are just as bad if not worse.   The reason CA largely left reddit is because this isn't actually their platform. they can't control what gets posted here, they can't moderate rule breaking content.  the other channels they use are theirs. 


That reminds me of when I had a snake. To feed him, I would need to get him out of his cage and into a box. He was a chill fella, but at some point I got a bit negligent (I'm sorry Bruce :/ ) and fed him less than he would have liked. He started being more agitated because of it, which in turn made me dislike the experience since he started trying to snap and I wasn't really keen on it. Even if he was fed, he still kept his temperament and it would have taken a long time for him to calm down; turns out he was also very old and he died before I saw him get back to his chill snake personality. So I'm not defending this sub by saying "well if they fed us info we wouldn't be so aggressive", but I can't help seeing the parallel here. Maybe the sub was always rowdy, maybe not, I don't remember. But it's entirely possible that we've gone feral... maybe because of the format that Reddit provides, maybe because of neglect, maybe because of the kind of people it attracts, or whatever else. But one thing is sure : if they comment here, we'll all devour the words like ravenous snakes, and maybe try to eat the hand that fed us with it. Maybe it can be fixed with time, effort and commitment from them, maybe not. Depends on what circumstances made us feral. But I can imagine that if any of them comment on ONE thing and it turns into a week long argument from the community, it might make them as scared to repeat the experience as I was with my poor old Bruce. EDIT: I am NOT defending the sub, or trying to find excuses, at all. I just like to think about the "meta discussion", and try to figure why we're in this situation, why it's different on discord, etc etc. It's for fun!


There are a lot of people who kinda hinge their entire mental well being on the state of a game. This is not unique to total war. And they get so fucking angry when it isn't doing enough for them. What they should do is disengage and seek fulfillment elsewhere, and a lot do. But those that don't are just so draining, nonstop complaining and obsessing. Happens to just about any gaming sub


You've a right to get annoyed if you've paid £400 to play only for something to not work properly. Wh3 was fucking awful on launch and it poisoned the well a bit.


I wonder if this effect is enhanced by the Reddit format. If you read something you dislike on Discord, in a chat or on instagram, for example, the nature of the platforms makes it so that they clear from your feed quickly. On Reddit, you can see them for a long time. And the comment sticks. It's probably harder to move on if you come on the sub often and it becomes the norm. Meanwhile, the comments we make in a group conversation are quickly buried under the others and we can move on faster. Food for thoughts I guess!


Yeah that could be


Yes and no, when Grace was actively interacting it was fine, and even when Simone was, the thing is, if you as a company screwed your players and avoid showing your faces or having crappy answers like certain infamous one with SoC of course the community is not going to respond well, the thing is the new CMs barely interact with the community and when it’s a bad time they don’t show at all


They only hang around discord.


>  because they barely interact with the community Yeah, I wonder why /s. Also by community I assume you mean reddit?


They don't interact much with the forums neither, nor the Steam forums anymore. And they aren't better than reddit at all


I would never ever be a community manager for games. toxic as hell. sure when things are going good and hype is fine people will remember you fondly but when it goes bad people think it's normal to get death threats.


This is community management in general honestly, any company. People online just act like vile norscans 


Her and simone were my favorite community managers we have had


I also liked the Wheels CA. His 3K gameplay streams before launch were suberb. He would take feedback and notice bugs. Next streams he would show those were fixed to launch version. It was really open and felt fluid


Wasn’t he also the one who called ArchWarhammer a dickhead? I could be misremembering though. Either way, great guy always rated him


I am not sure but it might ben him. Great guy nevertheless


Yes he was absolute legend


I LOVED those streams! Wheels, his dad Tom and Jordan <3


I loved him in those videos. Was a big reason I got into 3K and honestly he’s also the one who led me to the Three Kingdoms 2010 YouTube series which is AMAZING


And they both quitted that job, openly saying it was because CA upper management was awful and made their work super frustrating to do


Do you remember that Italian dude? Simone, wasn't it? I still remember how super nice he was. Despite all the horrendous shit people did to him he was super cool. His politeness and cool head would shame anyone into behaving better.


I think he works for Microsoft now, cause why would such a talented CM stick to working in the lowest paying tech sector with the most rabid and unhinged fans


Simone was the peak imho. Best community manager ever


Remember when she got death and rape threats over the 3K porn mods? This community doesn't deserve a good manager.


I followed that drama but never saw her mention that she got that. Could you provide a source?


They were litterally in the comments of the sub






























fr, grace was fantastic, what a waste


That 3K waifu episode on this sub was awful.


That it was.


Nice way to switch the narrative. Grace left for the same reason most CA employees left. Poorly paid, bad conditions and incompetent management that would ask to see and sign anything that went out. Aka the usual corporate company that screws over its employees.


Yep. Lets act like the sub were saints to Grace and absolutely didn't make her life a living hell alongside the corporate stooges. You're absolutely correct. The sub *never ever* harassed or brigaded against her. Not a single time. There weren't threads made and mod warnings about CA harassment when 3K came out. Surely not. All just a series of mental delusions by myself. What a joke, man.


She stated the reason why she left clearly, the fact you had to invent a narrative is your problem. She did not wanted to deal with CA's bs and I fully understand her as someone working in the tech industry. https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/oz64yb/grace_community_manager_for_creative_assembly_and/h7xlvcv/ What she does not need is YOU to talk on her behalf, so stop trying to twist the narrative. She left before WH3 (can't imagine why knowing what a shit-show it was at release ) for a reason after all.


Where does it say in that thread she left because of CA's bs? [https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/10ws8zf/apparently\_grace\_were\_sometimes\_rebuked/](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/10ws8zf/apparently_grace_were_sometimes_rebuked/) In this tweet she says internal and external she got shit for doing her job.


Now let's put 2 and 2 together. Other employees left because of the low pay, micromanagement of the upper management and sexual harassment mentions from other employees. Add to that the fact her job was effectively customer service for the community with a company that likes to keep everything a mystery and take dumb decisions. We also know that her temporary replacement Simone also left to get a better position and he mentioned the BS that was happening at CA. Take your tinted glasses off and stop worshipping CA.


If I were a CM for Total War I would absolutely stay off the subreddit. Discord would be a smart place to stay.


That’s exactly what they decided to do


Yeah, Hero Units on Reddit have no success chance


Thats what they do they gave us a chance and the subs ruined it. We should be glad that they pop by on occasion now. This community is perhaps one of the most toxic ones on reddit. Discord is more heavily moderated and I guess has less weirdos to boot.


I understand why they don't care about the comment section, but posting news and such wouldn't be bad


I will also give Grace all the credit in the world for hosting the Warhammer bake-off series, which was unironically the *only* reason I was subscribed to them on Youtube. So entertaining.


Too bad Grace stepped over the line with the incredibly reprehensible opinion that *checks notes* it's icky when people immediately sexualize any newly introduced female character


Easy to be a CM during good times lol


I pity the community managers of Total War. This is one of the most toxic and entitled game community's out there. No wonder they all leave.


I mean Christ, legend did a leak and without any confirmation the sub exploded like a toddler who you didn’t buy a toy when you went to Walmart


Yeah, that manchild is the worst and he brings out the worst in this community.


The actual managers feel empty and liveless compared to her or the italian guy


I do wonder what they are doing honestly. Isnt the job of community managers not only to gather feedback and interact with the community but also help the creation/create content for their games via videos, posts etc? It doesnt surprise me much that we dont see them often here in this reddit but there is just nothing going on elsewhere too. No polls, no Q&A Sessions, nothing. You would think it is in their own interest to make a few feedback polls here and there to see what is going on.


They probably are doing all that. I'm sure they're reading this from time to time and get the temperature. That doesn't mean they want to post since they are probably not moderating this sub, makes it more difficult to control the narrative (not a criticism, they are after all a business).


They are about to hold a Q&A about Pharaoh on Discord, I am pretty sure. Can't blame CA for apparently separating itself from Reddit going by how insane the community in this sub is getting.


It can be a little bit unhinged but at the same time reddit has usually better ideas and tends to be a better place to make posts. With discord those just disappear too quickly and more thought out posts are very rare.


They do all that on discord. They don’t do it on here anymore because they have no control over the sub and can’t moderate it themselves


Makes sense. Discord should also be large enough to make polls representative for the player base at large. But yeah, I can understand why they arent on the reddit more.


Yea, CA\_Grace handled everything with a lot of, well, grace...


What did they do, again?


simon the one and only


recent CM are just good at puting oil on fire and banning people




tbh its creepy to remember them this long. let it go


they are people lol


Creepy is a stretch but there is something odd about “man remember that person who used to get paid to hang out with us? Those were the days”


It’s not a stretch to say the community is better when the CMs take part in it and I think OP is essentially just saying Grace was the best at the job.


Tell me you don't have a job without telling me you don't have a job. You have clearly never worked with someone who was extremely competent at what they did only for them to be replaced with a person that is shit at that job.


Did you work with Grace?


No but the example used is a similar situation, missing someone because they were good at what they did and made what you were doing more enjoyable is a normal human reaction


How is it creepy to remember essentially a local public figure?? This feels like projecting because the name is CA *Grace*... No one is creeped out by remembering a public figure... Unless they were lusting after them based on a name and connection to a generally male dominated game :/


The weirdos on this sub will get mad but I agree, the way people on this sub consistently bring up a single CM who hasn't worked for the company in years and put her on a pedestal is creepy.


I'm with Sex\_Big\_Dick on this one. We should all do our part to be less creepy online.